I woke in a room filled with strange machines. Looking around I saw a wigglytuff wearing a apron and a white hat. I think I am in a pokecenter. That explains why I am not inured or feel any pain. But dam I am hungry ass fuck I have not eaten anything since I came out of the egg yesterday. I hope I get rewarded for saving my future trainer with a poke puff. In the show they always look jummy ass fuck but who knows maybe in real life they taste like crap I sure hope they don't.
But anyway I am getting sidetracked I have to find my future trainer now I hope she didn't leave me behind after saving her. I get up from the metal bed I was resting on and walked up to the wigglytuff. I tried to talk to it but I couldn't understand jack shit maybe I need more time to be able to speak with pokemon. I mean I was just born yesterday when have you seen a baby learn a language in one day. anyway looks like I have to look for her on my own.
I walked out of the room I was in and found myself in a big lobby looking around I found nurse joy behind a counter. I walk up to her maybe when she sees me she can tell the trainer that brought me here which is hopefully Serena that I was all healed up. I mean that is her job after all. Anyway when she finally noticed me she pressed a button that made the iconic pokemon center noise. And what do you know a couple minutes later came Serena through the front door.
(POV change to Serena)
Entering the pokecenter I saw the riolu that saved me from the vespiquen. I was so scare the moment I saw the vespiquen that I even forgot to call out my pokemon thankfully though this little guy was there to help. Walking up to it I start talking to it. "Hello little guy do you remember me" and to my surprise the riolu nodded. Wow this riolu is so smart I think to myself and pulled out a poke puff from my bag. When I took out the poke puff the riolus eyes started shinning "this is a thanks for yesterday" I said as I handed him the poke puff. It didn't wait a single second to stuff the poke puff in its mouth making me let out a small giggle I guess it was hungry.
"Well I gotta go take care little guy" I said as I stared to walk to the door of the pokecenter. But as I was walking I hear little foot steps behind me I stopped and turned around and was surprised to find out the riolu was following me. I started to walk again and it started to walk to I stopped and it stopped to. I think it wants to come with me I think to myself reach into my bag to pull out a pokeball and asked the riolu if it wanted to come with me "hey little guy do you want to go with me?" at my question the riolu nodded. I put the pokeball on the ground and the riolu walked up to it and pressed the button. after riolu was inside the pokeball it started shaking back and forth. when it stopped I picked up the pokeball and called out riolu and said to him "welcome to the team riolu".
We stayed on the pokecenter for another hour or so to eat and rest a little riolu was really hungry he finished 3 plates of pokemon food. Also riolu and fennekin became friends very quickly and they played around chasing each other. Well is was mostly because riolu stole food from fennekin and fennekin chased him but in the end they always made up. I also noticed that riolu doesn't like being inside the pokeball well is not a big problem more company for the road.
A couple minutes have passed since we left the pokecenter and started heading to Santalune city I hope that Ash is still there when we get there.
(Serena POV end)
Dam the poke puffs are as delicious a they seemed now I know that choosing Serena as my trainer was a good choice. The trip to Santalune city was pretty boring nothing happened I did get to meet fennekin though she was pretty nice considering I stole some of her food and she forgived me although she did gave me a bite or too which hurt quite a bit. On that note I now know not to mess with her food.
When we got to Santalune city the first thing we did was go to the gym to look for Ash I think. And what do you know he was there with Clemont, Bonnie and Alexa . He was just starting his fight against the gym leader the fight went the same as the fight in the anime he lost. After the battle we all went to the pokecenter to accompany Ash. He was being a little bitch acting depressed because he lost the gym battle until Serena went to talk to him. After the pep talk with Serena he got better and started training to beat the gym.
He asked Alexa to help him train against gust which she did. I also joined the training I mean I also want to challenge the gym to. Serena was surprised that I also joined the training but nerveless she did not stop me from doing it. Resisting gust was not the hard part about the training I just used bullet punch on both hands to hit the ground and make a hole for both hands to anchor myself to the ground. The hard part came when I had dodge all the spider webs of Clemonts invention and frubbles from froakie I was not used to this body so I got hit a couple of time. But after a while I got the hang of it and started dodging all the attacks.
After the training I was dead tired but I didn't let my guard down not because of team rocket or something like that but because of Bonnie. She is not bad or anything but she can be very dangerous like when we first meet up with Ash and his group Bonnie hugged fennekin so hard that she almost passed out. So in my eyes she was but a predator waiting to strike.
(Bonnie POV)
Oh my god Serena's pokemons are so cute. I have to ask her if I can pet them " hey Serena can I pet your pokemon?" I ask Serena hoping she would say yes "of course Bonnie just make sure not to be to rough". Getting her approval I ran to the fennekin nearby and hugged it for a couple of minutes before the fennekin started struggling and eventually escaped my hug. After the fennekin escaped I looked around for the riolu when I finally spotted him both of us locked eyes for a couple of seconds before he ran away this happen a couple of times before I decided to ask Serena why riolu was behaving this way.
"Hey Serena does riolu not like me" I ask Serena "why do you say that Bonnie?". "Every time I try to pet him he runs away" "maybe he is just shy Bonnie but don't worry I got the perfect plan to make him come to you" Serena said as she started to dig into her bag looking for something after a couple of seconds she took out a brown poke puff "if you give him this bonnie he will like you in no time".
Grabbing the poke puff I began to look for riolu again it was then that I found him training with Ash and his pokemons. To not interrupt them I decide to wait until they are done. After a while they were finally done with there training so I started to walk to riolu. When he saw me coming he got frighten and wanted to run away until I brought out the poke puff that made him stop dead in his tracks and after hesitating a little he started to come closer to me.
When he was finally in arms reach I gave him the poke puff and he ate it with delight. And while he was eating the poke puff I was petting him in the head and in its tail. After a couple of minutes of petting him I got tired so I went to the pokecenter to sleep.
(Bonnie POV end)
Dam I change my mind about Bonnie she's an angel. And I am not just saying this because she gave me a poke puff well maybe I am but that doesn't change the fact that she is angel. Anyway I got to sleep now tomorrow is and important day as I am going to have my first gym battle. As to how I am going to convince Serena to battle I already have a plan for that.
(Author's note)
If you guys have any suggestion please leave a comment also if you guys have any problem please leave them in the comments so I can try to fix them.
All the new characters images will be on the comments.
I noticed that I am using a lot of I if you guys have any suggestions on how to fix that please leave it in the comments.