
one time sign in system in Harry Potter

, a boy died and met God who gave him to chances to choose from multiverse system and he ends up with one time sign in system let's see how he becomes a king from nothing ... .. .. .. . . . , English ain't my language first time writing a novel don't mind it do give your feedback please thank you and enjoy and you can take the ideas from my novel and create your own , and for description purposes Harry Potter series of novel doesn't belong to me but the original author only thing that belongs to me is the OC MC Si

GOD_OF_ENAS · 作品衍生
28 Chs


I am ready I got the letter and I shall go and tell grandma about it...well let's go so I left to meet grandma.

I used the flooed to the palace to meet grandma as soon as I appeared in my room I heard a knock on my door come in I said and there she was my grandma I know I stole the bloodline and all but I love her like anything she entered my room and hugged me as she came to me and kissed my cheek and said.

Grandma: hows my sweet little boy you don't spend much time with your grandma why you don't like me anymore hmmm

Michael: gosh that's cheezy grandmaqueen.

Grandma: ~sigh~ sometimes I wish that you were not this mature for your age Michael you know kids your love to make friends and go to amusement parks but you only love to study and god knows what magical thingy you do you are still a child enjoy yourself more my boy.

Michael: I know Grandma I will and I just got the letter I told you about.

I showed her the letter and she read it and commented:

"is it not too much for one person to hold so many titles"

and I replied

" yes, yes it is but that man is the strongest wizard in the world"

well she was shocked for a second there but then she sighed and said "so where are you going to get this stuff you need for school you are gonna get from and Charles will be going with you"

Michael: no grandma I am fine alone and it will be awkward for uncle Charles to go with me so please let me go alone.

well as you can see I started calling Charles uncle Charles.

well it happened on his birthday everyone gave him something and as I was out of options so I ordered a Goblin made ring with some part of Kohinoor diamond on it and it should be enchanted with the refreshing charm and shining charm and whoever shall wear it will see the ring shining and feel fresh after he wears it so yeah I gave him that but at the place of telling him that it refreshes you I said it is antique and was once worn by king Arthur himself as he should be feeling energetic as he wore it now well he was happy like really happy and later that night apologized for his previous behaviour and since then I became his lovely nephew so yeah we are cool there but he is clingy and overprotective and now I miss the old Charles.

"I can go alone grandma don't worry I'll be fine "

well, it took time to convince her but after some time, she was fine with that and so I left for my shopping today.

I flooed myself to the leaky cauldron and. then towards Diagon alley.

The first store I visited after leaving was the

trunk shop, since I want to make a custom


You should have seen the look on the store

owners face when I listed my requirements:

Dragonhide on the outside,

with my initials M.B.A.P engraved,

featherweight charm,

unbreakable charm,

anti-muggle charm,

blood bonded so that only I can access and summon it,

shrinking charm with a chain attachment to

were it as a bracelet on my left hand (like this),

vastly expanded book compartment,

ingredient and potions compartments,

and a lot of additional space to use if he can make a room or 2 to it as I please. The whole thing cost around 120,000 galleons, but money is not an issue and this will be a piece of equipment I'll use for the foreseeable future so it is well spent.

Unfortunately, it won't be ready until August,

but the finished product will speak for itself.

Next was Madam Malkin's Robes for All

Occasions, a place where I'll also get a custom

job because if I'm going to be wearing

something for an entire year I'll make damn

sure it's the best I can buy. What's the point of

making money if you don't spend it?

I make my way over with Kreacher and as we walked people kept on taking glances at me and Kreacher me for my beauty and Kreacher for his tux with hidden emblem as I don't want anyone to know who I am and we enter the

store, seeing a squat, smiling witch who was

dressed in mauve clothing and grey hair styled

in an interesting upwards fashion.

"Hogwarts, dear? Well come in and set yourself

up in the room on the right. I have to finish up

with these two girls first." She said quickly after

seeing my nod.

So I walked over to the fitting room and waited

for a few minutes.

The short witch comes in and wastes no time

getting started measuring with gusto. I order

the three sets needed to be made of Acromantula

silk, because of its minor spell resistance and

comfortable feel, self ironing and repair

charms, as well as a minor self-adjusting charm

to keep up with my growth during the year. I

also asked if it's possible to mix a bit of dragon

hide into the robe, she was fine with it but reminded as it will be costly.

But still, the total ended being about 4050 galleons after everything was said and done, and the order would be ready in a few days.

Although I do need to say that she tried to throw in a discount if I would be a model for her designs,

and it was really hard to keep turning her down

due to her persistence.

Next was Scribbulus Writing Instruments. I

entered the shop filled with display cabinets

with beautiful quills of every colour and feather I

could think of, with finely engraved tips to complete them.

I stepped towards the counter

and found an elderly wizard in brown ink

splattered robes waiting there. I placed two

custom orders; one is to turn three of

feathers of Ravan into properly made quills, and let me tell you he was ecstatic to be able to work with

Phoenix feathers, to the point, that he swore it

would be some of his best work, and I also

ordered two self-writing quills with

enchantments letting me input the information

I wish to write on it to free myself from the

the constantly looming wave of homework written

about in the books. He said it should be done

by the end of the day and that he would send

the quills to my home. and yah the egg got incubated and I named the Phoenix Ravan based on Sri Lankan mythological God it was the first of its kind it is Thunder fire Phoenix. so yeah awesome ✨

Slug & Jiggers Apothecary was quick. I ordered

two of the standard pewter cauldrons required,

I mean it's really unlikely to mess up any potion

taught at Hogwarts but better safe than sorry. I

got two sets of ingredients, some not required

in class, but I didn't overdo it cause I can

always order more through the mail.

