

Chapter 79.

In Kuoh Academy both Peerages of Devils and their Kings gaped as they looked up towards the sky in shock, no one knew what was going on or what has caused a massive Dragon to appear out of nowhere and that only added to the nervousness of them all.

However Issei for some reason he couldn't explain or even understand couldn't help but smile at the sight of such massive and powerful Dragon, suddenly his Boosted Gear activated and Ddraig's excited voice began to echo throughout the area "he really did it! hahaha! he ascended! that crazy bastard actually achieved it!".

This only serve to unnerved everyone except Issei who know who Ddraig was referring too, Rias being curious and worried decided to ask "Red Dragon Emperor, what are you talking about? what has you so excited?".

Ddraig loudly laughed for a few moments before calming down and begin to speak "little Devils! what you're witnessing! what your experiencing and what you very souls are shaking for is non other than a true Dragon God! a new one! one that is evidently far superior than the other two! hahaha!".

This shocked everyone except Issei who just just continued to quietly stared up at the massive Dragon in the sky, both Sona and Rias However were visually sweating and that made everyone panic not knowing what was wrong with them.

Their Queens Akeno and Tsubaki immediately walked over them and held their shoulders as soon as they noticed them get weak on their knees and begin to drop, their Peerages watched worriedly as both Devils Kings seemed terrified.

Issei however suddenly spoke "you don't have to worry about the Dragon, I doubt he's here to do anything bad... if anything I think its just showing off to the world".

Everyone turned towards Issei who just continued to silently look up towards the Dragon but they all decided to listen to him and try to relax which was proving to be really hard, Ddraig's loud laughter made it difficult to calm down.

Kaede looked up in awe and watched as the massive head of Rean's True Dragon God Form lowered towards her, her mom and dad, it then spoke loudly and deeply towards her "Speak your Wish! ".

Kaede stared in silence for a few moments before snapping out of it and remembering what Rean had told her what to do, so she loudly spoke up to Rean's massive Dragon God Form "Galaxy Stardust Creation Dragon! I wish for my full potential to be unlocked!".

Rean nodded which shook the air around the world and then glowed brightly purple for a few seconds, suddenly Kaede's body was engulfed in a mass of golden brown and red energy that let out a big shockwave.

Luckly for Isamu and Hanako both were being held by Snorlax and Lucario so they weren't sent flying, while Charizard let go of Kaede and stepped back a bit to give her some space.

The energy engulfing Kaede calmed down a few seconds later and dissipated allowing everyone to see her, her parent watched in awe as their daughter had physically changed.

She was still small but now her body was glowing with a Golden Aura while her hair had grown red streaks on all over it, but the most surprising change in her was the two big horns on her forehead, both were growing straight upward.

Kaede sighed and looked over her body in silence, she then reached over her mouth and ran a finger over her teeth, she felt something odd and felt arkund until she recognized that she had grown sharp fangs.

She then looked at her hands and saw that she had grown claws as well, she tightend her fist in awe feeling the power inside her body and her new connection to the elements of Earth and Fire.

However Rean suddenly spoke and broke Kaede out of her awed state "it is done... now speak your second wish".

Kaede looked up towards Rean and stared at his massive Dragon God head I'm silence for a few seconds before smiling, she then nodded to herself and spoke her second wish "I want a Pokémon! a Pokémon to be my friend and partner! the perfect Pokémon for me!".

Rean stared at Kaede I silence for a few moments and then smiled which the Nakashimas noticed, that let them know that Rean was still in there and was just playing up his role as a Wish Granting Dragon something that made them smile.

Rean suddenly glowed purple once again for a few seconds and then wisp of white energy began to fly in front of Kaede and coalesce into a round shape until a glowing white egg formed in front of her.

Kaede reached for the egg and as soon as she grabbed hold of it, the white energy dissipated leaving a Pokémon egg in Kaede's arms.

Kaede smiled and then brought the egg up to her face and rubbed her cheek on it, she closed her eyes and then listened *there's a strong and energetic heartbeat inside... I can't wait to meet you!*.

Kaede opened her eyes and looked up to Rean who nodded and the rose his head away from her and her parents "it is done!*.

Rean's massive Dragon God Body glowed purple one again and then he suddenly took off towards the sky carefully as to not accidentally hit the planet and left the atmosphere in a few seconds where his body suddenly exploded and showered the world with wisp of Stardust Energy.

The world bared witness to this and watched in awe as wisp of purple energy began to rain down everywhere, the wisps would affect nature as everywhere they touched life began to sprout plant life and grow more vivid.

Plant life around the world began to grow and look more alive than ever before, the wisp of purple energy were even cleaning the air of all of its pollution and the damage that was done to the planet.

This was something that would remained unknown for a few months until scientists around the world began to notice the changes in the planet and announced their findings, many would come to see the massive unknown Dragon to be a sort of Deity that had come to save the world.

The Supernatural World would however noticed these changes right away and would try to discover why this odd purple energy affected the world in such away, however they wouldn't be able to get any information on the energy.

In reality Rean's Stardust Energy was so highly connected to nature that the moment it touched anything related to the Concept of Nature it revived and restored it, it was something he didn't know his energy could do and wouldn't find out until after it was pointed out to the amusement of his love ones.

The Supernatural world tried to collect the wisp of energy to study but the moment they tried to do so the energy would violently lash out, many greedy Devils, Fallen Angels and even members of the church would be killed trying to get a hold of the energy until the energy dissipated days later.

This would frustrate and enraged many but there was nothing they could about it, after all what were they going to do? go wake up to the massive Dragon God and demand answers and energy?.

As arrogant as they might be, these Supernatural beings weren't that stupid, the Dragon disappeared somewhere in space and no would see it for a long while but it's presence would not be forgotten.

It will remain in the memories and mind of both Mundane and Supernatural beings for years to come and only increased the growing fame of the Dragon God who hugged the world today.

I flew towards the moon with an excited smile on my face all the while, my massive True Dragon God Form suddenly exploded as I took on my human form and showered Earth with my Stardust Energy.

But right now I didn't care about any of that as I flew to the moon laughing and having fun, I began to circle the moon as I began to think of the fun I had acting like Shenron from Dragon Ball.

In all honesty I was just being dramatic and having a bit of fun with everything that was happening but I must admit that I had a blast, too bad I will have to wait a few months before I could do this again if ever.

This was an ability that shouldn't be used often but it will be fun whenever I do plus it did make me wonder how the world is reacting to all of this [I'm pretty sure the Mundane world and the Supernatural world is having a panic attack fufufu!.]

*I bet! but meh, I do wonder how the government is going to try to hide this? perhaps make it seem like it was a mass hysteria event or a hallucination? I bet the Supernatural world is running around trying to hide all of this to save the secret that the Supernatural exist*.

[It going to be hard for them to hide a massive Dragon that covered the entire planet though, maybe they'll just leave it alone? human do tend to come up with their own crazy theories after all.]

That's true too... they do tend to make their own theories about everything strange that happens in the world, making it seem like all of it is just some sort of hoax or just down right denied it all together.*

[Yep but I'm sure there will be ones who believe and are even excited about evidence about something like this coming to light, humanity has changed a lot after all so perhaps you'll even get some followers or even a cult somewhere in the world!.]

I couldn't help but sweatdropped because Astraea made a good point, it wouldn't surprise if people began to pray to me because of this *jeez... I really hope it doesn't happened, I rather not want to have to deal with a whole religion being created around myself... that just sounds like extra work for me*.

*Come on master Rean! it sound like fun! I can even be your symbol of Authority and the girls could be your Pantheon as well! it would be amazing don't you think?*.

*Excalibur that sounds like you just want to be recognized as a Heavenly Weapon...* the giggle I got in response told me how right I was with my assumptions, not that I blame her for that.

My Excalibur has certainly become a weapon worthy of legends and Deities, too bad she's mine and I'm not one to share my treasures.

(I think it would be good for you to establish a religion around your nature as a Dragon God, it would solidify your position as a Deity and people's prayers would make you stronger as well Rean.)

