
Rambling and Random bullshittery

This be your most daring story; A rambling if you must, Of language most foul, of unexplored ways to curse. Of bullshit in every turn, in every twist, in every twists of tongues. As told by thine ol'hands and masterminded by the crude tongue, with all my tics and antics. Do-told tale of a vegetable who limbs and stumbled on a new realm of where creation was pierced in it's boundaries. Of a connoisseur who learns of ways of an unshackled breathing body, the occasional doggie styles and the utmost high of all forms of unequaled shag-getry, wooing tarts and thots and hoes, all manners of terms modern and old to name all wenches of all- the ripened titties; "Thine taste ranges from nymphs of florescent pure to flooded lips which hangs and are forgivably bonk-able with a passing thought riled up by the hard down under, Which in short means all!" Heinously wholesome in ways of the vile tongue which grew most crude, terribly heinous with every breaths more lived- after to after and then more, much much more. A rambling- to what he sees, to what he does. This is a story of a living, in a world of pixels; of new universe where a man could swim in lava, a world where such and such is deemed mundane. An epic where a naked fledgling dove in the heat of an avian war, baby-steps towards a destiny-, etched in the root webs of two worlds with only a goal; To be the Pirate Ki- nevermind! To live most free. Rejuvenation; maketh man a new being, now what would be his tale when all he knew of living was blinking a set of dead little eyes, what would such a virgin of a human ways do in a surreal world that explodes magics and bullshits. I'll tell ye all! Just listen to the ramble. (Stay with me, I won't ever drop this.) [Warning:] 1. Not for the faint of heart. 1½. Smut will be there but it will be extremely rare. 2. The english dictionary would require a thorough update after I'm done with this epic. 3. Fuckery most heinous most foul. (By decree of a certain fool) 4. Don't tell your mums you learnt (curses) from me. 5. No other warning just enjoy, If ye dares. Cover art not mine, thank you for letting me use it and sorry but pray tell if you ordered it removed. Will use it until I could afford a more authentic cover art or until boss wants it removed.

JF_Fanai · 奇幻
32 Chs

A Genius's Goodbye

These Muller's inventions, all that branded his ED symbols were unmatched, like this eye tracking thing he made possible in all of his monitors and screens, he thought of every possible way of interfaces in every thing he makes.

And for these screen; it was your typical tablet device but screen sounds better.

And in Muller's screen you could select and press as do normal with thine fingers but you could also mute the volume of a porn and quickly close incognito mode with just a sight, meaning you could select stuff just by looking at them.

How to select stuff? Well you just have to see and look at it really hard, No! But really it somehow could read your eyes dilating in a certain way, which it took as a finger press.

Back to tale;

The world flipped as a genius spoke;

Just as Muller announced the so called Taboo, I entered the chat section below the video and people flooded in with all kinds of languages, all in a sum they were fucking loud and wild,

There were ones who now really hated Muller, piercing their privacy they said. Piercing.

Ones who doubted that it really was not as he claimed it was.

That one guy who connected it to a conspiracy.

Ones who loved the fact and theorized an immortal live.

That atheist posts who loved the idea of a scientific afterlife.

Ones who really cursed it, calling it taboo.

That one other guy with an unrelated potato emoji.

What's with him we'll never know.

While in the video, Muller read on his awkward tone.

"I do not spy I simply copy, I don't know what you do or are I just copy the world and you as you and saved you in there."

"Everyone will find their avatar in Ellis Idyll but it is not to worry, You will only be activated when once your earthly body dies but then you'll live forever... And I too will live amongst all you fine folks."

'Woah! Calm them tits man, these are a lot to take in, wonder if my parents could hear this..' I would've said.

They might've too- broadcasted on all channels and media and my screen was not too low in volumes- More sure now I were that they heard for Muller reported on, "You could meet with those that had perish through my Waypoint helmet.." and he went on, the rest he said was, "It don't matter! You're opinions or anything, I will die and there's no stopping it just as there's no stopping Ascension and Ellis Idyll and If any ban is to be issued on my inventions and particularly my Waypoint Helmet, I just want to say you can't, you just can't! You can sue me but I'll be dead so sue you! And if anyone doubts me, try me!"

'Oh my! Emotions!'

He finally showed himself, always with a lab coat of white- very sciency.

His eyes bore not that gloomy weigh I always saw, it gleamed free, he was free, 'He didn't stutter at all maybe he wrote that too first hand,' I pictured him practicing that perticular speech, '–but did he said something bout people not being able to stop him? Nah fuck all hecks! Let normies worry bout normies stuff. We can't actually die anymore!!!' the heart truly throbbed to it.

Everything he said to me were good fucking news, talk to the dead? Yes!

With a body such as thine, I would give my left nut and all it's little curly hairs for a shot at a sure kill afterlife where you can meet with the living, I was always at death's door so to me this was paradise given.

The lazy part in me wondered not on how it worked but It definitely dwelt on the side of humanity who liked what Muller had did, dude says he didn't spy and I believed him and I knew my parents would feel the same, they know their son.

However; The best he saved for last- A message and- For when and in the exact time that he spoke, my ears hurried their signals for the heart to savagely pump blood with fucking excitement and through it, the vibrations shook and throbbed my eyes- when he said, "To all the Descents who breathed my world, tha- thank you for playing and enjoying.. I hope yo-you play me- I mean play Ascension more, there are many, re- really many things you haven't found yet, like do you know you can earn real money playing it?"

I would've raised a brow, would've to what he said just then.

With all the hiccups in between his words, these lines were clear that he brought it straight from the heart.

