

Chapter 78.

Kaede tilted her head and stared at me in confusion for a little while before her confusion and curiosity pushed her to raise a question "I'm going to make a wish? and your going to grant it?".

I smiled and nodded though inwardly I was laughingat the incredulous look she was giving me "I guess I haven't explained what I'm capable of and the kind of Supernatural being I am right?".

The Nakashima nodded since it was true, I haven't really explained who or what I am and I'm pretty sure Yasaka wouldn't say anything about it to Isamu which was confirmed with what he said next "well Yasaka only told me you were a very powerful being and that no one in this world could hope to compare to you but that on itself was pretty vague, though I am curious I decided to no ask out of respect for you".

I nodded while Hanako hummed "well when we first met my first instict was to grab Kaede and throw my husband at you, that pretty much tells me that your a being with a power level well beyond what I could possibly imagine, that and the all encompassing terror I felt by just being in your sight!".

Me and Isamu sweatdropped after Hanako said her piece, me because damn that was very descriptive way of saying I scared her half to death and Isamu because she so nonchalantly just proclaimed that she was going to throw him at me to save herself and Kaede.

The thing is I really don't know if she's being serious or not and by the look Isamu has on his face right now he doesn't know either, though Kaede just sheepishly laughed and tried to ignore what her mother just said and spoke up "well I figured you were some sort of God, your certainly powerful enough and the fact that the Pokémon respect and listen to you just made me think that's who you really are though I have no idea what sort of God you could be".

I chuckled and grinned at Kaede "well your not wrong though your only half right, now this goes without saying but do keep what I'm about to tell you a secret okay? or at least until I decided to reveal myself to the world that is".

The Nakashima turned their head to each other and exchanged looks for a few moments before nodding, Isamu then smiled "of course Rean, You have already done a lot for us so the least we can do is keep quiet of anything you want to reveal to us".

Hanako nodded "plus your revealing whatever information your about to because it will help Kaede right?" I gave her nod to confirm what she just asked "then we sure as hell are going to keep it a secret!".

Kaede then smiled "I owe you my life already Rean, plus your going to help me get strong so I'm more than happy to keep your secrets!".

I smiled at the Nakashimas, this small family has already become friends to me and I had already decided to introduced them to my family and friends when all of this is over "thank you guys, now as you know my name is Rean Hayashi and what I am is the Galaxy Stardust Creation Dragon a Dragon God".

The air, no the very universe seemed to vibrate as soon as I stated my full title which startled the Nakashimas quite a bit and pretty much the entire world.

All over the planet both Supernatural beings and mundane humans tensed up as the entire planet vibrated as a unknown presence estated its presence.

It startled everyone and made quite a few very nervous and even paranoid, except Rean's family and friends who didn't even noticed it since they were alreade used to Rean's presence and the air he gives off.

But what confused the entire Supernatural world was that no matter how hard they tried they couldn't pin point where the presence came from or what sort of being it was, all they could feel is its vast power but nothing else.

Isamu who even though was raised by Kappa didn't know what a Dragon God was, though he knew that Dragons were the most powerful beings on this world but that didn't surprise him since Rean was definitely that strong.

Kaede who has so little knowledge of the Supernatural World just tilted her head and seemed to be very confused right now, Hanako though looked like she was having a panic attack since when she met the Oni in Kyoto she came to learn about the Supernatural.

So she knew who and what were the Dragon Gods and now she had one in front of her face, that made her have a little mental breakdown "y-your a Dragon God?".

Rean nodded "that's right! I'm actually the third Dragon God in existence but I'm rather far more powerful than the other two because of the many Conceptual Domains I have control over".

Kaede looked a little worried about her mother since she was hyperventilating right now but then again she was a very dramatic person so she decided to ignore her in favor of asking questions "there's only three Dragon Gods? are they really that strong?".

Isamu nodded also wanting to know about what Kaede had asked, I hummed a bit and decided to explain "well Dragon Gods are above everything else in this world, in fact their a rank of power on their own, we start at Low Class, to Middle Class, to High Class and then Ultimate Rank.

