
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Growing Pains

Ethan started focusing on developing his skills, knowing that his child body presented unique challenges, particularly with physical abilities and balance. He considered using his stat points to address these issues but was cautious about the long-term effects. He didn't want to waste valuable points on stats that could improve naturally as he grew.


Observing how his skills required more effort to level up as they advanced, Ethan suspected that the same principle applied to his stats: the higher they got, the harder they would be to improve naturally. So, he decided to let his physical stats develop on their own, saving his stat points for emergencies. Instead, he concentrated on skills that would help with his current challenges. Improving his balance seemed crucial for standing and eventually walking.


Ethan began with basic movements while lying in his crib. He practiced wiggling his toes and fingers and coordinating his limbs. He spent time rolling from side to side and lifting his head, focusing on maintaining his balance. Even these simple exercises required significant effort and concentration.


As he continued his daily exercises, Ethan noticed steady improvements. His movements became more controlled, and he felt less wobbly. Each small success motivated him to keep practicing. Focusing on Balance seemed to be a good choice, as it helped him gradually master his physical coordination.


Ethan's determination was unwavering as he utilized every opportunity to practice his newfound skills. Gripping onto the crib's wooden rails, he gingerly attempted to stand, his tiny legs quivering with the effort. The spacious confines of the crib allowed him room to maneuver, offering a safe environment for his early attempts at walking.


Each time he stumbled and fell, Ethan picked himself up again, undeterred by his repeated failures. With each successive attempt, his movements became more fluid, his body gradually adapting to the unfamiliar task of maintaining balance. As he persisted, he focused not only on standing but also on coordinating his movements, a challenging feat for his developing body.


One fateful day, Lydia chanced upon Ethan's determined efforts. At first surprised, she quickly grew apprehensive, fearing he might hurt himself. From then on, she kept a watchful eye on him, interrupting his training sessions with frequent check-ins. Despite the added scrutiny, Ethan refused to be discouraged, determined to conquer the skill of walking, even if it meant doing so under Lydia's watchful gaze.


With each passing day, Ethan's dedication bore fruit. His balance skill reached its zenith, allowing him to stand confidently on his own two feet. And as his coordination improved, his movements became more graceful and controlled, a testament to his unwavering resolve.


After two weeks of relentless practice, Ethan's efforts paid off. Not only had was mastereing the art of balancing, but he had also unlocked a new skill: body coordination. Despite the challenges posed by Lydia's increased attention, Ethan's determination remained unshakable, propelling him ever closer to his goal of independent mobility.

New Skill Acquired: Body Coordination (Common)

Progress: Level 1/10

EXP Gained: 500


Skill: Body Coordination (Common)

Description: Enhances the ability to synchronize and control bodily movements. Improves coordination, agility, and precision in physical actions. Further levels increase dexterity and adaptability in various activities.

After mastering the Body Coordination skill, Ethan found himself moving with newfound grace and stability. The once-challenging task of maintaining balance now felt natural, and he could navigate his surroundings with increasing confidence. With each step, he felt the subtle shift of his weight and the coordinated movements of his limbs, a testament to his relentless practice and determination.


Walking became a joyous exploration for Ethan—a dance of control and rhythm. He would gingerly push himself up using the crib's wooden bars, his tiny fingers gripping them with determination. As he steadied himself, a sense of accomplishment washed over him, spurring him forward. Though his first attempts often ended in stumbling and falls, he refused to be discouraged. With each setback, he picked himself up and tried again, his determination unwavering.


Lydia's watchful eyes followed his every move, a mixture of awe and concern evident in her gaze. While she worried about him getting hurt, she couldn't help but admire his resilience and determination. She hovered nearby, ready to catch him at the slightest hint of a fall, her presence both comforting and slightly inhibiting to his progress.


Despite the interruptions, Ethan persisted, turning each moment into an opportunity to refine his skills. His efforts bore fruit as weeks passed, marked by gradual improvements in his abilities. His movements became more fluid, his steps more confident. With each passing day, walking became less of a challenge and more of a joyous adventure.


