
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · 奇幻
18 Chs

16.Planning , Information

Seeing land in front of him, Bhola is so happy because finally, he worries about not having enough land, which is now less.

Second, he proved his theory of increasing land by using the 12 Surya Namshkar exercise. 


Still, he is curious because he called from somewhere outside the boundary of Bead Land, but after giving some thought, he now thinks that even after eating and drinking water, he still needs to rest, so greedy for more, he should do in moderation. 


He watched the mobile and saw that the time was around 8 p.m., so he decided it was better to take a rest after dinner. Also, he needs to go tomorrow to Mr. Ratani for a premium orchid deal and sample.


He lay there in the soil and started to think about his now stable business because, until now, he was just doing vegetable and fruit supply, but in alternative days, due to premium, high-quality deals, he also needed to stop that, but it is his good luck that bead land space has now increased a lot so that he can keep its supply. 


He seriously thought about making that supply regular and also thought about those vegetable vendors' ideas of having shops nearby where they could take supplies daily by themselves; it could save a lot of time for Bhola. 


But the problem is that now that his field is open, he doesn't have any explanation for where he is growing these vegetables, and he also doesn't have enough space for a shop or storage for storing vegetables. 

Then he opens his mobile and starts to search for any association that is currently investing in a new type of vegetable or any type of cropping method. 


(Yes, there is a network inside his bead land so he can search.)


As he was thinking so much about methods, suddenly lots of information emerged inside his brain out of nowhere. As he focused on details after closing his eyes, he found that there were some details about soil development methods, irrigation, crop handling, and many more. The main thing is that he can use those methods, and no one can replicate them because for those methods they need a special liquid, which only emerges inside Bead Land's water pound.


He knows about Bead Land's water effect because he did experiments with it, but now he knows the proper methods for using that water and a way by which he can make water appear outside automatically; he doesn't need to manually take water outside. But there is a problem: he needs to make a simple connecting symbol array and also needs to buy a few materials for symbol array practice. 


But it is better than not having a solution for so long; his many worries are now disappearing.


Bhola is confused about why this information appears now, why it appears now, what the mechanism is, whether Bead Land is responding to his desire after a strong connection with him, or if there is another reason for this. 

keeping it in the side Bhola started to organize the information; although there was a lot of information, he can summarize it.


Also, by surfing the net, he has some information where he can register and use that identity as a shield, but he still needs to prepare a few documents and some other measures.

He stayed lying on the ground, starting to formalize the plan.

After organizing his thoughts, Bhola takes out a small diary, which he always keeps in his pocket, in which he always keeps track of his spending and earnings, which he basically uses as an accounting book.

He started to write in it:


1. He has a way to use it for registration with the Agricultural Development Society (ADS).


2. To register in ADS, he needs a startup agriculture company, its location, and its developing method (which only in summary he needs to give; there is no need to give the full method to keep security).


But seeing his vegetable and fruit quality, he knew that in the future, if he became famous, so many people would try to know the owner, try to make contact, or even try to take the method, even try to force him into their subsidy company. 

So for that, he needs to always hide behind the show.

So, he also thought about making a fake identity, which he used for registration. After registering in ADS using that fake identity, he used his original identity and registered himself as a commissioned person for that company. 


3. Identity for registration 


4. He also needs a large storage house for storing vegetables, fruits, and other future products, but at present, he only uses his family land, of which two-thirds is already used in farming. 


So he needs to buy the surrounding lands but has problems with money, and also not everyone wants to sell their lands.


5. He also needs to make framing fields according to methods he just obtained from the bead land, so for this he needs money. 


Money is a big problem here. He already has 20 million rupees in debt with a few million in interest. He still needs to pay his study loan, for which interest will also start to add up after his graduation.


There are only a few months remaining before the 20 million debt deadline after that maybe he can't save his house and farming lands, so before that he needs to pay at least one-third of the 20 million to extend the deadline by one year. 

6. He also has the idea of opening a future premium flower museum where he can grow many types of premium quality flowers and earn money by displaying them, but for this, he needs money, land, and proper management. 


There is a lot of thinking that he can't do it alone. He needs experts in many areas.


7. He also has the methods of fish farming; he can farm many rare bead fish, but for this, he needs to increase the bead land space a lot.

By fish farming, he can also keep it on display in the flower museum. 

 8. Need to contact a construction company maybe here he can get help from Mr. Ratani. 

After writing everything in his diary, he closes it and puts it in his pocket. 


Time, money, land, and employers—at present, I need them a lot. 


After lying on the ground for a long time, the pain in his body faded away a lot. He stood and watched the sourdoughing of Bead Land. 

Now that he has space, he goes outside the beadlands and runs towards the seeds storage room, taking all remaining seeds of vegetables, flowers, and fruits, and again goes inside the beadlands. 


Bhola has very enthusiastically started to spread seeds in those 8 new fields. In a few fields, some orchid premium flowers are already organized, so in the remaining Bhola speeds the seeds for vegetables and fruits.