
Plight of the summoned

The Holy State Grandia has been summoning people from other worlds to fight their wars for years. The corruption of the state has spread to the ends of the three continents. Looking to make changes, a strange fellow tampers with one of the souls being summoned, knocking it off course, thus setting the stage for a revolution.

Shinnanju · 奇幻
171 Chs


"Yeah, but did you see what he did to Sergeant Heardt? I didn't think there was anyone that could beat him, and that guy just killed him in one shot."

"I saw. I also heard him say he killed Commander Le Saux."

"That's right! That big block of ice shattered! He said that was what happened to Commander Le Saux? That's rightening."

"I didn't know magic could do all of that. A walking fire monster?"

"Do you think we should have ganged up on him."

"No way! My whole platoon fired arrows at him, and they just fell to the ground."


"It happened! Then him and this girl started shooting fireballs and setting the ground on fire around us."

"Yeah, then the fire monster appeared and killed Captain Galand."

"And his horse!"

"And his horse!"

"I can't believe the pope is dead."

"Yeah, I heard that four of them puppet women killed him."

"That's frightening. I'm glad none of them woke up when I was doing them."