
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · 漫画同人
780 Chs

tarsal maggot

The dimensional chat group was silent.

 The amount of information in what Moen said is so overwhelming that everyone needs to sort through their thoughts.

 Accelerator: "Being burned in the true fire of the sun until today?"

 Takaita Kyosuke: "Wait a moment! If I remember correctly, many, many eons have passed since Bai Yang was sacrificed, right?"

 What is the concept of time in universe?

 The time from the birth of a universe to its destruction is the universe.


 The more you imagine, the more unimaginable it becomes!

 Miyano Shiho: "I don't know what the real fire of the sun is, but what I know is that the temperature of the sun's surface is as high as 6,000 degrees, and the temperature of the core is as high as 15 million degrees!"

 Miyano Shiho: "You know, even the temperature of the magma is only about 1,500!"

 Did you take a bath in magma 10,000 times stronger to this day?

 And Bai Yang is not taking a bath in one sun, she is taking a bath in countless suns in the universe!

 Some cosmic energies are powerful, and the sun is also extremely powerful, and even the value far exceeds people's understanding.

 Ao Bing: "That's not how it works. The Demon Clan's Heavenly Palace was above the Sun Star back then, and the Sun's True Fire was also the talent of the Golden Crow Clan, and it was enough to destroy the world."

 The fact that ten suns were in the sky and almost destroyed all races in the prehistoric continent can be found in any copy of the prehistoric memory.

 The world is different from the world, and the sun is naturally different from the sun.

 Butterfly Ninja: "Perhaps the Celestial Spirit Clan has a special method to isolate this kind of heat?"

 The butterfly ninja cautiously proposed an idea, but was quickly refuted by the attentive group members.

 Yusaki Hoshizora: "No, I don't think the Star Spirit Clan has this ability. You see, when Senior Moen stripped the true fire of the sun from Bai Yang's body, Bai Yang's facial expression changed from extreme pain to gradually comfortable , and then to the peaceful transformation now."

 Yusaki Hoshizora: "I have reason to believe that Bai Yang should be used to the burning of the true sun fire raging in his body, so that his critical point is in a balanced state. But Senior Morn destroyed this balance, and then let Bai Yang's expression has changed."

 Yuzaki Hoshizora's analysis made everyone nod, and they thought so too.

 Aizen Sosuke: "So, where is our focus?"

 Aizen helplessly held his forehead. What does Baiyang being burned for countless eons have to do with them?

 They still didn't understand the meaning of what Moen said!

 Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ What Aizen means is, why is Bai Yang always enduring the burning of the true fire of the sun, while Bai Yue, who is Bai, is reborn and even reincarnated?"

 Whitebeard saw through the mystery at a glance, which was contrary to common sense.

 The sun is countless times more powerful than the moon. Bai Yang survived, but Bai Yue died and was reborn.

 [Administrator] Song Shuhang: "What are we talking about? Why don't we just go directly to the Star Spirit Clan?"

 On the street, Moen withdrew his hand. He had already absorbed most of the true sun fire remaining in Bai Yang's body, but just as he thought, this fire could not be absorbed completely.

 A steady stream of true sun fire was replenished into Bai Yang's body from unknown channels, trying to burn the girl again.

 Even Moen is in trouble.

 "Sir, there is no need for you to exert any effort. This true fire of the sun cannot be sucked away."

 Bai Yang showed a sweet smile, and as the smile appeared, Bai's face twitched slightly.

 "You're back."

 Bai Yang turned his head to look at Bai again, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to turn into water.

 "Well, I'm back."

 This time, even Senior Bai could only open his mouth and answer helplessly.

 "As long as you come back, don't go back again."

 Bai Yang hugged Senior Bai, and then took a greedy breath of Senior Bai's body, as if he wanted to suck away the smell of Senior Bai. When he raised his head again, Bai Yang took a step back, and a wave of water appeared under his feet. The flames gradually enveloped her whole body.


 Seeing the flames steaming up, Senior Bai unconsciously stretched out his hand, trying to prevent Bai Yang from being wrapped in the flames, but the extremely violent flames wanted to burn him together the moment he stretched out his hand!

 Fortunately, Song Shuhang quickly pulled Senior Bai away so that he was not contaminated by the true fire of the sun.

 "Hmph! How dare you act so arrogantly in front of me!"

