

In the all encompassing mountain range known to mankind as the Himalayas at a point where the pure white world of snow meets the sea of grass creating a beautiful contrast. A man is seen sitting cross legged in a meditative pose with a katana or sword of some kind resting on his knees , when a iridescent glow was seen in front of him which gradually seems to brighten up more as time goes making the man to exit his meditation. When the man opened his eyes he found he was not in his previous spot but in a place which seemed impossible to decipher when suddenly he 'hears' a voice: I AM THE RECORDS OF ALL EVENTS,THOUGHTS,WORDS,EMOTION AND INTENT TO HAVE EVER OCURRED IN THE PAST ,PRESENT,OR FUTURE.I AM WHAT YOU CAN SIMPLY CALL THE AKASHIC RECORD AND I AM HERE TO GIVE YOU A CHOICE OR A REWARD IF YOU SO WISH TO TAKE IT. English is not my first language cover taken from Pinterest

Future_Regressor_9 · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Chapter 5:- A Spar

Mc's Pov:-

Getting up from my kneeling position, which seems to be happening often with me lately. But this time it was different, this time i was forced to kneel and not by my choice, and i could feel it inside me, i didn't like it at all, something inside me didn't like me kneeling in front of others without my choice, and it wasn't just a simple matter of pride, it was more. 

And looking at the man in front of me, even though he was showing a an amicable and harmless expression on his face, my whole body was screaming in danger. And why wouldn't it, because standing in front of me was freaking Vasco Strada.

The violence of heaven, the limit of humanity, those are the nicknames people use to call him in the supernatural communities, and that is ignoring the fact that this old man is a natural holy sword wielder who wields the Durandal , the same durandal which is said to be the only sword equal to the Excaliber. Add to it the fact that he can wield the sword closest to the power level of the original wielder roland since latter's time.

But that's just what the name 'Vasco Strada' carries, you can't ignore his appearance, i mean if vasco strada ever was sent on a stealth mission, i am sure it would have been a failure, i mean this guy won't be able to hide himself even if he wanted to, without the magic mumbo jumbo obviously.

Not that he need to ever hide, given he can overwhelm anyone by sheer brute force alone, and he has the body to support that strength. With a face covered with wrinkles, you would think he is above 80 and he is, its just that with over 2 meters in height, an unimaginably thick neck, a thick chest, arms the size of tree trunks, legs which were of size almost as thick as my waist, you would think what the fuck is this old man doing differently, that us normal bodybuilders are not doing to have that body at that age.(image)

"rimarrai lì a fissarmi, giovanotto?", i heard from him as i was lost in my thoughts.

"My Apologies your excellency, but i don't speak italian" i replied, giving a bow, realizing an oversite from my side, as i hadn't thought about the language difference.

Giving me a nod of understanding, and forming a magic circle on his hand," i was saying will you just stand there and stare at me , young man?" he said now in english.

"Ah, apologies your excellency, i just didn't expect you of all people to come out from the magic circle, My name is Ajax Ansaldo and, it is my honor to have met you" i said, apologizing again.

"hmm, and who gave you that, magic circle that is?" he asked now a lot more seriously.

"it was given to me by my father Samuel Ansaldo, your excellency, i don't know if you remember him?" i answered, a little hesitantly.

"Oh, from Samuel!, You are Samuel's kid?, its been that long?, i haven't heard from him in a while, but if you are Samuel's kid and he gave you the summoning circle, how come you didn't know that it would be me coming out from it?" he asked reminiscing.

"He never mentioned you to me and neither did he mentioned anything about the 'person' supposed to get summoned using the circle" i said spreading my hands helplessly.

"He didn't mentioned me?, it seem that having not met for a long time has made him forget about me, where is he?, i have to teach that kid a lesson!" he said getting worked up like a typical grandpa figure.

Well , i mean technically, he can call my dad a kid, i mean my dad was 25 when i was born. Breaking out of my thoughts as i saw him starting to make his way towards the exit..

