

"Goodness, being the strongest is not as I expected at all. Everything and everyone are too weak and terrified. "My students are scared of me as well?" "Even powerful magic beasts die before I touch them!" "Hmm? Oh, he has the protagonist star but he is too hidden and might not shine. Hehehe, I'll groom this one and make him into the strongest too" Realizing that being the strongest comes with not only power and authority but extremely loneliness and unbearable boredom, vee fakes his death and travel to a far away land to live as a commoner. But just a few years after his retirement, his planet was invaded by a strong force that seek to conquer their home. But vee decides not to act this time and rather watch from the sideline while secretly helping someone else to become the main character in the darkest moment of their planet.

Vee_High · 奇幻
64 Chs

Reason to join a guild? I'm bored!

Meanwhile, Vee found himself in an enormous hall as the door slid close behind him. The ground floor of the guild tower was so spacious that it could easily fit a couple hundred people, people formed three long lines in front of the receptionists as they waited for their turns while others were either waiting on the waiting seats or walking through the different doors that connected the hall to other parts of the building.

Vee walked over and stood behind the line that had fewer people in front, the receptionist who was attending to this line was very efficient and Vee only had to wait for a couple of minutes for his turn.

A young woman in a white blouse and light makeup pressed a few buttons on her computer before raising her head to look at Vee with a professional smile on her face, a surprised look flashed on her face when she saw Vee, clearly shaken by his handsomeness. However, it was quickly erased and replaced by a smile that was more genuine than her professional smile earlier.

"Hello, how might I help you?" She asked, her voice extremely alluring and pleasing to hear.

'Such a handsome young man, I wonder what business he has with the guild. I'll try to get his contact!'

She said in her thoughts but her face did not show that she had any ulterior motive.

"I want to join the guild," Vee said, going straight to the point.

The woman was surprised by Vee's words but did not let it show on her face, she was experienced in her job after all.

"Alright, someone will come and attend to you shortly. You can wait over there on the waiting bench for the time being" the woman said to Vee and gestured at the seats on the side.

Vee nodded at her and turned to wait on the side but was suddenly called back by the lady receptionist.

"Hmm, is something the problem?" He asked as he turned to face her.

"Oh no, no problem at all. It's just that you can leave your contact info here so we can reach you later" the lady said with a smile as she handed a communication device to Vee. The communication device was a banana product with a peeled banana sign on its back, the product was one of the most expensive communication devices and was known for its massive storage capacity and shocking camera quality.

Vee stared at the communication device in the lady's hand with a raised eyebrow, was this one of the rules here, or was this woman trying to hit on him? Besides, this device looked more like a personal device with that pink patch.

"I don't have a communication device," Vee replied bluntly. He wasn't lying, he really did not have one with him.

The woman made a surprised face before smiling once more.

"Alright then, how about I give you my con…sorry, I meant the guild's contact info so you can contact us later so we can explain the rules and benefits of our guild to you?" The lady said with sparkling eyes as she brought out a business card and handed it to Vee; it was her business card.

" Remember to call, I get off…I mean, we will be able to attend to you around 5p.m in the evening" the woman said to Vee. Her face did not show any shyness or embarrassment even when she had exposed herself twice already.

'As expected, she's hitting on me' Vee mused inwards but still replied with a thankfully nod and left to sit in a corner.

While waiting for whoever it was that was going to attend to him, Vee studied the business card that the lady had given him.

'Hmm, she isn't bad. Would give her a six out of ten. Four for looks and two for method of approach' Vee said in his thought. Although the receptionist lady could be considered a local idol and was very good-looking, she was nothing much in Vee's eyes. After all, he had seen far more beautiful women throughout his thousands of years of living, some were ordinary people while some were mages. This lady could not even compare to his fifth disciple or Bree!

"Are you the one who wants to join the guild?"

A voice pulled Vee from his thoughts, causing him to raise his head. In front of him stood a middle-aged man with a fierce temperament, he appeared to be in his late thirties and was in blue jeans and leather jacket. One thing worth noticing about this man was his smooth bald head!

"Yes, I am the one," Vee replied calmly as he stood up, reaching the same height as the baldie.

" Tks, follow me" the man snorted and turned around before walking off, Vee followed behind him silently.

He caught sight of the receptionist lady giving him a double thumbs up from the corner of his eye.

The baldie reached in front of an elevator and entered after tapping the open button, Vee was right behind him and walked in as well. He watched the man press the fifth button once and the elevator began to move.

"What's your name?" The baldie asked without turning to face Vee, his tone laced with annoyance. He probably thought that Vee was too young to become a hunter.

"Alex" Vee replied shortly; of course he wasn't going to use his real name, was he?

The baldie did not seem to care whether Vee had a first name or not and did not ask about it.

"Why do you want to become a hunter?" He questioned further.

'Because I'm bored'

"I want to earn a living"

The baldie turned to stare at Vee at this point, he seemed to suddenly notice how plain Vee was dressed. He shook his head before turning away.

"And you think becoming a hunter is the only way or the best way to make money? At your age, you can easily get a job somewhere else. The pay might be smaller but it will definitely be much safer" the baldie said coldly.

One who was not paying attention might think that the baldie was only advising Vee but Vee knew that it was like that. This man simply disdained Vee and belittled him, he did not think that Vee had what it took to be a hunter and was just throwing his life away. After all, in the case of ordinary people, only those who were past thirty years of age and were skilled in handling weapons and utilizing enchanted magic items would become hunters.

"Well, there's not a lot of jobs that a Nebula rank mage can do," Vee said with a grin on his face.