
Chapter 9

Many could argue that what Utgard did had been foolish.

They probably would be right.

But he honestly couldn't care less.

The look of reverence in the villagers' eyes that looked almost like it could belong to an NPC from Nazarick told him that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

"My lord…" Albedo started to speak but even under the full body plate armor, it was obvious that she wasn't exactly comfortable with what she was trying to say.

"Speak Albedo. You are one of the greatest minds in Nazarick and there should be no reason for you to hide your opinions from me." Utgard commanded the guardian overseer as he snapped his fingers and cast a [Silent Area] around them so that they wouldn't be overheard.

"Why did you use such an important item for this village?! Holy Wand of Renewal is one of the very few items that can use the power of the Supreme Beings, the Super Tier magic, and that is only once in a two months. Why waste it on these people?" Albedo asked, looking like she was about to have a mental break down trying to understand her lord.

"Hmm, tell me this first Albedo, what do you think of humans?" Utgard asked.

"They are a weak species when alone but I have heard from the Supreme Beings many times how they can be impressive when they work together." Albedo answered swiftly, showing Utgard how different she was compared to her canon self.

"But the humans of this village are pathetically weak, I don't believe I can see any use for them even when they are together." Though not THAT different.

"Yes, they are. But that can be fixed with a little nudge." Utgard smiled and while Albedo seemed confused, the dragonoid warrior perked up in realization.

"Those two horns you gave to that girl..." Gudrun trailed off with wide eyes and Albedo perked up just like Gudrun had before.

"Precisely, the knights who attacked this village were weak. I have no doubt that the goblins summoned by only one horn could have defeated all of them." Utgard nodded at his aides with a smile.

"But we have gotten off topic, you asked for the reason I resurrected them with such a high level item." Utgard looked back at the villagers as he explained to Albedo and Gudrun.

"First of all, as you have said, these villagers are weak. Any spell that revived someone with level costs might have backfired. We don't know how resurrection magic works here so those who were under level five might have not come back to live. What I did also allowed us to test whether resurrection was possible in this world, which as we have just seen, is." Utgard explained much to Gudrun's amazement and even Albedo had her hands clasped in front of her chest and was wiggling in a way one definitely shouldn't in public.

"To think that you had thoughts so far ahead, you truly are wise beyond comprehension my lord!" Albedo squealed and Gudrun nodded along with her, making her agreement with the guardian overseer known.

"That is not all..." Utgard smirked down at the two women who perked up at his words. "I claimed that I would have this world didn't I? I don't want to destroy the world in progress since that would be counter productive, so I decided to use a method that can bring people together and make them do things they would never think before."

"And that is, my lord?" Gudrun asked with an excited smile while Albedo was trying to keep herself together, it wouldn't do well to act like Shalltear after all.

"Faith. Resurrection is considered to be a miracle to many who do not posses power and miracles are primarily associated with deities. What I did here in Carne village is an experimental run on creating a religion. One that answers to me." Utgard's smile as he explained could make a baby cry.

"As expected of lord Utgard! Already having plans to further your goals that can use even a village as pathetic as this one and that in a way they will realize your greatness and their place as kneeling before your feet! I have fallen in love once more!" Albedo screamed out and if it wasn't for the [Silent Area] he had cast, Utgard had no doubt that she would be heard by every creature near the forest or even near cities.

Seeing that his explanation had satisfied the succubus and dragonoid, Utgard went towards the village elder. He might have decided to give this religion idea a go but he didn't want it to spread beyond Carne village for a while. So he'd have to explain to the elder that they should keep what happened between the villagers.

While the redheaded Jotunn was doing that, the succubus was talking with the dragonoid.

"To think our master has planned this far ahead, incompetent ones like us needs to work even harder." Guardian overseer said, her voice deadly serious.

"Lord Utgard had always been like that. What appears to be mere whims of his can be steps for plans we can't even comprehend." Gudrun said, her respect for the giant of a man obvious.

"That's right; you, Irisviel, Pleione and Tisiphone knew him even longer than us. How did you two meet exactly?" Albedo asked, genuinely curious about how her love had saved Gudrun aka Harem Candidate Number Two.

Gudrun simply smiled at Albedo, not bothered about being asked a question that would have been an uncomfortable topic or a reason to fly into rage if asked by anyone else.

"Maybe I shall tell you about it some other time, we have a guest coming right now." Gudrun pointed at the blonde villager they had saved coming towards them, her resurrected parents busy comforting her sister.

"I-I apologize. Where is lord Utgard?" Enri asked the incredibly imitating women that had been accompanying her savior.

"He is talking with your village's elder." Albedo answered, her tone dismissive. Though she was also looking at the village girl that her lord had gifted with the horns. Gudrun had told her that even seemingly whims of their lord might have some clues about his master plans, so she wondered whether there was something special about this girl.

Enri on the other hand simply looked dejected, her hopes of properly thanking her savior were suddenly dashed. Though some other methods for THANKING him was also entering her mind but she simply shook her head to get rid of such sacrilegious thoughts from her mind.

Gudrun was also looking closely at Enri but unlike Albedo she believed that she had figured out why exactly her lord had chosen this human girl out of many others in the village.

She was cute.

Gudrun and the other three who had been saved by their lord knew, that the Jotunn had a small weakness for the fairer sex. Nothing that had ever stopped his plans or had let any who had earned his ire escape but if he ever get a chance where he could get his hands on another cute girl, all four of them knew that their master would use that chance.

So, Gudrun would have to give an important advice to this girl in order to help their lord in his quest designed for this girl.

"Change your hairstyle." Gudrun coldly said to, no, ordered the village girl who looked shocked.


"Change your hair, that style is bad luck."

"Bad luck?" Enri softly asked. This was something she would have scoffed just a day prior but after the events of this day and the fact the words came out of the lips of a woman her savior kept around meant they definitely had some weight behind them.

"Yes, bad luck. My lord and one of his friends have talked more than once about the curse of your hair style. Especially on mothers. If you wanna live a long live, pick a new hair style." Gudrun nodded with a serious expression and Albedo also nodded from her side. She too knew of the cursed 'MILF Killer' hair cut that her love and lord Peroroncino had spoken in the past. It wasn't something that should be taken lightly.


"It is as you say sir, you were able to come to the village before the knights killed anyone and protected us." The elder of the village nodded his head with a smile, understanding that their savior, no, their god didn't want too much attention from outside and had already sent someone to tell the rest of the village. No one in Carne village had died.

"I am happy that things are clear." Utgard said from his seat, his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.

He had almost everything he wanted from the Carne village. He had tested his strength, impressed ladies and he had gotten himself some followers. All that was left now was...

"Elder! Elder! There is a group of knights coming towards the village!" A young man entered to the hut Utgard and village elder was speaking and reported exactly what Utgard wanted to hear.

After they got out of the hut and looked towards the knights approaching the village, elder calmed down and explained that the ones coming were the knights from Re-Estize Kingdom, their kingdom. And while there was some relief among the villagers, some were clearly less than pleased as they muttered about how they were 'late'.

Before long, the knights reached the village and a man who towered over the rest of the soldiers came down from his horse though Utgard was frowning. Not at the knight but at the other passenger of the horse the man was helping to get down.

A little girl with pink hair and a cross on her chest that worked as a pin to keep her clothes together along with another small cross on her head that acted as a hairpin.

"I am the Head Warrior of Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff!" the head warrior claimed before gesturing to the girl beside him.

"And this here is one of the three Holy Maidens of the kingdom, Luna Elegant." He proclaimed and the girl smiled haughtily at the mention of her name.

But Utgard wasn't listening. All he could think was that this definitely did NOT happen in canon.