
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · 奇幻
18 Chs

1. Tragedy past life

In the heart of a bustling city, among the concrete giants and swirling crowds, there resided a young lad named Bhola.



He came back to this place to drop off a bunch of veggies, but once he was done, he got lost in deep contemplation after walking past the headquarters of a famous multinational corporation. Memories of his past and the tragic events he had experienced flooded his mind, leaving him submerged in thoughts.



True to his name, he was innocent and naive, navigating through the complexities of life with a hopeful heart.



*Bhola = It is a name that depicts the meaning in English Naive credulous or simply innocent.


 Blhola's past events 


Bhola's journey into the corporate world began five years ago when he landed a job as an assistant developer in a renowned multinational company. From the get-go, life wasn't a bed of roses for him.


In his first year, he found himself buried under a mountain of menial tasks, all at the behest of his rather bossy superior.


 Despite the challenges, he held onto the hope that with time, his efforts would be recognized, and he'd find himself in a better place.





Two years flew by, and one fine day, Bhola received news that left him dumbfounded yet elated.



 He was being promoted to the position of assistant team leader. It was a dream come true, something he never imagined happening to a newcomer like himself.



However, reality soon dawned on him. The reason behind his sudden promotion was rather grim. His predecessor, the Assistant team leader, had met with an unfortunate accident and was no more.



With the project needing continuous attention, someone had to step up, and Bhola found himself thrust into the leadership role. But the problem is he was promoted to temporary assistant leader.



As he informed by the Team leader that the corporation decided to appoint him as a temporary assistant team leader for the time being because during his assistant developer job, he took command between shifts frequently from other departments and leader, and he had some experience managing the team, most of the time it goes extremely well.



He also mentioned that following this job, he would receive positive news if he worked sincerely on this project. 


So He works hard because he is hopeful. Perhaps after seeing his work here, he will take over as assistant team leader for the next project on a permanent basis.



Despite doing a lot of work in the last two years, his compensation has been consistent, and an assistant team leader's salary is far higher than that of an assistant developer.



He dedicated his time and worked as hard as he could.

He sometimes stays in the office till late, goes home after 3 or 4 a.m., and returns early in the morning to check on the specifics and progress of the project and the next task he needs to complete.

The same is true for half a year, with the project now completed.


 He gets the call from the TEAM LEADER. 

The team leader and HR call him into the office now. 



He was thrilled because he believed he may get what he asked for yesterday: a promotion, a job as an assistant team leader on the next project, or a salary raise, along with the whole projection report.



He presented a project completion report to the team leader yesterday, and he managed to accomplish such a large project despite his lack of project management expertise. He even stimulates and completely verifies the project details for any errors that may exist.



Bhola moved excitedly towards the leader's office. "May I come, sir?".



 Arjun Bhola's leader was a charming and cunning individual whose smooth-talking demeanor concealed his deceitful intentions, In this city branch he had high authority, he was the youngest leader in the whole MNC, and he was only 30+ still achieved such a position through many schemes.



With his impeccable charisma and persuasive rhetoric, Arjun ensnared Bhola in a web of false promises many times and put it off until later through many excuses and deceptive schemes, exploiting his trust for his own gain. But our Innocent Bhola still believes in the sweet talk of his Leader.

Arjun (Leader) with a nod "You may come, Mr. Bhola.

As Bhola walks into the office, he notices that the team leader discussing something with HR Maya, and the senior developer Rohan is also present there.


there was Rohan Senior developer of this MNC branch company and one of the authority holders, a shrewd and calculating middle-aged man figure whose sharp intellect and cunning strategies made him a formidable adversary. In office, many projects Run under him.


Behind his affable facade lay a master manipulator, adept at orchestrating intricate schemes to deceive unsuspecting victims, all of them his junior, leading them astray with false assurances and cleverly crafted lies.



As for the HR Maya's presence is one of elegance and sophistication, drawing attention wherever she goes. Her features are striking, her demeanor graceful, exuding confidence and allure that captivates those around her.

Her eyes, reminiscent of deep, dark pools of chocolate, hold a gaze that seems to penetrate the soul. Framed by long, fluttering lashes, they add to her enigmatic charm.

Maya's silky locks cascade down her shoulders like spun gold, catching the light in a way that enhances her ethereal beauty. Each strand seems to shimmer with an otherworldly radiance.

Her smile is radiant and captivating, capable of brightening even the darkest of rooms. It carries a hint of mystery, promising hidden depths beneath its dazzling surface.

