
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · Fantasy
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18 Chs

17.Cow , Dog Human like behaviour

After completing all his work, Bhola came for dinner after meeting his parents. He shared the details of Bead Land and how it expanded, and now this time he thinks to try taking his parents inside Bead Land again, and this time he succeeds.


Bhola's parents POV 

Bhola's mother worries because Bhola hasn't come outside his room since morning. She knows that he may be on bead land and working on the vegetable and fruit crops, but she is concerned for his health. However, Bhola tells them that his body is getting better recently. They also feel that when they perform 12 suryanamshkar daily, not only that, but the water that Bhola keeps pouring every day for drinking and irrigation in fields seems magical. Because of the water, the cows in the stable became intelligent, and they started to respond to her talk by using their heads. 

 She starts to think of incidents that happened a few weeks before when she was stable.

Sometimes they nod their heads or whin about not having food, as she remembers the first time when a cow responded, as she has the habit of talking to the cows during milking. 


 As always, she is working with Meomi (cow's name ).


She said, "Meomi, now that you are giving so much milk, is this water to your liking? Should we hire more cows and some ox for you?"

She was just joking and muttering to herself to make work interesting keeping her mood happy.

(Meomi is the name of the cows.)

But today, some things different 


She suddenly saw Meomi move his head and her movements as she nodded her head like she was answering. 


In confusion, Bhola's mother takes a few steps back and asks again, "Meomi, are you nodding your heads?"


Meomi again moves her head as she is answering. 


By seeing such human-like behavior in her cows, she exclaimed, kept her hand on her mouth, and asked again, "Meomi, are you understanding what I am saying? So, Meomi, go three steps back."


Just finish her sentence. 

Meomi nods her head and takes three steps back.


Bhola's mother smiles with full happiness and asks Meomi to come closer. She licks her hands and then rubs them. 


Meomi (the cow) 🐄 after listening to that she came closer to Bhola's mother and started to lick her hands and then rub her head in her hands. 


From this day on, Bhola's mother never faces difficulty when she wants to milk the meomi (cow). Meomi cooperated with her, and not only that, Meomi, when she felt hungry, mowed loudly as she called her for food.


The same happened with that stray dog that Bhole used to feed, but later his father started to feed him and give him water to drink.


That dog, Bhaola's father, started to call him Dobby🐶🐕‍🦺, and Dobby started to help in his farming. He waited for Bhaola's father to mark the fields, and then Dobby dug there, and he dug every time very preciously, which means he kept consistency in depth and width.


Dobby even takes a water pipe in his mouth and starts to irrigate when Bhola's father signals for this. Not only that, he uses his front leg to harvest the crop.


Although Dobby is a dog, he learns everything very well and can do it after some teaching. Even some humans seem to be failures compared to Dobby, but as days go by and Dobby becomes an expert in doing all those things, he makes fewer mistakes now. Maybe in the future, Dobby can farm by himself. 


Think how hilarious such a condition is when someone sees a dog farming in the fields. 


Seeing such human-like behavior and an increase in their intelligence, they decide to keep water away from anyone else. At first, if any guest or their neighbor comes home, they offer him this water for a drink, but now they stop all such activity.

They know very well that if the effect of water goes outside, danger will find them. It is good that they live in an outer city, in a very remote place where even your neighbor lives a few hundred meters away from you. 


With Dobby's help, Bhola's father's workload is reduced by about one-third. 


Bhola's mother feels happy because, in those few months, their lives are getting better, her only child starts to smile more, and the burden on his shoulder starts to loosen. 


A few months ago, they were thinking about selling their home and land, but now they have hope. 


I saw Bhola coming for dinner with a large smile.


A peaceful feeling is emerging inside her heart; she only wants to live peacefully with her husband and son. 


Bhola's mother stroked gently and affectionately his head and said, "Beta, why did you spend a full day inside Bead Land? You should keep quiet between works. Health always comes first; we can make money later, but if we lose health, we can't take it back easily." 


Bhola took his mother's hand on his palm and said, "Mother, today I successfully upgraded the bead land; now the space inside the bead land is much more. I also gained some knowledge about arrays, with which I can make water ponds connect to our outer farm irrigation tanks. 


A smile emerged on her face. 

Bhola's father came inside and saw that his wife and Bhola were talking and smiling; he got their response, "What's going on? Both son and mother seem happy."

Bhola repeats the full incident to his mother and father.

His father, after listing all things and in disbelief, as he knows that Bead land is very magical, water from Bead land makes Dobby so smart, Meomi also gets smart, crop time has gotten very sorted now, where his son is telling him that he can make water appear from Bead land to outweigh just making some sort of thing, which he calls an array. 


Bhola's father feels like he is living in a fairy tale or having some dream going on. 

Bhola's father took a deep breath and hugged his child, but after a few minutes, a sad expression emerged from his face. 

Seeing such an expression on his father's face, Bhola asks his father for an explanation.

His father said, "I also want to see Bead Land, but unfortunately we are unable to go inside. On such farmland, I want to see and touch crops with my hands. I want to feel the air there. 


After saying all this, he took a long sigh. 


Suddenly, back on his head, someone struck and was angry😠. He moved backward to find that his wife was looking at him angrily, and she was ready to bite him if he said any other words anymore. 

He sees his child's expression😞, where a smile is now gone and only conflict and sad expressions are emerging, and he understands that his statement just destroys the happy movements.

He laughed silly towards his wife😅, but the back side of his head was struck again by her. 

He feels like her eyes are saying, "😒You idiot, you will sleep outside today.".


He sees his wife with puppy eyes 🥺 .

then Bhola with a firm expression said "Let's try it again today maybe after such a large upgrade, we may enter he took the hands of his parents in his hands and thought about going inside the Bead Lands. 

And with a blink, they disappear from their position which means today they successfully enter the Bead land.

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