
One Piece : White Tiger Vice Captain

Due to a freak fishing accident, a young man found himself drowning in the vast ocean, instead of death he woke up finding himself in a young boy's body with a chain on his neck tied to the wall. This is my first time trying to write a story that is the way I choose to follow Luffy instead of creating my journey to ease me to write my first story. So the mc will not be making his crew and will join Luffy and the gang, I will try to change a few things from canon like introducing haki early on and other stuff. i am still undecided if I should expose mc knowledge to the crew or not, if you have any advice please comment.

MrApprentice · 漫画同人
11 Chs

Chapter 4 Changing Canon Part 1

After burying the old man's body, Kenny got a book from his backpack. He wanted to confirm one of the Devil Fruit Theory that he read in his past life.

He then went around the island looking for it even used his Observations Haki. And Fortunately, the theory is correct as Kenny manage to find a red rectangular fruit that looks precisely like the description. He found the old man Devil Fruit the Soko Soko no Mi.

Days passed after Kenny found the old man fruit be he is yet to leave the island since he is still planning on what to do after he left.

He really wanted to join the straw hat on their adventures, but he still had eight years before Luffy set sail.

'Should I change the canon' Kenny thought as he pondered his plan. 'Well, screw it, this is not just a manga anymore. This is his life now' Kenny though.

Kenny then proceeds to write a summary of all things he remembers about One Piece hoping that it can help him in the future.

Kenny says goodbye for the last time to the old man's grave before he starts to sail.

"Thank you for everything that you have done, old man; you have become not only my mentor but also a father to me. I hope you find peace in the life after."

Kenny sat sail on the small boat he and the old man used to escape the celestial dragon.

Kenny is now 13 years old; he has spiky white hair with blue eyes; he wears a baggy long sleeve shirt with dark color and long pants with black boots.

With his training with the old man, Kenny now has a lean, toned body.

Kenny gets his map from his backpack to find his destination. He sees the map has an island that the old man circle on, meaning it is the island he is on. He found the island he wanted to go to and finally set sail.

There is not much bad weather happening in East Blue, and Kenny can sail peacefully to his destination.

It takes two weeks for Kenny to arrive at his destination; he actually can speed it up by using his Wind manipulation but to do that, he needs to be in his Hybrid Form constantly, so he skips that. Kenny still has not practiced enough to use partial transformation like Marco.

Finally, after two weeks in the sea, Kenny arrived at his destination, a town built by pirates called shimotsuki village.

Kenny then hides his ship and his belonging, only carrying some essentials.

It was already night when Kenny stood in front of the shimotsuki dojo; he was just about to leave when he heard the sound of swords clashing in a nearby forest.

He goes to the source of the sound finding Zoro and Kuina clashing their sword in a duel.

Just like in the story, this is their 2001 duel, and like the story, Zoro lost as Kuina knocks Zoro to the ground and Stab the sword beside Zoro Head.

"I Win again," she says.

"Damn it...This sucks...." Zoro said as he held his head while tears of frustration came down from his eyes.

Kuina helped Zoro up, and then they sat down.

"I'm the one who should be crying out of frustration," she said, confusing Zoro.

"When a girl grows up, they get weaker than men! You're lucky Zoro! I want to be the world's greatest swordsman too!" Kuina says as her eyes begin to water.

"If only I had been born a man" Hearing this Zoro became angry.

"Don't be whining like that after you beat me! That's not fair. You're my goal!"


"Promise me, one of us will be the world's greatest swordsman one day!"

"Good phrase, Lil bro, that was awesome," Kenny said to them while both Zoro and Kuina startle seeing Kenny. They both get up and draw their sword.

"Who are you?" Kuina ask

"I'm Kenny. I come in peace," Kenny says holding his hands up.

"You know just because your a woman, and it doesn't mean you're weak" Kenny continued.

"What do you know" Kuina argues.

"Do you know one of the most powerful people in grand line right now is a woman, one of the most powerful pirates in all the sea is a woman called Big Mom"

seeing Kuina face Kenny continues to talk.

"Yeah, and do you know that there is also a pirate out in a grand line that only has women crew, called the Kuja Pirate, even the government wary of them."

"Then can I get stronger too ?" Kuina ask.

"Of course, you can. All you need is will and determination, don't let other words let you down, prove them wrong with your action, isn't that right, Lil bro," Kenny said.

"He is right Kuina. I know you are strong," Zoro said.

"Thank you" Kuina replied as he wept with joy.

Kenny then joins Kuina and Zoro back to the dojo while telling them stories about pirates in the great line that he knows.

Kenny then waved goodbye as they both went in but instead of leaving, Kenny sneaked to the Dojo supervising Kuina.

Just like the story, Kuina makes his way to sharpen her sword but on her way downstairs, she begins to stumble and fall. But before she got significant damage, Kenny used his wind manipulation ability to save Kuina.

And thus, Kuina saves from her unfortunate ending.

The next day Kenny came back to Shimotsuki dojo, where he found Kuina arguing with his dad.

"I told you, Kuina, that a girl will never be strong enough to become The greatest swordsman," the man said as he reprimands Kuina."You are wrong, father; I will prove to you that I can get strong even if I'm a girl, "Kuina says with anger on her face.

"How about a proof," Kenny said, startling both of them.

"Who are you?" Kunia's father asks.

"I'm Kenny, and I have a way to prove that Kuina can get strong; how about it?" Kenny answer.

"What do you propose?" Kuina's dad asks.

"Let me train Kuina for a month, and a month later, she will spar with you," Kenny proposes.

After arguing the detail over and over, Kuina's dad accepts Kenny's proposal and let Kuina train with Kenny; Kenny then also takes Zoro to train with them.

Kenny used that month to help them awaken their Observation Haki and train them in the essence of sword and the breath of all things. He uses the same training he got from the old man and drills it to them.

A month passed as Kenny trained them both; they managed to master the basics of the essence of the sword by cutting down a tree with their strength.

While Kuina can awaken her Haki by feeling the incoming attack blindfolded, Zoro still struggles but can still do in the end.

The time to spar finally arrived as both Kuina and her dad took their position. Kuina rushed to her father as the spar began, but her father easily dodged her attack, Her father tried to attack Kuina, but he was shocked seeing kuina able to perceive his attack and either block or avoid it.

Koushiro realized that in one month of training, Kuina managed to awaken her Observations Haki, meaning that not only Kuina has excellent potential, but also the boy that trains him is the monster Koushiro perceived him the moment he saw him a month ago.

The spar continued until Kuina exhausted herself. Koushiro manages to knock Kuina down, but before he can pick her up, Zoro comes and rush toward him. Koushiro obliges Zoro and starts to spar with him; just like Kuina, Zoro also has tremendous potential. His observations are still not as strong as Kuina's, but he has strong endurance snd a more substantial hit when Koushiro blocks his attack.

Just like Kuina Zoro to lost but Koushiro did not manage to knock Zoro out.

After the spar, Koushiro Picks and carries Kuina back to the Dojo. Kenny and Zoro follow behind.

In the Dojo, Koushiro put down Kuina while Zoro fell exhausted after the spar. Kousiro then approaches Kenny.

"I know you wanted to Protect her as a Parent, but the more you cage them, the more they wanted to be free; the best thing you can do right now helps prepare her by making her stronger; maybe start by teaching her Ryuo" Kenny as Koushiro shock knowing that Kenny knows his hometown because only in Wano Armament Haki is called that.

"I don't know how you know about that, but you are right; the best I can do as a parent is to support her and train her to the fullest."

"And let Zoro join; I think you already figure it out that Zoro too has tremendous potential."

Koushiro agrees with Kenny's suggestion.

Kenny spends another three months in Shimotsuki Village, joining Kuina and Zoro and Sparring with Koushiro.

Koushiro here, unlike the manga, is strong; he is trained by his father, Shimotsuki Kozaburo, who is not only Wano Swordman but also a Swordsmith that created Great Grade Meito like Wado Ichimonji and Enma.

In the end, Kenny started to sail again, leaving Shimotsuki Village after saying goodbye to Zoro, Kuina, and Koushiro.

*Note : What should mc do with the Old man Fruit???

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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