Dressed impeccably in attire that accentuates her slender figure, Maya exudes sophistication and refinement. Her fashion sense combines classic elegance with modern flair, creating a style that is uniquely her own.

With her poised demeanor and magnetic charm, Maya effortlessly captivates those around her, leaving a lasting impression wherever she goes. She is a timeless beauty, a femme fatale whose allure is simply irresistible.



As Bhola came to the front of the desk and stood there 

Leader seeing Bhola lean on the chair and cross his right leg above his left leg said with a smile "Bhola, take this letter and read it."




Bhola, hoping for good news, so enthusiastic moves forward picks up the letter, and begins to read it, but his facial expression changes.

When he finishes the letter, he feels shocked and disbelief. His hands started to shake, so as he fell slightly, to keep himself standing he grips the chair's handle and sits. He continues to stare at the message, raising his head to see the Team Leader. The bead of sweat starts to form on his head.



Bhola feels his throat is very dry. He takes a glass of water from the leader's desk and downs it all in one gulp.




Bhola speaks in a low, trembling voice. "tea... team....team leader, what does this mean? This letter indicates that I need to pay compensation for failing projects, and the corporation is terminating me from my position."


In confusion, he mutters whatever emerges in his head, A very dread possibility starts to form in his mind because even though he doesn't mind other business, he still knows about a few Rumors going on office in which one of them related to the Leader, HR, Senior Developer 


He lowered his head, still in denial about the letter, and spoke with a choked voice.



"But I finished the entire job and thoroughly verified every aspect. I am convinced that the project is constantly on track. Yesterday, he performed well on stimulation, and I wrote you a thorough report.



Why is it indicating that I failed to submit a project report, was unable to complete the project, and am now withdrawing from it? I am willing to pay any charges incurred due to my delay.



Also, why is it mentioned that I am the team leader for this project and must repay all loan amounts issued to me for this project? When did I receive the money? I did not even ask for it or any loan in my name, and you informed me that I was appointed as temporary team leader; why did it include me as the team leader?




The team leader, HR, and senior developer all smile sit comfortably, and shake their heads.



The team leader came near him and put his hand on his shoulder, bent, smiled evilly, and said in his ear " But I did not get any report and, see that letter has your sign although this is a copy of original which you send to the main office, so why are you asking me. 



*Author:- Bhole does not send any letters, its Team leader will send a letter later. 



The team leader abruptly took the letter from Bhola's hands, slapped him hard, and said in a loud voice, " Resign it now and fuck from here, and remember, we all know your details, even your poor parents address, so pay money on time "



he again starts to laugh loudly.



Senior Developer leaned his face on his left-hand plum and said to Bhola "If your due date exceeds so much or even unable to pay the loan's half amount in 3 years, we will seize your house and other properties under you, and you will also be locked up in jail for fraud If the loan money's interest exceeds from 10% of the total loan money then also your parent's property will auction. You and your parents will hold used as labor to repay the remaining amount."




On the HR side pushed her boobs close to Bhola and viciously smiled and said, "Now no questions, just leave the office and never come or phone any of us, or I will report you for harshnessment as well, file a case in which you will guilty for try to take my advantage and blackmail me for physical favor."



Suddenly getting such threats and Seeing changes in these three, innocent Bhola just wanted to know what was going on, why is happening to him.

Bhola is still in shock and unable to grasp what has happened.



still sitting in a chair, he feels someone grab his collar he rais his head up to see.

A guard grabs Bhola's collar and drags him from the office in front of numerous colleagues.

He moves his eye toward his other colleagues but he finds only disdain in their eyes. He feels shameful and despair at the same time.

The guard reaches the lift, throws the Bhola inside the lift then enter the lift and hit the ground floor button.



Bhola recovers from his shock and asks the guard to allow him to speak to the leader only once. He begs and pleads with his feet, but the guard does not listen, and when he reaches the ground, he drags him outside and throws him.




Bhola waits there, begging everyone to give him one chance to speak with the leader, but no one listens.



An old guard sitting in the corner approached him after noticing his constant begging.



A security approaches him and leads him to the side of the building.


He brings him water, and Bhola drinks it, saying, "Please allow me to speak to them only once." My belongings and mobile phone are still in my cabin.


with tears pouring from his eyes he said " I really do not accept payment,


punching his hand on the floor said "If I complete my project, why should I resign? Kindly, please. *BABA, please allow me to speak with him once.



