
Onepiece: A King with Summons

A One-Piece Kingdom Building Fanfic. Augustus [The Main character] Wakes up in One Piece as the Newly Inherited King of a Kingdom on the verge of collapse both internally and externally, Located in Paradise. He gets a Summoning system which as you guessed allows him to summon characters from Movies, anime and games for his Kingdom. [I was Thinking the first summoned character should be Godfrey, The First Elden Lord] Well, what are you waiting for? Read the fanfic already. [Yes that is an order] --- **Support the Series:** If you're enjoying the series and want to support it, consider becoming a patron on my Patreon. As a token of appreciation, patrons will receive 10 additional chapters for $10. Your support helps me continue creating and bringing these chapters to life for you, I'm just starting this story, so it might be a while until I can get all 10 chapters ready for each of the three stories. But if you still want to pay, I will just have to accept your money, In't I. :) https://www.patreon.com/not_slushy **Disclaimer:** This is a fan-created work. I do not own any of the original characters or settings from the One Piece Anime or any otcharactersters that will be summoned. All rights to these characters and worlds belong to their respective creators. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. --- 1000 words a chapter. One Chapter a day.

Not_Slushy · 漫画同人
41 Chs

Chapter 1 King

In the dark of night with only the street lamps shining a little fluorescent light on the street where occasionally a truck or car passed by.

A Man walked on the side of the road.

His back bent, and his face exhausted, his tie loose and an untucked shirt along with a black handheld bag gripped within his fist.

This was Augustus.

An ordinary person, living about his life trying to make it to the next month.

At this moment he had finally got off shift from his long hours at work and was making his way back to his apartment which was not too far away.

Reaching the signal, he kind of glanced at it for a second but didn't pay much attention.

He assumed it to be red.

It's always red at this time.

Augustus thought glancing at his mechanical watch.

As he began crossing the zebra crossing, a blare was suddenly heard.

In his sluggishness, he raised his head to look at the place the sound was coming from and all he saw was a bright white light piercing his eyes and a rectangular truck barreling towards him.

In a split second, the truck smashed Augustus's body head-first with a huge bang.

'Where did this truck appear from!' Augustus thought aggrieved and regretfully in his heart as his body was flung through crashing onto the rough road.

Augustus the warmth drained out of his body for a second condition before darkness took over his vision, the blaring horn of the truck still ringing in his head before it became silenced.

He felt weightless at this moment without proper thought being able to form in his head, the concept of time itself out of his grasp as he just existed in this sense of nothingness.

Suddenly however he felt a jolt pass through his entire being and he opened his eyes startled.

He breathed in and out deeply to get rid of the feeling of suffocation.

His mind a mess.

His eyes a little dazed.

Trying to calm himself he didn't feel any immediate pain in his body so he rubbed his eyes.

The sense of feeling quickly returned In his body as well.

He felt his body in a sitting position, sitting on something really comfortable.

"Your Majesty!" He heard a shout snapping him out of his blurred mind.

Looking around the view entered his eyes.

Some kind of huge hall, with golden covering on the walls and floors, it looked royal and expensive but at the same time looked dilapidated.

Empty painting frames both big and large hung on the walls, a dull red carpet leading from where he was sat to the white double doors.

Glancing at the three people looking at him, he felt a huge sense of confusion.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" One of the more aged men asked with a worried expression on his face.

Augustus rubbed his forehead for a few seconds before he spoke.

"Yes, I am fine, leave for now" Augustus spoke.

The other two people besides the aged man had a worried expression and anxiousness in their eyes but they complied with Augustus's words and began walking out of the big hall.

As the aged man reached the gates, it was opened by some people who looked to be in Knight clothing.

The three people walked out and the big gates were shut.

Taking a deep breath, Augustus felt his straight back relax.

His hand covered his mouth as his eyes were suspiciously looking around.

"Where the hell am I?" Augustus thought to himself.

His eyes swept everywhere trying to grasp his identity.

Finally, his eyes landed on himself and he saw his body wearing a red coloured fur coat with thick white fur highlighting the red cloak.

