
Pokemon Transcendence

An unfortunate accident struck Roy, which started his transmigration. In this world, he was reborn and renewed. Roy was born with a complete family, his father, mother, brother, and sister. Come along the journey with Roy as he Transcendes all obstacles in his way. Will he be a modest person in the world, or will cause mayhem on his way to the top?

GodsDontBleed · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Years Gone By Part-2!

The following day Roy started school, he was in preschool again except he would remember everything about the experience. Troy and Diana made friends fairly quickly, but Roy found this hard to do because he only saw them as kids.

Roy found out that he was in the Johto region. This was the best result he could have gotten region-wise other than the one he wanted. After all, Johto and Kanto were next-door neighbors to each other.

Roy didn't have much information other than this. He wanted access to some books and other informative devices, but that would be too troublesome right now.

Roy had no problem waiting and taking in the information of this world slowly. As expected, the teacher only taught them primary education.

The kids in this world were more intelligent and could process information several times better and faster. No one had told Roy this but this was what he concluded after spending 2 weeks in school. These kids were definitely smarter than the norm, at least for their age.

The letters of this world weren't different from his previous, so things were smooth sailing for Roy. His grades were high and he was considered a genius, but this was because he was technically a grown man.

Roy's Dad only came home around 5 o'clock because he worked as a supervisor at the Powerplant.

Both of Roy's parents had 3 pokemon each. Raising pokemon was costly, so having a team of 6 would break the average trainer. Only those Ace trainers could really afford to train so many pokemon at once, or the ones you usually met on Victory's Road.

How did Roy know this? He decided to ask his mother after attending school for a month. Roy's parents taught him and his siblings personally about pokemon. His father especially, when he had the chance to.

Roy's father's name was Royce.

Royce had a Magneton, Tauros, and Pidgeot. His parents were originally from Kanto—yet they had moved to Johto after getting married. Roy's mother had a Vulpix, Rapidash, and Miltank who she acquires milk from every now and then.

Time went by steadily, and 5 years had passed Roy by.

Currently, he was 8 years old sitting in his backyard. His dad, mom, and some friends had come over because they were having a barbecue.

Roy was currently reading a book that he had received from his dad. It was a book that informed him about the world he was in. Roy was also given a few magazines, which told him about the present world.

These were the most helpful.

"The current Gym Leader of Violet City is Walker?" This man was actually alive in this timeline/world. One had to know that this was Falkner's Dad, but he had originally died.

Roy grabbed the magazine that said Gym Leader Highlights. It showed pictures of different Gym Leaders from Kanto and Johto having intense battles with challengers. There was also information about the current Gym Leaders.

"It seems that it's rumored that he wants to eventually give his Gym leader position up to his son Falkner in the future." Roy flipped the pages and read.

Roy also found that Bugsy was just appointed as Azalea Town's Gym Leader. His eyes glinted for a second, Roy couldn't wait to start his journey. However, the legal age to become an official trainer was 15 years old.

The Pokemon Alliance didn't make it easy, either.

"Hey, Roy, come and hang out with us. There are other kids here from the neighborhood and school." Diana walked over with a smile and said.

"Hmm, Nah, I'm good. I'm studying right now, you guys can enjoy yourselves." Roy gazed into the distance where the other kids were and shook his head.

"Ah, Roy, you should take this time to make friends. You don't have a single friend yet, why are you so...hmm, what was that word again?" Diana thought for a moment, but she couldn't remember it.

"Is the word you're looking for called anti-social?" Roy smiled and said. This little sister of his was always so outgoing and tomboyish.

"Yeah, anti-social, why are so anti-social?" Diana tapped her chin and nodded saying.

"I'll make friends later. I just want to learn about the world before we start our journey as trainers in the future. This will allow me to 1up all of my peers, you should study these things as well."

Roy had been watching trainer battles and was even subscribed to a ranker's channel. He often talked about battle strategies and more. Of course, Roy had watched the pokemon show, so he knew a thing or two.

With his eye powers, he could somewhat read the situation when it came to battles. How? Because he had watched his Mom and Dad have a pokemon battle. This was to demonstrate to him and his siblings how battles went. Unfortunately, this aspect of his eye abilities wasn't nearly all that awakened, so he saw minor glimpses.

"Hmm..." Diana raised her hand to her chin, she seemed to be thinking.

"You're right, let's do some hardcore studying tonight. Besides, we have a pokemon test tomorrow that we should be studying for anyway." Diana nodded before patting Roy on the back and leaving for the group of kids.

Some of these kids had pokemon already, but they were 12 years of age. One of the kids was showing off his Sentret, while the other was showing off his Rattata.

Roy looked closely at the two pokemon and scanned them with his eyes. He wasn't certain if these ratings were any good, but he had a feeling that they weren't note-worthy.


