
Jeremy In Azeroth High Arc: Part 4

I don't own Overwatch

2 weeks into the exchange

"Alright Class. Listen up!" Mrs. Vereesa Windrunner shouted. Bow under her arm as she walked in front of the Hunt 101 class. "Today is a practical exam." She stood before a vast empty field of grass so… I'm not entirely sure what or where we were going to hunt… was this a field trip. "I want you to track and FIND me a Timber wolf…"

Mrs. Windrunner was apparently MS. Windrunner's very alive sister… they looked almost completely identical with the exception that Mrs. Windrunner wore more green, and a traditional head of blonde elf gold hair... and again, had a healthy dose of breathing.

I sighed up for this because Scott and I went hunting with Uncle Jim and Tychus Findley once, we caught and ate a deer. Daelin, of whose hunting grades were poor and were well known, supposedly. Said it was no easy class. But Baine, (we've been hanging out) says that as long as I can keep a cool head and stay quiet, I'll be fine. It was 'perfectly safe'…

So I was the shortest human person there in a group of 20 others, Orcs, Draenei, a trio of dwarves with muskets, Tay'Jin, (I have already said 'Hi Tay'Jin') and including uniquely, a very tall and beautiful night elf girl… because nobody around Azeroth High is comparatively ugly. She had purple hair tied in a braid, long ears, and a very athletic body. But still shapely with firm melon breasts and a toned backside, while everyone else was dressed in camos and modern clothing she was the only one dressed in classic armor for a night elf archer… she had a cool cloak and everything… and you know, showing off those great abs and I think I could see some inner thighs?...

Also… I seemed to be looking at a lot of the girl's bodies lately… am I becoming a pervert?

"So. Once the field is set, find me a timber wolf. Hunt it. take its trophies. bring it back." She replied walking in front of everyone like a drill instructor before she stopped at me. Eyed me curiously for a minute, I waved, then she moved on. "ONLY the timber wolf will count towards your grade today, anything else you bring back is only extra credit, but without a timber wolf it's bunk."

She stared vacantly off into the distance for a moment before marching back toward me and staring at me again. "…Mr. Wildhammer… do you not have a bow? A crossbow?... Your father's a dwarf, did he have a rifle?"

"Uh… I have his hammer?" I said, holding up Dad's gryphon rider hammer as for the first time since I met her, she cracked a smile. The rest of the class laughed, most of them a little harshly. But the night elf girl eyed me with curiosity, her shining blue eyes and stoic features glancing me over.

"…I see." Said Mrs. Windrunner. "TWEET*" she whistled sharply as a young equipment dwarf showed up, smiling politely at Mrs. Windrunner. "Get Mr. Wildhammer something easy to use, would you?" the dwarf sniffed as he grabbed my right arm, squeezed my muscles, frowned, and rolled his eyes giving her a thumbs up as he walked away… I'm… sure that's a good sign.

Mrs. Windrunner continued to stare at me concernedly. Then eyed the rest of the class who seemed to be a little more 'at attention' than before. "Fallenstar." She said quickly as the pretty night elf walked out of the line and approached Mrs. Windrunner. "Want to earn guaranteed extra credit?"

"Certainly Mrs. Windrunner." She replied calmly, her voice had a certain reverb hum to it. Most night elves I've met have had that. like Ms. Cloudflyer: My dad's sometimes date. I think it's kinda cool.

"Wildhammer. This is Ulsea Fallenstar… MY BEST STUDENT in this class." She declared to the rest of the students as they grumbled collectively. "She'll hold your hand through the forest." She replied as I eyed the pretty night elf. Whose stony visage finally cracked in a half smile.

"Not literally." She replied quietly.

"Oh… and uh… what forest?" I asked as looking behind her at the plains Mrs. Windrunner smiled and snapped her fingers.

The ground rumbled, and before my eyes, the massive plains began to sparkle, flicker… and finally. Trees. Massive glowing pine trees erupted from the ground. Suddenly, in the span of moments that would normally take years, there was a forest before me. "The terrain magic only lasts 24 hours at most, it can't sustain itself any longer than that… though the items acquired from the summoned beasts you all will be hunting will remain." She explained to me.