*Hm? well you saying that does add some weight to it Gaea, your a Goddess after all and Astraea doesn't remember anything about her past... still I rather not have to deal with that at least not right now*.

Astraea, Excalibur and Gaea both laughed while I just smiled at their antics finding them funny but worrisome at the same time *anyways let's go back and see what has change with Kaede now that her full potential has been unlocked*.

With that said I flew back towards earth and towards the Nakashima household to see how Kaede was doing with the changes in her, both physically and spiritually.

It didn't take me long to get back to the Nakashimas who were right now speaking with each other, Kaede of course was being fuzzed over by Hanako while she gently hugged her Pokémon egg to her chest.

I landed a small distance away from them right besides Charizard who gave my a thumbs-up and a grin, it seems like he liked the whole show and approved which made my chuckled and return his thumbs-up.

Kaede noticed me and immediately ran towards me, as she approached me I couldn't help but noticed the physical changes on her body, she definitely looked like an Oni now even more so that her mom.

Her horns, Red claws and fangs were proof that she was no longer human, Kaede has now truly become a Supernatural being though going by the big smile on her face I doubt she cares much about her humanity.

Kaede stopped in front of me and grin "Rean look! I have horns!" Kaede suddenly began to giggle which made smile "I feel amazing! like I'm finally complete! it's almost like I was missing a part of myself that I never knew was missing!".

I nodded "well a part of you that was dormant just woke up and your adapting to it since it's been a part of you since you were born, more than likely that's what your feeling right".

I reached over and gently touched her horns, she blushed a bit but let me inspect them "hmm these horns are made of solidified Yōki..." I reached for one of Kaede's hands and inspected her claws "your claws as well".

Kaede blinked in confusion "Yōki? what's that?".

I smiled at her and then proceeded to explain "Yōki is the demonic energy within Yokai and its what allows them the ability to use Supernatural powers like Youjutsu".

Kaede nodded while I hummed a bit "you have quite the big pool of Yōki and mana... plus it seems like both the elements of Fire and Earth bonded with you as well... the Earth element and massive mana pool is from your Nakiri bloodline, your Fire element is from your Oni bloodline and both elements have merged with both your physical and spiritual body".

Kaede hummed "what does that mean for me?".

"It means that we now know which elements work the best for you so we know what to focus your training on, Oni are very strong as well so martial arts would work the best for you as well".

Hanako walked up towards us with Isamu and then spoke up "that's true, most Oni focus on both punching and kicking techniques to take advantage of our immense strength, though there's some who are excellent swordsman or Spearmen".

Kaede nodded in understanding "well I think I would like to focus in physical techniques but I want to add my elements to them".

I nodded "Charizard will help you with that, he can teach you some Fire Type physical attacks, I'll teach you how to control mana and manipulate it so you can be better at using Earth and Fire plus I can teach you Martial art techniques and Earth based Physical attacks as well".

Kaede smiled and looked very excited, she then looked down at her Pokémon egg for a few moments "oh! do you know which Pokémon is inside this egg?".

I nodded and gave her a smirk "of course I do, I did grant your wish after all but let's leave that as a surprise okay? but I will tell you that it is a Starter Pokémon".

Kaede turned her had towards Charizard "you mean like Charizard? you did mentioned them before... they're supposed to be the trio of Pokémon chosen to be given to beginner Trainers, each one is from one of three elements... Fire, Water and Grass".

I nodded confirming what Kaede just said, during one of our talks about Pokémon during her lunch on school, I explained a bit about Starter Pokémon and how they're given to Trainers who are about to start their journeys.

So she knew that Starter Pokémon were special to Trainers being their first Pokémon and that the bond one creates with one of them is priceless as shown with me and Charizard, Isamu then spoke up to me "well... you certainly delivered an impact full show Rean, I can only dread the amount of paperwork me and the rest of the Politicians will get in the upcoming days..."

I winced a bit because Isamu looked dead on his feet, I fact he was dryly chuckling to himself while a shadow covered his face while both Hanako and Kaede sweatdropped and nervously laughed.

Lucario scratched his head not knowing what to say but he decided to help Isamu if that look he was giving was anything to go by "sorry Isamu but I did need to be in that form to grant wishes".

