

In the all encompassing mountain range known to mankind as the Himalayas at a point where the pure white world of snow meets the sea of grass creating a beautiful contrast. A man is seen sitting cross legged in a meditative pose with a katana or sword of some kind resting on his knees , when a iridescent glow was seen in front of him which gradually seems to brighten up more as time goes making the man to exit his meditation. When the man opened his eyes he found he was not in his previous spot but in a place which seemed impossible to decipher when suddenly he 'hears' a voice: I AM THE RECORDS OF ALL EVENTS,THOUGHTS,WORDS,EMOTION AND INTENT TO HAVE EVER OCURRED IN THE PAST ,PRESENT,OR FUTURE.I AM WHAT YOU CAN SIMPLY CALL THE AKASHIC RECORD AND I AM HERE TO GIVE YOU A CHOICE OR A REWARD IF YOU SO WISH TO TAKE IT. English is not my first language cover taken from Pinterest

Future_Regressor_9 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4:- Summoning

Ajax's Pov:-

Waking up early next morning, after finishing my morning routine, i went for a jog in the neighbourhood, after returning i did a light workout in the gym, which is on the second floor of the building, after that took a long relaxing bath in the huge Jacuzzi bathtub that Robert had bought saying something about it hitting spots on the body even where hands couldn't reach, weird guy that one.

But i digress, after taking the bath, the first thing i did was use 3000 system points to stock up the ingredients for the restaurant for a month, afterwards i made my way to the kitchen inside my flat to make breakfast.

For breakfast i decided to make egg benedict with blue berry pancakes, first cracking two eggs in a saucepan, poaching them until the whites set but the centers remained soft and the secret for that, well you need to have something called patience.

Then on roasted sourdough, layering delicate slices of smoked salmon, then putting the poached eggs, which nestled nicely atop the salmon, the yolks almost looking ready to spill forth. And for the pièce de résistance a drizzle of herb-infused hollandaise sauce and garnishing it with parsley, chives, and a hint of tarragon.

Then Ladling pancake batter in an iron skillet which was made up of simple mix of flour, baking powder, and a pinch of magic from yours truly. The batter sizzled as it spread, forming golden discs flecked with plump blueberries. 

Flipping the pancakes with a practiced hand, and noticing the edges crisping to perfection, the aroma of vanilla spreading inside the kitchen. Now, just stack the pancakes together and drizzle each layer with maple syrup and you have the blueberry pancakes ready.

Lastly for the drink, squeezing fresh oranges and lemon, brought from the system store, which by the way i too was surprised to find that i had one, considering the special nature of my system, and when i had asked sage regarding it, 'she' said that the system points are courtesy of this world's will considering the quest came from it, so to use the points a store was assimilated in the system function, but then came the issue as to where to store the system items, so for that an inventory was also added strictly for storing the system items.

But i digress, squeezing the oranges and a lemon in a crystal pitcher and mixing it well, then adding a sprig of mint to it. Placing all the food together on a tray, and carrying it to the dining table, and placing it on it, i sat down for the breakfast, while thinking about the rewards i earned yesterday.

Cutting a small piece of the egg benedict and eating it.....

Sage show me my status

{Name:- Ajax Knight Ansaldo}

{Age:- 15}


{Ctr:- 45}

{Vit:- 45}

{Cons:- Boderline middle class (Grade C)}

{Agi:- 45}+5


{Wis:- 40}

{Abilities:- The eye that reflects the heart Sharingan(one tomoe), Basic observational Haki}

{Skills:-Master level cooking mastery, advance medical ninjutsu master, intermediate earth style mastery, intermediate fire style mastery, intermediate water style mastery, intermediate fuinjutsu mastery, intermediate dagger mastery, intermediate sword mastery, intermediate staff mastery, intermediate acrobatics mastery, basic Renewal Taekwondo mastery, basic tracking mastery.}


(Slot 1:- Heaven's equal Sun Wukong Jin Mori 10% integrated) 

(Slot 2:- none)}

{blessings:- Minor luck blessing from ?}

{Items:- Kusanagi blade}

{system points:-12000}

My first master level skill, and it is for cooking, i don't know if i should be happy or disappointed about it, though now looking at my stats, i wonder how strong i really am, considering these are just stats and no one is able to use 100% potential of their bodies due to various reason, whether it being some not knowing the exact parameters of one's body or the use of incorrect technique making one waste extra amount of energy, thats why all those with a gameresque systems are overpowered and are nearly unbeatable in the same level of power because they know and can use 100% of what their bodies could offer. Making them able to cross even realms to fight a higher tiered opponent than them.

