
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · 奇幻
16 Chs

Discovering Skill Synergies and Reaching One Year Old

Three months passed, with Ethan dedicating himself to his mana and physical training. The days blended into a rhythmic cycle of practice and perseverance, each one bringing small yet significant strides in his development. His tiny world inside the nursery became a training ground, where he honed his abilities with unwavering determination.


Ethan focused on refining his walking skills, a task that required an intricate balance between two key abilities: Balance and Body Coordination. He soon realized how these skills, though distinct, were intrinsically linked. Through deliberate experimentation, he discovered the nuances of their interplay and the profound impact they had on his physical movements.So he experimented with Balance and Body Coordination.


Ethan's curiosity led him to test each skill in isolation. He began by relying solely on Balance, ignoring the supportive aspects of Body Coordination. The results were telling—his movements were shaky, his steps hesitant. Each attempt to walk became a struggle, his body wavering as he tried to maintain stability without the seamless integration of his muscles.


Switching his focus, Ethan then activated only Body Coordination. He concentrated on the synchronization of his limbs, trying to move with purpose and precision. While his coordination improved, the lack of balance turned each step into a precarious dance. His tiny legs, still developing their strength, wobbled under the strain of trying to stay upright without the stabilizing effect of balance.


The experiments highlighted the interdependence of these skills. Ethan observed how his body's reactions differed depending on which skill he employed. Using Balance without Body Coordination resulted in a rigid, uncertain gait, while focusing solely on Body Coordination made his movements smoother but unstable. It was clear that mastering both skills simultaneously was key to achieving efficient and controlled movement.


As Ethan delved deeper into his training, he began to grasp the broader implications of skill synergy. This realization struck him during his mana practice sessions. The harmonious interaction between Meditation, Focus, and Mana Sense revealed a powerful synergy, much like the relationship between Balance and Body Coordination.


Combining Meditation with Focus allowed Ethan to sink into a serene state of concentration, his mind becoming a still pool reflecting the ebb and flow of mana around him. Adding Mana Sense to the mix amplified his perception, enabling him to discern the subtle currents of energy with remarkable clarity. This triad of skills worked in concert, each enhancing the effectiveness of the others, resulting in exponential gains in his magical abilities.


Despite his innate trait providing a 350% boost to skill progression, Ethan realized that relying solely on this advantage was insufficient. Without the integrated use of his skills, his progress would have been significantly slower. This epiphany made him ponder the challenges faced by others in this world. Did they too experience similar synergies, or did their natural affinities allow them to progress differently? Only time would reveal the answers, but for now, Ethan had uncovered a crucial insight into his development strategy.


Ethan's discoveries about skill synergies prompted him to think strategically about his future growth. He recognized that his current achievements were largely due to the effective combination of related skills. The interdependence between Balance and Body Coordination, as well as between Meditation, Focus, and Mana Sense, underscored the importance of developing complementary abilities.


Determined to optimize his progression, Ethan resolved to identify and cultivate skills that would create similar synergies. He understood that focusing on skill interactions would yield the most significant benefits, enabling him to maximize his potential efficiently. This approach required careful consideration of how new skills could enhance existing ones and how they could be integrated into his training regimen.


As Ethan reflected on his training, he began to see the value in skills that covered multiple areas simultaneously, much like Focus and Meditation. These broader skills could adapt to various contexts and provide substantial benefits across different domains of his development.


Focus, for instance, wasn't limited to improving his mental concentration. It aided in stabilizing his Mana Sense, enhanced his coordination during physical training, and even facilitated better control over his breathing and heart rate. Similarly, Meditation not only helped in mana regeneration and calming his mind but also improved his emotional regulation, aiding in moments of stress or frustration during challenging training sessions.


Recognizing the versatility of such skills, Ethan began to consider how he could apply this principle to future skill acquisitions. He realized that identifying and developing multi-faceted skills would maximize his efficiency, allowing him to address various aspects of his growth with fewer resources and less time.


One of the most notable advancements was in Ethan's Mind stat, which had increased by 3 points. This was a direct result of his constant use of mana, challenging his cognitive faculties and expanding his mental capacity. The rigorous practice sessions, combined with focused Meditation, had clearly paid off, enhancing his intellectual resilience and processing speed.


His Endurance also saw a notable increase of 2 points. The repetitive physical exercises and the strain of integrating Balance and Body Coordination into his movements had strengthened his stamina. Each step taken, each time he pushed through the fatigue, had contributed to building his physical endurance, preparing him for more demanding challenges.


Similarly, his Dexterity experienced a gain, reflecting the improved coordination and control over his tiny limbs. This was crucial in refining his motor skills, making his movements more precise and efficient. Additionally, Ethan's Perception increased by 5 points. This gain was linked to his growing awareness and ability to sense mana flows, an enhancement that sharpened his sensory acuity.


In terms of skill development, Ethan made significant strides. His Balance skill reached its maximum level, evolving into Advance Balancing. Additionally, his Body Coordination improved by 4 levels, demonstrating his growing ability to synchronize bodily movements. Despite these advancements, the limitations of his child's body still persist. Ethan's Literacy skill saw a modest increase of 2 levels, yet even with this progress, issues with communication remain. Furthermore, Ethan's Arithmetic skill gained 6 levels, leading to an increase in intellect by 1. Alongside these gains, Ethan's Meditation skill increased by 6 levels, while his Focus skill surged ahead by an impressive 9 levels. Finally, his Mana Sense expanded by 4 levels, enhancing his perception of magical energy fluctuations.To check all these increases, Ethan willed his system to appear.


[Skill: Balance(Common)]

Progress: Level 10/10 (Max)

[New Skill Acquired: Advance Balance (Uncommon)]

EXP Gained: 1000


[Advanced Balancing (Uncommon) - Level 1/20]

Description: Advance Balancing represents Ethan's mastery over maintaining equilibrium in various physical movements. This skill enables him to achieve precise control over his body's balance, even in challenging environments or while executing complex maneuvers.




[NAME: Ethan Runeblade]


[LEVEL: 8]


[EXPERIENCE: 8100/12800


[TRAITS: Foreign Reincarnator (Heretic), Fate Chosen (Absolute)]


[HEALTH: 70/70]


[MANA: 120/120]


[STAMINA: 80/80]










[MIND: 12]










[Literacy (Common) - Level 5/20]

[Medidation (Uncommon) - Level 14/20]

[Focus (Uncommon) - Level 18/20]

[ Body Coordination(Uncommon) - Level 7/20]

[Arithmetic (Uncommon) - Level 9/20]

[Advanced Balance (Uncommon) - Level 1/20]

[Mana Sense (Rare) - Level 8/30]

[Persuasion (Rare) - Level 1/30]



New Skill Aquired -Advanced Balancing (Uncommon) - Level 1/20]

Description: Advance Balancing represents Ethan's mastery over maintaining equilibrium in various physical movements. This skill enables him to achieve precise control over his body's balance, even in challenging environments or while executing complex maneuvers.

Ethan's Pov-

While I made significant strides in my development over these months, there was one thing I still hadn't managed to achieve: leaving my room. It wasn't for lack of trying. Each time I attempted to sneak out, Lydia seemed to have a sixth sense about it and would promptly stop me. My explorations never went beyond the corridor outside my door.


During these attempts, I discovered that Lydia's room was right next to mine, making it even more challenging to slip out unnoticed. I even considered trying to venture out at night, but something always held me back. It felt like there was an unseen force preventing me from crossing the dark corridor.


I couldn't help but wonder if there was some hidden force influencing this. It wasn't fear of the dark holding me back—at least, I was pretty sure it wasn't. More likely, it was just the limitations of my young body. Right?


Well, a few more days passed, and my goal still remained out of reach. But today felt different—Lydia was smiling. She always smiled, but today it seemed different. Being the only person I interacted with since my memories awakened, I could notice the subtleties in her demeanor. Curiosity piqued, I asked in a childish squeak, "Lydia happy? What happens?"


By now, Lydia was no longer surprised by my questions. Over these months, she had become accustomed to my peculiar ways, almost as if she had gained a resistance skill for my eccentricities. Her voice pulled me from my thoughts as she replied, "Yes, young master, Lydia is happy. So, can you guess what today is?"


I thought to myself, why is she asking a one-year-old to guess? How would I know? But I still gave it a shot. "Is father coming house?" I said. Damn this body sometimes. I meant to say "home," but the word came out wrong. Despite the improvement in literacy skills, these issues persist due to the limitations of this child's body.


Lydia's expression turned somewhat somber, and the reason became clear. Over the months, I had gleaned fragments of information about the world and my father, Raven Runeblade, to be exact. According to Lydia, his whereabouts remained a mystery. He, along with other influential figures from across the globe, had congregated in one location due to a dungeon. Yes, dungeons and monsters existed in this world too. Details were scarce, but it seemed they were near a dungeon excavation site, grappling with the challenges posed by a time distortion dungeon.


When I asked Lydia about it, she said I would understand when I grew up. She thought I wouldn't grasp these things yet, but I had some ideas, thanks to my biggest advantage in this world: the knowledge from my past life.


Well, I was too excited to care that I couldn't walk outside. I just said, "Lydia, outside!" But no, before that, I had to be cleaned, fed, and dressed to look like a pompous noble. I knew this day was coming when Lydia started calling me "young master." I had been trying to make her drop the honorifics, saying, "Lydia, Ethan—Ethan, not young master," but she always laughed it off.


Putting that aside, I was about to go outside, and I was so excited. After getting ready, I eagerly said, "Lydia, go!" But she replied, "No, wait, young master. We need Sir Rodrick to come first."


A new character? I wondered, who is this Sir Rodrick?


As I pondered this, I felt the sensation of mana tingling inside the house. I thought, "What was that?" Then I saw Lydia open her eyes. Damn, I realized, Lydia also has powers. I should have guessed, given how quickly she cleans and the fact that there's never any dust in this room, even with the window open.


What was that skill just now? It seemed like a telepathy-like ability. Interesting. While contemplating this, my Mana Sense was active. Although it wasn't as effective as when I was in a trance, I could still feel the increase in mana density. I felt a tingle from the direction of the door as it opened, and there stood a man. He was wearing tight leather with various tattoos engraved on it and had a sword strapped to his waist.He had a fully maintained beard and green eyes.


He stood there, a faint smile playing on his lips as he greeted, "Good morning, young master. Good morning, Lydia." Lydia responded in kind. Internally.I had just intended to play the part of a naive one-year-old, especially after my slip-up with Lydia. Despite my intentions, all that came out of my mouth was a simple "Morning." Well, that was a blunder. He seemed surprised, but not overly so. I couldn't help but wonder, "Lydia, is she sharing everything with everyone in the mansion?"


I snapped out of my reverie to the sound of those familiar words Lydia had spoken months ago. "You truly are a bright child, young master," he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "Master Raven would be very proud of you." Then, he gestured towards the door, saying, "Let's go, young master. I've heard you've been wanting to see the outside for a long time. We shouldn't keep you waiting."


Upon hearing this, my excitement surged once more, and a thought crossed my mind—I think I'm going to like this man. With Lydia carrying me in her arms, we headed outside. It was time to explore what lay beyond the confines of the mansion walls.