
Rambling and Random bullshittery

This be your most daring story; A rambling if you must, Of language most foul, of unexplored ways to curse. Of bullshit in every turn, in every twist, in every twists of tongues. As told by thine ol'hands and masterminded by the crude tongue, with all my tics and antics. Do-told tale of a vegetable who limbs and stumbled on a new realm of where creation was pierced in it's boundaries. Of a connoisseur who learns of ways of an unshackled breathing body, the occasional doggie styles and the utmost high of all forms of unequaled shag-getry, wooing tarts and thots and hoes, all manners of terms modern and old to name all wenches of all- the ripened titties; "Thine taste ranges from nymphs of florescent pure to flooded lips which hangs and are forgivably bonk-able with a passing thought riled up by the hard down under, Which in short means all!" Heinously wholesome in ways of the vile tongue which grew most crude, terribly heinous with every breaths more lived- after to after and then more, much much more. A rambling- to what he sees, to what he does. This is a story of a living, in a world of pixels; of new universe where a man could swim in lava, a world where such and such is deemed mundane. An epic where a naked fledgling dove in the heat of an avian war, baby-steps towards a destiny-, etched in the root webs of two worlds with only a goal; To be the Pirate Ki- nevermind! To live most free. Rejuvenation; maketh man a new being, now what would be his tale when all he knew of living was blinking a set of dead little eyes, what would such a virgin of a human ways do in a surreal world that explodes magics and bullshits. I'll tell ye all! Just listen to the ramble. (Stay with me, I won't ever drop this.) [Warning:] 1. Not for the faint of heart. 1½. Smut will be there but it will be extremely rare. 2. The english dictionary would require a thorough update after I'm done with this epic. 3. Fuckery most heinous most foul. (By decree of a certain fool) 4. Don't tell your mums you learnt (curses) from me. 5. No other warning just enjoy, If ye dares. Cover art not mine, thank you for letting me use it and sorry but pray tell if you ordered it removed. Will use it until I could afford a more authentic cover art or until boss wants it removed.

JF_Fanai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


"32 hours." I read, "That'll be like a couple of hours in real time?"

The little screen showed how long were I online in the game.

The annoying wisp was always annoying yet I find the mind reading eerie and from that I deduced that the little shit was something odd, so a part of me took the little shit's message to heart, "Guess I'll head out for a minute."

You could fiddle around the screen with thoughts and when you're on the slab which was hidden underneath the floor of this shed, sometimes buried, it depends on what fall you use- when you're in one of any falls you are given a set of simple options some of which were: Absorb Core and Log Out.

Shrugged I did my weary little shoulders, "I'm not at all excited.." huffed I.

Staring begrudgingly at the log-out little icon.

The stupid concrete sky, stupid limbs, stupid body, "I'm so so not excited!!" I seconded.

With much a long deep solemn sigh I took one last longing moment to capture the beauty of a living body for the last, well until I log back in but I took it, one last moment to capture the scenes of the living which would hopefully last me until I could log back in.

"Fuck all hecks! Bring me to my distraught!" Said I and I clicked Log Out.

Click as in- in the mind, this is always weird to interpret but fuck all hecks! Y'all get the point.

Just as I did, I felt not any but then the hands turned blue and shortly I saw a change- faint lines drew a many small squares all round my body- All round my lean muscly pecs, my beautiful abs of great then to my beautiful face.

Like the pixels I saw before, starting from my hands and toes they fluttered away to places unknown.

Then I woke, I didn't know how long it took to Log me out, but I knew I was out.

'Lord fuck it!' I sighed, only if I could really sigh, the feeling of touch, sensations on the skin was subsided by numbness most unkind and all my eyes saw was the black insides of my Waypoint helmet and that fuckeninly familiar feeling of a vegetable.

'I did not buttfucking miss you lot!' I would've fucking cursed.

"Honey! Honey!!" I then heard her voice.

'Ah that I kinda miss.' I would've smiled.

Her; the woman I dreaded most to see, I was her burden and that I still cannot bear to be.

"Honey!" she called again, her voice ever so gracious, ever so kind, ever so loving.

'Mom?!' I called but the lips did not mutter any, 'Fuck this world, fuck it right down to every quantum cells!' Paralyzed though I was, I could still curse.

"HONEY!!!!" she now called rougher and more'r' loudly, her calm gracious tone grows now violent and commanding.

"YES DEAR?!" a voice answered the call of the queen from afar, he was my dad a lovable lump of flesh.

"I can't get the thing out, how do you get this thing ou--- HONEY!!!!" this time she was more demanding, almost roaring.

Her tone dictates a beheading if her call was unanswered within seconds if it were ancient times.

Flap-flop of a belly bops echoed around the room, catching his breath more like as I heard him heave for air, "Press the thing besides the ear." Said dad

"What ear? Here? HERE?????? MY POOR BABY IS STUCK WALLACE! HANDLE IT!!" she roared at the poor man, shaking him as his belly slaps.

Tis a casual day in my life, it somehow is good to be back.

You might not expect it but if tears could roll here, It would drown the world.

They loved me so much, this are unseen tears of sorry for being born the way I am.

"Ah just- here-" said dad, always the soft spoken one.

I faintly felt him pressing a button besides the ear and soon the helmet that cocooned the head slowly folded up and let show my beautiful face for my mom and dad to see.

"Aw! Locket! My dear Locket! Oh how I've missed my big boy,." She nearly cried, a tad extra, a tad mommy-, She threw herself on top of me, hugged me till I could finally barely blink at her to let me breathe, lucky I couldn't feel her love.

She then stared longingly at me whilst sitting in this large, soft leathery seat where I was sat.

I didn't know when I was sat here, last I known I was in my usual comfy bed when they put that bland ass Waypoint helmet on me.

"We just got this chair, what was it called again?" she said with an ever-so bright a smile, "Wallace? Answer him!" she commanded again.

Poor dad, I saw him stare at me lovingly too, his beady little eyes behind the glasses- They always adored me, "It's called the Rem bed, it comes with extra stuff so you could play the game for-EVER!!" with extra jazz-hands for more theatrics.

While dad spoke, mom and her beautiful eyes of blue sat like a tutor expecting none but right answers, nodding along to what dad said, 'Mom you just forgot the name, don't nod like you know it all!'

"Enough talks! You just came in time for dinner.. Oh!" a slender finger held out then she resumed, "Go get the table, we will eat here!"

"Roger Dear!" answered dad, good old dad.

Soon as he left flopping his belly I bet-, mom came closer to my ear and she whispered, "Honey! I haven't told Papa but Mum's preggy." she quietly said.

We heard struggling huffs coming from the kitchen and getting closer, "Oh! Here he comes, hold on to that thought I'll go get the dishes." She said and before she leaves, "Don't tell papa about it yet, It'll be a good surprise."

I had always wanted them to have another baby, I was utterly useless to take care of them but knowing that mom's preggy, I now had some form of an existential crisis on how to be a big brother.

I heard dad struggling with the table, he held it on top his belly as I saw him limping slowly towards the thing I was sat upon. Smart man, Smart use of belly.

"Phew! I need to work out." He says arching his back for a release, "Look!" he then says, casually sliding a screen in front of me- seemingly attached on the Rem bed but from where exactly I could not yet tell.

"This thing is neat Lock. It could feed you and even shit for you. Aahahah! " always with the jokes.

He sat besides me as the cushion of the bed reclined more to his side, "I saw your mom's little pee-pee baby shower thingy and that means she- we'll be having a little sibling." He whispered, his fingers turning on the little screen he set in front of me.

We both stared at the screen, there wasn't much talks between us but a connection is always felt and after a while he told thine, "Look I know how you'll feel, I just want to let you know that you'll be the greatest big brother ever." With a smile, "Just live your best life Loki. Live your best life!"

Now'd be a good time to say Dad had always called me Loki, the trickster. I always wondered why he did, as though a limp dick could please a dame- as if this body could do any tricking-, The only trick I guess I would've done was sneak a nasty scat until the smell would eventually chew me out.

We would then have a solemn father son moment until the queen demanded his presence.

"HONEYYYY?" she commanded, "Help bring the food!"

It was a merry dinner, they laughed, they almost cry at one point when they were on about their stories when I was in the game, a many stories in just a couple of hours, mom as they told almost tortured dad with pulls and pushes for the many'eth of times that I bore a many witness to.

Maybe twas the theory of relativity, it was long and factually true in saying a long day for thine, a day and near a half I had spent inside, it really was to thine as is but mom and dad bore more a forlorn feeling of me being gone a while, even more than thine.

They would eat their dishes, I would eat some kind of processed soupy food somehow pumped down my belly by some kind of Muller's invention through some kinda pipe they slid down my throat.

Still and always was a bitter sweet memory, every second with them- It was always sad yet

always out did by their warmth.

Then it were late; both of them took cared of the mess they made and I was left to my screen of where I then saw some news.

And this particular report caught the unblinking attention of thine eyes.

What the screen showed thine was abrupt and sudden to say the least;

It was said that Muller had suddenly simply just died, a thing that somehow did not managed to surprise yours truly.

His gloomy eyes from the trailer, I knew they were already dead but it still was a sad thing.

With him gone, the world was left with a hole which no-one could ever fill.

We the masses who watched the news were told of a video which Muller requested his lawyer to show to the public if he were to kick the bucket and there I were waiting for the video- Him and fucking Videos. Still it could be said that dude had style.


'A video after he's dead?' common sense somehow brought doubt to the suddenness of his death and a video proves something dubious was lurking behind it all.

But what could a vegetable ever do so I shrugged it off.

In the screen with much a mourning face of grey, the lawyer took out a little usb drive and plugged it into something beneath the table of where he sat his hands.

Then everyone who watched bore witness on something that was amazing yet borderline debatable- surfacing on the line where a taboo is defined.

It shows- this ever green and oh so serene place, where winds blew with a scent of lovely angel's fart, it was a place dubbed, "Ellis Idyll."

We then heard Muller's voice narrating on the video, "Hello! Planet!" greeted the awkward genius.

"Welcome to Ellis Idyll!... But first a confession.." abrupt he was, clear he read it off of something- always monotonically gloomy.

"We've been spying on you. Ev-everything from my company ED comes with a scanner, well not spying but taking notes down about everyone."

He be awkward indeed and funny but- What? Cameltoe-of-a-granny'ly What?

I know everyone uses Muller's tech, they were cheap and better than every others, he was always hated for it yet the world respected his mind so utterly that they left Muller to his own devices or so how we the masses knew.

The news he brought after his death came not as shocking to I but twas unexpected.

Dude was awfully kind, a good man indeed, the type to help grannies chew their food after spitting it out for being too hard, I believed him when he promised he didn't spy.

"My inventions had been copying you, digitalizing you and saving you in a form of an algorithm which is exclusive only to you… meaning you have a clone inside the place I called Ellis Idyll!" he had this wicked way of saying something, wickedly awkward and belly tickling.

To thine?

Twas stunned- always was stunned but even if the feelings come I would still be bonked in the head and stunned, 'Then that means we could meet the dead!?' I felt a smile of comfort coming in for a longing thing I heard revealed.

However- in that particular; The world turned mad in shock and mute in that reveal and so were I although for yours truly- twas rather a

soothing glee of warmth felt in my insides for I was given what I wanted most- A sure-kill paradise.

What are your dreams?

Mine's to live with never a worry.

But whatever, did you like this one too?

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