 The failure to completely eliminate the true sun fire in Bai Yang's body has made Moen very unhappy. Since his debut, he has not been able to accomplish anything.

 This is the first time in so many years that he has been deflated!

 How dare a little Sun Zhenhuo dare to provoke him like this!

 "seal up!"

 A cold glint flashed in Moen's eyes.

 He couldn't absorb all the fire. He couldn't directly seal the true fire of the sun!

 He really thinks that his power is just a living thing!

 The powerful seal fell directly on Bai Yang, instantly sealing Bai Yang into a palm-sized ball of light.

 Looking at the ball of light held by Moen in his hand, Senior Bai breathed a sigh of relief and nodded gratefully to Moen.

 Although he had no memory of the past, seeing Bai Yang being burned by the true sun fire, Senior Bai really couldn't ignore it.

 [Administrator] Moen: "Hmph, a little Sun Fire actually dares to act arrogantly in front of me. When I improve the double hands in the world under one person, I can directly peel it out of Bai Yang's body. Look how arrogant it is!"

 The extremely confident words made everyone in the dimensional chat group involuntarily sigh with emotion. He is worthy of being the most powerful boss in the group. He will know if he is there as soon as he makes a move.

 "Let's go to the Star Spirit Clan. To be honest, I'm particularly interested in the Star Spirit Clan right now!"

 Moen took out his cigarette and lit it elegantly.

 The mist of smoke was rising, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, wondering what the Star Spirit clan had done back then.

 How did an ordinary girl survive in the sun of all heavens and countless universes?

 With the ball of light, a group of three people came to an extremely huge city.

 After being guided by the guide, we found the location of the Star Spirit Clan!

 At this time, the great elder and his people had been waiting at the door for a long time!

 "Welcome to Lord Jörmungandr, welcome to...this Lord!"

 The Great Elder's body trembled for a moment when he saw Moen, and then cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he immediately maintained a very correct attitude.

 After bowing respectfully to Moen, he looked at Song Shuhang and didn't know how to call him, so he could only call out to "Sir".

 Moen glanced at it and immediately saw that the old man in front of him was the strongest person in the Protoss clan, but this power...

 Ahem, Shang is a good person.

 At least, he is a good person who does not speak ill of others behind their backs.

 What kind of bullshit star spirit clan can survive a day in Shang's hands? Judging from Moen's detection results.

 Not to mention Shang, even Song Shuhang next to him, if he wanted to kill the strong man from the Star Spirit clan in front of him, he only needed to use the palm thunder with all his strength.

 The absolute gap in strength made Moen suddenly lose interest, and it was another crushing game.

 "Shuhang, go ahead and ask. This old boy doesn't seem to be fooling you."

 Moen yawned, stepped aside, and signaled to Song Shuhang.

 The great elder who stood at the head of the Star Spirit Clan immediately broke out in cold sweat on his back.

 He could see that the unknown strong man was definitely not inferior to the strongest man in the original world, Shang Duoduo, and was a being that they, the Star Spirit Clan, could not mess with at all.

 But the uncomfortable thing is why this strong man is one step behind Bai Yue!

 The moment he saw Bai, the great elder recognized him. He was Bai Yue who was thrown into the world's meridians by his clan and went to the moon and stars in all the heavens and realms!

 Let's not talk about how Bai Yue escaped from the moon and stars, let's talk about how Bai Yue returned to the original world.

 When he was sacrificed, he was only a child. It was difficult to fly in the void, let alone find the original world!

 "Are you the leader of the Star Spirit Clan?"

 Song Shuhang tilted his head. In order to show his momentum, he showed his true form without hesitation.

 Song Shuhang composed of unknown codes!

 The terrifying momentum made the clansmen behind the great elder kneel down involuntarily, Tanlang was one of them, he looked at Song Shuhang and Senior Bai hatefully, the anger in his eyes was not concealed at all.

 "Sir, please calm down your momentum. I am the great elder of the Star Spirit Clan. This is the leader of my Star Spirit Clan, Greedy Wolf."

 The great elder chuckled, and moved with difficulty to Tanlang's side, secretly trying hard to help Tanlang up.

 Song Shuhang also appropriately regained his momentum, allowing Greedy Wolf to return to normal.

 "Clan leader, are all the great elders here? It's really convenient to ask questions." Song Shuhang touched his chin, then pulled the sleeves of Senior Bai next to him and asked the great elders and the others.

 "Do you know him?"