"wait, your excellency, you won't find father here infact, i don't think you can find him anywhere as he is most likely dead". i told him in a surprisingly calm voice, not even noticing my tightly clenched fists.

Listening to me, he stopped, turned around and looked at me with the scariest look i have seen from him so far, "Tell me everything, in detail" he said while proceeding to take a seat on the floor.

Even though i only met this man for the first time today, it felt as though i could trust him, and considering what i know about Vasco Strada from the anime, who didn't hold any grudges even with the devil race and the fallen angel race after the peace treaty, so i told him, everything that happened that night, and strangely i started feeling light as though i am unloading weight from my shoulders.

After listening to the whole story, we sat their in an awkward silence as the old man was in deep thoughts, having come to a 'conclusion' as it would seem, he locked eyes with me "So, what now, for what have you summoned me for?, i don't think you summoned me just for informing me about your father's demise me right?" he asked.

"Well, my father wanted me train my physical aspect before training my magical one, and my mother wanted the opposite, so they both gave me circle from which i would 'get' a suitable teacher and had told me to choose and the rest i think you could figure out yourself" i explained.

"So, you want me to be your trainer in physical aspect?, Hmm i could be, but for that i need to know what i will be working with, and if don't see any potential, i would suggest living a normal human's life away from everything, as their would be no point in me teaching you at that point." he said narrowing his eyes at me

"And how would you suggest we do that?" i asked already having an idea about it

"A spar, only physical and a weapon in which you are proficient in, though we will only use blunt weapons, and no magic bar from reinforcement and your senses" he said pointing towards the shelf of practice weapons inside the training room .

"very well, i agree" i said getting up from the floor.

Third Person Pov:-

Selecting the weapons for the spar, Ajax chose a single edged medium length sword , and as for Vasco Strada , he chose the heaviest broadsword he could find, which might have weighted more than 100kg's.

"hmm, the length is okay, but this is too light for my taste, well this well have to do" said Strada, and Ajax listening to him deadpanned 'That thing is light?????' he thought while looking at the one in his hand who he thought was already quite heavy.

As they came to the centre of the room,

[Notice, you have a new quest, would you like to see the quest panel?]

yes, said Ajax affirming mentally.

[Quest panel]

Ongoing Quests:-

[1: Trial of the Cardinal]

{Description- Survive the spar for 5 mins}

{Bonus objective:- ?}

{Rewards :- Natural Sage Body, Thunder Breathing(Demon slayer), Mimir's mastery of languages(Gow), 5000 system points.} 

{Bonus Rewards:-?}

'That's the first time the bonus objective has been hidden, though i have some guesses as to what could it be' thought Ajax, now a determined glint in his eyes.

"You should take the first strike" advised strada taking a casual stance.

Ajax taking a stance similar to kirito from sword art online, though the only difference is, the sword is horizontally parallel to his face compared to backwards in kirito's.

Ajax Lunging at his opponent with an overhead strike, who already anticipating it simply sidestepped. Continuing his attack with an diagonal upward strike, which was again calmly deflected with the side of his sword by strada.

That was the story for every move he made afterwards, a slash at neck? dodged by stepping backwards, a thrust at the mid section? blocked by simply placing his broadsword in between his body and the thrust.

Even though Ajax had the stats, the lack of technique and experience was painfully obvious in his moves. Their was no sense of style just pure raw usage of strength.

Seeing what he wanted to say, and for the first time in the whole spar making an active move by horizontally slashing at Ajax's mid section.

Ajax sensing it early with his observational haki, jumped back before the blow could connect, making some distance between them.

"Is this all you have?" Asked Strada with an indifferent expression on his face.

Ajax stood with a grim expression also frustrated from his lack of success in connecting even a single hit. Noticing towards the Quest timer, he noticed that only two minutes have passed since then. Realizing he cannot continue like this or he won't survive 'Fuck it, it will be revealed sooner or later' activated his Sharingan.