"…Okay." I replied, still staring into the insta-forest as I heard the distinct cries of birds and creatures and… oh she said Timber Wolves, didn't she? And I'm betting she was talking about Azeroth Timber wolves… they're probably big. The equipment dwarf soon returned with an elven bow, and a quiver of arrows, handing them to me and patting my arm with a chuckle before walking away.

"Test it." Ulsea said calmly, "It won't do you any good if you can't draw it. Although the equipment staff is usually accurate in their judgement." She noted as I drew an arrow, nocked it to the string and tested it. It felt pretty smooth. She held her hand to me, "May I try?" she asked as I handed it to her and she EASILY drew the drawing back. "…Hmmn…" she eased it, then handed it back to me. "…You haven't really drawn a bow before have you?"

"Not a traditional one…" I replied sheepishly.

"I don't expect you to be an expert." She said, placidly. "It's a lighter draw than I thought."

"Alright prospective hunters!" Mrs. Windrunner began. "Begin!"

…I'm not a hunter, but I'm pretty sure stampeding and rampaging into the forest like the rest of the class was not the most productive way to start. Elbows, shins, even biting as they scrambled into the forest, only Ulsea stayed perfectly calm… some of the magic trees had been knocked down by eager Tauren.

"…And that is why Ulsea is my best student." Mrs. Windrunner declared sadly.

"Ready to go?" Ulsea asked as I nodded.

"Uh… sure."

"We are not going to scare away prey by charging in." she said as together we WALKED into the foliage, "watch my steps. Follow me closely." She said patiently as I kept pace, stepping where she stepped. "Most of the students just want to catch the required target and call it a class, but all they really do is draw eager predators and make it more difficult for themselves to track the main target… first… however." She said, raising her hand in a whisper as we stopped, barely five… six minutes walking, and knelt down. "We will hunt smart. Not quick." She said softly and pointed ahead.

There was a gazelle, but there was something literally magical about how it looked, it kinda shimmered. "…Would you like to participate?" she asked as I stared at her.

"Oh… uh…" I blinked at it, "…No you… it's your grade."

She eyed me softly for what felt like a minute, then as silent as the wind across the prairie she drew an arrow from her quiver onto her night elf bow. The gazelle hit the ground before it even knew what killed it, I felt bad, a little… but she rested a hand on my shoulder calmingly.

"They're not alive. They're summons, constructs. But for the time they are here, they are VERY lifelike." She assured me kindly, as she got up and approached the dead beast. Before slitting its throat, and tying a loose bit of cord around its rear legs. "The best option for hunting a predator is bait." She instructed as I nodded, watching her sexy muscles arms… ahem. Her regular night elf lady limbs, hauled the Gazelle off the forest floor, dangling in the air as it dripped blood.

"Now…" she glanced at me. "How are you at climbing trees?"

…One very awkward climb she had to help me with later. "Sorry…" I mumbled as we sat with the gazelle carcass dripping in view of our vision. The sturdy low tree limbs supporting our weight are almost right next to each other.

"Don't worry about it…" she smiled kindly at me, she was very… mature. I wonder how old she actually was as some Night Elves were supposedly ageless. She could actually be twice or triple my age if she was in Azeroth High. "Mrs. Windrunner likes to say I could carry the whole class on my back if I wanted too… perhaps she testing the theory?"

I laughed at that. "…I like it here." I replied as she glanced at me.

"…The trees?"

"The school."

"MMn… good to know." she said kindly. "Usually, thanks to sports teams our schools are at each other's throats, but it's nice to know you 'city folk' can come out here and enjoy yourself." Suddenly she drew an arrow and it planted beneath the dead gazelle in an increasing pool of blood. A curious bear that had been sniffing around suddenly darted off. "…Sorry about that." she replied, relaxing against the tree again. "Sometimes the bait doesn't work right away."

"It's fine." I replied, "Do what you need to do it's your grade"

We sat in silence for a moment as the sounds of musket fire echoed somewhere in the forest, she noted causually, "Iggy Ironfist…" before more banging, "Dawi Firebeard… Kugo Rockhammer… so noisy those muskets."

"You can tell whose firing them from the noise?" I asked as she glanced at me, her long ears twitching kinda cutely.

"And the swearing when they miss." She smiled, her eyes were always flicking back to the dripping carcass. "…So… into sports?" she asked as I blinked at her.

"Uh… well I… not really, I game a lot but I do have a favorite football team… mostly because my friend's Dad plays on it."

"Oh? What team? Who?"

"Star Raiders. Jim Raynor, he's my friend Scott's dad..."


She shifted so quickly on the tree branch it cracked under her movements while staring at me wide-eyed. It was a dramatic shift from a stoic, calm, matured woman to a fangirling schoolgirl.


Birds flew into the air at the shocking nose as she stared at me in both awe and reverence. "I LOVE the Star Raiders! And your friend's Dad is the lead quarterback?! He ran four touchdowns on his own during the last game! He's amazing! Like he knows EXACTLY where his opponents are going to be before he moves! He would be an amazing hunter!"

I didn't have the heart to tell her that Uncle Jim is terrible at hunting… he is still a great shot though.

"Well I…" but I saw something out of the corner of my eye. The gazelle was moving, a big grey wolf was chewing at the carcass. "Ulsea! Ulsea look!" I declared whispering as she glanced and she raised her foot to get herself into a better position shifting herself into a balanced kneel on the edge of the branch…

…but she stomped the tree branch rather hard in her haste to adjust and, disaster struck, "AH!" she fell with a crash, but the Timber Wolf didn't scatter, in fact, it noticed her and snarled charging and snapped as she reached for her boy that had been jostled from her hand.

I was a TERRIBLE shot… but I got it in the leg, it spiraled into the dirt, giving Ulsea enough time to draw her elvish knife, drop onto the timber wolf… and slash its neck. Quest complete. She gazed up at me, "…Nice shot Jeremy." She said, giving me a faint smile. "…Let's not tell the rest of the class I fell on my ass, alright?"

I slid down the branch and wobbled on my feet. "Done. I grinned"

The second she skinned the Timber wolf for its pelt it seemed to meld into the ground and vanished like it was never there. She got to her feet, and flinched, "Sheee!" she hissed painfully through her teeth. Ah…" she growled, "Damn…" she limped slightly on her left foot as I went to support her, her hand on my shoulder. "Landed on it funny…" she mumbled, "…Clerics should heal it right up… let's go see Mrs. Windrunner."

We limped out of the forest, Mrs. Windrunner, sitting on a lounge chair and apparently using a very modern phone looked up. "Fallenstar." She said with a modicum of concern. "I am not surprised at your quick return… but did you get hurt?" she eyed me, with a mixture of annoyance and humor. "Was Mr. Wildhammer too much for you?"

"No. I slipped up." She replied, "My own fault." She added. Handing Mrs. Windrunner the wolf pelt. "May I be excused to the Cleric's office?"

"Yes. Good Work Fallenstar as always." She looked at me, concernedly. "Mr. Wildhammer I assume you can help Fallenstar?"

"Yes ma'am." I nodded, thanks to Sybil and Malisis… I knew the way.

"Good boy… now if you excuse me I have to wait for the other slackers to come back." She was suddenly quite girlish, "I hope I don't keep my husband waiting for dinner!" she added sweetly, texting on her phone as she skipped back to the chair.

"…Has a hunting class gone on for so long before?" I asked, helping Ulsea along.

"…Those Muskets are very loud." She said simply. "Scare the prey if they miss."

I walked into the Cleic's office with Ulsea, Alphus glanced up sitting on a chair as he eyed me. "Mr. Wildhammer! And Ms. Fallenstar?"

"I think I sprained my ankle." She said, flinching slightly as Alphus gestured to the closet bed.

"Sit. Let me see." She sat down holding onto me as she adjusted on the bed, Alphus already low to the floor, checked her ankle. "Hmmn…" she flinched as he prodded her, "Yes that's a sprain… I'll have you fixed right up. Hold on…" he went to his potions closet and soon returned with a red one. "Take this. Lie back…" he said as she uncorked it and did just that, lying on the bed as Alphus and I helped her leg.

"You'll be right as rain in about an hour." He noted patiently. "But you need to be resting or we'll be doing this the long and hard way." He smiled, "You're lucky we caught it in time." He then looked at me curiously. "As for you Mr. Wildhammer? Feeling tip-top?"

"Oh… yeah… why?"

"Well, not a lot of young men are walking so spry after an encounter with a succubus."

