
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · 奇幻
16 Chs

Skill Progression

The next day, Ethan awoke with a clear plan in his mind: to level up his skills across the board. His primary focus was to advance his Language Comprehension. Over the past few months, he had been mentally constructing sentences and practicing words he hoped to articulate soon. He figured that forming coherent thoughts and trying to speak, even if it was just babbling, would accelerate his progress.


As he lay in his crib, focusing on stringing words together in his mind, Lydia entered the room. She made a face, quickly realizing his diaper needed changing. Ethan tried to ignore the smell, concentrating on his skill, but soon found himself being whisked away for a bath.


After cleaning him up, Lydia carried him around the house, her soft hums blending with the morning light streaming through the windows. Ethan noted once again how enormous the mansion was. Despite his explorations, he was sure he had only seen a fraction of it—less than half by his estimation. Over the past few weeks, he had been trying to get Lydia to take him outside by pointing towards the windows and doors, but she never obliged. Ethan suspected that even once he learned to walk, he wouldn't be given free rein around the house.


As Lydia walked into one of the bedrooms, instructing a maid on some task, Ethan's eyes caught sight of a bookshelf. His heart leapt. The books could be the key to leveling up his language skill. Until now, he had been doing the same repetitive exercises, but new material might be just what he needed to advance.


He pointed towards the shelf, making insistent noises to get Lydia's attention. She followed his gaze, chuckling at his curiosity. "Do you want to look at the books, little one?" she cooed, walking over to the shelf.


Lydia noticed Ethan's enthusiastic reaction to her words and paused, her eyes widening in surprise. "Did you just understand me?" she asked, her voice a mix of wonder and disbelief. Ethan's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't intended to reveal so much. Maybe he should have just pointed without nodding. But Lydia's initial shock quickly turned into a beaming smile.


"You're truly a genius, Ethan," she said, her voice softening with affection. "If only Master were here, he would be so proud of you." Her expression turned wistful, a shadow passing over her face as she mentioned his father. Ethan felt a pang of sadness. This was the first time he had heard anything about his father, and Lydia's reaction made him curious and a bit apprehensive.


Lydia's smile soon returned, her eyes shining with warmth. "You're going to be just as brilliant as your father," she said, cradling him closer. Ethan noticed she didn't mention his mother, which left him with a swirl of questions. Why didn't she talk about her? Was she gone? Had she abandoned him? The thoughts made his tiny heart heavy, but he tried to focus on the moment.


She opened the book to a colorful page, pointing at the pictures and naming each one clearly. "This is a cat," she said, her finger resting on the image of a fluffy kitten. Ethan watched closely, absorbing the sounds and the shapes of the words. "And this is a house," she continued, pointing to a simple drawing of a house.


Ethan babbled softly, trying to mimic the sounds. Lydia's face lit up with delight. "That's right, Ethan! You're getting it!" she encouraged, her enthusiasm infectious.


As she turned the pages, Ethan felt his understanding of the language deepen. Each new word was a building block, a step closer to mastering the tongue of this new world. He listened intently, repeating the words in his head, his determination growing with every passing minute.


Lydia continued reading to him, her voice a gentle guide through the new vocabulary. "You're so clever, little one," she murmured, brushing a soft kiss against his forehead. "You're going to do amazing things, I just know it."


Ethan's curiosity about his parents lingered in the back of his mind, but for now, he let himself be captivated by the stories and the words unfolding before him. As he sat in Lydia's lap, surrounded by the warmth of her affection and the promise of knowledge, he felt a sense of purpose. His plan was unfolding just as he hoped, and each day brought him closer to understanding and mastering the world around him.


With Lydia's help, the books became his new gateway to learning, each picture and word a stepping stone in his journey. And as he babbled along with her, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement for the future, where he would unlock even more secrets of his new life.


After a little while, I heard a faint ping in my head. It was the familiar notification sound from the system. I had just pushed past a threshold. Excitement bubbled within me, but I didn't want to interrupt Lydia's enthusiastic teaching. I decided to stay focused on learning more words, sensing an immediate difference in my comprehension. Words that had seemed elusive before now clicked into place with ease, and the structure of sentences became clearer.


Lydia kept at it for at least half an hour, tirelessly pointing out pictures and repeating words. I absorbed everything, though I still found written words a bit challenging. Even so, I was making noticeable progress. Lydia's dedication was making a significant difference.


Eventually, she took me to my crib, tucking me in and handing me a wooden horse to play with. She began tidying up my room, humming softly as she worked. I seized the opportunity to check my skill gains.


I mentally commanded the system to display my status:




Skill: Language Comprehension (Basic)

Progress: Level 5/5 (Max)


New Skill Acquired: Literacy (Common)

Progress: Level 3/10

EXP Gained: 500



I couldn't help but grin. I had maxed out my Language Comprehension skill, and the new skill, Literacy, had already advanced to Level 3, reflecting the substantial progress I made with Lydia's help. This skill would enhance my ability to read and understand written text, paving the way for further learning.