Isamu recovered a bit and smiled at me "it's fine Rean and besides you did it to help Kaede, I'm willing to brave the paperwork for her!".

It might have looked and sounded cooler if he said that while not crying big sloppy tears but I got the message, I then turned my head towards Kaede "Keade try to imagine yourself how you looked before becoming an Oni".

Kaede nodded and closed her eyes, she didn't even questioned what I asked of her which was very telling of how much she trusted me now.

It took a few minutes but eventually Kaede's Oni features began to dissipated into little wisps of energy, almost as if they were made of sand except the red highlights on her hair.

Those stayed as a sign of her true Supernatural nature, it was a common thing among the Supernatural beings to have something that sets them apart from a normal human being for example my eyes which glow and are a very vivid purple color.

Some signs were subtle, it could be something like an Aura or a some kind of air around you, other signs weren't so subtle like a Fallen Angel's Supernatural beauty or a Devil sinful beauty.

These little signs can't be easily hidden and most don't care enough to do so, me included of course since I really couldn't care less if people fear me or something.

Kaede opened her eyes and looked over herself as if checking if she was missing something, once she was sure that everything was still where it was supposed to be she turned her head towards me and gave me a big smile "oh! I'm back to being human~ I was wondering what I was going to do for school, maybe wear a hat and gloves or something! I'm glad I don't have to worry about it now".

I chuckled at the image of Kaede trying to hide her horns with a hat which after seeing me laugh, must have made her understood how silly that just sounded and as a result Kaede blushed in embarrassment.

Hanako walked up to Kaede and gently grabbed some of her hair while staring at the red highlights on it"these highlights are the same color of my hair... looks like this is the sign of our Oni clan, though I'm curious about our hair color".

I turned my head towards Hanako and raised an eyebrow "how come? is red hair rare on Oni?".

Hanako let go of Kaede's hair and nodded "I've seen Crimson Hair on Oni before but Kaede's and mine looks like red hot fire... so far I haven't met any other Oni with my hair color and I've looked everywhere I could but so far I've only seen, green, blue and crimson hair color".

She must have looked for Oni of the same Clan in an effort to learn about her parents and who she was, if Yasaka hasn't said anything to Isamu and Hanako then that means she herself doesn't know as well *perhaps she's an Oni from another sect of Yokai... I did hear Yasaka speak about the West region Yokai before after all*.

Kaede tilted her hair "so you've never found out what type of Oni you are mom?".

Hanako shook her head and sadly smiled "no, I've looked in a few places like Kyoto and some settlements of Yokai elsewhere in Japan but I've never met another Oni with the same red hot fire hair as me... it was during those trips around Japan where I met your father and after falling in love with him I gave up looking for answers, still there are times when I wish I could tell you who and what we are Kaede but other than 'I was found abandoned in a forest' I have nothing else to tell you about our kind".

I stared at Hanako for a few moments, she looked srather sad and lonely right now *not knowing whether you were wanted or loved... wondering why you were abandoned in a forest, I can't even imagine how that would feel...*.

[It must have been eating at her all that time, otherwise she wouldn't have been looking for answers for that long though it seems like she found love along that way and finally got a family as well.]

I mentally nodded at Astraea and then spoke up to Hanako "I'll see what I can find about the type of Oni you and Kaede are, right now your classified as just Oni but as Kaede grows she might evolve into something else or at least that's how it happened to me".

Hanako smiled and nodded while Isamu quietly grabbed her hand, he must know that this was important for her and wanted to show his support Kaede however was curious about what I had said "evolve? what do you mean?".

I smiled at her and proceeded to explain what I had learned "well at the beginning I was just a Dragonoid which is a Half Human, half Dragon hybrid and over time, as I grew stronger I evolved, first into a Heavenly Dragon and then finally into a Dragon God! the same thing might happen to you as well Kaede, especially since your a half Human, Half Oni hybrid".

The Nakashimas widen their eyes in surprise, Kaede however had more questions it seems and she didn't waste anytime asking them "wait! your were originally a Human hybrid like me!? wait... your dad is a Dragon!? how did that work with your mom!? oh no! poor Rean's mom!".

I sweatdropped because I really don't know how she arrived at whatever she was imagining right now, Hanako then suddenly spoke "or poor father! the mom might be the Dragon in this situation! hahaha I bet your dad was grinning like a loon while being in the hospital with broken hips!".

I deadpanned at both of them while Isamu just sighed and shook his head, yeah this must be normal for him "errr... both my parents aren't really Dragons" I sighed because I was going to have to explain further than I wanted to and that was not something I wanted to do yet.

But oh well it's not like I was trying that hard to hide all of this "my Dragonic heritage comes from my father sure but he isn't a Dragon nor even a Dragonoid but rather a Human with a slight Dragonic Bloodline from an ancient Dragon God...".

As predicted, Isamu's eyes widen I realization while both Kaede and Hanako were humming while thinking about what I just said.

Isamu however decided not to wait "so your a true Hayashi... I thought so after I heard your last name but since they're all gone for some reason I didn't want to assume, I take it your the son of the Heir that left the clan years ago correct?".

I scratched my head and nodded "yes that's me... I'm the son of Angela and Tooru Hayashi though, I'm surprised you knew about my father leaving the Hayashi Clan".

Isamu nodded and sighed "when he left it was big news that hit even the Politicians of Japan, the Hayashi Clan were a very famous Japanese Clan after all and Tooru was well known and liked... it was a sad day when he left the Clan because it meant that we had to deal with Hideyoshi and no one liked that man".

I nodded in understanding, though I was surprised my father was well liked and known in the political circle of Japan, then again that's what probably helped him establish the company " I see... well it was Hideyoshi who caused my father to leave the Clan with his obsessive behavior plus he was already targeting my sister to become the Heir of the Clan at the time and tried to forcefully awaken her Dragonic Bloodline, which my dad and mom did not appreciated".

Isamu hummed "I see... now it makes sense, your parents must have wanted you and your sister to be away from the Supernatural, which I can agree and support but knowing how Hideyoshi was I bet he didn't like that one bit...".

"He didn't and tried to force a lot of things on my family back then, he's actio5n caused a lot of pain and turmoil on my little family... we all hate the Hayashi something fierce because of that".

It was true, mom and dad missed a lot of our lives in their efforts for their energies not awaken our bloodlines, Rika's partial awakening caused by Hideyoshi caused her to act coldly and cruelly towards me, something she really regrets and it shows by just how much she refuses to do anything to do with the Supernatural.

Isamu sighed and nodded, Hanako looked down and seemed to be thinking, while Kaede fidgeted where she was standing making smile "you can ask whatever you want Kaede, you don't have to worry about offending me".

Kaede sighed I relief and nodded "do you know what happened to the Hayashi? I heard dad speak about it and it seems like since they're gone the other Clans began to act up".

"... I killed most of the Hayashi and destroyed the Clan Compounds" the Nakashima stared at me in surprise for a few seconds but didn't seemed to be put off by what I just said.

Isamu crossed his arms and hummed "I take it Hideyoshi did something to you or your family right? I don't see you do all of that for no reason, you do not strike me as the kind of person to causes wanton destruction for the hell of it".

Hanako and Kaede nodded in agreement to Isamu's words which made me smile "Hideyoshi somehow found out I had become very powerful and though it was a good idea to try and force me back into the Clan, when he threatened Rika my little sister I decided I didn't want to deal with his stupidity and decided to just destroy the clan, though I did spared the children and the woman while making sure they wouldn't remember anything about the Hayashi".

Isamu nodded "ah! so Hideyoshi went and poked a Dragon on the butt... for someone so old, strong and with Dragonic blood, he wasn't very smart huh?".

I grinned and smiled at Isamu "that's right, the old fool died ranting about the greatness of the Hayashi and some other nonsense, it really was all just an annoyance though my actions seemed to have caused everything that happened to you three... for that I am sorry".