And finally, a set of custom potions equipment, with a reinforced cauldron and goblin made vials

and tools, stuff that would give even Snape a

hard on.

Now, I've been to Flourish and Blotts before,

but it's always been a reward for doing well

during my tutoring. I bought every book that

caught my attention. Standard Hogwarts

material years 1-7 for every class, books on

more mundane spells, party spells, lesser-known potions, magical theory, care for

magical creatures books and I even found some

duelling books hidden on the shelves. I may have

also headed to Borgin and Burkes quickly to

buy some older and more, shall we say, difficult

to obtain books. hehehehe...

And finally, it was time for the wand which I didn't think I will get so I created a plan that will full fill my desire for a wand so I went to wand makers olivanded since 325bc.

I nodded to myself and stepped into the shop. It was a tiny space for the shop, empty except for a

single, spindly chair in the corner. Thousands

of narrow boxes containing wands were piled

right up to the ceiling of the tiny shop, and the

the whole place had a thin layer of dust about it.

With an old man with pale silvery eyes, should

length grey hair and white skin, who I assumed

was the famous Garrick Ollivander.

"I did not expect to see a new customer this

late in the afternoon, but no matter, it

is always a pleasure to match a child to its

wand. I hope you make things challenging for


He chuckled to himself

"Now then young mister..." "Michael." I finished for him.

He then spent the next half hour handing me

wand after wand, containing all of the

Ollivander classics of Unicorn hair, Dragon

heartstring and Phoenix feather, but nothing

was fitting properly.

"Well I've asked for difficulty and you've

certainly provided Mr Michael," Ollivander said

quite happily despite all his failures.

"It seems I might have to make a custom wand

after all years." He mused.

I was kind of prepared for this situation. I

mean, I have the essence of a Wampus cat and

many other magical beasts in my body. It would be strange if any random wand would bond with me properly.

"Um mister Ollivander," I said to get his

attention. "If you can take a vow of silence I can

probably help with why the wands aren't

working properly," I said to him.

He raised an eyebrow at the request, but I

know the man's curiosity will get the better of

him. It's just who he is. And just like I thought,

he pointed his wand upwards.

"I, Garrick Ollivander, swear on my magic and soul that the information given by Michael shall

remain between us and that I shall tell none. So

I say, mote it be. Lumos." He recited and with

the lighting of the wand signifying a valid oath I

was relieved.

"Basically, due to events outside my control, I

was imbued with the essence of a Wampus cat

and deeply bonded with a Phoenix. I also

currently have two magic cores of both the best with me and my family line had few other magical beasts in the blood hierarchy." I explained to

the man.

"My word!" He exclaimed. "No wonder none of

my wands bonded with you. Do you happen to

have any feathers of said Phoenix and hair of campus cat ?" He asked in

an excited and hopeful manner.

"I had a feeling that I would be difficult so I

prepared in advance," I said as I took out a few

boxes from my bag.

"This box contains a heart feather of my friend,

freely given. And these are a collection of

Wampus cat hairs I ordered from America,

because I've heard they aren't used here

and thinking it might connect with me better

then other materials due to my circumstances but I would like it if you make me two wands with the differential core."

I explained to the man.

"Yes, I much prefer unicorn hair or dragon

heartstring, but a good wand maker should

strive for the best match, not the preferred

material. If these are what matches you then it

is what you shall receive. Now come with me, I

need you to choose a block of wood and which of these

hairs truly resonates with you." He said as he

guided me towards the back.

He laid out a bunch of different wood samples

and said to close my eyes and feel which one

was calling me. Quickly doing so, I focused and

felt a piece draw me in strongly as I moved my

hand towards it. I opened my eyes and found

myself grasping a jet-black block of wood.

"Ebony wood, good with many things,

especially combat. It prefers those with great

courage and generally matches well with

people who are outside the norm or outsiders.

Truly interesting. Now the cores." He said as he

laid out more boxes.

This time I felt two pulls. One was brilliant and

warm, while the other was subtle and calm. I

opened my eyes again and find what I guessed

would happen: the feather and one of the

boxes of hair.

"Phoenix feathers make for very individualist

wands, strong wands, while the Wampus hair

tends to be good at the more subtle side of

magic, And the dragon heartstring and therestrial hair preferring to find new paths instead of

focusing on the ones others see." Explained

Ollivander again

"Come back tomorrow morning Mister Michael. I

should have them ready by then." He declared with

fire in his eyes.

"Thanks, Mister Ollivander. I'll leave the leftover

Wampus hairs and other material for you to experiment with if you want." I said as I began to leave.

"I think I'll take you up on that, keep the skills

sharpened." He answered with a laugh.

I returned the next day and Ollivander took out

two black boxes and put them on the counter in front of


I opened them and took out beautiful black wands with a comfortable handle, sleek and straight body without a single flaw in the wood. And then I felt it connect to my cores, making

multicoloured lights flow around me and a

Phoenix cry being heard with a dragon's roar

"Ebony, Phoenix heart feather and Wampus cat

hair, 11.5 inches, slightly flexible and therestrial hair and dragon hybrid heartstrings 13 inches, slightly flexible too and One of the

finest wands I've ever made." Said Ollivander

with pride.

I thanked the man after paying for both the wands,

arm holsters and maintenance equipment, and


and went to the black manor with Kreacher as soon as I came to the manor I went to the rune room and took out both the wands and broke them from the middle and signed in with 2months of combined signup and got both the renewed wands but as a reward and then I used the combining application and used both the wands and thunderbird tail wand core and used 5months of combining sign in.

"system use combine on both the wands plus thunderbird tail wand core and 5months of combined daily sign-in"

*congratulations to the host for getting a 5 core wand graded unique*

Hell yeah!!!!!

it was beautiful it looked like this.

something worthy of me.

it looked like this.