
Pokemon Transcendence

An unfortunate accident struck Roy, which started his transmigration. In this world, he was reborn and renewed. Roy was born with a complete family, his father, mother, brother, and sister. Come along the journey with Roy as he Transcendes all obstacles in his way. Will he be a modest person in the world, or will cause mayhem on his way to the top?

GodsDontBleed · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Junior Tournament Part-2!

Roy's first match was against a kid with brown hair and eyes, he stared coldly at Roy. This caused Roy to feel a little speechless, but he understood the graveness of the matter.

No one wanted to lose.

Roy vs Kalvin!

"Let the match begin!" The referee didn't waste time, he could see that the second purple group had started their second round with the remaining 8 people.

"Go, Geodude!" Kalvin sent out his first pokemon.

Roy analyzed the Geodude to scout its move set.


<Species: Geodude♀

<Type: Rock + Ground

<Level: 5

<Nature: Bold

<Aptitude: Red 🔴

<Ability: Rock Head

<Moves: Rock Throw, Tackle, Defense Curl, Brick Break[TM], Protect[TM],


"You're up, Machop!" Roy quickly summoned Machop. This was the best option against Geodude, so how could Roy pass this up?

However, once Kalvin saw that it was a Machop, he quickly recalled Geodude and replaced it with a Charmander.

Another Charmander?

Roy did the same and recalled Machop since he would need it to deal with Geodude. He quickly replaced Machop with his Snubbull.


<Species: Charmander♂

<Type: Fire

<Level: 5

<Nature: Quirky

<Aptitude: Red 🔴

<Ability: Blaze

<Moves: Ember, Scratch, Growl, Sunny Day[TM], Round[TM],


Kalvin scoffed when he saw Roy switch his pokemon as well, but it didn't matter to him. Roy was destined to lose against him.

What followed next was Kalvin commanding his Charmander to use Ember. Charmander opened its mouth and a barrage of bullet-sized fireballs shot out.

"Dig." Roy simply commanded. Any pokemon could technically dig underground. However, knowing the move Dig allowed a pokemon to dig underground instantly.

It was equivalent to diving into a body of water the minute to touch it. Snubbull jumped and dove straight into the ground, disappearing and evading the Ember barrage.

"Crap! Be careful!" Kalvin warned gravely. Charmander looked both ways cautiously—on high alert for any moments on the ground.

The earth shivered, but they couldn't tell where the attack was coming from. Kalvin ordered Charmander to run to the side and to prepare to dodge.

Suddenly, Snubbull burst out of the ground and darted head first into Charmander. Charmander was stunned and tried to dodge, but unfortunately, it was too slow. Snubbull's large head crashed into Charmander's stomach and sent him flying and rolling across the battlefield.

"Damn it! Get up, you got this!" Seeing that Charmander was too weakened, he quickly recalled it for another time.

"Oh, you want to save it for later?" Roy smiled, it would do no good. He was just glad it didn't get off a Sunny Day.

"So what?" Kalvin scoffed but he gritted his teeth and reluctantly sent out another pokemon.

What appeared almost made Roy laugh out! However, he could no longer laugh to himself when he saw its move set.


<Species: Rattata♀

<Type: Normal

<Level: 5

<Nature: Jolly

<Aptitude: Red 🔴

<Ability: Run Away

<Moves: Quick Attack, Tackle, Bite, Iron Tail[TM], Thief[TM],


'Oh, boy!' Kalvin obviously didn't know that Roy could see his pokemon's moves. He was likely hoping to catch Roy with his pants down with the move Iron Tail.

"What?! Why are you recalling your Snubbull?" Kalvin was furious seeing Roy do this.

'You think you can trick me?' Roy sneered. He didn't answer him and summoned Machop again.

"So damn annoying!" Kalvin was really starting to hate Roy, he wanted to surprise Roy with an Iron Tail against Snubbull and deal it a heavy blow.

"Rattata, Quick Attack!" Kalvin could careless anymore, he wanted to defeat Roy and rub in his face afterward. Roy could see that his weakness was impatience and his attitude.

Roy simply ordered his Machop to use Focus Energy. Machop's body gave off steam as energy seemed to gather in its chest. However, Rattata sped in front of Machop and slammed into its chest, pushing it back a couple of steps.

"Machop, Leer!" Machop's gaze scanned over Rattata's body—when suddenly, Rattata felt an uncomfortable feeling wash over it. Its body flashed with dim blue light, signifying some sort of stat change.

"Low Kick, take it down!" Machop jumped forward and sent a Low Kick toward Rattata's face.

"Dodge it and flip over its kick with a follow-up Iron Tail!" Kalvin spoke urgently.

Rattata did just that and flipped over Machop's kick before its tail turned into metallic chrome color. Its Iron Tail strike was heading straight toward Machop's head.

"Intercept it! Throw it to the ground and Low Kick it again!" Machop used the momentum from its Low Kick and spun around in a three-sixty fashion.

Roy already saw this coming, however, it was only a glimpse but he caught it. Machop quickly raised both its arms and clapped its hands together to catch Rattata's tail.

"Eeeekk!" The rough grab had hurt Rattata, causing it to yelp out in pain.

"Nooo! Break free, hurry!" Kalvin's eyes widened in horror.

Machop used one arm and slammed Rattata to the ground before quickly sending a Kick toward its face! The kick connected and everyone watching saw a red crack appear over Rattata face—indicating a Critical Hit!

Rattata's body shook and went stiff, it no longer moved. The only thing they saw was Rattata's nose and mouth leaking blood.

