
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · 奇幻
46 Chs

Shocking Result

The whole place was as quite as a grave yard, the disciples kept quiet to hear what the sect leader has to say next

"Now, I want you all to gather in line according to your court and element"The sect leader said gently

all the disciples all immediately obeyed and followed the instructions given to them.

Huxton gently walked towards where the metal element cultivators where standing.

The disciples all hurriedly arrange themselves

'Thats good,now Aitor and Zita, you two are going for the fire element" the sect leader said pointing towards a male and a female who were standing in lines of fire element, outer court disciples

"Your cultivations are the highest in the outer court, getting to the 9th level of element building tier, that's an impressive progress"The sect leader said gently with a smile

The disciples all started clapping, the whole place was covered in applauds, cheering for the two selected disciples

The male and female disciples gently walked up to the raised platform to stand beside the sect leader

"Now, Keill and Pia,you two are the people with the highest cultivation level in the water element, come up to the stage, you would be going for the training"The sect leader said with a gentle tune, calling out to two female disciples

He continued to pick the disciples with the highest cultivation level in the different elements, he selected all the people except the metal element which just newly joined the sect.

When the sect leader finished selecting all the disciples in the other elements, he turned to the metal element disciples who were eagerly waiting for them to be selected

"The metal element just newly joined the sect so I don't have any knowledge of the highest cultivators there, so I will check your cultivation levels"He gently said to the metal element cultivators

He turned to an elder and said lightly him

"bring out the cultivation totem"

Sometime later, the cultivation totem was brought to the platform, the Metal element disciples all lined up including Huxton to check their cultivation level.

One after the other, they started placing their hand on the totem, revealing to the sect leader and everyone else there their cultivation level, no one has reached the second level of element building tier, which made the sect leader a little disappointed.

"Sect leader, I don't think any of them hear is strong enough to go to the beast region"one of the elders standing beside the sect leader whispered to him

"You are right, but let's keep checking till we are done checking to know their progress so far, it's not their fault though, a cultivation technique without any instructions or instructor, I wasn't expecting anything great from it"The sect leader lightly said to the elder

The disciples continued to go through the totem, revealing their cultivation level. A while later, a beautiful girl with a charming appearance and long hair gently walked up to the totem and gently placed her hands on the totem, immediately her cultivation level was revealed

"Huh... 4th level of element building tier, that's a great progress even without an instructor, that's a great talent you have young girl, How old are you?"The sect leader was greatly surprised by the result he saw, he gently said with a surprised expression to the girl

"Thank you sect leader for your compliment, well I will be turning eleven this new year" the girl gently said with a light bow

"Hmm, that's a great one, talented, stand beside me, you would be going to the beast region to raise you cultivation level higher, I believe with your talent, you would be able to do that"The sect leader gently said with a smile

The checking continued but still, the other disciples all disappointed him. it was getting to Huxton's turn, Huxton gently asked huzzah

"Grandpa, what should I do? should I beat her with my cultivation level or fall below her?"

"Hmm... that girl, I would say she is pretty talented, getting to that level in just a short amount of time and also without an instructor, that's a rare talent, a great understanding she has" Huzzah gently praised

"Emm... grandpa, that is not the answer to my question"Huxton interrupted with a light frown

"Oh... I think you should fall behind her" huzzah said gently

"Why?" Huxton asked with a raised eyebrow and a suspicious gaze

"Because the time for you to reveal your cultivation level is not yet right, remember you are in hiding and your life depends on this hiding, it won't be advisable to show your cultivation level and draw alot of attention to yourself, just follow it lightly and gently, don't draw too much attention to yourself for now, go below her but make sure you partake in the training"Huzzah gently explained

"Ok... I will go with that, below her"

It was Huxton's turn, he gently walked up to the totem and placed his right hand on it, immediately his cultivation level was revealed. 3rd level of element building tier.

"Wow... another genius, I guess we just got two metal element cultivators for the training"One of the elder said excitedly to the sect leader

"Yes you are right, this two has really surprised me, going above my expectation, I am really impressed, it is settled,in three days time, they all leave for the beast region" the sect leader declared loudly

The students all applauded with an happy expression

"The rest of you can go back to your living quarters, the selected candidates, remain behind" The sect leader said gently

The disciples all started leaving the assembly ground, the whole place was chaotic with loud noise all over the place, the sect leader and elders calmly waited for the disciples to leave the premises.

When the other disciples all left, the sect leader turned to the selected disciples and said gently.

"You all here are the selected ones for the training, it is not an easy one, but it's a great opportunity for you all, I hope you all take it seriously, some of you might not come back alive but I want you all to watch out for each other, help and protect one another, if you all can do that, I Believe that alot of you will come back to make this sect proud, remember team work"He said with a profound tune

He turned to Huxton and the girl standing beside him and said gently

"You two really surprised me today, I must say I am truly impressed by your progress, I still don't know how you two did it but I am really happy, I also don't know how the metal element works but i will find out when you two returns, but don't forget you two are the weakest among them all, so please stick to them and to each other for more protection and security, I don't want to loose you two genius or any other genius here, Now go back to your living quarters and prepare yourselves, get everything in order,in three days time, you all will be escorted to the beast region for your training, we will meet the other sects in the entrance to the beast region, please do greats for the sect,for your family and for yourself, I will be living now"The sect leader said gently with a calm tune

"Thank you sect leader" They all bowed and said with respect

He jumped into the air and disappeared out of sight, following behind him, the elders