Thinking about skills, i also noticed that the improvement in my weapon arts have hit a block of some kind, which is hindering their advancement and, unfortunately i do not have any ideas about how to break through it. That leads us to the second thing about which i had been thinking about about the magic circles which my parents had left behind, and am considering using the one my father left behind first. And i have two reasons for it.

Firstly, i already got like three elemental ninjutsu from the system, which is more than what i would have achieved in elemental magic, training on my own. So i do not lack 'spells' per se in my repertoire, but it is in the physical department that i truly lack, i mean i barely know how to fight, i just know how to handle a weapon proficiently and not just waving it around in the air like a kid who got a new toy.

And the other reason is, well my mother had always been a little mysterious compared to my father who treated me like i was one of his buddies. Now i am not saying that i don't trust my mother, but i barely know any background details about my mother and considering what i saw on that night, with a golden bronze armor and metallic looking wings, she could be from any origin, from Greco-Roman to Norse or even biblical too. And considering i don't know what those men that night wanted from us, and the fact is that none of these factions are something i could deal with right now, so it won't we wise to choose them.

Hence, i have decided to use the circle, my father left behind to summon my first teacher, hopefully. Though seeing as the church's insignia on it, i could roughly guess who can it be, i mean since father personally doesn't seem to be connected to the church, though we should be considering our family has a history of fighting under the heaven faction in the great war alongside pendragon and other families, but since we are not , and father was high class in strength, it would most likely be some exorcist affiliated with the church or some high priest. As above them are all ultimate class beings and if we really had such a close connection with someone of that power, someone who would give us a summoning circle to summon them anytime, then i would have most likely met them atleast once in all these years.

So having finally decided what to do, and finishing my breakfast, i picked up all the dirty dishes and made my way to the sink to wash them, while washing them, my mind couldn't help but divert again towards my restaurant downstairs which i will be opening later today after returning from school, and just thinking about it makes me excited.

Enlightened's Respite, that was the name i had decided upon, for my restaurant/tavern. It's name symbolizing the means by which i got here and also a hope or a sign for the future i wanted for it, where all the supernatural and normal people can coexist and relax peacefully, and also a way for different factions to negotiate and make decisions, without the fear of conflict, a respite as you would say.

After i finished washing all the dishes, noticing the time, i started getting ready for school seeing as it was almost time for me to start making my way there.

After a few minutes, i was ready for the school and was just locking the door and about start walking, when my phone started ringing.

Taking out my flip phone, i saw roberts name on the screen, wondering what is this about while picking it up..

"Good Morning master Ajax, i hope i haven't called you at a bad time" came roberts voive from the phone.

"Good morning to you too Roberts, and no i was just making my towards the school", i replied

"Then i believe, i have caught you at the perfect time, master ajax" Robert, whose voice was a lot more chipper now than before.

"Oh," i intoned, now fully interested in what he was saying.

"You might want to check the basement, master, their is a surprise waiting for you their" he told me.

"A basement?, i didn't know that their was a basement here , their is no way to go their, atleast as far as i know" i asked a little surprised.

"Oh you just need to press the ground floor's button on your lift twice, and it will take you to the basement. i didn't informed you about it before, as i wanted it to be a surprise" Robert, sounding a little apologetic.

"eh, its fine" shrugging it off, while making my way towards the elevator and did exactly as he said, pressing the ground floor button twice and it really did started making its way to the basement.

The door of the elevator opened and their it was, a pretty normal looking basement turned parking lot, with common monochromatic color scheme including grays and white, with a low ceiling supported by pillars and the yellow markings on the ground dividing the parking space evenly.

But all that is secondary, for my whole attention was on the 'thing' standing their in the middle of the basement, eager to find out what it was, i moved towards it and removed the cloth covering it, and i had to take a deep breath because of what i saw.

