
one time sign in system in Harry Potter

, a boy died and met God who gave him to chances to choose from multiverse system and he ends up with one time sign in system let's see how he becomes a king from nothing ... .. .. .. . . . , English ain't my language first time writing a novel don't mind it do give your feedback please thank you and enjoy and you can take the ideas from my novel and create your own , and for description purposes Harry Potter series of novel doesn't belong to me but the original author only thing that belongs to me is the OC MC Si

GOD_OF_ENAS · Book&Literature
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He took me towards the vault of Merlin as we reached the vault there was a small socket big enough for a person to fit his head in it Griphook guided me on what to do and I placed my hand in the socket and as soon as I entered my hand there was a warm feeling and the merlins ring glowed for a second and suddenly the door started making click clock noises as the gears were moving in it and as I took my hand outside the socket the vault opened and I saw...


tons and tons of books all around the entire vault and a small pit around the size of half a tennis court filled to the brim with galleons.

and the rest of the place is all books I went to the one which is place on the ground and. picked it up and it was a book on transformation magic.

and had a comment on the first page I mean there was no such thing as transformation magic but only polyjuice potions and that's wonderful, but the comment read

"utter wastage of time you can't even use the strength of the person you took the form of and I was beaten up by his wife"

and I well what can we say everyone has fetishes right even the bizarre ones at that.

well, this not what I was expecting well let's go to the pedestal in the corner I went towards the pedestal and it was kept in such a manner as it doesn't have any importance and was used as a stool for books.


well let's carry on with what we are here for I dropped on the unnecessary books from it and in the end, I touched the pedestal and nothing happened I saw a small sentence on or though it said

"knock with the ring"

so I did and it shined and there was grimoire well as you know the next step to drop the blood and as I was about to the grimoire shined and new letters came in on it.

"no need to drop the blood and all as that is disgusting so yeah I am the greatest wizard of all time the great merlin himself welcome heir of Arthur and now my heir too"


"" don't think much we I mean I knew the one who will have the final prize of the quest will be a descendant of Arthur so it was better to keep the inheritance in Gringotts only and yeah I used divinition as I was and am the only diviner you will find who doesn't gives the future in jumble words I mean like I got a prophecy about my future once and it was all over the place I mean just can't it be like just find this prince of the pendragon family fight a disturbing and disgusting black mage and be done with but nooo you have to mention the weather too such high quality shit of a predictmemt that was and the reason why I started learning divinition and damn that thing was easy if you go by the book but all the ones I met were idiots so yeah I prophecied that the person will be a descendant of pendragon bloodline and yeah did the Internet thingy started on there yet I mean that was the best thing muggle could come up with a better way of life and gotta say if it did then you are lucky you only have to type on it whatever you want and voilá you get high quality naked women HA!! wish I was there, well you are here for the next quest and its simple I saw this thing called the order of merlin in the future and it's simple just get the first order of Merlin and become famous I mean 😏 an heir of I Merlin and not famous HA..so get the order and just put it on the pedestal with your all your famously memories on it and you have completed your quest and you will become the heir to archeron's too and that another load of bullcrap there so yeah.

ps: and all the books use them you will be genuine when you speak as my heir otherwise without knowledge you will be called a..... well that doesn't matter just it doesn't end well so yeah ciao.


He is merlin what the hell I was expecting more and this quest is THE LOAD OF CRAP.

from all points of view.

I mean I read in some books old books people called him crazy and I retorted and called the authors of the books hasbeens or idiotical morons to say such things about the greatest wizard ever and it ends up with a potion of narcissism plus idiotism and pervertism personified in a being and that's him well gonna take those books out of the garbage and put them on the highest shelf now.

well, I am done with this charade so I went out with the vault and the gate closed by itself.

griphook: Are you done milord and there is no manager for this vault so would like me to be the manager of this vault too.

I looked at him and he seems happy about this

Michael are you sane griphook.

griphook: yes, yes I am milord.

Michael: no then I don't want you to be the manager as only an insane person can handle all that shit inside that vault.

griphook: well we do have one insane goblin should I introduce you to him, sir.

Michael: That was sarcasm griphook.

griphook: what's sarcasm milord.

Michael: you know what forget it there's nothing much to manage in there, so just leave it at that.

griphook: very well then my lord, do you have any other wishes that need to be fulfilled, my lord.

Michael(grinning): well yes, yes I do.

(3rd POV)

"well, what a good day today is I made a profit off that muggle wizard hahaha who told him to trust a pure-blood for his new idea which generates 200,000 galleons every 6months do I feel bad about it, no as it's common these idiots create money and we take it away as the leader of this magical society hahaha well hope he doesn't cry himself to sleep hahaha...

" tok" "tok" "tok"

well who is here as I saw the window I saw an owl carrying a letter I took the letter and it had a seal of the Gringotts "well it seems the goblins have some good news regarding my vaults these creatures are greedy as always"

I opened the letter and it read:


the lord of the house the Davis

we are here to tell you that the loans that you have taken from the most ancient and the most noble house of black are herby over the due date of the payment so as you have passed the due date by a large margin the original amount of 48,000 galleons with the interest of 15% per year and with the penalties from voiding the contract from your side is now a total of without the penalties is 144000 galleons and with the penalty the amount is now a total of 10,440,000 to the house of black and Gringotts is hereby given the task to take it from you so the amount had been taken away from the vault Davis and now the current amount in your vault is about 20 galleons 20sickels and 2 knuts to be exact.

thank you.

manager of vault Davis.