"Oh…" I blushed as Ulsea finished her potion and smiled at me. "Well… I'm good." I embarrassedly replied as he nodded.

"Good good… any issues and come see me." He patted my arm, however at that moment a dwarf, smoking from head to toe, his eyes stained with 'goggle burn' where the rest of him was covered in ash except for where his goggles were burst in.

"Cleric Alphus!" he yelped nervously as Alphus sighed.

"Oh. Not again…"

"It's a code red! All clerics are to report to dwarven engineering class!" he mumbled sheepishly, "There has been…"

"Another gyrocopter explosion." Said Alphus and Ulsea, and the dwarf together all together. This has apparently happened before. "Haaa… Mr. Wildhammer do me a favor and make sure Ulsea stays in bed for at least another fifty minutes…" he took a kit full of potions, "This will take a while…" he began following the dwarf out of the office. "Stop storing the goblin sapper powder next to the gyrocopters! Seriously! Crazy dwarves." Slamming the door behind him.

We stood there awkwardly for a moment, as I glanced at her, taking a seat next to her. "So… um… can I get you anything?"

She raised an elegant eyebrow and smiled. "A glass of water?" it took me a minute to find cups, and soon returned as she took it. "Jeremy I will stay here I promise you can go."

"Well it's kinda my fault you're here… so…" she eyed me for a second.

"It's refreshing to meet a human who actually has some character." She replied, "Most would run as soon as I release them."

"Well I blame my buddy Scott." I smiled, adjusting her so her foot could rest on a pillow, "He's got this weird sense of honor? I think he'd fit in great with the warrior class." I blinked, "Or since he often beats the hell out of everyone the Pandaren martial arts class…"

"That's right! Jim Raynor!" she sat up suddenly.


"Jeremy! Would it be too much to ask to visit your friend Scott?!"

"Rest! Rest!" I replied putting my hands on her shoulders and pushing her down with some effort. Hanging over her as she stared up at me… her shoulders were smooth under my hands as I gulped, she was STILL very attractive and I just pushed her down like a weirdo…

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and her lips stretched. "…Hey… Wildhammer…"

"Uh… yeah?"

"…Your 'succubus encounter'? Was it Sybil's?"

"Oh… yeah…"

"She's famous for that…" she reached up, and grabbed my face. And all of a sudden, we were making out.

I've kissed Tay'JIn. I've kissed Vartara. Sybil and Malisis and of course the Coach. And while Coach was still top of the list… Ulsea was a GOOD second.

"MMMN! MMmn-hmmn-mmmn!!" our tongues wrapped around each other as she pulled me on top of her, she was a lot stronger than me, deceptively so. I lied on her body as her legs spread, her armor felt wooden and rough against me but I hardly noticed it between our kiss and her hands running over my head.

"Ahhh…" we finally broke apart, her face pink and she looked… REALLY turned on. "Better than the succubus?"

"I feel I missed something."

"She stole my boyfriend." She replied smugly before pulling me back to her lips.

"O-ohmmn!!" we ground together for another moment as she suddenly pushed me away.

"My armor…" she declared, grabbing her upper plate armor. "Take it off." she demanded as I obeyed almost mechanically, removing her lower armor until she was left in little more than a sports bra and briefs… but those were soon gone as she reached for my pants.

My erection jumped free, she stared at it for a minute then we were making out again… but this time I was thrusting inside her. "MMMN! MMGH! MMMN!! MMN-HMMN!!" she moaned into my lips, rubbing my body all over as I pushed deep into her tight warmth. "MMMN-nngh! AH… AHhh!" she panted erotically as I kept thrusting, her legs rubbing my as I stopped.

"Your foot-" I said concerned but she grabbed my shirt and forced me to look at her.

"Fuck. Me." She said softly as I obeyed, she writhed beneath me as we sped up, "Haa! Ahh… Ahh! Yes! You wild hunter you!" she snarled, "Haa-NNGh!!" she arched her back as I thrust deep into her and released.

We hissed out a primal cry together, before collapsing in a sweaty passionate heap, she breathed heavily as I rested my head on her athletic chest. My dick twitched inside her as it sprayed her insides as I moaned, rubbing my face deeper into her forest-smelling scent.

"…What just happened?" I mumbled breathlessly as she rubbed my head.

