
Otherworldly Conqueror

There was a time when the world was filled with magic and spiritual energy but due to the chaos that erupted because of the war between the gods, there were ripples throughout the entire universe, these ripples were filled with dark matter and anti-magic that had affected many galaxies that were unfortunate to be in the middle of the ongoing war, the spark of spiritual energy and mana was nearly snuffed out to the point of non-existence, that was when the gods finally decided to make a truce to protect the life that inhabited the universe. This truce lasted for Millennia and the balance was slowly starting to restore, but what the gods didn't know was that some of their essence still lingered in the mortal realm and found its way toward a certain planet that was brimming with life.

nether550dev · 奇幻
7 Chs

The outsider

It was time to wake up as the sun shone on William's eyes.

"Morning already? It feels as if I haven't even slept."

There was a gentle voice that spoke.

"William, are you awake?" Lauren asked.

"Yes Mom, is something wrong?"

"No dear, I'm going to the market in a bit, why don't you get dressed and freshen up." Lauren smiled lovingly.

William gave her a sincere smile as he got up and got ready.

A few minutes later.

"Mom, I'm ready, do I need to bring anything along?"

"Oh, please grab my purse, I nearly forgot about it." Lauren said.

William nodded and swiftly grabbed his mother's purse before they both walked toward the city gates. There they saw 2 guards.

"Good morning Ma'am, please where this, there seems to be flu in the air." One of the guards warned.

"Oh, thank you for the warning, we'd better be quick then. Good day to you." Lauren thanked him as she received a mask.

"Here young man, it's important to keep safe, even against illness." The other guard smiled as he handed a mask to William.

William nodded as he gave his thanks, soon he and his mother went inside the city. As they passed the citizens, it looked as if they were severely ill, some were even passing out on the sidewalks.

Lauren was concerned about William as he had never been sick before, and this flu might be severe if he were to catch it. "Oh dear, this doesn't look like a normal flu at all, keep close William." 

As William got closer to his mother, an old man ran toward them, he fell to his knees in front of the two of them.

"Please, I beg you. Could you spare some money, I am shy by 3 silver." The old man begged.

William and his mother were perplexed by this scene.

"What do you want to buy sir?" William asked.

The old man's eyes shot toward William, once their eyes were interlocked, the old man's eyes slowly became moist.

"Young man, I only wish to buy my son an elixir, he has caught this illness that is passing by." The old man said truthfully.

Lauren was confused as the elixirs that are usually used are not this expensive, normally they would sell for 1 silver each.

"How come it's so expensive, aren't they usually 1 silver each?" She asked.

"What you say is true, but I've already tried the usual elixir, and it does not seem to work, so I am placing all my hope on the newest one that was brought to the market, currently it sells for 15 silver each." He replied.

"The newest one? Why haven't I heard of it?" She asked suspiciously.

"I swear to you, I am not a scammer, there was an outsider that arrived yesterday claiming that he could save us from this plague. All we have to do is buy one of his elixirs." The old man said.

"I see, sorry for suspecting you. Here you go, take it and heal your son." Lauren said.

"Thank you so kindly miss, may the gods be with you and your son." The old man said.




<System >

You have been blessed by a god.

New skill added.


F-Rank skill (Vigor)


Vigor is a passive skill.

Vigor grants the wielder physical strength and energy, it also grants the wielder immunity to certain kinds of illness and disease. You are now immune to the flu.


William was astonished, who would've guessed that he would find something like this on his way to the market? Was his luck that good? 

"Sweetie, are you listening? Let's go before the market becomes more crowded." Lauren said.

"Oh, sorry Mom, I was in thought." William apologized.

When they got closer to the market they found that it was already crowded.

"Let's rather go to the Adventurers guild, although buying supplies there will be more expensive, it should be safer as their goods are freshly transported and well inspected." Lauren told William.

Lauren caressed his hair as before she took hold of his hand, the two of them arrived outside the guild.

"This must be where Father gets his quests, maybe we will see him." William said excitedly.

"Indeed, maybe we will." Lauren smiled.

The two of them went inside and found that there were very few people inside, only the receptionists were there.

"Good morning miss, how can I be of service?" A lady asked.

"Good morning, where is everyone, I'm not used to seeing it so quiet around here?" Lauren asked.

"Well, there were numerous quests that popped up yesterday, their rewards are hefty, so all the adventurers took them. The lowest quest was to pick some herbs, the reward is over 4 silver, and other quests are even more rewarding. It is speculated that this is related to the outsider that arrived yesterday." She replied.

"4 Silver! Wow, must be something important then, and about this outsider, is there any information on him?" Lauren asked

The secretary pondered for a moment before answering.

"Ah yes, there is some information about him, but it seems to be 4 years old. His name is Ling Tian, he is a foreigner, he comes from overseas, it is said that he was shipwrecked on our continent, he is a fourth order alchemist. Though this is all hearsay, so please don't take it to heart."

"An alchemist of the fourth order? What is he doing here then, there's nothing to be gained in this city?" Lauren asked.

"We honestly don't know, but our information network is constantly monitoring the city." The secretary said.

"Well, alright then. It's not my business anyway, so would you kindly get me these goods." Lauren handed over a list.

"Of course miss, that will be 7 silver and 34 coppers." The secretary replied.

"*Wow, they charge double for goods here! I guess it is to be expected.*" William thought.

"Before I go, could you please compile a list of the herbs that were requested?" Lauren asked.

"Of course miss." The secretary replied.

Lauren received the goods and she and William returned to the market, Lauren also inspected the list on the way there. There were fewer people than before. They could clearly see the fourth order alchemist Ling Tian as he was the only person selling elixirs in the stalls that day.

"15 Silver and this elixir could be yours! Guaranteed to cure the illness that is in the air!" He spewed like a money grubber.

"*Heh... Is this the fool that everyone is talking about?*" William thought with an aloof face, one drop of sweat running down the side of his head.

"*He seems like a monotonous idiot...*"

"Hmm? Young man, come here, you seem ill, I will be kind and sell this elixir to your mother for a low price of 8 silver." Ling Tian spewed.


<System >


There is a curse trying to invade your body, it is trying to inflict illness upon you.

F-Rank Skill (Vigor) in effect, the curse has been blocked.

Immunity to 1st tier curse magic is established. Spirit reconstruction is in progress.








Spirit Reconstruction complete, Nucleus evolved.


This happened within a few seconds, and unlike before, this didn't hurt William. As William checked his spirit, he saw that there was a thin layer of light around his Spiritual nucleus.

"*Am I honestly a walking four-leaf clover?*" 

"Damn it, why didn't it work!" Ling Tian thought.

"Sorry but I feel perfectly fine, you're better off spewing lies somewhere else." William said indignantly.

There is one thing that he hates most in the world, and that is a scammer, they fall under the category of a bully. A bullshitter in other words.

"Indeed, my son is perfectly healthy, go and seek attention somewhere else, to think that you would scam people when the ingredients you use are worth less than 2 silver." Lauren reprimanded.

"What! You dare spew shit about Master Ling! I'll have your head!" One of Ling Tian's bodyguards scolded.

The crowd slowly grew larger due to the commotion that was happening. They were quickly informed about the cause by the previous on-lookers.

"So that's it, if what she says is true, then we are truly being scammed!" A citizen said angrily.

Ling Tian was becoming weary from the commotion.

"All right, everyone please calm down, Bai'er, get over here, stop making a ruckus."

"Miss, I dare say that I am but a humble alchemist, I am only here to help the people, it is true that the ingredients may cost less, but you need to understand that it takes time for me to create these elixirs and only I seem to know how to concoct it correctly."

"This illness is truly worse than usual for some unknown reason, but I went out of my way to help the people here, it should be said that I am their savior, yet I am treated as a scammer!" Ling Tian said pitifully.

"What he says makes sense, maybe we should be thankful? Lady, go home and take care of your children, don't bother those who are trying to save theirs." The citizens started speaking.

This was exactly what Ling Tian wanted, unbeknownst to the citizens, he was smirking at this scene, they were playing right into his hands, but unfortunately for him, his high and mighty bubble was soon popped. 

A distance away, there stood a small William, his anger ready to burst as his veins started popping up on his forehead. Who is Ling Tian to dare speak against his mother, and even worse, who are the citizens who dare to speak ill of his mother!?

Meanwhile, Ling Tian was whispering to his bodyguard.

"Once they leave, take care of that bitch and her mongrel son."

This was William's breaking point, the floodgates of rage filled his being as he spoke out.

"You dare speak ill of my mother!" William yelled in fury at Ling Tian.

"You better leave, don't cause a ruckus, it will only cause unwanted problems, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your dear mother now, would you? So scurry off to your nest little rat."

William quickly resolved his composure as he calmed himself down. He now looked as calm as tranquil water.

"Mongrel son, little rat, fine then..." William thought.

"I do feel a bit ill, perhaps this is why I was acting up, I apologize, sir, could we please buy an elixir."

Lauren was surprised by William's sudden change.

"Of course, here, though, you will have to pay 20 silver for the way you acted." Ling Tian smirked.

"Of course sir, please think of this as a way to repay you for the kindness that I have rejected." William spoke like a saint.

"Good, then I accept."

William urged his mother to buy the elixir, she felt obligated to trust her son and did as he asked, though this would cost all their saving for the month.

"Here you go William, go ahead and drink it." Lauren smiled.

"Thanks, Mom." William replied.



<System >

Hallowed body elixir.

*First order elixir




Luminous mountain grass

Glistening water lily

Tranquil silt root

Rocky juniper

Holy Water


The effects of this elixir can only cure the user of minor curses that are F-Rank or below.

It is a simplified version of the Holy Grail which is a 7th order elixir known to cure high-ranking curses.


"*So this was your plan.*" William smirked as he was in thought.

