
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · 漫画同人
30 Chs

Arresting a Captain

--- 3 Years Later ---

Yami arrived outside the gates of the 8th Division with several Shinigami from the 9th Division. Their job was to arrest an officer that had been abusing his powers and sexually assaulting several souls in Rukongai and lower-ranked Shinigami. It was thanks to Senna doing some internal investigations within the 8th Division that they were able to catch the man relatively early. So Yami was here with the 9th Division to officially place him under arrest.

The 9th Division was another unique division amongst the Gotei 13. Unlike the Onmitsukido who were technically not a part of the Gotei 13 but instead commanded by the head of the Shihoin Clan and was more of a black-ops police group, the 9th Division was the true military police of the Gotei 13. They were in charge of making sure that Shinigami were punished for their crimes. They worked the most closely with the Onmitsukido, specifically the Patrol Corps as both had similar duties.

Since the suspect in question was an officer, Yami had to personally intervene as head of the Patrol Corps. He was also accompanied by the current lieutenant of the 9th Division.

"Yam-chan! It has been a while since we went on a mission together," Mashiro, the cheerful, green-haired lieutenant of the 9th Division said with a smile.

"Hmm," Yami replied while walking through the gates of the 8th Division. The members of the 8th looked at the intruders in confusion before they saw Yami's Patrol Corps Commander badge. Then, they all knew that the group was there to arrest someone and that it was most likely an officer.

"Yam-chan, do you really need my help? Can't you handle this by yourself?" Mashiro asked while trying to escape from her job as always.

Yami began to get a headache.

'I understood why Captain Muguruma is always complaining about his lieutenant when I passed over reports to the man.'

"You can leave if you want. But just know that I plan to report everything about this mission as it truly happened when I turn in my report later. If you wish you deal with your captain's wrath..." Yami left the end open for interpretation but Mashiro understood what would happen in Kensei found out she was slacking. The young woman instantly straightened her back and began to walk with a military march.

"What are you guys doing?!?! Get in proper lines! Keep your backs straight! We must exude the dignity of the 9th Division!"

'You're the one that Captain Muguruma complains about not allowing him to keep his head raised high when he compares his lieutenant to the others,' the other members of the 9th Division collectively thought.

Yami and the others walked through the barracks for a few minutes before they appeared outside one of the female dormitories. They ran into the building and opened one of the rooms.

There, they saw the officer they were there to arrest trying to strip a shinigami with purple hair that had a ribbon in it. Both of their zanpakuto were on the ground so as soon as they entered, Mashiro jumped forward.

"Mashiro Kick!"

The man was sent flying through the wall and made a crater as he crashed into the ground. Mashiro stood at the top of the crater and looked down at the man with her hands on her hips.

"Did you really think you would get away with Ultimate Mashiro here?"

Yami and the members of the 9th Division looked at the lieutenant while feeling sorry for Captain Muguruma.

Yami walked over to Senna and helped her cover herself.

"Hehe. My acting was pretty good, right? I was able to seduce him with my charms," Senna whispered in Yami's ears while pretending to cry. She had to keep her cover as a member of the Patrol Corps so the 9th Division members couldn't find out she had helped set him up.

Yami had already planned with Senna to set up this trap for the man. They didn't need to falsify a charge for him but instead wanted to catch him at a single location and get him when he was off guard. This was why his zanpakuto was already on the ground and away from him while also allowing Yami to know which room to enter.

The members of the 9th Division rushed towards the suspect and gave him some basic medical care before tying up. He was then forced to his feet and was about to be marched out of the 8th Division when there was another explosion.

Although instead of Mashiro, it came from another dorm room. A man wearing a pink woman's kimono over a white haori was lying on the floor with stars in his eyes.

"Captain Kyoraku..." Yami started but he heard another explosion behind him. A young woman wearing a shortened version of the shinigami uniform who had pigtails in her hair was lying on the floor with stars in her eyes. She had the standard lieutenant badge on her left arm.

"Lieutenant Yadomaru," Yami looked at her and frowned

This pair of perverts were in charge of the 8th Division but Yami did not understand how.

'No, one is the Captain-Commander's student and one of the most powerful shinigami around while the other is a girl with glasses who is exactly his type. Of course, they would be in the same division and be put in charge of it.'

Looked at the two semi-conscious officers before making a decision.

--- An Hour Later ---

Yami and the 9th Division members were standing at the gates of the 1st Division with 3 prisoners tied up behind them. The original culprit they were after as well as the two commanders of the 8th Division.

Lieutenant Sasakibe looked at the pair as his eyes twitched. He could already guess why Yami had brought them back.

"Thank you, Corps Commander. We shall handle it from here."