
Path of Wrought Steel and Gold

*currently on hold* Also please note that I've changed the lore of RWBY, some more than others, mainly so the world makes a bit more sense.

GrandSplix777 · 漫画同人
17 Chs

Why can't i be left alone

( ) = inner thoughts

`` = quotation marks

As EMIYA walked downstairs many of the kids seemed to gather around someone, EMIYA wasn't sure who they were crowding around but as long as it wasn't him he didn't care.

"Hey, Emiya!" One of the kids shouted seeing him.

"Damn it!" He silently cursed

"Nice of you to join us this early Emiya. We have a new arrival." One of the caretakers named Enva said. She was a young woman, in her mid-twenties, she had cow horns growing out of the sides of her head. Dark orange eyes and fair skin.

As EMIYA approached the group they parted way for him, even though EMIYA isn't the oldest he's definitely one of the tallest, for his age that is.

'How did she get here?' Gilgamesh thought in shock as he looked down from the stairs. 'How that mongrel's daughter got here doesn't really matter. What does is what she does.' He thought slightly nervously. He was confident that she would run herself far from the city and into a Grimm or two. She was scared to all hell after all.

The girl in question was a young girl, 5 or 6. She had long green hair that reached to her shoulders and dark yellow eyes.

Feeling that someone was looking at her, more intently than the others. She looked around before seeing Gil's piercing red eyes glaring at her.

"Um hi Gilgamesh." The young girl said nervously at him.

All of the orphanage's residents became confused. How did these two know each other? Gil usually never left his room. And even if he did, the caretakers would never let him leave the area without their supervision.

"Hello there Gem, why are you here?" Gilgamesh asked in a neutral tone.

"Um, well i-" The girl started nervously but was soon cut off.

"Can I speak to you, away from everyone else?" He said slowly turning around before heading towards his shared room.

Wondering what she should do the girl stood still, slightly shaking.

Knowing that it would take forever if he left her on her own and knowing that it would only get Gilgamesh angry EMIYA said that he'd show her the way.

The girl hesitantly slightly before reluctantly followed. She kinda hoped that the boy that she was following would keep Gilgamesh from killing her. She had silently cursed her luck for stumbling into the orphanage where her family's killer lived in.

Once they arrived, EMIYA sat down on one of the beds in the room, with Gilgamesh sitting on the other crosslegged.

She wasn't sure what to do, aside from sitting down next to EMIYA. She hoped that he was the nicer one of the two.

"So, Gemma. Why are you here out of all places?" Gilgamesh asked.

Gemma stumbled over her words a bit aggravating Gil even more, he was starting to lose his patience with her.

"I will not ask you again. Why are you here?" Gil shouted at her.

"Gil, chill. She's younger than you by like what? 70 years. She's a literal child who saw her family die." EMIYA said calmly. A tiny bit of anger could be heard in his voice.

"I'm well aware of that but seriously out of all the places that she could have gone to why here?" Gilgamesh responded angrily.

"I don't know and I don't really care but you need to calm down. Nothing bad has happened yet." EMIYA said, trying to reason with, funnily enough, himself.

Gilgamesh was fuming. If it wasn't for EMIYA, Gemma would have most likely already been dead.

Suddenly EMIYA got an idea. One that had the potential to calm his brother down.

"What if I look after her?" EMIYA purposed. leaving Gil silent.

Gilgamesh immediately looked at his brother with anger and confusion. Had he gone mad?

"You obviously don't like her, but that isn't any reason to kill her. And besides so long as she doesn't tell anyone everything will be fine. So long as I keep my eye on her everything will be fine, right?"

Before Gil could even retort. EMIYA proposed something to him through their mental link.

After a bit of consideration, Gilgamesh agreed. Since Gemma didn't know about the link nor could she hear what they said, Gilgamesh had to verbally say it.

"Fine, but she has to sign this." Gil said as a dark golden ripple formed in front of his hand. Out of the portal came a rolled-up parchment.

Once he tossed it to EMIYA the ripple disappeared.

Undoing the seal, EMIYA began to read it. He needed to make sure that Gil didn't try and cheat them.

After doing a thorough read through it, EMIYA signed it before handing over the contract to Gemma along with a traced pen.

She hesitated a bit before signing. Considering her options. If Gilgamesh was willing to listen to EMIYA then that should mean that he, in some way, was on equal footing with Gil. Which meant that if needed he could keep her safe from Gil. However, if she didn't sign it then it was extremely likely that he would kill her the first chance he got.

Seeing no other option, she signed the contract. Forgeting to actually read the contract.

Immediately afterwards the contract burned up in blue flames. Gemma jumped in shock at the sudden flames.

Seemingly uncaring about the contract burning up in flames, EMIYA began talking.

"Since we've got that taken care of. Why don't you go and talk to the other kids."

Gemma hesitantly got up to leave. As she opened the door EMIYA suddenly called out to her.

"Oh, yeah. Make sure not to tell anyone about this. We wouldn't want them to get hurt, would we?" He said in a jovial tone. Yet the hidden threat was very much so clear to her.