
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · 漫画同人
101 Chs


At this time, Landrick raised his arms to cover his head. The storm continued to rage on, making it impossible for him to flee without getting swept away by the strong winds. He watched as Zapdos evaded any ranged attack that Weezing tried to throw at it, with the storm acting as a natural shield, deflecting each attack with ease. Even the use of the [Smokescreen] move would only provide temporary cover before the winds eventually blew the smoke away.

"Do I really have to use it now?" Landrick muttered as he looked at Weezing.

The move he was considering was [Explosion], a self-destructing move that could deal incredible damage to Zapdos that would give him the opportunity to capture it.

Normally, he would have no hesitation in asking Weezing to use the move. Despite being his starter Pokemon, he knew that the effects of [Explosion] would be temporary, with no long-term effects for Weezing.

However, if Weezing uses it, he would no longer have any healthy pokemon left, making him vulnerable to just about anyone with a pokemon in the forest. After all, there might be reinforcements coming from the league. Not to mention that there's a chance that capturing Zapdos might not be successful at all.

Zapdos suddenly flew upwards, and the storm momentarily ceased its onslaught. The legendary bird let out a series of flashes of lightning, illuminating the sky. Landrick let out a deep sigh, knowing that this was his moment of truth.

In that moment, Landrick steeled his resolve, his eyes reflecting his desperation.

He made a mental note to think about an escape plan later, but for now, he needed to focus on capturing the legendary bird.

Feeling guilty for putting Weezing in such a dangerous situation again, Landrick apologized to his beloved Pokemon in a remorseful tone. However, Weezing didn't seem to mind and responded cheerfully, as if saying "It's okay, I got your back."

As Zapdos approached, Weezing turned to face Landrick and tackled him, sending him flying. Landrick's heart skipped a beat as he thought he was about to be hit by the legendary bird, but Weezing's quick action saved him from harm.

After a few backflips, Landrick regained his balance and reached for his pocket. He retrieved an Ultra Ball and held it tightly in his hand, ready to make his move.


Zapdos then let out a deafening cry, its body pulsing with electric energy. The dark clouds in the sky were swirling in response to Zapdos' cry.

Meanwhile, Weezing was charging up its explosive move, the toxic fumes around its body swirling with deadly intensity. Landrick could feel the heat emanating from his beloved partner, but he knew that this was their only chance to save the day. The tension in the air was palpable, the two combatants facing off in a deadly game of who finishes their big move first.

Despite the speed of their actions, each second felt like an eternity to them.

Meanwhile, somewhere deep in the forest, Folker, Chelsea, and Farlan were running as fast as they could, trying to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the battle. They were also desperately searching for Koichi and the rest of their companions.

"Any luck yet, Folker?" Chelsea asked, her voice strained with exhaustion.

Folker shook his head, his focus solely on his surroundings as he ran. Unlike Lucario, who could sense nearby people and Pokemon with ease, Folker needed to enter a meditative state to tap into his aura powers and detect others. But his proficiency with aura was still not enough to locate their friends.

Suddenly, two figures appeared in front of them. Folker's heart leaped with hope, thinking that they might be one of the captives they rescued earlier.

"Finally, some trainers. Where are the others?" Folker asked, feeling relieved that they weren't from Team Rocket.

Farlan looked closer, and recognized them as Sabrina and Bruno, Saffron City's gym leader and one of Kanto region elite four.

Farlan's eyes, however, lit up as he recognized the two of them but didn't say anything.

Bruno's frown deepened as he saw the trio, clearly annoyed that they were here in the first place. "Why are you kids in here? Get back to the city right now!" he said, his voice stern and commanding.

Folker's brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to make sense of the situation. Chelsea's expression mirrored his, both of them perplexed by Bruno's response.

It was Farlan who recognized the duo, and he quickly filled in his companions. "They weren't one of the trainers we rescued earlier," he said, his voice clear and confident. "These two are Sabrina and Bruno, top trainers from Kanto."

Farlan nodded at Bruno's suggestion and turned to the rest of the group. "Let's move. We don't want to get caught up in that battle," he said, gesturing towards the direction where Zapdos and Landrick were.

Chelsea opened her mouth to object, but Folker's hand on her shoulder stopped her. The trio then picked up their pace, making their way back to Saffron City, while the duo headed deeper into the forest.

"Kids these days, their recklessness knows no bounds," Bruno muttered to himself in a deep voice.

"I think they're fi-" Sabrina started to reply, but before she could finish her sentence, a loud explosion echoed through the entire forest, interrupting her mid-sentence.

Both Sabrina and Bruno paused for a moment, looking at each other with a sense of urgency. Without wasting any time, they increased their speed and headed towards the direction of the explosion.

The forest was shrouded in thick smoke, the aftermath of the explosive battle that had just taken place. As the haze cleared, the sight that greeted Landrick was one of victory. Weezing, despite fainting, had managed to execute its self-destructing move [Explosion] before Zapdos could finish gathering its electric energy.

But where was Zapdos? Landrick's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the legendary bird. His heart racing with anticipation, he saw the ultra ball lying on the ground, twitching as if something powerful was struggling to break free. It could only mean one thing - he had managed to capture Zapdos!

The ultra ball continued to shake violently, as if Zapdos was still trying to escape, but then it began to slow down. The tension in the air was palpable as Landrick held his breath, waiting for the final outcome of this intense battle.

And then, with a click, the ultra ball stopped moving. The silence that followed was deafening.