Griffith bonesmasher.

"no..n..o no impossible that's impossible that house had no more heir nooo my money nooooo...."

(the prophet newspaper POV)

yesterday the known most ancient the most noble house of black that was thought to be almost extinct as from the previous thought heir to be in Azkaban.

as the anonymous heir of the house black made a large ruckus in entire magical Britain as the house of black had given many loans to many noble and ancient houses of our society that is almost brought to their knees by Gringotts as the penalties charged to them has made their vaults almost empty it took us a hard time to find out the houses who became victims of this anomaly such as:

The noble house of Davis

The noble house of Wood

The noble house of Devonhill

The noble house of Abbott

The noble house of Avery

The noble house of Burke

The noble house of Carrow

The noble house of Crouch

The noble house of Bulstrode

The most ancient and The most noble house of Malfoy

The most ancient and The most noble house of


The noble house of Flint

The noble house of Fawley

The noble house of Goyle

The noble house of Crabb

The noble house of Macmillan

The noble house of Prewett

The most ancient and The most noble house of Nott.

we were able to get these name with the help of the Gringotts wizard affair department it took us a lord of time and hard work to get this news to you but currently who is this Anonymous heir to The most ancient and The most noble house of BLACK.



"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear, Michael

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress

The second page with requirements says:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

UNIFORM First-year students will require:

1.Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2.One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3.One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4.One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

COURSE BOOKS All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.


I took the paper and wrote :


Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress

I would love to join Hogwarts and you don't have to send a teacher to come here and introduce my family to magic as we already have a connection to one so I'll take care of my shopping from Diagon ally and can I bring some other bird as my pet.

your sincerity,


I called Merlin and tied the letter to his feet and open the windows so he can go now you must be thinking is this Merlin is an owl well yes he is a wild one at that.

it's been a year now since the last time I went to the vault the Merlin one well not much has changed except the black vault that is brimming with gold and properties papers my Idea to take over all the loans that belong to the black house was successful but it left many other Noble houses dissatisfied it tried to bribe the goblins but as I was one of their friends of the goblins my identity was not disclosed after that scenario for the next few months the anonymous identity of the hair to the house of black still unknown by many some people of the noble houses also paid back ok in the form of voting rights in wizengamot

but only for three to five times of voting only and also some of the noble houses like the ancient house of nott and many others paid with favours owed to them by others and most of them were people from ministry and merlin knights you must be thinking what's the use of the voting rights and favours well you see with the votes I can make any law pass make the werewolves the vampires have citizenship and they won't be able to you take it back and in return I will have the loyalty of all werewolves and vampires but I want to do that yet and for the favours, I can use them to get my place completed faster because you need the agreement of Merlin knights to get the order of Merlin faster and with the favours that's a piece of cake now but I need to make something big to happen so I can be recognised and I knew something just perfect but now is not the time for it.

I am now 5'5 and amazingly handsome and attractive for the opposite sex as I used the second application of my system which was able to combine all the rewards that I got from the system and I was able to get a perfect magical body think of it as the sage body at the place of Chakra there is magic I can control all the elements now without any sweat I can feel all the elements in my surroundings easily I was able to get perfect occlumency and Legimency too from the wampus cat and a body immune to all type of poisons, etc. I also got some other abilities like the observation Haki I think I got this from demiguise and the centaur but observation Haki is different in all the magical beast and Sentinel beings in a different pattern or manner so yeah the handsomeNess from the Veela and vampire so I am the entire package of abilities and I also used the combining application of the system to combine Phoenix fire control ability as I already have elemental magic so I combined the Phoenix fire And The Phoenix Bloodline with a dead egg of a Phoenix I got with the help of goblins and thunder control ability and I got a Phoenix egg. yeah I know you must be thinking I lost the rebirth party but no I haven't so I still have half of the Bloodline somehow I also have a lean body now and an amazing change in my stats.

"system show me my stats"

Name: Michael black pendragon Ambrose

Age: 11

Gender: male

Race: Human

MP: 46680

STR: 42

DEX: 48

VIT: 50

INT: 37


LUC: 14

CHR: 42(for men)

87(for women)

(NOTE on average human 10 stats is the limit and varies from wizard to wizard)

Money: 128000903800 £=780089848899G , 34597796k 7004463ş



















high endurance

.Healing Factor.

Genius Intelligence.

wandless magic

blacksmith mastery.

horse riding mastery.

fighting mastery.

science mastery.

language mastery.

etiquette mastery.

.potion mastery

charms mastery

Transfiguration mastery

elemental magic mastery




-phoenix animagus

-garangtuan moon dragon animagus

-therestrial animagus/partial transformation

-thunderbird animagus/partial transformation

-augrey animagus/partial transformation

-tribreed (ability)


mage body

eidetic memory,

kings aura(ability(permanent))

silver tongue ability

observation haki ability(permanent)

parseltongue ability

elemental control (ability)

weather control (ability)

******* ************* **********

well, I'm already too overboard in strength the the rebirth ability that I got is different just like a Phoenix if I am hit by an AK or lose some part of my body I can use the rebirth and get back as I was before all that shit happened to me but I am happier I got myself a Phoenix now.

well completing the quest is more important and phoniex+royalty+genius=famous so yeah I am ready I got the letter and I shall go and tell grandma about it...well let's go so I left to meet grandma.