Hearing me silent for a long time," I believe you find my present to your liking , master ajax" robert asked amused.

"uh, yeah", i replied 

"Then my work is done, as i have told you all i wanted to tell you, may you have a nice day master" i heard from robert, still staring intently infront of me.

"yeah, you too Robert", i wished back, halfheartedly, as i was focused on the beauty standing in front of me, and it is not the one you are thinking of degenerate.

And why won't i be, as here it stands in all its majesty, with its all black exhaust and aluminum wheels exuding a custom, low rider look. A cafe inspired speed screen and a blacked out front end with a chrome medallion on the gas tank, fulfilling all the needs of my inner edgy personality, the Harley Davidson Street 750. Though released earlier compared to my previous world as the current year was 2010 , but who gives a fuck about it. And even though i am more of a car guy, i wouldn't mind riding this beauty a bit.(image)

Picking up and wearing the helmet hanging on the handle, and keys already inserted in the ignition point, i started the bike and revved it a little, and listening to the roar of the engine, made my heart beat faster. They say that bikes and cars are a man's love, they say right because damn if it didn't feel awesome. The next thing i knew, i was already on the road on my way to the kuoh academy, catching the attention of people wherever i passed from, and within few minutes i was already parking it in the designated parking of the school, where a few faculty's vehicle were standing, and they all were staring at my bike, some male teachers even gave me a thumbs up.

Walking through the front gate , i saw Tsubaki standing their, while helping anyone who is new, or anyone who needs assistance with anything.

As soon as she noticed me, "Good Morning Knight san, do you need help navigating to your class?" 

"Good morning to you too Shinra san, and no i am fine, but thank you for your consideration" i replied, making my way towards my classroom.

As i was walking, i could feel people staring at me, discussing about me while whispering to each other, though with my heightened perception, i could hear them all.

"who is he, he looks so handsome" a random girl said.

"damn, another pretty boy like kiba, pretty boys like them should just die" a random guy said.

But i like a chad, ignored everything, and finally reached the door leading to my classroom, after knocking on it politely to make my homeroom teacher notice me, As soon as miss aiko my homeroom teacher notices me, she gestures for the class to settle down, and called me inside tp stand beside her.

"ok class, their is a new transfer student who will be studying with you from now on", said miss Aiko, who gestured me to introduce myself to the class.

"Stepping forward, "hello, my name is Ajax Knight and i recently moved here from the the state of new Hampshire in U.S, so from now on, please take care of me", introducing myself.

" So now does anyone has any questions for the new student?" Miss Aiko directing the question towards the class.

i saw many many girls raising their hands, miss aiko pointing towards one," what hobbies do you have" the girl asked

"I like singing and cooking" i answered

Miss Aiko signaling towards another one, "are you single" asked another girl with brown hair.

"Yes, i am single currently" i replied, and saw many other girls eager to ask their questions, as for boys, surprisingly their was not even one boy showing interest, as they all were sneaking glances towards the back of the class where, i must say, sat the two most beautiful girls i ever saw.

One of them has almost floor reaching long black hair, tied in a ponytail which were held together by an orange ribbon, having the perfect Yamato Nadeshiko persona, with purple eyes and a voluptuous body wearing the kuoh academy uniform which only accentuates her figure.(image)

And the other one has the most hair i ever saw on a person, with thigh length bright crimson hair, with one hair sticking out slopping backwards, striking blue eyes, an equally voluptuous body with a buxom figure.(image)

yes, they were Akeno Himejima and Rias Gremory, one is the daughter of fallen angel cadre Baraqiel and the other is the sister of the current lucifer and one of the two ruling parties of this town who is also the heir to the duke house of Gremory, which is the part of the 72 pillars made by the original Lucifer.

After telling the class to settle down once again, Miss aiko signalled me towards the only empty seat in the class, which was the second last seat from the back, beside the window, the typical protagonist seat. I feel like it has become a rite to passage now for all main characters or Protagonists to sit in that seat, if you find a Protagonist not sitting in that seat, either he/she dies or its an hentai anime.