Amidst his physical training, Ethan also devoted time to his mental and magical development. He practiced Meditation diligently, sinking into a state of serene calmness while simultaneously honing his Mana Sense with unwavering Focus. The synergy between his skills was palpable, each session leaving him feeling more connected to the magical energies swirling around him.


As his skills flourished, so did his stats. His Endurance increased by two, fortifying his physical resilience, while his Perception sharpened, allowing him to perceive the subtle nuances of the world around him. And with each level gained in Mana Sense, his senses became more attuned to the ebb and flow of mana, a sign of his burgeoning mastery over the arcane forces that permeated his world.


Yet, amidst the tangible progress, Ethan sensed something stirring deep within him—a whisper of a new skill waiting to be unlocked. It was a sensation that stirred his soul, a promise of untapped potential and boundless possibilities. With eager anticipation, he awaited the moment when this new skill would reveal itself, knowing that it would mark another significant milestone in his journey of growth and discovery.


Now that Ethan had mastered walking within the confines of his crib, his restless spirit yearned for the freedom to explore beyond its boundaries. Yet, venturing into the wider expanse of the room required the aid of Lydia, his caretaker. Thus, alongside his physical training, Ethan embarked on a journey of vocalization and imitation, seeking to bridge the gap between his burgeoning comprehension and the world around him.


Each morning, as sunlight filtered through the windows, bathing the room in a gentle glow, Lydia would enter with Ethan's morning milk. Seizing this daily ritual as a chance to expand his vocabulary, Ethan would eagerly repeat after her, his voice echoing with the simple yet profound words she spoke. "Milk," he would say, his eyes bright with determination to master the language of his new world. And as the days passed, he added new words to his repertoire, each one a small victory in his quest for understanding.


But it was not just the names of objects that Ethan sought to learn. He also endeavored to grasp the essence of those around him, including Lydia herself. With a child's innocence and an explorer's curiosity, he began to experiment, testing the limits of his newfound language skills. One day, after weeks of observation and practice, he dared to call Lydia by her name. The moment hung in the air, pregnant with significance, as Lydia's eyes filled with unexpected emotion, her heart stirred by the sound of her name on Ethan's lips.


Buoyed by this success, Ethan pushed further, attempting to communicate his desires more directly. Pointing to the ground with a chubby finger, he uttered the word "down" with a sense of purpose. Lydia, ever attentive to his needs, quickly caught on, her eyes sparkling with understanding. "Do you want to sit on the ground?" she asked, her voice laced with warmth and encouragement. To which Ethan, emboldened by her response, replied with an enthusiastic "yes."


This interaction surprised Lydia. She had grown accustomed to Ethan's babbling, but his clear understanding of her words caught her off guard. When she asked if he truly understood her, Ethan responded with a confident "Ethan understands," in his childish voice. However, Lydia's lack of reaction left Ethan feeling uneasy. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had somehow crossed a line.


Despite his concerns, Lydia gently placed him on the ground to play. Ethan couldn't help but wonder if he had overstepped by revealing his understanding. The possibility that he had made a mistake weighed heavily on his mind, leaving him uncertain about what would come next.


As I ventured onto the ground, the challenge of standing unaided became apparent. With no support in sight, my attempts to rise were met with inevitable failure. Yet, with Lydia's steady assistance, I gradually found my footing. Harnessing the delicate interplay of balance and coordination, I took my first tentative steps, each movement a testament to resilience and determination.


Amidst the physical exertion, I couldn't shake the sense of unease stemming from Lydia's subtle yet discernible suspicion. My premature revelation of understanding had likely triggered her apprehension. Contemplating the facade of normalcy, I pondered how long it could hold against the scrutiny of her watchful gaze. Instead of masking my uniqueness, I resolved to confront it, using this moment as an opportunity to gauge her reaction and perhaps even earn her favor.


Driven by this resolve, I embarked on a deliberate approach to win Lydia's approval. Uttering in a tone colored with childlike innocence, I proclaimed, "Lydia, see Ethan walking," the words echoing through the room like a gentle melody. Despite the whimsicality of my actions, Lydia's smile spoke volumes, a beacon of encouragement amidst uncertainty.