"Oh, A magic Eye, though extremely rare but not unheard of, though yours are not something i have seen before" said strada finally breaking out of his indifferent expression.

" The real fight starts now" said ajax now fully focused.

"For your sake i hope so" chuckled Strada.

They circled each other. Strada's blade whispered through the air, with deadly precision. Ajax mirrored the steps, heart pounding. His observational Haki—a nascent ability—strained to perceive Strada's intent.

The first clash came unexpectedly. Strada's blade met Ajax's, sending vibrations up his arm. Ajax staggered, but his Sharingan analyzed the strike—the angle, the force. He adjusted, parrying with newfound precision.

"You lack finesse," Strada said, eyes sharp. 

Strada lunged, a blur. Ajax dodged, barely. His body moved on instinct, fueled by the data from the Sharingan. Strada's strikes were relentless, each one a lesson in technique. Ajax blocked, sidestepped, and countered, sweat soaking his brow.

"Your defense is raw," Strada observed. "Predictable."

Ajax's Sharingan flared. He saw the gaps—the openings in Strada's guard. But bridging the skill gap was daunting. He couldn't rely on his eyes alone.

Strada feinted left, then spun right. Ajax stumbled, barely deflecting the blow. "Adapt," Strada said. "Survive."

Ajax's blade glowed faintly. "I will."

They clashed again, blades sparking. Ajax's movements grew smoother, but Strada remained a tempest. Ajax's Sharingan strained, tracking every nuance. He glimpsed Strada's next move—an overhead strike.

He sidestepped, but Strada's blade grazed his shoulder. Pain flared, and Ajax staggered. "Not bad," Strada said. "But not enough."

Ajax's resolve hardened. He channeled his Haki, sensing Strada's aura—the pulse of a master martial artist. He saw the opening—the split second when Strada shifted weight.

Their swords met once more. And as soon as their swords met, they burst apart, Ajax moving purely on instinct cocked back his arm, and punched, not noticing a slight glow to his hand.

Strada retaliated, his body moving before his mind, and because of that used strength a little more than Ajax's could handle. The clash resulting in the splitting of skin on Ajax's knuckles, making him getting on one knee and holding his hand in the other.

But it was fine, as when he glanced at the timer it was already well past 5 minutes.

Strada's eyes softened. "You've heart, Ajax. And potential."

"Rest for today, your training start from tomorrow", Strada saying this, teleported away in a flash.

Seeing Strada leaving and noticing the condition of his hands," Well that was humbling" said Ajax while chuckling in pain.

[notice, you have completed a quest, would you like to accept the rewards now?]

yes, said Ajax

[Quest panel]

Ongoing Quests:-

[1: Trial of the Cardinal]

{Description- Survive the spar for 5 mins}

{Bonus objective:- IForce Strada past his Self imposed limit during the spar }

{Rewards :- Natural Sage Body, Thunder Breathing(Demon slayer), Mimir's mastery of languages(Gow), 5000 system points.} 

{Bonus Rewards:-Total Concentration Breathing, Taijutsu 8 gates(upto 2 gates),Shisui Uchiha's Body Flicker jutsu(with mastery). 3000 system points.}

{Quest Progression:-completed}

{Bonus Objective:- completed}

"Well this sure has been very lucrative for me, i suppose" said Ajax chuckling.

Strada's Pov:-

After Teleporting from Ajax's Training room after the spar.

Raising his hands and noticing it reddening at the knuckles, exactly where Ajax's fist connected with his," This new student of mine is really interesting, it is surely going to be a fun experience" exclaimed Strada chuckling.



A/N:- back with another one, took my time writing my first ever fighting scene, please tell me how was it in comments.

Drop me stones too, please guys help this book reach more people if you think its worthwhile.

Wont yap anymore, enjoy:) 




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