
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · 电影同人
78 Chs

Chapter 68: Attack on Village

It has been a month since Aiden has taken over Qarth, he was able to find several men to take over governing the city after they swore loyalty to the Targaryens.

It didn't take much convincing to get their loyalty after they witnessed what Aiden was capable of, also the fact that he commanded two dragons and had did away with the feared House of the Dying helped them to make their decision.

Gerion and the others left for Lannisport while Aiden stayed a while longer to ensure a smooth transition, doing away with any pockets of resistance to the new changes to the city. He had to show the consequences of not adhering to the new laws that had been set in place.

'Now that I have a transportation device set up, and means for them to communicate in case any trouble arises, I can leave this to the others. Uncle Gerold said he will send someone from the Hightower family to ensure things run smoothly. Now Spawn is beyond the wall with Angela taking out the undead, I think it's time to check out whats happening in the world.' Aiden thought as he began to fly up into the upper atmosphere of the planet.

Closing his eyes he begins to focus his hearing on the entire planet. A flood of sounds came rushing in, but due to his high mental processing he was able to distinguish each sound.

He began to hear several major events that were happening across the world, however two in particular caught his attention, both were happening within Westeros. He heard Catelyn talking with her sister and Petyr inside the Eyrie in the Vale.

'That Catelyn Stark has got to be the dumbest woman I have met, not only is she trying to start a religious war against her own family, but she literally walked right into a figurative snake pit. I don't know if I should even step in to save her from what Petyr has planned for her or not. Maybe let her suffer a bit before it goes too far.' Aiden thought as he shook his head in disappointment.

'Stannis has envoys heading to the Vale to seek an alliance with House Arryn, while also sending one to Dorne and the Reach. Now that he has a daughter who is no longer disfigured he is wanting to capitalize on it as soon as possible. Not surprising, but not necessarily a bad thing, both Robin and Tristan are near her age and she is a lonely girl.'

Aiden shifted his attention to Kings Landing, and let out a sigh, 'Although I wasn't close with Arianne and Quentyn, they didn't deserve what was done to them. I will handle that crazy woman soon, but like Petyr Baelish, she is more useful alive. She will hinder her father Tywin's plans, making it easier for the throne to be taken back.'

'Then there is Renly Baratheon, he is probably the dumbest smart person in the realm. He is playing it smart, keeping the Stormlands out of any conflicts, he knows Stannis will leave him alone for a while, he's focused on the throne and the Lannisters to care about his youngest brother. Renly is more focused on his relationship with Loras, thinking he can win the Reach's support thru him, but that won't work.'

'Now that Spawn is beyond the wall and is able to absorb the dead to recharge, and the North is handled, I can resume my search on Ulthos. That would be the more pressing matter, there is also something within Solyothos, and Vaes Dothrak, those are in need of investigation. I can have my copy that is beyond the wall handle everything over on that side while I can focus on those three locations.' Aiden thought to himself as he processed what was happening.

It wouldn't be long until Aegon and the others would be able to begin workin on taking back the throne, it would also be several years before the Night King fully awakened.

Aiden began to fly back down to the planet in the direction of Ulthos. He had Spawn's Earth protected with his copy, so he had plenty of time.

The reason he hasn't taken out the Night King was due to the danger it could pose to break the seal he had placed on himself. It was basically a healing seal, with a built in trap. Should it be forcefully broken, it would cause a great amount of unnecessary damage to Planetos, a planet wide sub arctic winter would grip the land for an unknown amount of time.

He could easily survive it, but all life on the planet wouldn't. It would cause the mass extinction of all life; plants, animals, marine life, humans, all would die. So the best thing was to let the Night King fully recover and just destroy him once he fully healed.

The Night King was in stasis, neither asleep or awake, he was currently only trying to gather his forces in preparation for his full awakening. So all Aiden could do is defend the living for now, limiting the Night Kings forces outside his lands.