"Also somewhere I hid some-some thing,,, I called it The Grail. It might not, I mean whe-where I put it is a mystery, might not even be physical.. okay! Just try to get the Grail?! Okay?! I put many rewards in there like complete working blueprints for my-my future inventions it's basically my will.. money and powers?.... It's just everything but it will not be easy.. okay? Not easy, you may have to have friends, you know thos- make those feelings things with other fellows?! Just- Just try and get it. Ok-okay?.... Okay take good care of my world, be you in there okay?....."

I was captivated, charmed even as he paused for a rather long while, time enough for six or so coughs and then he voiced his awkward yet the most joyous up-beats in his voice to date, "…with this I say Goodbye world, se-see you again!"

And then it ended- finally, he bled my ears kinda'ly.

I need not narrate further on the comments below, I was dumb busy on me own heart throbbing to the news, 'I could earn fucking money?'

'I could be fucking useful?'

'I could take care of my family?!!!!'

'Help my baby sibling!!'

'Fucking- I'm sorry mom, apologies daddy'o but I gotta go, right fucking now!' I would've said.

But then they already were to my side, standing besides the chair-bed they got me- their eyes I saw- they gleamed, like they seemed of pride, of blissful love.

I could immediately tell they saw through my dead little eyes and through to my goal.

"Lock?!" mom called, "Go get them darling!"

"Ain't no stopping a Moryo." Smiled dad at the side.

They know their son so well.

I just sat there, not just cause I can't ever move thine butt at all- even if could I would've still simply sat there, all my focus would've been used to hold back a tear as I poorly tried back then, I never knew it but I believed they always saw my tears falling, I was so inflicted with that gloom of air I breathed here, while in truth these guys were always bringing rejuvenated love to fix me.

They were my body, my feelings and my sadness.

I was a burden to them; yet they have never thought of seeing me as one.


My pupils shyly slid slowly, retreating to the screen for cover which was right before me, I didn't knew how to be, I was filled to the brim with emotions.

But their love, it was always so pure, so the heart typed some words through an app I'd occasionally used to talk to any,

"M and D!" I wrote with the eye- rather quick suggestions in words- the tablet had always given me, as then the lady of the screen spoke in a 'Hawkins' for I right after, always too lazy for the full 'mom and dad'.

"Thank you for having me as your son and.."

"I love you!"

I had never for the last six years ever wrote those lines, I always find it heavy to even write.

Shameful to even say.

Hearing what I wrote, my mom drowned her eyes with tears, waterfall flowing- washing off her light eye shadows.

She couldn't stood true and still.

Her lovely face broke to wrinkles and out into tears, suddenly leaning forwards under the screen and hugged me to a squeeze, resting her tear drowned cheeks on my chests- I feared she might've broken her mighty back, "Oh! My baby boy! I love you, we love you, we love you, we love you, we love you!"

My dad too came closer, he slid the screen away and brushed my silky hair with always the gentlest of hands, I've yearned much to feel these and hated me much to never be able to, "Go get wild! Show them how the Moryo men lives!" he told me.

A while went as dad tried prying mom off of me, wrestling almost until finally but- it ended in him getting smacked-; The Moxie in her was wild fire, dad was kinder than a soul.

Finally with lasts of their smiles bidding me farewell, they put and turned the waypoint helmet on- and back to Ascension I then came, only now with a damn new plan added to my existing plan of baby-steps.

The same empty space of black oozes for the second in my life, soon it faded and brought me that joyous orgasmic tingles of the body, and Lo and behold The Afro hath returned.

The scent, the air on thine cheeks, "Yes!"

I shut the eyes as I materialized- with blue pixels and such, it need be shut to better feel the feels and there I stood solemnly in my own world in the waiting shed, it were moments of peace, of self reflecting peace;

The feet which floated stood now in their strengths once a-more.


I shred a pose, Shirtless and bare-footed with an afro and a finger which raised high the arm to a point at the sky, "Maaaney! Here I come!..." I crackled.


"Eye ?!" I called- thine eyes glared wide to the sky, past the roof, "You watching me?!!!" the eye and me was a happy little delusion that I've always have had and felt from way back, a feeling that someone is always watching me, from some-fucking-where, The Prick!

It were merrily a very me moment inside the breathable game-

Until I heard a voice, with rhythm implanted in his every word- a rap but in here?

"Ey-yo! Your shit's so wack, if I diss you'd have a heart attack!" rhymed someone from just besides the ear as I heard- it spooked my afro a tad as I stood there frozen, shaking in shame, 'Fuckkkk!!!' resuming to- utterly stand a statue with still the same pose.

But the voice played a second verse;

"If dats a statue, none wud choose you, you'd die alone in a lonesome home with none to miss you!" It was smooth-, rather speaking, my ears could get into his grooves.

Then slowly I pried an eye- and I gladly saw, an unlikely kin of the tall 5'4.

"Wake up! Wake up bro! It's time ta turn up turn up, get your vibe out bro, time ta fuck it all up." he rapped a verse: third with yet another jumpy rhythm, arms and palms and crooked fingers- they 'swag' and swayed along his flows.

Honestly the ears liked and the tongue yearned to imitate thus sounds.

Slowly keeping the poise, I took a breath out, "Yoga!" I pointed out slowly.

"Huh?" said the other very tall gentleman.

"Its yoga I bet u ain't heard-a (heard of) I stretched the arms to fetch the air cause dat is where my flair flew from ya hear?!" I rapped me own, always had thought about doing it

I enacted the same exact copy of arms wailing, fingers crooking, crotch grabbing swagger.

Well; kinda and there we were, two tall gentleman in the fall which I would come to name it- simply as the waiting shed fall.

Do you like this one?

I think and thank and thunk that I could maybe do a little bit better?!

So please guys, tutor me further.

Thanks for reading as always.

JF_Fanaicreators' thoughts