These are the most common ranks a Supernatural being and even a Human can reach but beyond that there's even more ranks starting with Super Devil, God, Dragon King, Heavenly Dragon and finally Dragon God, these ranks are the outliers, the freaks, the monsters and the beings you definitely do not want to face".

The Nakashima were now paying their full attention as I explained even Hanako who stopped her panic attack was listening intently but was sweating nervously still, meanwhile I continued on "now these outlier ranks don't really show the power one holds correctly since at this point it doesn't matter because upon reaching Super Devil rank your already capable of destroying whole Countries.

But they don't really show just how powerful one is a good example of this is Sirzechs Lucifer who is a Super Devil and has the rank of the same name but is able to fight Gods on even terms, another example would be some of the Dragon Kings being as powerful as a Heavenly Dragon but don't have the title because they don't have a Conceptual technique like Ddraig and Albion had.

These ranks are just for show really and anyone holding one should be considered bullshit strong but among all of these, right at the top of the food chain is the Dragon Gods.

No matter who or what they are no one can compare much less surpass a Dragon God and they're both hated and feared because of that, luckily for everyone in this world we're a pretty mellow bunch and are content just minding our own business".

Kaede hummed and got lost in her thoughts while Isamu nodded, Hanako sighed "you make it sound like you know the other Dragon Gods... you don't right?".

Hanako actually looked afraid for my answer which only got worse when I kindly smiled at her "I don't personally know Great Red though I know he's quite happy lounging around the Dimensional Gap and doing air tricks" Hanako sighed in relief hearing me say that I don't personally know Great Red.

Too bad I'm about to rain of her parade "Ophis used to get involved with a shady organization because she had a grudge against Great Red but she now spends her days living in my house and hanging out with my family or eating snacks in my shop".

Hanako sweatdropped and looked like she was about to cry, Isamu patted his wife's head in a effort to console her which just resulted in her hugging him and blowing her nose on his shirt, which made him flinched and sighed in exasperation.

It made me chuckle seeing all of that, Kaede however smiled "oh! so one of the other Dragon Gods lives with you! how does she look and how does she act with all of you?".

I smiled at Kaede, it seems that she's very curious about creatures in general not just Pokémon "Ophis is an odd Dragon God, she doesn't show a lot of emotions and will more than likely deadpan at you if you try to talk to her but she's can be very physical when it comes to affection, she sort of acts like a cat.

She might seem uncaring and might ignore your existence most of the time but she will eventually come to you and ask for attention or affection... or a snack".

I laughed at that last part because everyone got into a habit of carrying a pastry in their pockets because of this fact, even the Pokémon save a Pokepuffin or something just in case she comes to them.

Hanako groaned from where her face was hiding in Isamu's chest, more than likely all of this information must be destroying the way she thought this world worked.

Meanwhile Kaede had a wide smile on her face and sparkles coming out of her eyes, I think the image of Ophis acting like a cat appeals to her quite a bit, though I still needed to answer the rest of Kaede's questions "and Ophis likes to take of the form of a very petite young woman though don't ask me why, the only reason she ever gave us is because she fits everywhere this way".

Ophis can change her form whichever way she wants but she feels more comfortable in her petite form and when asked that was the reason she gave us so we didn't ask again.

Kaede looked like she wanted to hug Ophis, I guess Ophis got lucky she decided to stay at home otherwise she might have been turned in to hug pillow or something, Kaede then decided to ask something "is there a plushie of Ophis?".





Oh wow Kaede just left me and Astraea, Gaea and Excalibur speechless because quite honestly that was a good question "... err no but now that I think about it I should make Plushies of the girls, they're very popular in the shop and everyone would want to get one of them".

That was a understatement on my part, all of the girls were popular in the shop especially because of the maid outfits, even the Xeno girls had a lot of fans and lately I've been making all sort of Maid Uniforms for them to wear as well, so it might not be a bad idea to do that *Astraea remind me to make Plushies of the girls when I get some free time*.