As Aiden headed to Ulthos, beyond the wall Aiden, Spawn, and Angela were about to head to a village of Free Folk that he had detected which hasn't been able to join with Mance's group.

Mance has moved his large army to Hardhome, a large ancient city ruin that was on the southeastern shores of the True North, this is what the Free Folk called the lands north of the Wall. It was three to four weeks away from the Wall, and just a few days west by boat from the large island of Skagos.

Aiden had used his power to create a shield around the ruins, one that would kill any undead that attempted to get within a few miles of the city. He got the idea from the Children of the Forest, they had set up a magical barrier for the Three Eyed Raven at the entrance of the cave, so Aiden copied and improved the barrier.

When Aiden first brought Spawn and Angela into the camp, it had caused quite a stir. Not only was it the first time they had seen a black man, Aiden had used kryptonian medical technology to heal Al Simmons body from the burns which restored him to what he originally looked like, it was also Angela's beauty.

After being healed, Al no longer wore his mask all the time. Aiden too became public enemy number one with most of the Free Folk after learning that Angela was with him, they all hoped that one day he wouldn't return so that they could steal her for themselves.

Val and Ygritte both also became highly jealous, they began to assert themselves even more onto Aiden, which caused a headache for him, especially when they learned that the three would be leaving to go after the Wights.

Spawn was able to detect the Wights and White Walkers the moment he stepped foot onto Planetos. His suit saw them as delectable snacks, able to restore his dwindling energy.

It took much of his willpower to keep his suit from fully activating to pursue the wights as soon as he arrived.

"Let's go find some survivors, there are still plenty of clans that are unaware of the Night King's movements." Aiden stated after he got the two settled in.

"I agree. My suit has been almost uncontrollable since I got here. These undead are irresistible to it. I think this place is perfect for me. So I would appreciate it if you both let me handle everything." Spawn stated with a hungry look in his eyes.

"Alright, if that's what you want. I guess me and Angela can focus on the people then, while you handle the undead." Aiden responded back as he looked over to Angela to confirm she too was fine with the arrangement.

"Sure, well if that's how we are going to handle it, why don't we bring those two little wives of yours. They can be a big help in leading the people we save." Angela said with a big grin.

"You detected them too? Fine. Why don't you both stop hiding and come out, you can join us. But as you heard you will only assist in getting the people back safely, no fighting." Aiden said with a sigh, he had heard both of them hiding behind some trees.

"That's fine with us, wouldn't want this woman to think she's any better than us." Val said proudly as she and Ygritte walked out from behind two trees where they were hiding.

"Aye, I agree as well." Ygritte said as she stared holes into Angela.

Angela chuckled as she gripped Aiden's arm and hugged it between her breasts, "I am better, my little sister's, in every way."

"You....." Val and Ygritte both went red in the face with anger.

"Enough you three. If your going to be like this then you will be useless to us, that includes you Angela. Stay focused on the task at hand, peoples lives depend on it. Besides, I already have a fiancée." Aiden replied, cutting off the argument before it got started.

"Oh, that's fine, she is just a fiancée while I am already your wife." Angela stated matter of factly.

"How do you figure? There was no ceremony so there can't be a wedding." Aiden said with exasperation.

"That's where your wrong. The ceremony was our battle, and you conquered me, so therefore according to Asgardian tradition, we are husband and wife." Angela answered back with a chuckle.

"Aye, same goes for us. You defeated us then when you took over Craster's Keep you brought us to your home, so by Free Folk tradition we are wed." Ygritte chimed in as Val nodded her head in agreement.

"All I did was lay protective measure's for those women to be able to remain in that house and not have to worry about being raided by the undead or other Free Folk coming to attack them." Aiden tried to contest their logic.

"Aye, that may be true, but even those women agreed that you are the master of the house, and they your dutiful maids. So whether you want to admit it, that became your house." Val answered back with further explanation.