"Rattata can no longer battle!" The referee said with a nod.

"Dang it!" Kalvin recalled Rattata and stood in place for a moment thinking. Afterward, he sent out Charmander again.

"Char~!" Charmander looked weakened but it put up a facade of strength and power.

"Go! Use Another Low Kick!" Machop ran off towards Charmander without question to attack.

"Hmph! Use Ember!" Kalvin's palms were sweaty from worry.

Charmander did as he was told, but Machop was ordered by Roy to run circling around it to get close. The threat on his team was Geodude, so Roy wasn't out of the water just yet.

Machop drew closer, everyone knew that Special Attacks overall—were stronger than Physical ones.

"Charmander, use Round" Machop hadn't got too close, it had dodged the barrage of Embers. With how weak Charmander was it couldn't really consistently use Ember.

"Haha, Perfect! Slide and give it a Low Kick!" Roy laughed as he knew this was likely coming.

Charmander's tail came waving over towards Machop's left flank but it slid in underneath its tail. Afterward, it delivered a devastating Low Kick towards Charmander's backside legs.

Another Critical Hit had occurred. Charmander somersaulted and fell on its stomach afterward.

"Charmander is unable to fight." The referee announced.

Kalvin recalled Charmander, but his expression was clearly that of worry now. Everyone on the sidelines just watched intently without a word.

"All or nothing, let's go Geodude!" Geodude was sent to the battlefield.


Roy thought that he might not even need to reveal his Magnemite in this battle. Machop was pretty much sweeping his whole team. Now, Machop had the advantage, it should be able to defeat Geodude.

There was no bond between these pokemon they were using, so defeating them was much easier. Their reaction speed was usually nulled and weak, sometimes even questioning a few things—subconsciously.

The battlefield was silent and no one made a move. Both pokemon stared at each other, they were both physical attackers and a closer quarter confrontation would ultimately be the outcome.

"Rock Throw, let's go!" Kalvin was the first to command. He ordered Geodude to use Rock Throw since it was a ranged attack but did physical damage.

Geodude scooped up some soil before it quickly condensed into rocks. Roy simply told Machop to dodge and get close, it was best to take this Geodude down right away.

Geodude's usage of Rock Throw was precise and fast, it was tossing rocks with speed and precision. Machop could barely dodge them, but Geodude was throwing them fast and hard.

"Ice Punch!" Once Machop was close enough, it tried to use Ice Punch but it was quickly bombarded with rocks.

"Dude..." Geodude waited for the right time to toss those rocks.

"Chop!" Machop had no choice but to stop and guard itself with both its arms crossed over its face.

"Haha, Keep it going, keep hitting that muscle-bound clown with rocks!" Kalvin laughed happily and mocked.

"Crap!" Roy had to think quickly, Machop was being pushed into a corner.

Roy quickly ordered Machop to toss some dirt at Geodude to deter its vision—or to distract it. Machop scooped up as much dirt as it could under the barrage, it could somewhat persevere because these attacks weren't that effective.

Machop was about 3 meters away, so they weren't that far from one another. Geodude actually stopped what it was doing and levitated backward to gain some distance.

"Go! Attack it again!" Roy hurriedly said.

Machop quickly leaped forward and jumped towards Geodude, its fist had glittery light blue mist around it.

"Use, Protect!" Kalvin saw the situation and ordered urgently. Geodude quickly put up a barrier around itself to block the Ice Punch. Machop slammed over the shield, but to no avail but Roy commanded it to keep attacking the protective shield.

"Damn it! Geodude, Brick Break!"

"Machop, Low Kick!"

Machop and Geodude's attacks met and collided—with Geodude's hands being a chopping gesture. A bolt of lightning flashed from their clash, they were then trying to overpower one another with strength.

"Haha, let go! Ice Punch!" Roy roared in laughter, this was what he wanted the most—an opportunity.

Machop recalled its foot and followed up with a left hook. Geodude's eyes widened with shock, the energy from this attack caused it to dread.

"Dodge it, Damn it!" Kalvin screamed. This made the many people watching laugh and even jeer at his situation.

Roy's parents were watching with excitement, they could see the battles on a screen and in person.

Geodude couldn't dodge on time, it wasn't even close to dodging and or steering clear. The ground froze as that Icy fist came crashing over Geodude's face—and with another critical strike at that.


Geodude could only yell out in pain before being sent flying away uncontrollably. It rolled on the ground, kicking up a small dirt/dust cloud. Geodude laid on the ground, leaning sideways and unmoved with its eyes closed.

There was a great deal of frost on its face, so Roy and everyone else couldn't see its painful expression.

"Nooo! Get up! Geodude, what are you doing?!" Kalvin yelled at Geodude but there was no response.

"Geodude is unable to battle, the winner is Roy!" The referee said with a smile.

"No! He can still fight, it ain't over!" Kalvin's face was filled with madness and reluctance.

"It's over, not everyone can be a winner." Mrs. Linen shook her head and issued some guardians to take him away.

Kalvin's face seemed to have been drained of its color. His face was now smeared with grief before he gazed at Roy hatefully.

'Don't be mad at me, I'm trying to win just like everyone else.' Roy simply shrugged.

Roy had actually 3-0 Kalvin!

"Roy, this way, you may keep the pokemon you haven't shown or used in battle or change it out. I recommend upgrading it to a better version of that pokemon, so you can get better moves"

One of the Guardians explained politely. While Roy was being taken to change out his pokemon, the second round of battles commenced soon after.