"…Some combination of the fact that… you remind me of my ex, you had sex with Malisis and I wanted to upstage her, and you're a fan of my favorite football team." She breathed softly, "…Kinda turned me on and I wanted to have sex with you…"

"Oh… sorry?"

She laughed slightly, still rubbing my head. "Well… that's me… and you're a teenage human boy. 'Sex' is… sort of on the brain for you." Suddenly we were rolling and I was on my back, she sat on my lap, running her hands over her sensual body. "…Don't worry… this next one's on me."

"Ugh! Ha! HA! Ahh…" she bounced on my lap, her body rocking, rolling, grating, if she was in pain it wasn't noticeable, only the sheer ecstasy on her exotic face as she tossed her long purple hair.

"Ha! This… is… GREAT!" she groaned softly, shaking in pleasure as she fell forward onto me, "Hold on hunter… time to really… finish!" she groaned, her hips working magically, popping up and down on my lap and clapping out over the room with the smacking of hips as she moaned her imminent release into the pillow, and me into her shoulder.

"HHaaan/nnnghmmn!!" her body clenched tightly up, and she lied on top of me, extracting my load inside her as we trembled together and she rubbed my arms. "…I liked this…" she said softly.

"The sex?"

"You…" she said, pushing up and rubbing my chest smiling down at me as I chuckled nervously.

"…Not because I know Jim Raynor?"

She winked slowly, down at me. "Who?"

…I'm… not going to lie… that's kinda hot.

She pulled out another romp with me very quickly before we decided that she should REST her foot. And finally, Alphus returned, extra smokey and tired. "Well. Ms. Fallenstar you can probably head out. If there's any pain call your local witchdoctor, cleric, or healer."

"Yes sir." She replied as I helped her up and together we parted… I didn't see her for the rest of the day. But as soon as school ended, and I whistled for Sky'ree she exited the school dressed less like a classic night elf and more like a schoolgirl in a tight jersey.

"Oh… uh. Ulsea?" I asked as she eyed me, and eyed Sky'ree, then me again as she smiled and approached. "…I was… coincidently about to go visit my buddy Scott's house if you want to come?" I asked as she smiled, leaning down and whispering.

"I didn't sleep with you to see Jim Raynor." She encouraged but I just grinned stupidly.

"Yeah but… I'm going anyway. It's been like two weeks since I've seen him." I pulled out my phone, I was just about to call him…"

She watched me expectantly, with that cool, matured expression then nodded. "Alright Wildhammer… I'll call your bluff… I'll still like you, promise.

…Hang on did she not BELIEVE that I know Uncle Jim?

Bzzz-"Hey what's up Jeremy? How are the angry green girls treating you?"

"…I actually haven't really interacted with any." I replied as Scott sighed.

"Damn it now I owe Thrallson money, he must be stacking the deck. Anyway, what's… son of a bitch guys..... What's up?"

"Is Uncle Jim home today?"

"…Yes… unfortunately. He's having Mommy and Daddy time right now…"

"…And you're in the house?" I replied surprised. I know that Uncle Jim and Aunt Sarah are very… loving sometimes.

"They thought I couldn't hear them… they never heard of bathroom breaks during gaming…" he replied. "Don't worry, should be done…"

"Haaa!!" I blushed. Won't un-hear that one Aunt Sarah. Thanks… Think of the coach… Think of the COACH… or… as I glanced at a rather amused Ulsea. I suppose I could think of a LOT of girls."

"Soon enough… anyway why?"

"I have a friend who's a fan…" I replied, "Can I bring her over?"

"…You have a friend? Who is a girl?"


"And you want to bring her over?"


"…To show off my dad?"


"…You know what? We can't waste this opportunity. Sure. I'll tell him. He loves meeting his fans. See you soon buddy and tell Thrallson to introduce you to some green girls. No stacking the deck!"

I then gestured to Sky'Ree, hopping onto her back. "Come on. He says it's cool."

"TWEET!" she whistled sharply as Hippogriff dropped from the sky, Sky'ree looked distinctly unimpressed by the upstart. "Lead the way Wildhammer…" she replied smugly…

When we got there… I discovered Fangirling Ulsea is a LOT cuter than mature Ulsea. No less hot though.