Spawn just shook his head and pat Aiden on the back, "May as well just give in, they have their minds made up my friend, and once a woman makes up their mind, there is no logic that can save you. Now lets get going,"

With that Spawn's suit fully activated, his cowl and mask appeared on his body and face as he flew up into the air, headed in the direction he felt the undead were.

"Whatever, lets go." Aiden said as he wrapped the three women in his bio-electric field and followed after Spawn.

Several hundred miles away, a medium size village of Free Folk was going about their day, while they awaited their hunters to return with their catch.

This village had mostly elderly and children along with some young adults that were their to help defend the village from attacks while the hunters were out getting the food.

Children ran around the village, laughing and playing a game together called hunt the crow, while the adults laughed and joked with one another as they finished up chores. The sounds of wood being chopped could be heard amongst the laughter.

Several cries from newborn babes where heard sporadically as they cried to be fed or changed, as the steady beats of construction work mixed into the atmosphere. The village was quite successful, each day it seemed to grow bigger, which brought a smile to many people within the village.

They enjoyed a peaceful life due to their location, rarely did they have to deal with raids, and when they did it wasn't a violent one, rather it was usually men from a neighboring village looking to steal himself a wife.

But as the saying goes, not everyday will be sunshine and rainbows. As the villagers worked on their tasks, enjoying the day, a sudden scream caught everyones attention, following the scream several shouts were then heard.

Instantly all work stopped, those of able body quickly got their weapons at the ready, while the elderly and pregnant women quickly gathered the children into a large hut. Moving with practiced and well coordinated steps, the Free Folk quickly got into their positions to defend their camp.

Unaware of the danger that was approaching them from the northwest, the people stayed in position, awaiting to defend their homes and loved ones.

"Isn't that the direction Rolf and the other hunters went?"

"Aye, that it is. Probably ran into some Thenn cunts."

"Strange, I don't hear weapons clashing over the shouts like normally."

"Oi, is it just me or did it seem to get colder all of a sudden?"

The people talked amonst themselves as they tried to make sense of what was happening near their camp. They heard screams and shouts a distance away, each time one occured it, got closer by the second.

"Aye, I feel it getting much colder too. But there is no storm brewing from the looks of it."

"Aye, something isn't right. I don't hear any birds or other creatures either."

"Stand your ground, no matter what it is, we all got our families behind us, and there's no bloody way I be letting them cannibals after my family."

One of the men shouted to try to give himself and the others courage to face what was coming their way. This caused many to hold onto their weapons a bit tighter, as the sound of running and shouts got closer.

A few minutes later a two men and a woman came dashing out of the tree line, their faces were pale with fear as they began to shout at those gathered outside the village.

"Run! The Wights are coming! Run!" They shouted as they ran to go grab their family and friends.

"Oi, what the hell you talking about? Where's Rolf and the others?" One of the defenders shouted as he only saw but three members of the hunting party.

"All dead! Run, grab everyone. We have to run! We have to warn the other vill..." Just as one of the men was shouting, an ice arrow punctured the back of his neck, one end jutting out the front of his throat.

This shocked the defenders momentarily as they watched their friend drop to the ground instantly. The man and woman ran as hard as they could, no longer shouting to the others out of fear of being next.

All they could do is hope that the others caught on and ran. They knew that their village would be no more, they witnessed the brutality of the creatures that attacked their party, how their fellow comrades who were killed begin to rise back up, their eyes an icy blue color and begin to attack the ones still alive.

The defenders then let out their own screams of horror as suddenly several humans with icy blue eyes came running from the forest into the openning.

"Fire arrows! Fire arrows! Now!" Came a shout which woke up a few with a bow.

Several arrows were released hitting each of the attackers with pale blue skin. However to their shock, they didn't fall to the ground or even miss a step.

"By the Gods, it's really Wights! Run!" A man shouted after he saw the man with an ice arrow in his throat get up, his eyes the same icy blue as the others.

A chill ran down their spines as the rest witnessed the same thing. Many turned around to run back to the village to get their family members away from these creatures of legend.