
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs


In the previous chapter we see how our heroes arrive at the Pokémon Center safely where they find Looker to whom they tell everything thar they had discovered about Team Galaxy but thanks to Courtney that information was increased, in addition, not only that but apparently they could not release Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf because they were clones created with a single purpose or so they believed, that's why they're looking at USB folders for information.


"Let's see, here are a lot of records, it looks more like a diary than anything else..." – said Looker looking at the screen.

Everyone nodded silently as Looker kept searching.

"Oh, this may be what we're looking for, it says 'Red Chain Manufacturing Method,' it may be that, let's see" - Looker said.

Then he clicked and started looking at the folder.

"The manufacturing method of the Red Chain is extremely complex and the materials to create them are almost impossible to find, our scientists have concluded that the power of Dialga and Palkia is so great, that no human invention could control them, only something made with another Pokémon of a similar level combined with human technology could manage to control them, this is how the 'Red Chain' project began but as mentioned before, the manufacturing method requires very specific materials and for this our scientists concluded that they would need the trio of legendaries of the Lakes that were in this region, apparently the jewels they had in their bodies were not only ornaments but contained an unusual power (see how we got the Pokémon in the document 1/12") – read Looker.

"Mother of God, now I'm left with the intrigue, I need answers" – said Selene.

"Don't worry, it's full of these documents, let's see, 1/11... here it is!" – said Looker as he clicked on the document.

He looked at the document for a few seconds.

What does it say? I'm curious too" - Juliana said.

"I was looking for the fragment where he gave information about his catch, there is a lot of useless information here... here it is" - Looker said.

The 4 of us were expectant at the following explanation.

"Our best agents spent all their time searching for the legends where the legends said they were, namely in Lake Verity, Lake Valor and Lake Acuity, all located in the Sinnoh region, our agents believed that all legends had some truth however, when they searched the lakes they didn't find the slightest trace of them,  that's why we kept looking but in other regions, as we understood the legendary trio could not be unique Pokémon but there could be more hidden copies in other regions but our efforts were in vain, we did not find the slightest clue to their whereabouts no matter how much we searched" – read Looker.

"Is that, that's it?" – I asked curiously.

"No, I was just catching a breath... we were about to give up when one day someone strange appeared in our base, specifically in the office of our leader Cyrus, it was a middle-aged man with a serious countenance and seemed to be angry for something, he wore a black suit with a tie with a rainbow-colored 'R' on his chest, nobody knew how he entered because our security did not detect anything but just when we were going to attack the man introduced himself as Giovanni, leader of Team Rainbow Rocket, an organization that operated throughout our world, under the shadows, according to him they were not from this world but from another and could travel thanks to something called Wormhole, he did not give us more information but what he did offer us were fragments of DNA of the trio of legendaries that we were looking for, we did not know if this was true or false but the man seemed to be serious and not only gave them to us without asking for anything in return but also gave us a cloning machine, we thought that he wanted something in return but he just wanted to be our ally and companion so that once we fulfilled our goal Giovanni was the second in charge of our universe, our boss just accepted and we were able to get not only the samples but the cloning machine, then Giovanni left and said he would be back in a few months and wanted results" - Looker read.

"It can't be, it was true, Team Rainbow Rocket is involved, you bastards" - I said, clenching my fists.

"Who are Team Rainbow Rocket?" - asked Selene.

"I'll explain everything to you, let me finish, here's more" - Looker said.

We all nodded and shut up.

"As soon as Giovanni left, we continued our experiments and discovered how easy it was to use the cloning machine, all we had to do was put the DNA in the machine, it is on a screen it would recognize the Pokémon and in less than 10 seconds these would be cloned by tubes that had a liquid inside that according to our experts kept them in suspended animation but we didn't even bother to wake them up, after all we needed from them were the jewels of their body, we tried to extract them but it was impossible without waking them, so we decided to place the tubes in a machine whose purpose was to extract the energy contained in the crystals" – read Looker.

Then he inhaled and exhaled.

"Too much information... After extracting the energy we discovered that although powerful this was not the energy we were looking for so we kept looking until finally we found a strange energy that we called 'Energy of domination', this energy was hidden in the genetic code of the three Pokémon so they themselves could not access to this power without external methods, after numerous attempts we managed to extract part of the energy of domination and tried to use it but the energy was so strong that most of the Pokémon could not even hold it so we concluded that the best way to contain it was to create the 'Red Chain', thanks to the fact that we have in our possession the legendary ones, we can extract their energy and the Red Chain will be completed in a year or so,  glory to our leader Cyrus, whose dream we will achieve in just one year" - read Looker.