Isamu, Hanako and Kaede smiled at me letting me know they didn't blame me for everything that happened to them, Hanako actually shrugged and shook her head "it wouldn't have matter Rean, I'm sure that eventually the Great Five Principal Clans would come after us, after all Isamu was already moving against them and it was a matter of time before they would noticed though it did happen way sooner than we expected".

Isamu nodded, while Kaede smiled "besides we know your a good guy Rean and you only retaliate, I don't think you've even gone out the way to look for trouble".

I sighed because boy wasn't that the truth, honestly I would like to just be left alone and just thinker away with Forging and what not and spend time with my girlfriends, daughters and Pokémon in peace but as a Gamer that's just impossible "well that's enough of this heavy talk, now we should begin with your training Kaede".

The Nakashima smiled and nodded, soon after both Hanako and Isamu after hugging Kaede and wishing her luck left to go back to what they were doing while me and Kaede begin with her training.

Kaede looked at her egg and then at me "Rean, do you know when my Pokemon is going to hatch? and what do I do to make it hatch?".

I smiled and began to explain "just carrying the egg around with you will help it hatch and it will take some time for it to do so but don't worry it wont be too long, for now let Charizard hold it while we train".

Kaede nodded and then walked over to Charizard and handed it to him with a big bright smile on her face, Charizard carefully took it and held it up while Kaede walked back to me.

Once she was in front of my I decided to speak "alright to begin your training I think some experience fighting will help you a long way, plus it will prepare you for what's to come, that way you will know what to expect! for that we'll be Dungeon Diving".

Kaede tilted her head "I agree that experience is what I need the most but Dungeon Diving? like a game Dungeon Diving?".

I nodded and she brightly smiled "oh! those exist!? that's neat! I played a lot of RPGs when I was younger and always liked the exploration aspects of those types of game!".

I chuckled and nodded, the absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on me but it only made me feel amused "I can create Dungeons thanks to my Domain over creation though I don't doubt there's really some Dungeons somewhere in the world, more than likely in the Underworld though since that place is saturated with mana".

Kaede seemed very excited now "alright! then let's go already!".

I chuckled and nodded, then mentally opened my Instant Dungeon menu, its been a while since me and the girls had gone Dungeon Diving since we've been very busy lately, though we had been using the other Raid modes more since we get far more Exp, Gold and Drops this way.

However as I opened my menu I was surprised to see all the Instant Dungeons I had unlocked to be gone, instead only one option remained and it was named 'Gaea's Great Labyrinth'.

I sweatdropped at the name and the asked the only one who could explain wha had happened and the culprit of this *Gaea? want to explain this?*.

Gaea giggled and then spoke up from withing my soul (of course Rean! I didn't like how limited your Instant Dungeons seemed to be, Astraea did a good job sure but having all of them separated and limited to certain locations only made things complicated so instead I created this Labyrinth!.)

*So I take it this is like the Dungeon in Orario?*.

(Well almost, the set up is the same! each floor is going to be massive and certain monsters will appear in each floor like in Orario but here's the fun part! with Astraea's help we were able to tweak the Dungeon to your benefit and made it into a self evolving Dungeon! something I wasn't able to do with the Dungeon in Orario.)

*Self evolving? what does that mean?*.

(It means that the Dungeon will grow as you grow and fight more types of beings in your adventures, the monsters will be smart and strong as well, they will also have skills and Magic so compared to before it will be a challenge! also there will be treasure to be found in chests and the monsters will drop far more amazing stuff upon defeat along with even more gold, so I suggest that for now Kaede and you stay on the first floor... ah! unlike before when you cleared a Dungeon when defeating all monsters that doesn't happen here, the Dungeon will continue to spawn monsters until you decided to leave and the only way to clear the floor is defeating the boss in that floor.)

*I see, so each floor now has an unlimited amount of monsters and a boss at the end of each floor... that's actually very neat, will the enemies and monsters I beat outside of the Dungeon be added to Dungeon as well?*.

(That's right so keep fighting Rean! also thanks to your Domains the Dungeon floor will be very diverse in environments as you progress, so enjoy!.)

It looks like Kaede's first Dungeon Diving adventure will be an interesting one, I'm going to have to make sure to keep an eye out for her.