
Pokemon: A New Path

Naoki, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the vibrant Pokémon world. Inheriting a charming, yet modest ranch, he dreams of a tranquil life surrounded by adorable and fluffy Pokémon. Despite the challenges, Naoki's heart is set on crafting a life filled with simple joys and magical meals that bring him and his Pokémon closer together. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cover image. If you are the rightful owner and would like it removed, I will take it down promptly. ------- This is a Translation ------- Raw Name: 这次不当训练家了 Original Author: 骑车的风 If you want early access join my Patreon :- patreon.com/Keepsmiling818

keep_smiling29 · 漫画同人
132 Chs


As Naoki was speaking, Butterfree suddenly landed next to him and looked toward the entrance of the ranch.

"Mmmmm..." it hummed.

Naoki followed its gaze and saw a familiar figure approaching.

A strong, muscular man.

Naoki raised his eyebrows slightly and walked forward. Before he could speak, the man waved his arms and greeted him.

"Long time no see, Naoki! Do you remember me? We met once before on Glaseado Mountain!"

Naoki smiled, "Of course!"

He remembered this trainer well—someone who only captured strong, muscular Pokémon.

Naoki welcomed the man into his ranch.

Henry, as the man was called, looked around the farm and spotted the neatly arranged ridges of soil. The land looked freshly plowed, as though crops were about to be planted soon.

Henry was stunned. "Wait, you're really a farmer?!"

At first, Henry hadn't believed Naoki. To confirm his doubts, he had even gone to the town, asking the locals about Naoki. Much to his surprise, there truly was a "Naoki's Ranch" nearby.

"So, I wasn't lying to you from the beginning!" Naoki said, amused. "As you can see, I plowed this land two days ago, and I'm planning to start planting summer crops in the coming days."

Naoki then gave Henry a tour of his ranch, explaining as they went along.

"This is the sheepfold. The magical goat milk I mentioned before comes from these three Gogoat," Naoki pointed out.

"This is the Salt House. Inside are my Naclstack and Nacli, who produce rock salt. You might have seen some of their salt in the markets of Kosaji," Naoki continued.

"And over there is the Pokemon House. I'm sure you've had MooMoo Milk before, right?" Naoki asked.

Henry nodded. "I've had MooMoo Milk before, and it's why I'm as strong as I am!" he boasted, flexing his muscles.

Naoki smiled and moved on. "This here is the chicken coop. The hens are regular, non-Pokémon types. Their eggs are sent to the Kosaji market and sold—eventually ending up as fried eggs or omelets."

Finally, Naoki pointed toward the floating Pawmo with the bright red cape. "As for the Pokémon over there, that's Pawmo. It's in charge of managing the chicken coop."

Henry raised his head, staring at Pawmo, who was floating steadily in the air, and asked in disbelief, "Is that really Pawmo?"

Naoki nodded, "As you can see."

Henry, still confused, said, "I may not be from Paldea, but I know Pawmo has Electric and Fighting types. How in the world is it flying?!"

Naoki had long since grown used to the surprises his Pokémon caused. "Of course, it's because this Pawmo is a genius!" he explained with a straight face. "You know about electromagnetic levitation, right?"

"Yes," Henry replied hesitantly.

"Pawmo mastered it through practice," Naoki said, convincing Henry with his calm, confident tone.

"Is that so?" Henry was still a bit bewildered but accepted the explanation.

At that moment, a dazzling green light suddenly flashed from the other side of the pasture.

Henry turned his head to see the source. A Gogoat, which had been grazing peacefully, suddenly stood up, its eyes glowing with a strange power.

Then, a scene that made Henry doubt his life unfolded.

He saw green light constantly surging from the three Gogoats. The light enveloped the entire pen and continued to expand outward.

It was as if the pen was no longer a simple enclosure but a grand stage in Pokémon Hollywood, and Henry had been transformed from a traveling trainer into a spectator, watching a dazzling performance.

"Wait, wait!" Henry held his head, struggling to comprehend what was happening. "Is that really the same Gogoat I know?"

Naoki: "…"

Henry rubbed his eyes, making sure his vision wasn't playing tricks on him.

He thought of Koraidon, the flying Pawmo, and now these three extraordinary Gogoats in front of him.

At this moment, Henry couldn't help but ask, "Did you breed all of these Pokémon?"

How could a simple country farmer, living in a quiet seaside town, breed so many powerful Pokémon? He screamed inwardly.

"Yes," Naoki replied seriously. "But compared to the little girl who became a star at the age of Eight, I still have a long way to go."

Henry took a deep breath and asked, "Where on earth can you find an Eight-year-old who becomes a star?"

At that moment, Naoki suddenly realized that Poppy, one of the Elite Four of Paldea, hadn't been born yet.

He grinned mysteriously and said, "One day, you'll hear her name."

Hearing this, Henry didn't know what to think. He quickly added, "Wait! Don't tell me you're planning to wait until you get married and have children, then pass all these powerful Pokémon to your daughter so she can become the Champion of the world, right?"


Naoki was momentarily speechless. To divert the conversation, he switched to promoting his goat milk.

Then, Henry watched as the young man in front of him pulled a bottle of goat milk out of nowhere.

"Want a bottle? Fresh goat milk that can make your Pokémon stronger. Only 600 Poke Dollars per bottle!"

Henry glanced at the three majestic Gogoats and asked, "Is that why they're so powerful? Because they drank their own milk?"

Naoki thought for a moment and said, "That's just one of the reasons."

Hearing this, Henry fell into deep thought.

He still remembered when he asked about Naoki Ranch in the town, and the townspeople spoke of a magical goat milk sold there.

It was said that drinking this goat milk made people feel full of strength, and Pokémon that had lost their energy would recover immediately after drinking it.

There was even a rumor of a bedridden patient who regained mobility after consuming the goat milk over a long period of time.

But, could this bottle of ordinary goat milk really have such miraculous effects?

After thinking for a moment, Henry pulled out his wallet and counted out a few Poke Dollars: "I'll take a bottle!"


Naoki waved to Koraidon, who retrieved a bottle of packaged goat milk from the refrigerator.

Soon, the goat milk was handed to Henry.

Without hesitation, Henry opened the lid and drank it all.

Moments later, he felt a change in his body and exclaimed in surprise, "My body's heating up!"

"Do you feel like the fatigue has vanished? Like you've got boundless energy?" Naoki asked.

Henry nodded repeatedly: "Exactly!"

"See, I told you!" Naoki grinned.

"This is incredible!"

After experiencing the effects of the goat milk firsthand, Henry was amazed.

He truly believed that if Pokémon and humans drank this milk regularly, they'd become stronger!

In Henry's mind, he envisioned himself and his Incineroar, muscles rippling, winning the championship at a world-class bodybuilding competition.

He quickly took out his wallet, counted his remaining money, and handed over most of it, keeping just enough for food and travel expenses:

"I'll take ten bottles to go!"

"Alright, one moment."

A short while later, Naoki and Koraidon stood by the pasture, watching Henry depart, clearly satisfied, and Naoki couldn't help but smile.

"Looks like my sales skills aren't too shabby!"


Naoki chuckled, turning back towards the house.

At that moment, he heard the energetic chirping of cicadas from the nearby hills.

The river flowed gently, and green lotus leaves floated on its surface.

A few wild Psyduck floated downstream on the river.

As they passed the ranch, they glanced curiously at the scene on the shore before paddling to the other side, where they joyfully hopped around the grass.

The air was growing warmer, with a subtle hint of heat. Everything seemed to declare: Summer is coming! 


[Here's your extra chapter for reaching 400 Power Stones! 🎉 Thank you once again for all your incredible support! 🙏 Let's keep the momentum going—our next goal is 800 Power Stones! 💪 And hey, if we hit 1200 Power Stones today, I'll drop 2 extra chapters tomorrow. Let's do this!"]

Note: If you're eager for more, you can read ahead up to Chapter 170 over on my Patreon! 😊