 The great elder's smile was bitter.

 As expected, here comes the most difficult question!


 "He is Bai Yue, the former genius of our Star Spirit clan, how about that!"

 Without waiting for the elder to answer, Tanlang first answered Song Shuhang's question in a cold tone.

 Not paying attention to the drastic change in the face of the elder of the Star Spirit Clan next to Tanlang, Song Shuhang didn't pay attention to Tanlang's tone and asked again.

 "What did you do back then? Why did Senior Bai lose his memory, and why did he appear in my world?"

 Listening to Song Shuhang's address as Senior Bai without hesitation, both the Great Elder and Greedy Wolf involuntarily raised their eyebrows.

 Does this person know what he is talking about?

 He was actually using the honorific title to Bai Yue, who was countless times weaker than himself!

 You must know that the culture of the earth originated from the original world, and then fed back to the original world, so the creatures from the original world are very clear about any racial culture on the earth.

 Therefore, Tanlang is very familiar with the Eastern honorific culture.

 "Bai Yue lost his memory because he forcibly broke away from the protective spell set by the tribe for him."

 Before Greed Wolf could answer Song Shuhang's question, the Great Elder held his hand and then answered in a very respectful tone.

 But obviously, this answer did not satisfy Song Shuhang and Mo En, and it even failed to fool many members in the dimensional chat group!

 Wang Ye: "I think this old man looks like he's about to be buried, but his brain is still usable. If it were anyone else with this interface, I would really believe it."

 A protective spell to protect Bai Yue?

 Then why does Bai Yang have to endure the burning of the true fire of the sun?

 This thing can even burn your soul!

 "Not telling the truth?"

 Song Shuhang raised his eyebrows. As a newbie who had been practicing for just over a year, he felt it was necessary to learn from his former lifelong enemy, Young Master Hai. He could use unconventional means when necessary!


 While Song Shuhang was thinking this, Mo En felt bored. He was nineteen or twenty years old, Song Shuhang was nineteen years old, and Senior Bai let's count him as a few hundred years old.

 The total is not enough for this old man to find a fraction of that for a fraction of his age.

 Chatting nonsense with him will definitely lead you astray. After all, everyone on earth knows this kind of person's ability to play football.

 So Moen felt that as a younger generation, he should tell this old man that times have changed!

 One hand forcibly held down the elder's head, and the other hand released a terrifying electric shock that directly paralyzed Tanlang and others and paralyzed them to the ground.

 The great elder only felt in a daze for a while. When he came back to his senses, he knew something was wrong and his face became ugly.


 Moen had a sarcastic smile on his lips, "You care, is this called protection?"

 Moen didn't waste any time talking to the old man, and directly disclosed the memories obtained from his mind in the dimensional chat group.

 Five thousand three hundred eons ago, in order to seek the status of the three hegemonic clans, the Celestial Spirit Clan rummaged through everything and came up with a secret method that could enhance the strength and potential of their own clan!

 However, this secret method was too cruel and too demanding, so it has been sealed away by the leader of the Protoss Clan.

 Until 5,300 eons ago, the Void Beetle clan was weak, but the strength of the Star Spirit clan had greatly improved. The current generation clan leaders were furious and wanted to take this opportunity to completely pull the Void Beetle clan off the altar!

 So he found two siblings, Bai Yang and Bai Yue, and prepared to tentatively use the ancestral secret method on them!

 The secret method is very convenient to use. It can crush the clan members, connect the original world through its own boundary monument, and then spread to various worlds through the world's meridians, thereby invading the stars in the world.

 The white moon he chose was the star of the moon, and the white sun was the star of the sun.

 As long as the secret method is successful, Bai Yang will become an eternal and immortal life. Unless all the heavens and worlds collapse, otherwise, as long as one world exists, then she can exist as the star spirit of the sun.

 As for the Star Spirit clan, they can use secret methods to control the boundary monument left by Bai Yang and extract Bai Yang's energy from it for the cultivation of the Star Spirit clan!

 A single world will not attract the attention of any void race, but the energy of the sun and stars in all the worlds is enough to transform the star spirit race!

 It was precisely because the secret method was too cruel that the Star Spirit clan sealed up Bai Yang and Bai Yue again after sacrificing them. The entire clan began to enjoy the energy of the two siblings safely.

 Until Bai Yue returns to the original realm and condenses her own boundary monument again!