"Say, can this elixir completely cure my curse, esteemed alchemist, sir?" William asked with a rejoiced expression.

He had tears in his eyes, it looked as if he had hope, he looked like the sweetest boy in the world, someone who had lost hope a long time ago but was about to be saved. He looked like the citizens around him when they found hope to save their families.

"Of course, it is concocted by me of course, so it is guaranteed!" Ling Tian said proudly.

William's teary eyes suddenly changed to that of a predator as he heard those words.

"*This fool played right into my hands, it seems I was right about him being a monotonous idiot*"

"Well then. Care to explain why you are selling an elixir to cure a curse rather than an elixir that will cure an illness? Or is it just that your scheme was to curse people and miraculously reveal the cure when they were so desperate that they would spend their savings on your elixir." William smirked.

The surroundings were quiet, no one expected this. They had no thought process at this moment. The only person who could think right now was Ling Tian as cold sweat enveloped him.

"This... How would I be able to curse them? I don't even have an affinity to curse magic?" Ling Tian replied swiftly.

"It is true what you say, but could the same be said if you were using an artifact? Like for instance that ring that you are wearing. If I'm not mistaken, that should be an F-Rank artifact capable of inflicting minor curses, all you need to do is send some mana into it and have a target in mind as well as choose the curse you wish to inflict." William said.

"Needless to say, the curse itself will be lifted if that ring is destroyed." 

"That... Bai'er, we're leaving, let's go." Ling Tian hurriedly said.

"Oh no you don't, you dare scam us! Come on, let's muck him up a bit, and someone take that ring off his finger if needed, cut it off. Yeah, cut it off!" a Citizen yelled.

A few minutes passed and all that was left was a bloodied Ling Tian lying next to his bodyguard, they were unrecognizable, they were beaten to a pulp. The guards let it happen as they were aware of the situation, this felt just, as many people and children died due to this curse. The citizens gathered near William and his mother after the incident.

"We don't know how to repay your deeds, we humbly apologize to both of you, as a peace offering we decided to give you 2 silver from each of us, as well as the initial 20 silver that you paid for the elixir." an Old man said.

William and his mother graciously accepted this and went home, on the way everything was silent, it felt awkward to William.

"Why don't you ask how I knew?" William pondered.

"Well, I have a feeling that you wouldn't tell me the whole truth anyway. So I thought it must be a secret. Besides, I knew it was a curse anyway, I was more surprised that his curse didn't work on you, it was as if it was blocked somehow." She said with a smile.

"I... I see. If I told you my secret, would you hate me?" William asked while staring at the ground.

"Of course not, why would I hate you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and your father. Lift your head and look at me." She stopped walking and got on her knees as she spoke to William.

William felt his mother gently hold his shoulders and he raised his head to see the gentle gaze of his mother's eyes, they were overflowing with love and affection.

"I am proud of you. You stood up to a man such as him and saved hundreds of lives, you should stand tall and feel good about this."

"You don't need to tell me your secret, if there comes a time when you are ready to share it with me, I will accept it with open arms, but you better know that nothing in this world will change how I feel about you, your father would say the same." She said proudly.

"Thank you, Mom, for understanding. I love you too." William smiled as tears flowed down his cheeks.

Was this it, the feeling that he never had, the feeling of having a mother's love, to have people where he could be himself around them, people with whom he could show his vulnerabilities, to have a family? 

William felt a gentle embrace as his mother hugged him tightly.

"It is okay sweetie, let's go home, your father should be back soon." 

With that said, William and his mother went home, soon after they arrived, his father came walking in. They ate dinner together and talked about everything that happened.

"Wow, to think you are such a money maker. Ha ha. now we have 4 gold in our savings." Morgan laughed heartily.

"I'm proud of you son." 

"Alright you two, it's time for bed, so go and clean up." Lauren smiled.

A few minutes later, William was already in bed.


<System >


User: William Drake

Age: 4

Level 2

EXP 150/6000


Vitality: 8

Endurance: 9

Strength: 12

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 33


Mana: 1650/1650


Mage Tier: 1


Special ability

1. First-Tier (Curse Resistance),



1. Space



Attribute Points:





F : (Regeneration),(Vigor)

E : (Sixth Sense),(Analyze)

D : (Mental Fortitude)

C :

B :

A :


Items: (D-Rank Veltite Dagger)







Author Note 

Well hello there, I hope you're enjoying the journey so far, here are some things you should know.

Money System 

First, we start with, copper, silver, gold, and platinum.

For every 100 coins of every metal, you get a higher-ranking coin.

For instance, 100 copper is equivalent to 1 silver, and 100 silver is equivalent to 1 gold.

Alchemist ranking

Alchemist ranks start with First-Order alchemist up to Ninth-Order alchemist, for now at least.

Magic System 

For magic, it is a bit different, as we start from First-Tier Mage up to Ninth-Tier mage, for now at least.

Well, that's all that I have to say for now, stay tuned to see William's journey in the world of Kromdir be sure to drop ideas and questions, and I'll be happy to give a reply.