Reaching my seat, and taking a seat, while giving a nod towards akeno, who was looking at me while smiling, who also nod back at me, and the boy sitting beside me who was busy staring at akeno, who didn't look interested at all to talk to me, and neither did i bothered with him.

The classes went on as usual with nothing interesting happening till the lunch break. As soon as the bell rang signaling the start of the lunch, i made my towards the cafeteria, picking up my lunch which consisted of bread, soup and fruit juice and carrying it to an empty table in the midst of the loud chatter of the other students.

I was minding my own business and eating my lunch while spreading my senses to hear any interesting tidbit of information, though i found none, and as i was listening, suddenly their was a pin drop silence in the cafeteria, confused i looked up to find Rias Gremory and Akeno himejima standing before me while holding their food plates.

"Can we join you, rest if the tables are all full." asked rias while smilling.

Nodding towards them in acceptance, and becoming the target of tomorrow's school rumors for sure, even though i could notice space at another table which would have been sufficient for two people, but since they came to me and asked me , i played along. As them approaching me on my first day, without any prior engagement between us, coincidence? i don't think so.

I straightened my posture while looking directly in to their eyes and having a warm smile on my face to show them that i was genuinely interested in getting to know them.

As they sat, "My name is Rias gremory, and this one beside me is my friend Akeno Himejima, sorry if we are bothering you" said rias introducing herself and akeno who also gave me a nod and a smile.

"Nice to meet you both, Gremory san and Himejima san, and no it wasn't a bother at all, infact who will decline the company of beautiful girls such as the both of you?" i waved them off while giving a smile in return.

"Ara , i didn't know you were a flirt Knight san" said akeno while covering her mouth and chuckling.

"It isn't flirting if it is the truth , and please both of you, call me Ajax or jax for short as i am not used to japanese customs and that is what my friends back in us used to call me anyway" i said, looking at both of them.

"fine, jax it is then, you can call me rias too, i don't mind" said rias

"ufufufu, in that case call me akeno too" continued akeno from where rias left off.

Surprisingly the rest of the conversation was really mundane, as we talked about the weather, my experience so far in japan and other normal topics like those, infact i would have enjoyed spending time with them normally had i not known their true nature.

After lunch we made our way towards our classroom and the rest of the day was without anything surprising.

After school finished, i made my way towards my bike, and in no time at all i was back in my home, in the training room of my gym floor, which was added here by robert for situations like these.

Looking at the magical circle on my hand and noticing the church's insignia, i took a deep breath and checked my status for just in case

Sage show me my status

{Name:- Ajax Knight Ansaldo}

{Age:- 15}


{Ctr:- 45}

{Vit:- 45}

{Cons:- Boderline middle class (Grade C)}

{Agi:- 45}+5


{Wis:- 40}

{Abilities:- The eye that reflects the heart Sharingan(one tomoe), Basic observational Haki}

{Skills:-Master level cooking mastery, advance medical ninjutsu master, intermediate earth style mastery, intermediate fire style mastery, intermediate water style mastery, intermediate fuinjutsu mastery, intermediate dagger mastery, intermediate sword mastery, intermediate staff mastery, intermediate acrobatics mastery, basic Renewal Taekwondo mastery, basic tracking mastery.}


(Slot 1:- Heaven's equal Sun Wukong Jin Mori 10% integrated) 

(Slot 2:- none)}

{blessings:- Minor luck blessing from ?}

{Items:- Kusanagi blade}

{system points:-12000}

Seeing as everything was ok, and finally pouring mana into the magic circle, which started glowing and soon a huge glowing circle manifested on the ground and from which a hazy silhouette of a person could be seen.

As i was watching the magic circle unblinking, i suddenly felt a humongous pressure settle on my body, which made me kneel on the ground, and from the magic circle came out a huge man, easily 2 meters tall in height with muscles i thought was impossible to achieve.

The man looked around for a moment and then locked eyes with me while giving me a kind smile and at the same time releasing the pressure that was forcing me to kneel.

"Buon giorno, young man. I've come from the Vatican, my name is Vasco Strada" 

Well shit.


 A/N:- Another chapter done and dusted, and we got vasco strada as the first character who is going to train the Mc or is he?

 anyway drop me power stones, give comments, come on guys, i am not doing that bad right?

with this, enjoy :)



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