Then he looked up and looked at us, apparently he had already finished reading everything.

"Damn, this is just..." – I tried to say.

"Crazy, they're crazier than even Team Magma and Aqua together" - Courtney said.

The other two girls and even Pikachu nodded.

"Ash, girls, I'm afraid the situation is worse than I thought" - Looker said seriously.

"But now that we have the legendary Pokémon, they won't be able to continue extracting that energy" - Selene said.

"That's right, if they don't have that energy they won't be able to follow their experiment" – said Juliana.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, they've been extracting that strange energy for months, I think that they most likely have plenty of energy to carry out their goals even without these little ones" - I said seriously.

"That's right, now they won't be able to waste energy like they used before but since Ash said they've been extracting that energy for months, it's probably that we've only delayed them slightly" - Looker said.

Then he took out his phone and called someone.

"It's me Looker, immediately send 10 people to the Spear Pillar, from now on we will be guarding that place day and night" - said Looker.

And then hung up.

"What is the Spear Pillar?" – Juliana asked.

"It's the place where, according to the mythology of Sinnoh, you can summon the legendary Palkia and Dialga, I'll send people there to watch day and night, we don't know if they've been able to advance their experiments or something, we'll have to watch that place and now that we know they have teleportation technology it's a better reason" - Looker explained.

"Okay, what do we do now?" - asked Selene.

"Youhave done a good job but I am afraid that at this moment you can not do anything but do not worry, if something serious happens I will not hesitate to call you, make sure that you bring Nancy and the others with you the next time, we can not predict the future" – said Looker.

"Don't worry, in a few days they will come to Alola" – I said calmly.

"Well, then I'll buy you a plane ticket to your regions and you can come back tomorrow, if you want you can sleep in the rooms of the Pokémon Center or in a hotel that we will pay you for your good service, you can choose" - said Looker.

"Although the idea of the hotel sounds good, I don't feel like getting into a car again, so I'll stay here" – I said while letting out in a sigh.

Seriously I'm very tired and we've been like 3 hours talking, it's like 7 hours before I have to get up, I just want to sleep, I don't care where.

"If Ash stays I'll be with him" - Selene said.

"I'll go where the master goes" - Courtney said.

"If everyone stays I don't leave, I prefer to stay with everyone" - Juliana said.

"Perfect, because I wish you all good night, I'm afraid that tomorrow I will not be able to say goodbye, I have a lot of work, I will have to read more deeply the documents contained in this USB and it will take me a long time, now that we know what Team Galaxy plans I will hardly have time to rest, so if you excuse me I will go to a hotel and sleep for a while" – said Looker as he stretched.

After that, Looker and Charlie said goodbye and we went to the rooms of the Pokémon Center, which, by the way, we slept all together in one room, in this Pokémon Center each room had 4 beds in the form of a bunk bed so we fit the 4 perfectly, well the 5, Latias came out of her Pokéball and did not seem to want to enter again so she lay on my bed next to Pikachu.

By the way, before we all left, we decided that I would stay with the legendary ones until we return to Alola, according to Looker, the best thing for them was to come with me for the moment because we could not let go in the wild because the're clones and we could not leave them free in case Team Galaxy catch them again, so I will stay with them until further notice, although I'll be honest, I'll probably stay with Mesprit and give the other two to the girls, it's not for anything special, but I got along very well with Mesprit but not so well with the other two, so maybe the best thing was to test if the girls got along with them.

I'll just say one more thing, I don't remember anything right after lying down.


The next morning.

We woke up Arceus knows how many hours later, but, although we wanted to continue sleeping we had to get up because we did not know what time Looker had taken the plane that after dressing we realized that we could take the plane we wanted, at any time, do not blame me, I did not even know that this could be done.

Since we could catch the plane at any time we decided to have breakfast quietly, Juliana's plane would leave the airport at 12:30 while ours only 5 minutes later so we could have breakfast with peace of mind.

"By the way, Ash, it has been a pleasure working with you and also with Selene and Courtney" -  Juliana said over breakfast.

"It's also been a pleasure working with you Juliana, isn't it girls?" – I said with a smile.

The girls nodded.

"Thank you, although I must say that we made a good team, how about joining as my partner? I am currently traveling throught Kalos" - Juliana said.

It is the first time that I am proposed to be someone's partner, I was always the one who proposed it.

"Thank you, but it is not possible, I am going to do the island Challenge in the Alola region so it is impossible for me to accompany you" – I denied.

"Oh, that's okay, so how about at least we exchange phone numbers? So at least we can share experiences and who knows, when we finish this region we can start a trip together through another region" – said Juliana.



Two chapters until R-18

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts