
Onepiece: A King with Summons

A One-Piece Kingdom Building Fanfic. Augustus [The Main character] Wakes up in One Piece as the Newly Inherited King of a Kingdom on the verge of collapse both internally and externally, Located in Paradise. He gets a Summoning system which as you guessed allows him to summon characters from Movies, anime and games for his Kingdom. [I was Thinking the first summoned character should be Godfrey, The First Elden Lord] Well, what are you waiting for? Read the fanfic already. [Yes that is an order] --- **Support the Series:** If you're enjoying the series and want to support it, consider becoming a patron on my Patreon. As a token of appreciation, patrons will receive 10 additional chapters for $10. Your support helps me continue creating and bringing these chapters to life for you, I'm just starting this story, so it might be a while until I can get all 10 chapters ready for each of the three stories. But if you still want to pay, I will just have to accept your money, In't I. :) https://www.patreon.com/not_slushy **Disclaimer:** This is a fan-created work. I do not own any of the original characters or settings from the One Piece Anime or any otcharactersters that will be summoned. All rights to these characters and worlds belong to their respective creators. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. --- 1000 words a chapter. One Chapter a day.

Not_Slushy · 漫画同人
41 Chs

Chapter 25 Whitebeard

About a few weeks soon passed and the Marineford war was just a few days later.

The announcements of the Execution of Ace were also made by now, and Augustus knew that various forces such as Whitebeard pirates, Beasts pirates and Redhead pirates had begun making to move already.

Augustus, holding onto a suitcase, stepped through a portal he had created, leading him onto the ship of the Redhead pirates that were currently sailing.

As Augustus stepped through, he saw Shanks standing in front of the portal.

"Welcome, What brings you here?" Shanks asked.

"I just came to deliver the GPS navigation" Augustus said to Shanks as the portal behind Augustus closed.

When Shanks heard Augustus his eyes lit up.

"So where is it?" Shanks asked.

"Here" Augustus said as he brought up the suitcase and opened revealing a map of the Grandline.

"You just need to enter which Island you want to go to and it will formulate a path that will lead you there accounting and adjusting according to weather conditions" Augustus said as he gave Shanks a demonstration before handing it over to him.

Shanks excitedly yet carefully grabbed ahold of the suitcase and handed it to his navigator to test.

"So, I heard about the Marineford execution" Augustus brought it up.

"Ah yes, Whitebeards division Commander Ace is to be executed, this will trigger a lot of instabilities in the sea" Shanks said solemnly referring to the fallout of Whitebeards death.

"And you want to stop it?" Augustus asked in a questioning tone.

Shanks didn't reply and only nodded.

"I see, well good luck with that", Augustus replied with a smile, and he created a portal behind him, which he stepped through and left the ship and appeared on another Ship.

"Who are you" A deep voice resounded as soon as Augustus stepped through and the portal closed behind him.

His eyes looked towards the huge man sitting in front of him with Nagata in hand and a large white moustache on his face.

Augustus looked around at the Division commanders who slowly gathered around, looking at Augustus with threatening.

With a thought, a powerful pressure emerged from within Augustus, pushing down on everybody while the weak ones rolled their eyes and passed out.

Suddenly, Augustus felt something powerful crash onto his conqueror Haki, trying to suppress his, which led to the two conquerors being left in a stalemate as not one of them could overpower the other.

Seeing that Augustus had shown his strength to Whitebeard Augustus withdrew his Conqurors haki and Whitebeard also withdrew his.

When they both the cracks on the ground that was spreading stopped, the lightning stopped crackling and the colour of the world returned.

"Hello, I am Augustus Glofield." Augustus introduced himself.

"I heard about your second division commander's capture, and I have come to offer my condolences", Augustus said.

"We don't need your Condolences", Marco suddenly shouted in anger.

"Wait Marco" Whitebeard said stopping Marco from saying anything else.

"Why have you really come here?" Whitebeard asked causing Augustus to smile.

"I have come here to offer you assistance" Augustus said.

"You should know that you won't survive this right, and the possibility of saving Ace is also very low; it would be a real pity if the sole bloodline of the Pirate King were to die in the same his father did, so I will give you a little indirect assistance." Augustus said as Marco who couldn't hold his anger anymore transformed into a phoenix 

"Marco..." Whitebeard muttered he wanted to stop Marco, he had kind of understood the level of Augustus's power.

He didn't know where Augustus suddenly appeared from, but what he does know is that whatever he said, Whitebeard knew deep down was true.

As Marco's claws were about to attack him, Augustus wrapped his hands in Haki and grabbed onto to Marco and threw him some distance away.

"I will create chaos on the battlefield; some of your crew can die in this chaos, but it will give you enough time to take away Ace and keep him alive.

High chance you will have to stay to hold back the Admirals while your crew makes a safe escape" Augustus quickly completed what he wanted to say before Marco came at him again.

Augustus reached into his pockets and grabbed a hold of a den den mushi and threw it to Whitebeard.

"Call me if you decide" Augustus said as he formed a portal and walked through.

Stepping through the portal Augustus walked into Marineford.

Marineford, the headquarters of the Marines, was a formidable fortress built to withstand any attack.

The massive crescent-shaped harbour was bustling with activity, soldiers marching in perfect formation, cannons being loaded, and warships lined up in intimidating rows.

Towering walls surrounded the compound, adorned with flags bearing the Marine emblem.

The atmosphere was tense, electric with anticipation as preparations for the impending war against Whitebeard were in full swing. High-ranking officers moved with purpose, their stern expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

There was so much hustle and bustle that nobody even noticed Augustus's arrival.

Augustus casted an invisibility spell onto himself.

As long as he doesn't interact and attack anybody he won't be discovered by Observation Haki.

He walked into Marineford's main building.

He browsed through the rooms hoping to find someone.

Someone who would play a major role in his plans for the Marines.

See, Augustus had realized something, if he were to take down the World government, The Revolutionary army would instantly become a thorn in his side and prevent him from becoming the next World government, and the long-established order and peace would be broken, leading to an age of complete chaos.

Every day ordinary people would wake up afraid for their own and their children's lives.

Augustus didn't want that, so he had been devising a plan from the start, and Garp will be the most important part of maintaining order in this world.

Hey, So I am going to create this new fanfiction, I was thinking the concept would be within the Marvel Universe, a character that is not reincarnated into a Marvel Universe, I have yet to decide which Marvel Universe but I definitely won't pick the rather overused mcu, he is a thief with a system, this fanfic will be written so that I can improve my writing in terms of The realism of the Mc, secondary characters, story development, character development, Writing a thrilling story without many fillers and better writing.

So what do you think, I'll still write this fanfic, as for the upload schedule for the new fanfic I'll try to write everyday if it can't be done then every other day.

I'll name it something like "A Thief in Marvel" Something simple and easy to remember.

Not_Slushycreators' thoughts