
Gym battle

Early in the morning we all left the pokecenter and headed to the gym. On the way to the gym I was getting a bit nervous I mean it is my first time battling after all. I was also a bit worried that my plan to get Serena to battle was going to fail. What was my plan you might ask it was pretty simple. when the gym leader was in her position to battle I would jump onto the battlefield before Ash could get ready. That would either make Serena come join me in the battlefield to battle or she would just put me back in my pokeball. Is a fifty fifty chance but even if she puts me back in the pokeball I would just get out and try again until she lets me fight. Pretty stupid plan right but hey it was the best I could come up with. besides I always like my plans to be nice and simple.

When we got to the gym Ash was talking to the gym leader for a little while before they started to get ready for the battle. But before Ash got into his position I jumped into the battlefield with a fighting pose ready for battle. Everyone was stunned surprised by my actions the first one to react was Serena she went to the battlefield to get me to come out of the battlefield "Riolu what are you doing come lets go back" she said trying to convince me. In response to her I just stood there in the same fighting pose hah as if that's going to convince me you're going to need more than that if want me to give up on this gym battle.

"come on Riolu if you come with me now I can give you a poke puff". Her words caused me to waver a bit how can she be so cruel as to try to sway me away with a poke puff. After a moment of hesitation I still stood motionless still holding my fighting pose but although I looked calm on the outside on the inside I was repeatedly yelling this phrase. 'my will is made of steel I will not give in to worldly desires'.

Serena tried to persuade a few more times which I easily resisted although it only seemed that way on the outside because on the inside I was crying to myself 'all those poke puff could've been mine :'( '. After a little while of trying to persuade me Serena gave up and stood on the trainer spot of the battlefield I was really grateful that she didn't use the forceful method of putting me in my pokeball anyway let the battle begin.

After we got settle in the battle started the gym leader Viola started by sending out a Surskit while Serena obviously chose me. I have seen the first battle Viola had with Ash with that I learned that I need to finish Surskit as soon a possible otherwise it will freeze the whole battlefield with its Ice beam making it super hard to maneuver around.

As soon as the referee gives the ok to start I rush to the Surskit as fast as possible with a bullet punch ready I cannot rely on the commands of Serena since she has no combat experience so I will just move on my own although I will take to mind her suggestions. As soon as I got close to the Surskit it used Protect making me stop my charge before I hit the protection barrier. I stopped a few inches from the Surskit watching its every move ready to attacks when the protect was down. It was then that Viola told Surskit to use Sticky web I was to close and got hit in my right hand luckily I was so close that it didn't open fully so my movement didn't get hinder except that I couldn't use my right arm unless I wanted to get stuck to something.

As soon as it was finished attacking with the Sticky web I ran up to it and jumped on top of it and with my left hand I grabbed onto its little antenna. It try to get me of but I was holding onto it firmly while it was struggling to get me of I opened my mouth and gave it a fierce bite on top of its head. I finally had to get of when Viola order it to use Ice beam. But before getting down from it I gave it a powerful bullet punch with my left hand straight to the dome (dome is head) making it dizzy which made it miss its target and hit a couple of trees instead.

While it was still dizzy I jumped into the air and fell down on it giving it a powerful High jump kick that was the last hit it took before fainting. I went back to my side of the battlefield so we could start the next round while Viola called back her Surskit and sended out her Vivillon. While she was doing that Serena asked me if I wanted to continue which of course I replied with a nod.

Fighting Vivillon is going to be hard not only can it fly which is going to make it difficult to land a hit it can also use psychic which is basically telekinesis not only that it also has a mystery move which it has not use so I need to keep an eye out for that. But that's not the worst part the worst part is the Gust. It might have not been a problem before when I could use both hands to anchor myself to the ground but now that one hand was covered in sticky web I could only use one hand to anchor myself to the ground because if I used the other I would get stuck to the ground.

The battle started with Vivillon using Gust which I countered by using bullet punch to punch the ground and anchor myself which was kind off hard doing with only one hand. After Vivillon finished the Gust I rushed toward it and jumped towards it hoping to give it a bullet punch but it used psychic to slam me on to the ground. This happened a couple of times me jumping towards it an it slamming me to the ground or walls. dam I was so frustrated I can't fucking get close to it because it just keeps slamming me I wish I had a special type move all my moves a fucking physical.

While getting slammed again I suddenly thought of a plan its a bit risky but I once heard that fortune favor the brave. I rush to Vivillon again and what do you know it slammed me again but this time instead of getting up quickly I got up very slowly making it seemed that I was very hurt which worried Serena a lot I could that her eyes where getting a bit watery. I think that after this fight I was going to have a very hard time persuading her to let me fight again.

Anyway my plan worked a Viola who didn't want to miss the chance of finishing me of while I am hurt and could barely move order Vivillon to use Solar beam. I took this chance of Vivillon charging its solar beam to rush towards it because pokemon can only use one moved at the same time so while using Solar beam it won't be able to use psychic. I got as close as I could to it with out jumping in the air because while in the air I wouldn't be able to dodge the solar beam.

When Vivillon fired the solar beam because I was so close I was barely able to avoid it and got scraped on my left arm. While it finished its Solar beam I jumped into the air and hit Vivillon with a bullet punch using me right hand which made me stick onto its body because of the sticky web still in my right hand. Now it won't be able to slam me into the ground again I started hitting Vivillon's body with bullet punch using my left which still hurt a bit after the Solar beam so I wasn't able to use my full power but even so the punches were still very affective.

While I was still hitting Vivillon I suddenly hear Viola tell it to use sleep powder shit I need to finish this quick or its going to put me sleep. I started hitting faster and faster but it also made its move and started releasing green powder. I started to get tired little by little but still keep hitting it this turn in to a struggle between us to see who can out last the other. Eventually though I was on the verge of being the first to give out my punches turned from fast and powerful to slow and weak. but as I was on the verge of giving out I suddenly heard my trainer Serena telling me to use bite. I started opening my mouth with the intention to give the most powerful bite up to date and when I was ready I used the most powerful bite I could muster not on Vivillon but on myself. the pain woke me up and I used the last of my remanding strength to use my most powerful move and gave the Vivillon a high jump kick straight to the face.

The last thing I hear before I fainted was " Vivillon is unable to battle Riolu wins"


(Authors notes)

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