*In Hindi, we respectfully refer to an old guy as BABA.



Baba gently took Bhola's hand, his expression heavy with empathy and understanding. "There's no need to explain, my child. I know all too well what you've been going through,"



he murmured softly. "This isn't the first time? They always seem to target the innocent and naive, like you. They observe them and target them, they torment them, and if you endure it, they push you to your limits force you to make mistakes and use those mistakes as weapons for you "



He paused, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and frustration. "And when they see you still standing, trying, they exploit you even further. They assign you tasks they know you can't handle if any chance you complete then they have one option only to take credit for your hard work and throw you out "



After that BABA goes inside the office and comes back after 20 minutes.


he comes near Bhola.


Baba's eyes, filled with pity for Bhola, Bhola raised his head toward Baba for any glimmer of hope.



Baba said "I did some digging and talked to some old friends from my guard days. It seems this time they've gone too far. But here's the cruel reality—you're trapped. They hold your signature on those loan documents, and they'll use it against you if you try to fight back. This time they really well prepared although not much information was disclosed outer.



 My informer also doesn't know the full details because the team leader and senior developer keep always things between them.



As the weight of Baba's words settled over them, they sat in silence, the air heavy with the weight of injustice and oppression. 







The Team leader chuckled, a smug smile growing across his face. "See? I told you he was an easy target. That moron didn't even bother to read the documents before signing them; he even signed several blank pages. He always accepts whatever words are thrown at him.



With a snicker, he continued, "And remember when I insisted on having hard-copy reports instead of emails? He didn't even bat an eye or doubt my word about why I was insisting. We even gave him a separate cabin to keep our conversations private."



The HR representative, struggling to stifle her laughter, interjected, "But what if he decides to go to the police or higher authorities?"



"Don't fret," the team leader replied confidently. "I've always taken caution from the start and even opened a company account from his documents. I transferred the money to his company account and We'll spend it directly from there. Even their any inquiry it seems he spent all the money not us ."



The senior developer, a smirk playing on his lips



 Senior Developer joined the conversation and explained "He is unaware of this company account because I first opened it with his signature and always deposited his pay to that account before sending it to his personal account. He always assumed that his income was sent directly into his account."



HR appears surprised because both of them target him from the beginning, which is really unusual. "So you planned it from the beginning? "How much money do we have in his account? , How you did it plan from the start, Did you have another target also ".




"20 million," the senior developer replied, flashing his phone screen at the HR representative, who couldn't help but join in their laughter at the absurdity of their scheme.




However, despite the jovial atmosphere, the HR representative's expression turned serious. "But you've taken a huge risk this time.



Not only have you underpaid him for 6 months and made him complete a massive project, but you've also issued large sums of money in his name. What if he decides to spill the beans to his colleagues or goes to complain to a higher authority for projects? " 




The team leader waved off her concerns casually. "I've already arranged for his company phone and SIM card to be destroyed.



And as for his personal phone, well, a little water damage should take care of that. I've also formatted his PC, backing up all his files before wiping them clean.


The backup is safely stored away. So He doesn't have any backup as you know we didn't allow anyone to make copies directly in any external drive from the office. As for authority, he didn't have evidence. 



After saying that he start to laugh.



The HR representative couldn't help but smirk at their audacity. "So, that's why you had the guard toss him out without giving him time or not letting him take his belongings," she remarked, joining in their laughter as she realized the extent of their calculated actions.


"Yes, my darling," the Team Leader answers, hugging HR warmly. 



As laughter rang around the room, it was clear that these trio had mastered the art of manipulation and exploitation, with the HR representative now willingly participating in their fraudulent game, as it appears that this is her first time committing such deception.



continue.....Chapter 2. Tragedy past life 2 





First and foremost, I write novels for fun. Due to personal issues, I may not be able to update the book on a regular basis. Please bookmark this book to receive notifications when new chapters are uploaded.

comments whatever you like, review gifts.

please go and read my other novel

" WILL, The Crystal Soul's journey "


Don't forget to bookmark them, Because IT will help you know when I upload a new chapter as my uploading may not be consistent.

Why will it not be consistent, dude? I am 27 years old, still without a job, and unemployed. I tried to get a government job, which is a banking job. 

In an actual way, I should be paying attention to my exam insisting on giving my time here but I am fading up with my life so just for distraction I am here.

Book also avialbe in Wattpad.

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