
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · 漫画同人
151 Chs


In the previous chapter we see how Looker reads the documents that Courtney copied with her USB and discover that Team Rainbow Rocket had given Team Galaxy the DNA of the legendary Pokémon and a cloning machine like the one which cloned Mewtwo in the movie in exchange only for being their allies. Once the truth about the red chain and its manufacture is discovered, Looker is alarmed and sends people to the Spear Pillar to watch it day and night while our heroes prepare to return to their respective regions.


With Ash.

"Of course we can exchange phone numbers" - I nodded.

"Great, I'll aim yours right now!" – she said pulling out her Rotom Dex.

Juliana's Rotom Dex was orange with violet stripes, I guess that's a reference to the Naranja-Uva Academy.

I nodded and also pulled out my Rotom Dex and we both wrote down each other's phone number.

"Selene, Courtney I want your number too" - Juliana said.

"Really?" - asked Selene.

"Sure, we're friends after all!" – Juliana nodded.

"Okay" - Selene nodded.

Then she took out her Rotom Dex from her pocket and wrote down Juliana's phone number.

"And you Courtney?" - asked Juliana.

"Unfortunately I'm not allowed to have a phone for a year but if you want to talk with me you can call my master at any time" - Courtney said with a polite tone.

"Oh... don't worry, it's okay!" – Juliana said with a smile.

After having a leisurely breakfast with our Pokémon, we headed straight to the airport and said goodbye.

"It's a pity that I have to say goodbye to you, surely you don't want to travel with me Ash? Registrations are still open" - Juliana said again.

"I'm sorry, maybe in the next region" - I said.

"Perfect, see you then!" – said Juliana.

We all said goodbye to her but just as she was about to leave she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"This is because... I like you, see you!" – she said that and went for a run.

"What an energetic girl, don't you think?" – I asked.

But as I turned around, I realized they didn't have the same opinion as me.

"I don't think so, how about you Courtney?" - said Selene, smiling.

Although his smile was not one of happiness I am afraid.

"You're right, Miss Selene" - Courtney nodded.

"Why are you angry, now what did I do?" – I asked confused.

"Nothing, we'd better leave!" - said Selene as she turned her body and started walking.

Courtney did the same and stood next to her.

Seriously, these women, I will never get to understand them, two lives and I don't understand even 10% of them.


A long journey later.

The trip had passed with relative tranquility, the good thing is that after sitting both next to me and sticking their bodies to me throughout the trip made the girls stop being angry with me, which was excellent.

Luckily before the plane left I was able to tell Professor Kukui to pick me up at the airport to take us home, classes were already over so today we would go home directly to enjoy a quiet day which we deserve.

Once in the car.

"Well, how was the infiltration, all right?" – asked the professor once in the car.

"We got a lot of information, Looker was very happy with us and even appointed Selene as a policeman, in the same department as me" - I nodded.

"Really?! That's amazing Selene, congratulations!" – said the professor with a smile.

"T-thank you" - Selene said embarrassedly.

"Courtney also did such a good job that Looker offered to reduce her sentence by several months" - I said.

"Really? I'm glad for you Courtney, how many months do you have left now?" - said the professor cheerfully.

"The same, I decided that I want to stay with my master but in return Looker promised me other things, forgive me for not saying it but it's a secret that I can't reveal yet" - Courtney said.

"It doesn't matter, everyone has their secrets" – said the professor without giving importance.

"We also have something to tell you professor but it's better to show it to you when we arrive" - I said.

"Wow, now you've left me curious, we'd better hurry up" - said the professor.

And then he accelerated the car.


In the house.

Lillie and Molly were waiting for us at the door so as soon as I arrived, Molly rushed towards me like a hungry lion and hung on my body as if she were a Koala, although in the Pokémon world you could say like a Komala.

"Brother, I've missed you so much, I couldn't stand another day without you!" – Molly said with a smile.

With a smile I picked her up and put her in my arms while stroking her beautiful brown hair.

"I'm already here Molly so don't worry" – I said with a smile.

"Yes" - Molly nodded as she curled up on my chest.

"Welcome Ash, how did it go?" - said Lillie as she approached.

She also seemed a little anxious, you could tell in the tone of her voice, could it be that she wanted to hug me, but she was embarrassed to do it in front of so many people? Maybe.

"We did very well, come on I'll show you one thing while I'll tell you everything" – I said with a smile.

Then we went to the garden of the house, there I went down to Molly who was a little reluctant to get out of my arms but I had no choice but to do it because only with one hand I could not get my Pokéball.

By the way, as soon as he got there, Latias got out of her Pokéball and transformed into Bianca.

"Before I explain anything, let me introduce you to these three little ones" – I said throwing three Pokéballs into the air.

From the Pokéball came the trio of legendaries, Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie.

Seeing me, Mesprit lunged at me and I had no choice but to take her in my arms in front of Molly's envious gaze while the other two simply looked at the scenery around them.

"Those are... impossible!" – exclaimed Professor Kukui in amazement.

"That's right, they're Sinnoh's legendary trio" – I nodded.

"But Ash, you were supposed to infiltrate! How did you catch these three?" – asked the professor astonished.

"Let me tell you what happened and you will understand everything perfectly..." – I said as I began to explain.


An explanation later.

I told them everything we discovered about Team Galaxy, the red chain, Team Rainbow Rocket and clone machine and also told them that these three were clones made by Team Galaxy itself.

"They're crazy..." – said Lillie somewhat frightened.

And it was normal, their aspirations are to kill billions of people just because they think this world is badly made, it's normal for them to be scared.

"I didn't think his goal was that... It's really terrifying to think what would happen if the police weren't here" - the professor nodded.

In truth, if Looker and the police hadn't noticed Team Rainbow Rocket, what would have happened in this world? It would have been complete chaos.

"You are right but for the moment we must calm down, Looker and the others are excellent policemen, they also have us as a backup and a lot of other trainers, if Team Galaxy or any other team thinks they can get away with it, then it is more imbecile than I initially thought" – I said trying to calm Lillie.

"Yes, you're right, plus if things get ugly you can tell Looker to count on me, I'll be happy to help" -  the professor nodded.

"I'll tell him, we need all the help that we can gather" - I nodded.

After this, we let the legendary trio enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of Alola, except Mesprit who wanted to come with me so I let her do what she wanted, what I must say is that they were like babies, taking care of them involved some effort, if I remember correctly, the clones that Mewtwo made at that time were born with more power than the originals? I have no idea about the reason.

Anyway, after this, we decided to relax at home throughout the day because despite having slept a lot, we were exhausted both physically and mentally.


Several days later.

Several days had passed since then and finally tomorrow the girls would come or rather in a few hours because it was night and we were talking.

"Ash, remember to pick us up tomorrow at the airport at 15:00 in the afternoon" - Nancy said.

"Couldn't you have taken another plane? You're pretty late" - I said.

"Actually yes but it was Verity's fault that we could not, that happens to me for leaving her in charge of buying the tickets, how can anyone make a mistake of hour after having repeated it more than 10 times?" – Nancy said somewhat angrily.

"I forgot, I was training!" – said Verity.

"Whatever, you should have bought the tickets first and then trained, this always happen to you, the other day was the same with the food, If Koharu had not been attentive, our food would have been burned and we would not have been able to eat" – Nancy said.

"That was a mistake, I was finishing watching a series and I didn't remember about the food!" – protested Verity.

"Whatever you say, anyway, Ash, see you tomorrow, today we have to rest" - Nancy said.

"Goodbye Ash, sweet dreams" - Koharu said.

"See you tomorrow Ash, I'm looking forward to tomorrow!" – said Verity.

And then they hung up.

Just then, Molly entered in the room.

"Brother, I heard Sister Nancy talking, have you already said what time they will arrive?" – Molly asked as she lay with me on the bed.

"Tomorrow at 15:00" – I said.

"Can I go?" - she asked.

"Tomorrow you will stay with Professor Burnet while we go to pick up the girls" – I denied.

"Why? I want to go with you" - Molly said dissatisfied.

"It's not that I don't want you to go but it will be the professor, me, Courtney and the 3 girls, if the professor does not have a seat to spare we would not fit in the car, that's why I can not bring you with me, besides we will not take more than an hour" – I said stroking her head.

"Okay..." - Molly said, curling up against my chest.


At dawn.

I had a horrible urge to go to the toilet so I got up carefully so as not to pick Molly up and went straight to the toilet.

I usually wake up half asleep so I opened the bathroom door without thinking.

"Ara master, I didn't know I could be so daring" - Courtney said with a smile.

I looked closely and noticed that I was sitting with my panties down and my mind finally reacted.

"Excuse me!" – I said.

And then I closed the door.

"Don't worry master, if you want. you can enter, I don't care" - she said.

It's not that I don't want to but now I'm looking forward to... you know.

"Master if you wants to pee you can always do it on me if you has that fetish, I don't care" - she said.

Is it that this woman has no limit in her perversion?"

"No thanks, I don't have that fetish" – I denied.

"Do you want me to drink it? It's a bit strange but I could do it..." – she said.

"I already said no" – I denied again.

Then. without saying anything, she went out.

"Master, do you want me to stay to watch that no one enters while you are inside?" - she asked as soon as she left.

"Okay" - I nodded.

Then I went in and relieved myself but just as I was going to leave, Courtney came in.

"What are you doing Courtney?" – I asked startled.

"You still didn't give me my reward for retrieving all the information from Team Galaxy" - she said in a seductive tone.

Damn succubus.

"What do you want as a reward?" – I asked swallowing.

"You'd better not pull up your pants, I've already decided that I want" - she said.










The sex chapters starts now :)

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts