
Pirate Hunter in Roger's Era(With Bodily Refinement Bead)

In a world ruled by pirates, Jack stands out as a fearsome warrior who only seeks two things: battles and women. He is a man who enjoys the thrill of the fight and the passion of the flesh, and he wanders the world in search of both. With the Bodily Refinement Bead, a powerful tool that enhances his strength and agility, he takes on any opponent who crosses his path. Starting his journey from the West Blue, Jack encounters a variety of challenges and obstacles, each one more difficult than the last. He faces off against other pirates, marauding sea creatures, and even mythical beasts from ancient legends. But despite the dangers he faces, he remains fearless and undaunted, always ready for the next challenge. Along the way, he meets many women who are drawn to his strength and his charisma. Some of them are pirates, while others are innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of his battles. But no matter who they are, they all fall for his rugged charm and his unbridled passion. Despite his love of battle and women, Jack still has a heart. He cares deeply for his family, especially his beloved daughter, who he adores above all else. And while he seeks the thrill of the fight, he is never cruel or malicious, always treating his opponents with respect and dignity. As he travels the seas, Jack encounters many legendary figures from the age of pirates, including the likes of Garp, Roger, and Xebec. But he does not see them as enemies, only as worthy opponents who he would love to fight someday. And with each battle he wins, he grows stronger, more skilled, and more determined to live life to the fullest. In the end, Jack's journey is one of adventure, passion, and excitement. He is a man who lives for the moment, never afraid to take risks or face danger head-on. And whether he is battling pirates on the high seas or seducing women in exotic locales, he does so with a zest for life that is truly inspiring. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · 漫画同人
159 Chs


Lysa, hovering slightly above the ground, observed them carefully. She whispered, "They don't seem entirely... human."

Jack nodded in agreement. "They appear to be part machine. Cyborgs, perhaps?" He was only familiar with such terms from tales of distant lands and ancient technologies. The notion of integrating machinery into a living being was both fascinating and horrifying to him.

Choosing caution, the duo decided to observe for a while. It wasn't long before one of the guards accessed a panel on his arm, revealing a complex interface. The device emitted a series of soft beeps, and a nearby door slid open, hinting at the marvels and mysteries that lay beyond.

Realizing that their current path would inevitably lead them past these guards, Jack weighed their options. An outright confrontation would draw attention, but stealth might prove challenging given the enhanced capabilities of these guards. They would need a distraction.

Lysa, sensing the dilemma, suggested, "I can float upwards and cause a minor disturbance. The lights, perhaps? While they are distracted, you can get past them or even incapacitate them."

Jack considered the proposal. It was risky, but they had limited options. "Alright, but be cautious. We don't know the full extent of their abilities."

Positioning herself, Lysa gently ascended, using her near-weightlessness to reach the ceiling without detection. Once in place, she fiddled with a few wires, causing a series of lights to flicker erratically.

As anticipated, the guards reacted. Their heads snapped upwards, their machine-enhanced senses scanning for the source of the disturbance. Taking advantage of their momentary distraction, Jack moved swiftly and silently. Drawing close to one guard, he incapacitated him with a precise strike to a vulnerable spot, drawing on his extensive combat experience. The second guard, momentarily disoriented by the sudden darkness and the loss of his counterpart, was swiftly subdued by Jack's calculated move.

With the guards neutralized, Jack signaled Lysa to join him. "Well done," he whispered, impressed by her quick thinking.

As they passed through the doors, a vast expanse of the chamber lay before them, bathed in a dim blue light. Rows upon rows of large glass containers stretched endlessly, each filled with a strange and somewhat eerie luminescent fluid. Inside these containers were creatures, some recognizable, yet grotesquely modified. The creatures had a surreal fusion of characteristics, merging the features of different species into unique, otherworldly beings.

A chill ran down Jack's spine. The scene was both fascinating and unsettling. The weight of human endeavor and the bounds of scientific curiosity were on full display. "What is this place?" he whispered, his voice barely audible, his stormy blue eyes scanning the rows in search of familiar life forms.

Lysa, hovering beside him, stared at one particular container, which housed a creature that looked like a blend of a bird and a snake. "It's... like they're playing with nature. Creating... hybrids?" She couldn't mask the disbelief and unease in her voice.

The sheer vastness of the chamber was both awe-inspiring and unsettling. Rows of large glass containers stretched endlessly in every direction, each housing an amalgamation of species—blurred lines between nature and human intervention. It was like they had stumbled upon a treasure trove of scientific wonder, where the bounds of imagination and ambition merged.

From Lysa's tone and the haunted look in her eyes, Jack knew she was envisioning a grim possibility—the captors conducting sinister experiments on the kidnapped children. Maybe even transforming them into one of these hybrids. He reached out, clasping her hand, an unexpected warmth enveloping her fingers. "Don't jump to conclusions," he whispered firmly, his stormy blue eyes seeking hers, "We'll find them untouched."

Lysa squeezed his hand gratefully, drawing strength from his unwavering assurance. "Let's move on," she replied, her voice steadying.

As they ventured further, navigating between the maze of glass chambers, the ambient hum of machines grew louder, punctuated by sporadic bleeps and soft whirrs. They could make out vague inscriptions on the floor, likely indicating different sections of this sprawling complex. The signs read: "Devil Fruit Research Center," "Genetic Engineering Wing," "Cybernetics and Robotics Division," and "Environmental Control Chamber."

Uncertain about which direction would lead them to the children, they opted to follow the path towards the Genetic Engineering Wing. It seemed the most probable location given the myriad of bizarre specimens they had encountered.

As they ventured further into the Genetic Engineering Wing, the ambient lighting began to dim. The walls here were smoother, inscribed with intricate symbols that neither Jack nor Lysa recognized. The rhythmic pulse of machinery became steadier, deeper, hinting at the sheer power of the devices contained within this section.

They rounded a sharp bend, and the corridor opened into a massive chamber, bathed in a deep crimson glow. At the center, chained to a raised platform and surrounded by a series of complex machinery and monitors, was a creature of immense grandeur and raw power.

Jack and Lysa stopped in their tracks, their eyes drawn to the magnificent beast before them. It was a dragon, immense in size, its body covered in shimmering red scales that gleamed even in the dim light. The creature's broad wings, though folded at its side, hinted at the vast spans they could achieve, while its muscular tail twitched occasionally, each movement causing the chains to clink and strain.

The dragon's head was held high, its eyes, sharp and intelligent, observing its surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Flames occasionally licked the corners of its maw, and as it let out a deep growl, the temperature in the chamber seemed to spike momentarily.

Lysa, her face a mix of awe and fear, whispered, "Is that a... a dragon?"

Jack's gaze sharpened as he perceived the dragon's life force. Through his innate connection with the bead, he felt its immense strength, but there was also a discernible undertone of profound weakness and exhaustion. The majesty and defiance emanating from the creature were mere façades; underneath lay a creature that had endured endless experimentation. Its scales, blood, skin, even bones—all had been subjected to untold testing and dissection.

Lysa watched in shock as Jack, with a decisive stride, approached the massive beast. His movements exuded a unique combination of authority and genuine concern. The dragon, sensing Jack's approach, fixed its penetrating gaze upon him. The air in the chamber grew tense, each second stretching into an eternity.


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