Buoyed by her response, I pressed forward, each step carrying me closer to her. With a surge of determination, I embraced her tightly, the warmth of her presence enveloping me. As she cheered me on from her seated position, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation, as if heralding the dawn of a new understanding between us. And in that fleeting moment, as I held her close, I felt a sense of notification granting me new skill.

New Skill Acquired: Persuasion (Rare)

Progress: Level 1/30

EXP Gained: 5000


Skill: Persuasion (Rare)

Description: Persuasion allows the wielder to influence others through words, gestures, and emotional appeal. This skill enables the user to subtly manipulate the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of those around them, guiding them towards desired outcomes.

Contemplating the newfound skill notification, Ethan couldn't help but furrow his brows in confusion. "Manipulating thoughts and feelings? What does that even mean?" he mused, his mind grappling with the implications of such a capability. The memory of the simple hug he had shared with Lydia seemed inconsequential in comparison to the gravity of this revelation.


As he mulled over the possibilities, Ethan couldn't shake off a sense of unease. While the allure of possessing a rare skill was undeniable, the notion of manipulating someone's emotions felt uncomfortably invasive. Sure, the hug had been innocent enough, but the thought of deliberately wielding such influence over Lydia, or anyone else for that matter, left a sour taste in his mouth.


Despite recognizing its potential utility in the future, Ethan made a silent vow to himself: he would never stoop to using this skill to exploit or manipulate those he cared about.


As the day unfolded, Ethan dedicated himself to the task of walking without support, each tentative step a testament to his determination and perseverance. With each wobbly stride, he felt the muscles in his legs grow stronger, his balance steadier, and his coordination more refined.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Ethan's efforts bore fruit. With a sense of pride and accomplishment, he realized that he had made significant progress. His balancing and body coordination had improved by one level each.


With the day drawing to a close and his energy depleted, Ethan decided to forego any further activities for the day. Instead, he resolved to rest and recuperate, knowing that he could make further progress tomorrow with a refreshed mind and body. Settling down for the night, he embraced the promise of a new day ahead.


After Lydia left, having completed her nurturing duties for the evening, Ethan resumed his regimen of meditation, focus, and mana sensing. With practiced discipline, he delved into a state of deep concentration, his mind attuned to the subtle energies that surrounded him.


As he continued to refine his techniques, Ethan felt a gradual expansion of his senses, each breath bringing him closer to the essence of mana itself. Yet, with this heightened awareness came a sense of disorientation, a dizzying whirlwind of energy that threatened to overwhelm him.


Recognizing the signs of strain, Ethan withdrew from his meditation, his head swimming with the intensity of his experience. Taking a moment to regain his composure, he assessed his progress, finding solace in the significant gains he had made.


Both his meditation and focus had advanced by two levels, a testament to his unwavering dedication and tireless effort. And though his mana sense had only increased by one level, Ethan sensed a newfound clarity in his perception, a deeper understanding of the mana that flowed around him.


Yet, even as his skills flourished, Ethan remained mindful of the challenges that lay ahead. With his mana sense now reaching level four, he could extend his awareness throughout the room, yet this newfound ability came at a cost—a draining toll on his mana reserves.To complete his day, Ethan opened his status interface to assess all his gains.




[NAME: Ethan Runeblade]


[LEVEL: 8]


[EXPERIENCE: 7100/12800


[TRAITS: Foreign Reincarnator (Heretic), Fate Chosen (Absolute)]


[HEALTH: 70/70]


[MANA: 8/90]


[STAMINA: 60/60]










[MIND: 9]










[Balance (Common) - Level 7/10]

[Literacy (Common) - Level 3/10]

[Medidation (Uncommon) - Level 8/20]

[Focus (Uncommon) - Level 9/20]

[Arithmetic (Uncommon) - Level 3/20]

[ Body Coordination(Uncommon) - Level 3/20]

[Mana Sense (Rare) - Level 4/30]

[Persuasion (Rare) - Level 1/30]



As Ethan surveyed all the gains he had achieved throughout the day, a sense of contentment washed over him. Each skill level gained, each stat increased, spoke volumes of his dedication and progress. With a sigh of satisfaction, he embraced the sweet embrace of sleep, the exhaustion from his day's exertions lulling him into a peaceful slumber.