My excitement grew as I considered the implications. Being able to read and write would open up new avenues for learning and interacting with this world. Lydia's efforts had not only boosted my skills but also laid the groundwork for my future endeavors.


As Lydia continued cleaning, I began to play with the wooden horse, all the while planning my next steps. I would work on developing my Literacy skill further, aiming to understand the books in the mansion better. This would help me unlock more secrets about this world and perhaps even provide clues about my parents.


I glanced over at Lydia, grateful for her unwitting role in my progress. Her dedication had been instrumental in my achievements today. As I held the wooden horse, I felt a sense of determination solidify within me. This was just the beginning. Each skill I mastered, each word I learned, was a step closer to mastering my new life in this world.


With my new Literacy skill unlocked, an idea sparked in my mind—one that could change everything if it worked. In my past life, I had struggled with a subject that many found to be a nemesis while others thrived in it: mathematics. The thought of conquering this subject made me chuckle, a sound that Lydia noticed. She assumed I was simply enjoying playing with the toy horse and smiled warmly at me.


Despite my doubts, I knew I had to try. This world could have entirely different systems, but I remembered a famous quote from my past life: "If there is a universal language, it is mathematics." With that thought, I began mentally working through basic arithmetic—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


I wasn't sure if this would resonate with the system in the same way as my other skills, but I decided to take a shot. After a few minutes of concentrated effort, a familiar ping sounded in my head.


My excitement grew as I saw the notification. It worked! I had unlocked the Arithmetic skill. But I realized I had no clue what "Arithmetic" actually meant. I felt a bit foolish—I had been gaining skills without ever thinking to check their descriptions.


Curious and slightly embarrassed, I decided to try asking the system for a description. "System, show me the description of this new skill, Arithmetic," I thought, hoping for an explanation.


To my relief, the system responded promptly:




Skill: Arithmetic (Uncommon)

Description: Enhances the ability to perform basic mathematical operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Further levels improve accuracy and speed with more complex mathematical concepts.


The description illuminated the skill's potential value. This new skill would allow me to handle mathematical concepts with ease—something I had never quite mastered in my previous life.


With the description for Arithmetic in hand, I realized it was a game-changer. Why hadn't I thought of checking the descriptions for my other skills sooner? I felt a rush of excitement and curiosity. Each skill I had acquired might hold more potential than I understood. Determined to learn more, I asked the system for the descriptions of my other skills.




Skill: Balance (Common) - Level 2/10

Description: Improves physical equilibrium and stability. Enhances the ability to maintain posture and coordination in various positions. Higher levels provide better control and adaptability in movement.


Skill: Literacy (Common) - Level 3/10

Description: Enhances the ability to read and write. Improves comprehension of written language and the ability to convey ideas through writing. Further levels increase reading speed, understanding of complex texts, and writing proficiency.


Skill: Meditation (Uncommon) - Level 2/20

Description: Enhances the ability to focus the mind and achieve a state of mental calm. Improves mental clarity, emotional stability, and can accelerate the recovery of mana and mental stamina. Higher levels increase duration and effectiveness.


Skill: Focus (Uncommon) - Level 1/20

Description: Enhances the ability to concentrate on tasks or activities. Improves cognitive performance and resistance to distractions. Higher levels increase intensity and duration of focus.


Skill: Mana Sense (Rare) - Level 1/30

Description: Grants the ability to perceive and interpret mana in the environment. Enhances sensitivity to mana sources, currents, and fluctuations. Higher levels improve precision and range of mana detection, as well as the ability to analyze mana compositions.


Each description opened new avenues for growth and development. Literacy would improve not just my reading and writing but also my comprehension and expression. Balance would make my physical movements more stable and controlled. Meditation promised mental clarity and faster mana recovery, and Focus would help me concentrate more intensely and resist distractions.


But Mana Sense—that was the most intriguing. It held the key to understanding and manipulating the very essence of this world's magic. With each level, my ability to perceive and analyze mana would grow, opening up endless possibilities for my magical abilities.


For now I kept at impoving my arthmatic skill as lydia was still in the room, running through more numbers and equations in my head. The skill quickly progressed, each operation sharpening my understanding and calculation speed. The system seemed to be very responsive to this method of learning, and I was determined to make the most of it.




Skill: Arithmetic (Uncommon)

Progress: Level 3/20


This rapid advancement mirrored the progress I had made with Literacy earlier. It seemed that in this world, intense focus and practice led to swift skill improvements. My confidence soared as I realized that mastering these foundational skills would provide a strong base for future endeavors, whether they involved magic, combat, or the complex systems governing this world.


Lydia's cleaning continued in the background, her soft hum a comforting presence. She occasionally glanced my way, her eyes warm with affection. I was grateful for her attention and care, which allowed me the space and time to experiment with my growing abilities.


As the day continued, I thought about how these skills would interconnect with others. The systematic approach of mathematics could aid in learning complex spells or understanding the intricate mechanics of this world's magic. The possibilities were endless.


Holding the wooden horse, I smiled at the thought of my past struggles with math now becoming a strength in this new life. The combination of my modern knowledge and the system's structured learning approach was turning into a potent advantage. I couldn't wait to see where it would lead me next.