[OH! OH! make them with all kinds of cosplay and outfits! I'm sure that all of them wearing magical girl outfits like Serafall's or even the Nurse Joy outfits will make them very popular Rean!.]

Looks like Astraea is excited with this idea *sure we'll give a try and when I make a few I'll talk to the girls about them and see if they agree to the Plushies being sold in the shop*.

[Sounds like a plan! I'm sure they'll be as popular as the Pokémon Plushies and you can even make them with a Pokémon of their choice by their side too.]

Not a bad idea *sounds good!* Astraea happily hummed while I smiled at Kaede, who seems very happy that she gave me an idea " alright we sort went on a whole different tangent but let's get back on topic!".

The Nakashima nodded and now that Hanako was fully calmed I began to explain further "okay, now that I explained a bit about ranks and Dragon Gods I should explain about what I meant, first of all my main Conceptual Domain is over the Stars or rather that was my first one, I am a Star Dragon after all but let me ask you, what is most associated with Stars?".

The Nakashimas thought about my question for a few moments but it was Kaede who answered first "wishes! most people see a star and the first thing they think about is making a wish!".

I nodded at her "that's right, just recently I awaken the ability to grant wishes and that's the ability I'm going to use to help Kaede get started on her path to growing stronger!".

The Nakashima gaped at me in shock and I don't blame them since this is pretty big, making a wish come true is a whole different level of bullshit but when it comes to Gamers you just don't know the level of bullshit they can pull off.

Isamu shook his head and then spoke "wait a minute Rean! this could be very dangerous to yourself, this ability of yours could paint a big target on your back you know that right?".

It says a lot about the Nakashimas that they're staring worriedly at me at this very moment, most people would just accept me granting a wish and that's that but all three looked very concern about me and that made me happy "don't worry, I wasn't lying about us Dragon Gods being at the top of the food chain Isamu besides, I can just choose not to grant a wish".

Isamu nodded while Kaede raised up a question "so you can choose not to grant a wish?... it's good that your not compelled to grant wishes like the Genies from books, still I'm sure there's other ways for you to prevent anyone from just making a wish on you right?".

I smiled at Kaede and then gave her a nod "well I can choose the trigger for when I'm granting a wish but for this I'll make it simple for you but later on I'll choose something more complicated plus I have to be in my True Dragon God Form to grant a wish and trust me, no one is going to want to get close to me when I take that form".

The Nakashima seemed to relax after I explained a little bit about how this ability worked, of course I was leaving a lot out because I didn't want to explain the nature of my powers so I decided to keep this simple.

Kaede however looked like she was curious about something so I waited little bit for her to ask what she had in mind which she did a few moments later "True Dragon God Form huh?... does that mean you have a regular Dragon Form? how do you look as a Dragon?!".

It made me chuckle how excited Kaede seems about my true form so I decided to tell her a little bit about it "my Dragon Form is massive and purple colored, my girlfriends have told me that I look very cool and shiny since my scales shine like stars".

Kaede's eyes shined as soon as I told her about my Dragon From, its a shame I don't take on my Dragon Form often but with how distinctive and big it is, it would only bring attention to me and Kuoh though I'm sure it won't matter once I reveal myself to the world but by then I wouldn't matter anyways.

I'll just ward Kuoh with Intent Wards which would kill anyone that has even a hint of malice towards me and my loved ones, in fact Yasaka also wanted these type of wards in Kyoto or at the very least around the Gold and Silver Towers.

But that's for later, right now I needed to get these done so Kaede can begin her training so I decided to move things along " alright, before I begin there's a few things I have to let you know and explain so listen up okay?".

Kaede immediately gave me her full attention along with Isamu and Hanako, I then continued with my explanation "first of all once I take my True Dragon Form please do not panic, I'm not going to hurt you... or eat you" I gave Hanako a pointed look at that last part only for her awkwardly laugh.

I sighed but then smiled and went on "as soon as I address you Kaede speak my full title and then speak your wish out loud" Kaede nodded but then looked like she was thinking something over.

