
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · 奇幻
18 Chs

9.Meet Premium Flower Buyer and deal

Throughout this, top-notch premium orchids are now fully grown and ready for sale, as Bhola searched for contact information, which he received from a flower vendor. 


After spotting the address, he packed all the orchids in a container, loaded them onto a truck, and headed towards the buyer. 


Upon reaching their residence, he noticed a lovely girl at the reception. He approached her. 


The receptionist, engrossed in her tasks, looked up and inquired, "How can I assist you?" 


Bhola, with his extensive communication skills from his previous multinational corporation job, handed over his newly designed business card and stated, "I'd like to meet your manager. I have top-notch premium orchids. A friend informed me that you require them in bulk. I can supply them. Kindly inform your manager." 


The receptionist scrutinized Bhola from head to toe. Despite his simple t-shirt attire, she hesitated but eventually decided to inform the manager. 


She contacted the manager and relayed all the details. 


The manager instructed the receptionist to direct Bhola to his meeting room with a sample. 


Bhola acknowledged and carried a small pot of orchids with him to the office.

When Bhola walked in, he spotted a middle-aged man sitting on their couch.

The manager, Vaibhau Rajpoot, greeted him with a smile. "Hey there, I don't have much time to spare, so show me your supposedly high-quality orchid," Vaibhav said in a rather arrogant and rude manner, judging Bhola's appearance and the plastic bag he carried.


However, as Bhola unveiled the orchid by removing the plastic bag, Vaibhau's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't help but stare at the orchid, examining it from every possible angle. After a few minutes,


he turned his attention towards Bhola and asked in a more polite tone, "So, Mr...?" Bhola responded with a smirk, "Just call me Bhola."


Vaibhau watched the reaction and realized his prior behavior was inappropriate, so he apologized right away. Mr. Bhola, I apologize for my harsh actions.

I am actually an event manager. I recently wanted a large number of orchids for event decorations, however I was duped by a few fools. Fortunately, I caught them, but the issue is that I urgently require 100 quality orchids for my events.


This is an urgent request for 100 excellent orchids for my events. This event is not for the average person. Perhaps you should listen to Mr. Ratani, who is renowned as the "builder king" in our community.

In a few days, he organizes events and I get contracts for them, but for decoration, he merely requires

Seeing a genuine and sincere apology, not only did Vaibhau also explain full events in detail, even though he did not connect to them,


he understood where Vaibahu stood now, as Vaibhau also considered him a scammer at the start. 



But Bhola has full confidence in his orchid because, before coming here, he already checked the details of a premium-quality orchid.


When he found that his orchid was more amazing, he gained more confidence, which is why he asked the manager directly.


Seeing Bhola in silence and remaining mute.

Vaibhau stood up, lowered his head again, and apologized for his behavior.

I want to express my sincere apologies once more for my actions.

I assure you, I have no misunderstandings about Mr. Bhola anymore." 

 Mr. Bhola I agree and we can discuss the orchid and finalize the details as soon as possible.

I really need it urgently to show my goodwill. Please be understanding."

Bhola smiled and extended his hand, saying, "Of course, it's nice to meet you, Vaibau." As for orchids, I now have 153 orchids in my truck, which is located right outside your office. If you wish, we can make the deal now."


Vaibau was taken aback, "Alright, but before we proceed, I'd like to inspect all the orchids. If they're all top-notch quality, I'm willing to pay 1000 rupees for each high-quality orchid." 


Bhola had previously researched the pricing before coming here, and he thought it was reasonable because it was the initial offer, as well as in bulk.

Bhola had already done his homework on the prices before coming here, and he thought it was fair for the first bulk deal.

However, he still wanted to negotiate for a better price. "Listen, Mr. Vaibau, the regular price for premium orchids is 1000 rupees. Offering me the same price for high-quality ones, don't you think I'll be at a loss?"

Vaibau agreed with Bhola's reasoning and responded, "Alright, I can pay a maximum of 1100 rupees. I urgently need them, so let's not waste any more time. What do you say?"

Actually, Bhola is all ready to seal the deal at 1000 but still, as a seller he try to negotiate and his enthusiasm pays off. He reaches out his hand and introduces himself as Bhola, suggesting they finalize the deal.

He even offers to have someone inspect the orchids. "I'm alone here. Can you bring more people to help unload the orchids?"

Vaibhau responds, "Why not?" and starts admiring the orchids placed in front of him. "Wow, you've done an amazing job! The colors are so vibrant and the petals are flawless.

How did you manage to grow such magnificent orchids?"

Bhola, still engrossed in his mobile, responded, "You know, sir, it's all about using the right cultivation techniques. I've been trying out different methods to make these orchids even more beautiful and of higher quality, and the results speak for themselves."

He continued, "Usually, for premium quality like this, I charge a bit more. But since it's your sincere apology and for our future deals, I'm willing to offer a competitive rate. How about we discuss it further over a cup of tea?"

Vaibhav suggested, "Bhola, why don't we head over to my office and continue this discussion? I'm willing to offer you a good price for these orchids, let's say 1100 rupees for each orchid in the future as well. How does that sound?"

Bhola, excitedly, exclaimed, "That sounds like an amazing offer, Vaibhav! I'm glad you appreciate the quality of my orchids. And I'm open to discussing future deals too."

Vaibhav responded, "Absolutely, Bhola. I see great potential in your products, and I'm eager to establish a long-term partnership. With your premium-quality produce and my events network, we can create a win-win situation for both of us."

Bhola expressed his gratitude, "I'm also grateful to extend my network through you, Vaibhav. As my network expands, so does my earning potential. Thank you so much."

Vaibhav replied, "Excellent, Bhola. Let's drop the formalities, okay? We are friends and partners from now on. Let's finalize the deal in my office, and we can discuss the details of our future partnership over a cup of tea. I have something else for you to listen to as well."

Bhola grinned as he took the orchid sample said, "Sounds like a plan, Vaibhav. I'll bring more orchids, and we can head to your office right away to finalize the deal."

Vaibhav: Bhola, welcome to my office. Here's your payment for the orchids. *(Hands over a check)*

Bhola: Thanks, Vaibhav. I really appreciate your quick payment. *(Takes the check)*

Vaibhav: Now, let's talk about our next deal. I have another proposal for you. My cousin is an event manager in a nearby city, and he always needs high-quality flowers for his events. How many more orchids can you supply, and when can you deliver them?

Bhola: I can provide another batch of 200 orchids within two weeks, Vaibhav. They will be of the same excellent quality as before.

Vaibhav's eyes lit up with excitement. "Excellent! That's exactly what we need. Let's finalize this deal too. I'll prepare another check for the advance payment." *(Starts writing another check)*

Bhola felt overjoyed as he saw another check coming his way. Finally, he could take care of his family. "Thank you so much, Vaibhav. I'm grateful for this opportunity, and I assure you that you won't be disappointed with the quality of the flowers."

Vaibhav" I have full confidence in your products, Bhola. I look forward to a fruitful partnership ahead. *(Hands over the check)*

Bhola" (accepts the check)* Thank you again, Vaibhav. I will begin preparing the next batch of orchids immediately away.

please go and read my other novel

" WILL, The Crystal Soul's journey "


Don't forget to bookmark them, Because IT will help you know when I upload a new chapter as my uploading may not be consistent.

Why will it not be consistent, dude? I am 27 years old, still without a job, and unemployed. I tried to get a government job, which is a banking job. 

In an actual way, I should be paying attention to my exam insisting on giving my time here but I am fading up with my life so just for distraction I am here.

so please give me support like comments, reviews, bookmarks.thankyou

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