
Overpowered Overlord: Starting With Three SSS Grade Talents

What will you do when you wake and find out that you have transmigrated into a Strategy game you played? And What more is that you are given a golden finger which is a system that lets you sign in and be rewarded handsomely! Your goal is to reach the top of this world but will this world be your limits or you rise to a new height that you've never imagine? And in this novel, you are about to see one of the strongest, if not the strongest MC ever! Discord: Usfal_Aizen#1799

Usfal_Aizen · 游戏
20 Chs

The Rudimentary Form Of The Chaos Vision.

And his body is full of muscles packed at the right place.

The completely new Ayden opened his eyes which are now completely black with mysterious twinkling bright stars.

The mysterious black eyes with twinkling lights disappeared shortly after like they never exist.

Ayden raised his hands an examined it, he felt like his body is filled with boundless strength and might.

Deciding to test it out, Ayden clenched his fist.


A small boom sound is heard, his eyes then land on a boulder and he casually punch at it.



And to his surprise, the boulder is shattered.

'Well I am much stronger than before and I felt like I could beat hundreds of the former me' As his train of thought reach there, he burst into laughter.

>> The Sacred Concealing Formation is lifted <<

"Huh? System when is this deployed and what is this sacred Concealing Formation?" Ayden asked out loud.

If there are people out here, they would have certainly thought that he had gone crazy and delusional as he is the only one that can see the system.

>> In response to host question, the sacred Concealing Formation is deployed by the formation System to hide host's transformation and prevent intervention <<

'This is super amazing' Ayden inwardly shouted, he turn towards his courtyard an dash towards it in high speed.

Unknowing to him, he had been oblivious to the fact that little Bobo is affected by his transformation and a connection started forming.

Moments later...

Ayden has has finally arrived and went to take a hot bath.

"Hah..." Ayden sigh after taking the bath, he felt really refreshed, he then put on new clothes.

The clothes are crimson in colour with golden design, the most notable thing about it is the golden dragon coiling around it which ended with a draconic head that is placed on his shoulder.

"System show that my cultivation is still the same"

>> Affirmative <<

In the past, he managed to reach the foundation establishment realm but his cultivation mysteriously regressed back to the peak of mediation realm, thus, lowering his value.

"Hahaha, that is also good" Ayden chuckled as he tied his hair into a bun style and held it together with a golden pin.

His dressing style is what you will call the true definition of majesty, with his crimson hair and his crimson cultivator robe, he look like the true definition of a monarch.

'If I am going out of this damn family clan filled up to the brim with hypocrites, I must not show any weakness, I have to carry myself proudly wherever I go'

"Brother, you are ordered to come to the clan's hal-" Little Levi announced but he stop his sentence Midway, he saw his brother change but can't quite put a finger on what is the change.

"Brother you look quite... different and more refine today" Levi managed to utter.

"Did you remember the stories I always told you?" Ayden asked and Levi nodded his head.

"I am one of those truly powerful immortals in the novel" Ayden jokingly added.

"No way... True immortals still exist?" Levi absentmindedly spoke.

"Yes, True Immortal!" Ayden said as he grabbed little Levi's hand and proudly stroll toward the hall.


The two large golden doors are pushed opened and Ayden proudly walked in while leaving Levi behind with Flora.

Standing upright at the centre of the hall is non other than Ayden, under the fierce pressure and piercing gaze, he stood with a calm and cold expression on his face.

'It seems they are quite eager to send away from this place' Ayden thought as he saw the excited and anticipating look on the face of his clansmen.

"Cut the crap, let's get this over with this. I have matters to attend to" Ayden is tired of the stillness and silence here.

A man is about to attack Ayden in anger but the patriarch raised his hand and signal the man to stop.

He then look at Ayden with a calm gaze, "Ayden Sunshield, you have done a large number of crimes and they could lead to you losing your status as a Sunshield" The patriarch slowly spoke.

"Oh... That's a surprise, I guess" Ayden casually spoke.

'There's something off about how this brat is acting recently, the Ayden I know will not even dare to anger the younger generations and will have beg for mercy by now' The patriarch.

"But how is that supposed to be possible, he is not even twenty yet" Flora argued.

"Know your place, his crimes will all be punished regardless and he might not even lose his life in the end" Brock rebuked, the elder that almost attacked Ayden earlier.

Turning to Ayden he said, "It's that how you talk to your elders? Shouldn't you be cowering in fear?"

"Elders?" Ayden sarcastically said.

"Afraid? Respect? You don't deserve even an inch of my respect, an elder that will plot against a junior, did you even have the word shame in your dictionary?" Ayden did not hold back with his criticism as he mercilessly attacked with his words.


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