
(dark root garden) (undead perish)

Percy went down to Andre and he had to spend some of his soul to buy something that seemed Interesting.

[crest of artorias

This crest opens a door in the Darkroot Garden sealed by ancient magic.

The door leads to the grave of Sir Artorias the Abysswalker. Many adventurers have left for the grave, but none have returned, for they make easy prey for local bandits. With such dangers, the crest can do more harm than good in the hands of the uninitiated]

little did he know he would find a better spot to grind souls, so he would earn the souls back pretty quickly.

and surprisingly Percy had already found this door earlier, and he just thought it wasn't accessible.

but low and behold when Percy put in the crest, the door opened. Percy however didn't go in.

Percy instinctively knew this was beyond his capabilities for now. besides Percy saw a suspicious wall, and if Percy learned anything from Quelaag about walls, it's to always hit them.

when Percy did he found a hidden bonfire. whoever did this is too cruel. how could they hide something like that?

if Percy didn't go and meet Quelaag Percy probably never would have found it.

Percy lit the bonfire before he rested. now Percy had a choice, he could go into the crest of Artorias, or explore the path on the right. Of course, Percy chose the natural option.

Percy was walking through a narrow passageway when he saw a soul item in a small circular room.

'...no' Percy thought. he knew it was a trap, after all, he had a lot of experience in traps like those so he left it alone.

although Percy couldn't see any traps, he could feel it in his guts. and you know that you should also trust your gut.

so although Percy wanted that soul item, he refrained from going. Percy continues walking forward.

Percy encountered a fog wall but thought it was a boss fight. imagine his disappointment when it was just a new unexplored area.

Percy was looking around and to his right, he saw a tree. oh but it wasn't just any tree, it was a moving tree.

so Percy killed it.

when he did it have him 160 souls, but opened a new pathway.

on Percy's way down he had to fight a red lizard monster with a long tongue that it used to attack.

Percy died a couple of times due to the giant stone men. They had this attack where they could stop him from running or rolling.

which Percy found unfair, but to hell with it.

while exploring Percy found the [elite armor set] but ended up dying due to the ambush.

Percy ran past a giant stone man and found a fog wall. so Percy naturally went through it.

in there was a beautiful butterfly, but too bad it was an enemy. Percy threw his 8 fireballs, some missed, and some hit.

Percy did end up dying multiple times. many because his spells didn't hit.

in the end, Percy had to stick to his claymore and fireballs since that did the most damage.

but Percy did beat him...her?

so Percy climbed the tower and found these items.

[watchtower basement key

divine ember

and a homeward bone]

however, said homeward bone was used immediately.

at the bonfire, Percy leveled up intelligence once. since magic does a lot of damage Percy decided to invest in both strength, dex, and intelligence.

Percy went to Andre and he saw the divine ember I was carrying.

"Ahh, why, that's a fine ember you have there. I could smith some mighty weapons with one of those. Why not lend it to me?" he asked.

Percy nodded and gave him the ember.

Percy then upgraded his claymore to +5.

of course, Percy had to wait for Andre to finish with his weapon, but when he did Percy began exploring.

Percy found the [basement key] and opened the gate that once closed earlier.

Percy ended up finding out the purpose of the watchtower basement key did. and oh boy, here came the pain.

this man caused Percy multiple death. but in the end, Percy found a way to beat him.

Percy lured him onto the top of the stairs and then he made the man in heavy armor fall off. then Percy would back stab the man.

Percy had to add all his strength into the backstab because the man's armor was tuff. very tuff.

however, the man dropped the havels ring which increased how much Percy could carry.

(author note: should Percy be able to use four rings? like in dark souls 2? author note end)

Percy found another way to go that used the use of the basement key too.

he only tested that door because he had lots of keys.

Percy went down some stairs and slid down the ladder, however, Percy continue banging his head.

as Percy continue he was now given an option. go right or go left. right has never betrayed Percy before, so Percy went right.

Percy opened the door and found himself in an area he was before. it turned out this was a shortcut.

so Percy went to the third... no fourth, ever bonfire he found. the one right after fire link shrine.

Percy rested before leaning against the wall and sleeping.

day 21

deaths... 753


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