
Pale Flesh

"Aiden Knight had everything he ever wanted - billions of dollars, total control of his company. But when his life is suddenly taken by greedy enemies, he discovers a power beyond his wildest dreams. As his shattered head regenerates and he awakens a mysterious Bloodline system, Aiden realizes he's been playing a game he didn't even know existed. And the stakes have just been raised to a whole new level."

fiendish_grin · 奇幻
23 Chs

Chapter 4: The Test

Aiden dismissed everyone after the meeting, and went to his lab for a test. He wanted to figure out what had changed about him, and why he had survived his death. He wanted to understand his new abilities and weaknesses, and how to control them. He wanted to learn more about his condition, and its potential. It was Aiden's innate nature to want to tinker and have thorough understanding of everything.

He entered his lab, a large and modern space filled with various equipment and devices. It was his personal sanctuary, where he conducted his experiments and research. It was also his secret vault, where he stored his most valuable and confidential data and projects.

He locked the door behind him, and activated the security system. He didn't want anyone to disturb him, or discover his secrets.

He walked to a medical station, and prepared himself for a test.

He took out a syringe, and inserted it into his arm. He drew some blood, and put it into a vial.

He placed the vial into a machine, and pressed a button.

He waited for the results.

He looked at the screen, and saw nothing.

The machine couldn't analyze his blood.

It couldn't identify its type, or its components.

It couldn't detect any DNA, or any cells.

It couldn't recognize it as blood.

It was something else.

Aiden frowned, and took out the vial from the machine. He looked at it, and saw that his blood was changing. It was becoming darker and thicker, like tar. It was becoming solid and brittle, like ash. It was becoming dust.

Aiden realized that his blood couldn't stay outside of his body for long. It had a limited lifespan, and it decayed rapidly. It was like a part of him that died when it left him.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he alive, or dead? Was he human, or something else?

He decided to do another test. He took out a scalpel, and cut his arm. He watched as blood dripped from his wound, and then stopped. He watched as his wound healed immediately, leaving no scar. He watched as his blood turned to dust on the floor.

Aiden realized that his body had incredible healing abilities. It could repair any damage, and restore any function. It could survive any injury, and overcome any illness. It could defy death.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he invincible, or vulnerable? Was he immortal, or mortal?

He decided to do another test. He took out a dumbbell, and lifted it with one hand. He felt no strain, or effort. He felt only ease, and power. He increased the weight, and lifted it again. He still felt no strain, or effort. He still felt only ease, and power. He increased the weight again, and again, until he reached the maximum limit of the machine.

Aiden realized that his body had incredible strength abilities. It could lift any weight, and break any barrier. It could move any object, and crush any material. It could defy gravity.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he strong, or weak? Was he superior, or inferior?

He decided to do another test. He took out a treadmill, and turned it on. He started running, and increased the speed. He felt no fatigue, or exhaustion. He felt only energy, and speed. He increased the speed again, and again, until he reached the maximum limit of the machine.

Aiden realized that his body had incredible agility abilities. It could run any distance, and dodge any obstacle. It could jump any height, and land any fall. It could defy friction.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he fast, or slow? Was he agile, or clumsy?

He decided to do another test. He took out a pair of headphones, and put them on. He turned on some music, and adjusted the volume. He felt no pain, or discomfort. He felt only pleasure, and clarity. He increased the volume again, and again, until he reached the maximum limit of the device.

Aiden realized that his body had incredible hearing abilities. It could hear any sound, and distinguish any tone. It could listen to any frequency, and filter any noise. It could defy silence.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he loud, or quiet? Was he attentive, or distracted?

He decided to do another test. He took out a bottle of perfume, and sprayed it on his wrist. He smelled it, and felt no irritation, or allergy. He felt only delight, and sensitivity. He sprayed more perfume on his wrist, and smelled it again. He still felt no irritation, or allergy. He still felt only delight, and sensitivity. He sprayed more perfume on his wrist, until he emptied the bottle.

Aiden realized that his body had incredible smell abilities. It could smell any scent, and identify any source. It could detect any trace, and follow any trail. It could defy odor.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he fragrant, or foul? Was he curious, or indifferent?

He decided to do another test. He took out a box of chocolates, and opened it. He took one chocolate, and put it in his mouth. He tasted it, and felt a wave of disgust, and nausea. He felt no joy, or intensity. He spat out the chocolate, and threw away the box.

Aiden realized that his body had changed its taste preferences. It could no longer enjoy any food, or digest any substance. It could only crave one thing, and need one thing.

It could only crave meat, and need blood.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he a carnivore, or a herbivore? Was he a predator, or a prey?

He decided to do another test. He took out a bottle of water, and opened it. He drank some water, and felt a surge of thirst, and dryness. He felt no relief, or hydration. He drank more water from the bottle, and felt more thirst, and dryness. He drank more water from the bottle, until he emptied it.

Aiden realized that his body had changed its thirst mechanisms. It could no longer quench its thirst, or hydrate itself. It could only increase its thirst, and dehydrate itself.

It could only quench its thirst with blood.

Aiden wondered what that meant for him. Was he thirsty, or satisfied? Was he dependent, or independent?

Aiden felt like he was still evolving. He felt like his body was changing and adapting to his new condition. He felt like he was becoming something else.

He needed a way to monitor his changes. He needed a way to understand his evolution. He needed a way to control his transformation.

He decided it was time to complete the project he had been working on for a while now. It was a project that he had kept secret from everyone, even his closest associates. It was a project that he had devoted his time and resources to, even at the expense of his other projects. It was a project that he had dreamed of, and hoped for.

It was a project that could change everything.

It was a system that would be implanted in his brain, and connected to his nervous system. It was a system that would monitor his body stats, and record its changes in a comprehensive manner. It was a system that would analyze his data, and provide him with feedback and suggestions. It was a system that would enhance his abilities, and optimize his performance.

It was a system that would be his partner, and his guide.

It was an advanced AI system, that he had named Eve.