A few moments later she finally decided to ask a question "but what should I wish for? and how many wishes can you grant?".

I grinned already expecting these questions "I can grant two Wishes, I want you to wish for me to awaken your full potential, that will no doubt awaken the dormant Nakiri and Oni powers within you, as for the second wish? you can ask whatever you want but do keep it clean okay?".

Kaede widely smiled and nodded to me, she seemed very excited about what was going to happen which in turn made me feel excited as well "okay now brace yourselves! I'm about to take my True Dragon Form and remember! do not be afraid!".

Kaede, Hanako and Isamu nodded and I began my preparations to start the show first to add to the drama of the whole thing I used my Weather Control Skill and engulfed the entire world with storm clouds.

It was so abrupt and unexpected that it startle the Nakashimas, the three of them looked up and around the entire area as black storm clouds covered the world.

What Rean didn't know was that his power had grown big enough for a Skill like Weather Control to have enough power to begin to spread to other dimensions, so the Underworld, Heaven and even the lands of the Gods began to get filled with black storm clouds that began to lash out with purple lightning.

This of course made the Mundane and Supernatural worlds panic, the Devils stared up at their superficial sky take in a dreadful atmosphere, Ajuka was completely perplexed not knowing what was going on and no matter what he tried with the weather machine he created the storm clouds continued to spread.

Things got even worse when purple lightning began to rumble and lash out from the storm clouds causing mass fear and confusion among the Devils, however Devils like Sirzechs, his parents and lords Sitri and Phenex had an idea of who was causing this and just looked up wondering just what Rean was doing.

The Fallen Angels were all very afraid thinking this entire situation was brought about a Deity or some kind of powerful being that wnated to killed them all, this forced Azazel to maintain order and force his entire Faction to take refuge under the many safe houses the Grigori had all over the Underworld.

Still he was also feeling a foreboding chill run down his spine, something about this entire situation made him feel insignificant and clueless and he hated feeling like this.

As he looked up and watched the purple Lightning lash out and come down to the ground with the force of a Dragon's roar, he couldn't help but feel other small.

He was worried about what exactly is going on in the world and afraid that whatever it was it would eventually set it eyes on the Grigori, he even more than ever before wanted to get the Peace Talks done with already so him and his Faction can feel at ease.

In Heaven the Angels were all running around in a panic, the entirety of Heaven had become pitch black from the black stormy clouds that took over the white ones that were always presents in Heaven.

No one knew what was going and God's system was letting out a very loud wailing noise, like as if it was afraid of someone or something but no one could blame God's System for acting this way since even them the Angels of Heaven were feeling very afraid.

Michael had to scramble along Raphael and Uriel to keep the order and control the situation in both Heaven and the church, who were also having mass a panic.

The only only not worried nor even paying attention to this entire situation was Gabriel who was very busy drawing Pokémon in her chambers to really care about what was going on, right now all she cared about was finishing her drawings so she could go show them to her best friend Serafall.

The rest of the Supernatural world were confused and alarmed as their home dimensions were suddenly affected by an outside force that brought pitch black clouds and purple lightning to lash out, many panicked but some Factions like Asgard and the Yokai Faction took it in stride.

Asgard because everyone there found this entire situation entertaining while the Yokai all stared at the sky and for some unknown reason couldn't help but smile, it was a strange feeling that had them feeling like whatever is going on wasn't going to affect them negatively.

In fact they felt safe and happy at the show they were getting, the fact that both Lugia and Ho-oh were screeching and roaring at the sky excitedly as if calling out a friend, had everyone thinking that something amazing was about to happen.

The Yokai were of course right but nothing in the world could prepare them and the rest of both the Supernatural and Mundane world for what they were about to witness next.

Kaede looked around towards the sky and gaped at the pitch black stormy clouds that completely blocked the sun, the purple lightning that began to rumble and lash out only added to the amazing sight before her but even though all of this was happening and it was amazing to see.

A part of her knew that this was just only the beginning, a thought that was proven right when she moved her face towards her new friend Rean only to see him grin at her and wink.

Before she could even say anything Rean's entire body was engulfed in a mass of purple colored energy that made then wind pick up something fierce, the wind was so strong that she thought she was going to be sent flying, when suddenly Charizard appeared behind her and grabbed her shoulder to steady her.

Kaede looked behind and saw Charizard give her a grin which made her smile at him, she then took a look towards her mom and dad and saw both Lucario and Snorlax helping them not get sent flying through the air.

Lucario held onto her dad's shoulders and helped him steady himself while Snorlax sat behind her mom and hugged her so she wouldn't get sent flying, suddenly the massive amount of purple energy that engulfed Rean's began to coalesce into an egg like structure.

The egg grew and grew while pulsating like a heartbeat and Kaede couldn't pry her eyes from the sight, she had never seen anything so amazing and magical in her life.

She knew she should scared or even a little worried but she somehow also knew that nothing would happen to her or her mom and dad, she knew Rean would never hurt them.

How she knew this? she didn't know and the fact that she just met Rean not even three days ago hasn't escaped her noticed either, but from the moment she met Rean and the way he honestly spoke to her made her think that he was a good person.

He quickly became a confidant, a teacher and a good friend who would listen to her concerns, patiently and answer all her questions while also spending time with her.

This was something that Kaede had never experienced before and was glad to be able to do so with Rean and the Pokémon, she liked how happy he was speaking about Pokémon, how excited he gets when he speaks about one of his girlfriends or daughters.

She knew he must love them dearly to get like that by just speaking about them but it was also something that shows how earnest he is with his emotions and even though it took her a bit to accept the fact, that yes Harems were normal in the Supernatural she was glad Rean was one of the ones who had one.

He was certainly changing a lot about her, not only her views of the world but he had showed her that not everything in the Supernatural was scary and dangerous, there were also good things and good people.

But her train of thought was suddenly interrupted when the massive egg of purple energy suddenly shot off towards the sky while rapidly beginning to grow even more until it disappeared into the black clouds sky.

Everything was silent and still for a few precious moments as Kaede, Hanako and Isamu continued to look towards the sky waiting for what else was about to happen when suddenly there was a loud crack and a boom that she was sure the entire world heard.

Purple wisps of lights began to rain down and the whole planet shook and rumble as a massive shadow began to drift down from the black stormy clouds and suddenly to Kaede's gaze and that of the entire world a massive Dragon began to break out from the pitch black stormy clouds.

Kaede's eyes widen in shock and if she wasn't so busy gaping at what she was seeing she would have turned her head to see how her mom and dad were also staring at the sky in shock as a truly massive Dragon that seemed to be made of purple energy, stars and even whole Galaxies continued to float down.

Kaede continued to stare and even though she called the Dragon before her massive it still wasn't enough to describe how big the Dragon really is, in fact she didn't know just how big it is since she couldn't see where it begin or ends.

All over the world Mundane world, Humans looked up at the sky as what can only be described as a massive Dragon appeared from within the black stormy clouds, there was panic and terror among the mundane populace.

Many thought that it was the end of the world, some thought that they were being attacked by an aliens of sorts, a few thought that this was some God thats came to bring its judgment upon the world but many more were awestruck at what they were seeing at this very moment.

After all humanity has changed a lot in mentality thanks to the media and entertainment industry, sure some were already thinking all kinds of far-fetched ideas about what's going on.

But curiosity and awe was the more prevalent emotion within humanity, after all many had wanted or wished to see something like this happening in their boring lives, this event would become largely known throughout the world and even though most of the governments of the world were having a panic attack at the fact that something large enough to hug the whole planet had appeared out of nowhere, most of the citizens of the world were rather excited about it.

The Supernatural world was besides themselves and as they watched as the massive Dragon floated down and covered the world, terror and dread filled their hearts.

After all they now clearly know that there's a being out there that is capable of slapping the planet out of existence and that fact hit all of them hard, even the so called Gods that govern the world could only gape and hope that whatever being had appeared wouldn't destroy the planet.

Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels and every other Supernatural being felt for the very first time insignificant in the face of something so amazing and terrifying, no one knew what to do or how to respond and the fact that every Supernatural being froze unable to move out of sheer terror made things even worse for them.

However there were a few who were unaffected, the Yokai of the Yokai Faction were elated and felt safe in the presence of such a being, the feeling they felt if being protected only increased in the presence of this massive Dragon.

In Kuoh all of the girls who love Rean looked up at the massive Dragon and could only smile at the sight of it knowing that it was Rean, Serafall who was sitting on the roof top of their home gently smiled towards the Dragon "looks like your having fun Rean~".

The small Maou was evidently amused by her boyfriend's theatrics, when suddenly Yasaka jumped right to her side and also looked up with a fond smile on her face "looks like our beloved decided to come out from hiding".

Serafall giggled and shook her head "he never hid, he just never advertised who and what he is".

Yasaka couldn't help the amuse smiled that appeared on her face from showing "fufufu it's going to get wild around the Supernatural world now".

Serafall nodded but she really didn't care much, it her opinion the Supernatural world needed a wake up call and what better one than a 'bigger than a planet Dragon?' still its going to be fun watching everyone else run around like headless chickens.

Yunyun and Asia who were in school when Rean made his appearance and were now looking out the window with everyone in their class, exchanged amused looks and smiled knowing that Rean was more than likely having some fun right now.

They were also glad that their fellow classmates weren't afraid but rather curious about what was going on, though they also guess that the Pokémon's presence helped alleviate any fear and panic the might have felt.

Especially when all the Pokémon were excitedly cheering and roaring towards the Dragon, it was cute how all of them were calling out to Rean happy to see him even when he's in his massive True Dragon God Form.

Sakuya, Ryuu, Wiz and Ophis who were working at the shop were now outside looking up towards Rean's massive True Dragon God Form, Sakuya sighed but had a very amused smile on her face "looks like master Rean is doing something exciting again".

Ryuu softly giggled "I wonder what happened for him to take this form?" Wiz just softly amused and then turned her gaze towards both of her friends "I bet it's something amazing~".

Ophis was silently watching Rean's massive Dragon Form in amazement though if you were to see her face you wouldn't know she was amazed to begin with.

But she really was, not only because of the size of Rean's True Dragon God Form but because she could feel his power and it was enormous *he's bigger than Baka Red too... so this is your true self Rean... it looks incredible...*.

Ophis had seen a lot in her life and she's not an easy being to impress or surprise but living with Rean, the girls, his daughters and the Pokémon had kept her constantly surprise and impressed.

She certainly has no words for what she was witnessing right but a part of her was very glad she didn't pick a fight Rean when they met, she has no doubt now that she wouldn't have survived.

Tione, Tiona and Artemis who were in outskirts of Kyoto hunting down a Stray Devil who had been attacking Yokai for a few days now, looked up in amazement though Artemis just softly smiled already having seen Rean's True Dragon God Form up close before.

But this was the first time the twins had seen it and both of them were very happy and excited about it, Tiona loudly cheered while jumping up and down "look Tione! that's our man up there hahaha!".

Tione smiled at the pride and excitement in her sister's voice and nodded "yup~ that's our man! this form is incredible, I can't believe we missed the first time!".

Artemis giggled "oh yeah both of you were in the Dungeon when Rean transformed into this form the first time, it's amazing isn't it?" both Tione and Tiona nodded excitedly in agreement to Artemis's question.

In Kuoh in the back yard of Rean's and the girl's home both Kunou and Wiene were excitedly calling out to their father happy to see him even if he couldn't hear them right now, around them were some of the Legendary Pokémon who were also cheering and calling out to their friend and master.

Kunou grinned "daddy's is so big! isn't he the coolest Wiene?" Wiene nodded and grinned back at her sister "of course he is! daddy is a Dragon God after all and he's the strongest!".

Kunou excitedly nodded agreeing with Wiene, it was after all a simple fact that her father was the coolest and strongest Dragon ever and anyone who disagrees can fight her.