A clean white shirt with a black overall, with a golden emblem, and black pants.

Looking at the chair he was sitting on he seemed to have grasped his identity.

"A King" he whispered.

It seems those three people also called him 'Your Majesty '

'Seriously, What the hell is going on here!' Augustus thought to himself.

His memory of what happened before was still clearly engraved in his mind.

His mind raced trying to make sense.

'Perhaps, A reincarnation?'

'No, Why didn't I start off as a baby'

'But do all reincarnation need the person to start as a baby?'

'Does it matter right now?'

'It happened is all that matters and I am still alive, I don't where I am, but I seem to be the King of this place'

But as Augustus once again looked at the walls filled with empty frames he couldn't but feel his lips quiver.

'I am a poor King aren't I'

'Also... this just got interesting' Augustus thought to himself as he glanced at the floating holographic screen in front of him that just appeared.


It named itself.




'Really interesting' Augustus thought to himself.

Looking around he wished to call for those three people again, to gain some kind of idea of what world he was currently in.

Yet he also didn't know how he should do that.

Turning to look at the system he simply decided to explore what these options were, he first started by clicking [Kingdom] which led to all other options vanishing and a long list unfolding infront of him.

[Infrastructure: Building roads, bridges, and essential facilities. (Level 1)

Education: Establishing schools and universities for better literacy and skill development.(Level 0)

Healthcare: Setting up hospitals, clinics, and training medical professionals. (Level 1)

Defence: Strengthening the kingdom's military and fortifications. (Level 2)

Economy: Improving trade, industry, and financial systems and overall Kingdoms finances. (Level 0)

Technology: Introducing new technologies to improve daily life and efficiency. (Level 1)

Public Services: Enhancing services like sanitation, water supply, and transportation. (Level 1)

Territory Controlled: The Amount of land and people under the control of the Kingdom (Level 1)

(Auth note: Maximum level is five which is equivalent to Near Legendary, Legendary or God level)

Territory Overall: Level 1]

[Detected [Kingdom] Sectors developments levels]

[Rewards being Issued]

[Points Issued: 150]

"Well then"

'Level 1 doesn't sound to good' Augustus thought to himself.

'Also a Level 0 for finances? How poor is this Kingdom of mine??'

He clicked the return button causing the entire list to collapse and the original three options to return.



[Points: 150]


'I see' Augustus thought seeing the increased points then proceeded to click onto [Summouning] causing the options to once again disappear and a list to appear.

[Level 1 Summoning:

Cost:10 points

Summons characters with power/understanding levels of 1-2.

Level 2 Summoning:

Cost: 100 points

Summons characters with power/understanding levels of 3-4.

Level 3 Summoning

Cost: 1000 points

Summons characters with power/understanding levels of 5-6.

Level 4 Summoning:

Cost: 10,000 points

Summons characters with power/understanding levels of 7-8.

Level 5 Summoning:

Cost: 100,000 points

Summons characters with power/understanding levels of 9-10.]

[Gift Package Provided: One time Level 4 Summouning]

[Power Levels Explanation:

Level 1-2: Basic soldiers and weaker characters.

Level 3-4: Competent fighters and low-ranking officers.

Level 5-6: Skilled warriors and mid-tier commanders.

Level 7: High-ranking commanders and powerful fighters like Vice Admirals.

Level 8: Top-tier characters like Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido and Big Mom, Five Elders and Admirals.

Level 9: Near-legendary figures like Im, Joyboy and Rocks.

Level 10: Legendary or god-like beings (almost unattainable).]

'Hmmm, Interesting power leve, Wait a second!'

'Whitebeard? Im? Aren't those Onepiece characters?'

At this time a knock was heard on the doors and the doors opened, I quickly closed out of the system and minimised it.

Yes, that is an option.

"Your Majesty, may we come in?" The Aged man from earlier spoke as he entered bowing as a greeting followed by the two people behind him also bowing.

"Come In" Augustus responded as he waited for the three of them to get closer.