<Species: Rattata♂

<Type: Normal

<Level: 3

<Nature: Bold

<Aptitude: Red 🔴

<Ability: Run Away

<Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Focus Energy,


<Species: Sentret♂

<Type: Normal

<Level: 6

<Nature: Rash

<Aptitude: Red 🔴

<Ability: Keen Eye

<Moves: Scratch, Foresight, Defense Curl, Quick Attack.


The Aura around them was Red, with no other color traces. For instance, Roy's Mom's Vulpix, there was Light Green Aura around it with traces of Dark Green mixed with it. This could mean that there was a sign of it breaking through in aptitude.

Roy had just gained his Heaven's Vision last year when he was 7 years old. He had been watching over the years. His mom had been giving Vulpix Calcium and Carbos vitamins. These vitamins were very expensive, thus she only bought 1 bottle each a year.

Each bottle contained 10 vitamins in them.

"I'm not sure about this whole aptitude thing. What is the lowest to highest when it comes to aptitude." Roy knew pokemon had infinite potential, but this depended on the resources they were given.

"Hmm, this Sentret has Ill intent towards that Rattata." Roy furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed this. It would appear that this Sentret wanted to eat this Ratatta if given the opportunity.

Ten minutes later, Sentret attacked Rattata with [Quick Attack]. This caused an uproar in the backyard, shocking everyone. Royce, Roy's dad, had to quickly defuse the situation before there was a possible fatality.

"My gosh, it just attacked Rattata so suddenly!"

"Remember, Sentret is a part of the weasel family, they feed on rodents like Rattata often." A woman in pink spoke in a serious tone.

Roy didn't look for much longer and continued to read through the magazine. Every gym leader was pretty much the same as before from the series and video games. However, there was a difference when it came to the Pokemon League and the Elite Four for Kanto and Johto.

The Leagues for Kanto and Johto were different. The Indigo Plateau was no longer the same but separated for both Leagues.

"There are even new Elite four members, but Johto is the only one that has a champion." Lance was still the Champion of Johto, but there was no Champion for Kanto.

Kanto's Elite 4 was nearly the same with one woman filling in the roll where Lance would usually be. The time when Lance was the Elite 4 member back in Fire Red and Leaf Green.


The Elite Four for Johto were as followed.


*Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Amy, No Champion


*Will, Tierra, Koga, Karen, Lance(Champion)


"These new additions seemed to specialize in certain types as well. Amy uses Fairy and Normal type pokemon, while Tierra uses Ground types." This was definitely an alternate reality, Roy just hoped that there wouldn't be too many crazy and unpredictable changes.

Hours later, everyone had packed up and gone home. The sun was currently setting and could be seen on the horizon.

"That was amazing, did you see how that Sentret tried to maul that Rattata to death?" Diana got a kick out of that minor scuffle between both pokemon.

"Yeah, that was incredible but not as good as Mom and Dad's battles. Haha, one day I'll have my own pokemon, then I'll destroy all the Gym Leaders before taking on the Elite 4." Troy patted his chest and said confidently.

"You won't get the Champion position unless you defeat me!" Diana grinned.

"Defeat you, ha, that'll be too easy." Troy scoffed and shrugged.

"Okay, we should be studying for tomorrow's pokemon test. These tests are really important for our future and play a role in us getting a License. Do this first, then you gloat later when you have your license."

Roy already knew everything there was to know about these tests, but he was sure they didn't. They couldn't afford to stumble in the least in this world. Getting a License was not an easy task for most, so some people, unfortunately, would end up joining certain gangs to rise in life.

You could get a License to train pokemon, but that didn't mean you could challenge Gyms with it. You had to have the clearance of the Pokemon Alliance for that.

If you did, you could obviously challenge the Gym Leaders and the League as a whole. People could also purchase rare resources from Pokemon Alliance and participate in large-scale Auctions.

How did Roy and his siblings know this? Because their parent stressed this all of the time to let them know how important it was.

"Crap, you're right. Let's study!" Troy's expression changed, he had to work hard now to achieve the first step—something he hadn't even done yet.

He couldn't fail before that could at least be achieved.

"Alright, let's study." Roy opened the Pokology Learning Book that had the thickness of the length of a finger. They sat next to each other on the couch and studied.

"Okay, what types is fairy-type weak against?" Roy asked with a grin.

"Steel and Poison!" Troy hurriedly said.

"That's right. Now, Diana, what type is Steel weak against?" They had already done this with Roy, and he knew it all.

"Uh, hmm, Fire, uh...Ground, let me see, oh and Fighting types!" Diana jumped up and said excitedly.

"Haha, very nice, you got it. Now, what type is Lapras?" Roy and his sibling continued to study for two extra hours before heading to bed.