However, with Lydia still present in my room, I bided my time, practicing arithmetic until she left. As soon as she departed, I delved into meditation and mana sense, eager to explore the depths of my newfound abilities without interruption.


Using Meditation to calm my mind, and Focus to maintain this state, I felt my understanding of mana deepening. The combination of these skills was proving to be incredibly effective, amplifying my ability to perceive and connect with the magical energies around me.I could sense the mana particles more distinctly with each passing moment, their subtle currents and fluctuations becoming clearer.


With each breath, I delved further into this unseen world, feeling the mana's rhythm and flow.

I persisted in my training, completely immersed in the sensation of mana surrounding me, time seemed to blur as I felt the energy's subtle ebb and flow throughout the room i was so absorbed in the sensation that I didn't notice my growing fatigue until, suddenly, everything went blank.


When I next opened my eyes, I found myself lying in my crib. As I tried to sit up, a wave of dizziness hit me, forcing me to lay back down. I waited for the disorienting fog to lift, slowly regaining my senses. Once I felt more stable, I checked my status and understood what had happened



[NAME: Ethan Runeblade]


[LEVEL: 8]


[EXPERIENCE: 1600/12800


[TRAITS: Foreign Reincarnator (Heretic), Fate Chosen (Absolute)]


[HEALTH: 70/70]


[MANA: 2/90]


[STAMINA: 40/40]










[MIND: 9]







My mana was nearly depleted, sitting at a mere 2 out of 90.Realization dawned on me—I had drained my mana by overusing my skills. Utilizing Meditation, Focus, and Mana Sense simultaneously had been reckless, especially without considering the mana costs involved. I felt a pang of embarrassment at my oversight. I should have anticipated the mana drain from sustaining three skills, particularly the rare Mana Sense.


Yet, despite my lapse in judgment, the session had brought unexpected benefits. I noticed that my Mind stat had increased from 7 to 9. This was fascinating—mana exertion seemed to enhance my mental faculties, just as physical exertion boosted my physical stats. Additionally, my Perception had doubled from 4 to 8, and my Intellect had risen from 17 to 18.


It became clear that my heightened Perception resulted from the improved ability to sense and interpret mana, while the boost in Intellect likely stemmed from my progress in Language Comprehension and the newly acquired Arithmetic skill.


Reflecting on this, I marveled at the interconnectedness of skills and stats. Mana exertion had tangible effects on my mental and sensory abilities, indicating a broader system at work. This realization opened up new avenues for training and growth. I needed to approach my skill development with a more strategic mindset, ensuring that I balanced my efforts to avoid similar overexertion in the future.


Despite the fatigue, I felt a sense of accomplishment. This experience had been a crucial lesson in understanding the nuances of mana and its impact on my development. As my dizziness subsided, I resolved to refine my training methods, eager to harness this newfound knowledge in my journey ahead



[Literacy (Common) - Level 3/10 ]

[Balance (Common) - Level 2/10]

[Medidation (Uncommon) - Level 6/20]

[Focus (Uncommon) - Level 7/20]

[Arithmetic (Uncommon) - Level 3/20]

[Mana Sense (Rare) - Level 3/30]



Ethan was amazed by his recent skill gains. To have progressed seven levels in Focus, four levels in Meditation, and three levels in the rare skill, Mana Sense, left him in awe. It was a testament to his dedication and perseverance. Ethan felt a surge of pride as he realized how his efforts had paid off.


With each level gained, Ethan sensed his capabilities expanding and his understanding deepening. It validated his constant determination to push himself further and explore the depths of his potential.


Reflecting on his progress, Ethan felt a renewed sense of purpose. With this momentum behind him, he was confident that he could continue forging his path forward.


Today, feeling drained from his previous exertions, Ethan knew he needed to replenish his mana reserves. Settling into his meditation routine, he focused on calming his mind, banishing any stray thoughts that threatened to intrude his thought's.


Time passed slowly as Ethan delved deeper into his meditative state. Gradually, he felt the familiar energy of mana flowing back into him, revitalizing his senses and restoring his inner balance. Remarkably, within just an hour, Ethan had regained all of his mana.


As he emerged from his meditation, Ethan couldn't help but feel amazed by the efficiency of his mana recovery. It prompted him to consider the rate at which his mana restored itself, a topic worthy of further investigation.


With renewed energy and a newfound curiosity, Ethan made a mental note to explore this aspect of his abilities. Understanding the mechanics of his mana restoration could prove invaluable in his future endeavors, empowering him to better manage his resources and optimize his performance.


Lost in contemplation of future plans, Ethan was interrupted by Lydia's arrival with his milk. Feeling drained, he resigned himself to his fatigue, realizing just how much time had passed during his unconscious state. The sun was already setting outside, casting long shadows through the window.


With the day drawing to a close and his energy depleted, Ethan decided to forego any further activities for the day. Instead, he resolved to rest and recuperate, knowing that he could make further progress tomorrow with a refreshed mind and body. Settling down for the night, he embraced the promise of a new day ahead.