
Chapter 7: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi

Kuro POV (8 years old) ~

I already went to check with Cinder I see she was sad that we were forced to live with bandits, but I managed to cheer her up after that I went back to my tent on my hammock to think what my options are in my situation.

Let's see the current situation being stuck here and be more or less brainwashed into thinking that we have 'family' here in the Branwen Tribe while Raven convinces us of that by showing her care while thus create an emotional bond with her that she can track us with her Semblance… not a very good situation I got myself into now is it?

Let's see now is the time to see what I can do I may have a training route now with the Rokushiki as a guide but what else do my Devil Fruits have to offer now time for a thorough look on my items.

Since I have to think more on the subject, I have to decide that I need another power to help me out since my Ice Logia isn't going to cut it against Raven when the time comes for me and Cindy to leave…

Still, I have three other Devil Fruits with me two Paramecia and one Ancient Zoan while powerful in their own respect I have decided to check what the system says about each fruit's ability.

Well, it wasn't like I have anything much to do but back tract all the items I have at my disposal and see what exactly I'm working with here to know how I can get out of this situation.

When I checked out the description of the Devil Fruits of each of them they were broken in their own respect, "Well damn I didn't know Devil Fruits had awakening maybe I used to know but with the current state of my memories it makes it hard for me to remember but still the awakening of each of them are scary."

I wasn't lying when I was scared of an awakened Devil Fruit User since each of them are total powerhouses when I read each of their abilities and their absurd reality breaking rule power, they each all have.

"[Paramecia: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi

Description: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to levitate themselves and non-living things into the air, making the user a Float Human.

The primary strength of this fruit lies in the wielder's ability to control the movement of himself and non-living objects after touching them once so no plants, living beings, and animals are affected by the fruits power.

It allows the levitation of these objects, regardless of how heavy they are. In addition, the user also uses their power to manipulate and remodel the surrounding environment, such as fashioning stone, debris, and snow into anything they want onto the enemy.

Awakening: For Awaken Paramecia class has the power to change their environment, with the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi awakening is that just by the mere presence of the user or looking at an object or living being they can automatically make them float and has the ability to change their gravity or remodel them without the need to touch them to activate the awaken power.]"

"[Paramecia: Doa Doa no Mi

Description: The Doa Doa no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create doors through anything they touch, making the user a Door Human.

The fruit's strength is that it gives its user the ability to create a door on almost any solid surface so that they can enter through. This allows them and anyone else passage through the object no matter how thick or strong it is.

One of the greatest strengths of this fruit's powers, however, is that the user can also create doors through the very atmosphere itself. These Air Doors lead into a pocket dimension of sorts that is apparently within the air itself.

Awakening: For Awaken Paramecia class has the power to change their environment, with the Doa Doa no Mi when they now open a Door it will transport them to where the User has visited and in the different pocket dimension they will have the ability to harm those while the user is safe in a different space.]"

"[Logia: Hie Hie no Mi

Description: The Hie Hie no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into ice at will, turning them into a Freezing Human.

As a Logia, this fruit allows its ability user to transform into the element of ice, as well as create and control it on a potentially massive scale, especially to freeze their surroundings, it is interesting to note that this fruit is one of the few Logia fruits that can be hit with a physical attack, but most attacks are still ineffective against this fruit because its user can simply shatter and reform the ice composing them on impact.

The user can instantly freeze anything that comes in contact with them, whether the user grabs onto the foe or the foe makes contact with the user's body. If the frozen area is not treated properly and immediately, then the resultant frostbitten areas will suffer permanent tissue damage.

If a body is frozen entirely, the victim can survive for a certain period of time, and can be saved if thawed out carefully, but will be left in a very brittle form that will result in instant death if shattered.

Awakening: For Awaken Logia class has the power to become the natural force of their existing element, with the Hie Hie no Mi the element Ice will take on a will of the user, if the user wishes to create an everlasting land of hail or blizzards the element of Ice WILL follow the user will if possible and can't be denied unless the user wishes to cancel his will on creating an everlasting land of ice of hail or blizzards.]"

"[Zoan (Ancient): Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon

Description: The Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon is an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into a Pteranodon hybrid and a full Pteranodon at will.

A user of this fruit's power is able to turn into a Pteranodon, a large and powerful, flight-capable reptile from the prehistoric era. When transformed, they become able to travel through the air at tremendous speed, covering large distances within short time spans, and enjoy a significant boost to their overall physical parameters, as to be expected of a predatory Ancient Zoan type.

The combination of great speed, strength, and size conferred by the transformation allows the user to cause notable damage to whatever they fly into beak-first, both to objects and living beings, their beak representing a strong and sturdy pointed weapon.

Awakening: For Awaken Zoan class has the full power of the animal they have, with the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon they will have the full power of one as well as another increase boost of physical strength but will have difficulty reigning in the instincts of said transformation.]"

When I finished reading every single one of them, I was just left shocked at the description they all provided and the awakening of just one of them is just really too much for this world to take…

Then again there was Gods here at some point that whoop de do kill pretty much everyone on the face of the planet… you know suddenly having these awakening is not that much of a bad idea since there are literal Gods that can wipe out humanity in a literal blink of an eye or less time…

With that, I shake my head out of those thoughts and think, 'Still though its best I take the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi right now since out of the three I have this fruit provides the most versatile out of the three I have.'

While it's true the Doa Doa no Mi would be great to hide from Raven that doesn't mean her Semblance would stop it since she only needs a bond with someone to teleport to them and that means the pocket dimension was no good against Raven since no doubt I will feel a bond with her as I train in respect which is sadly unavoidable.

The Zoan does sound nice and all but, in the end, it will just be a temporary great boost in strength which is something I don't need in this instance, but I need versatility and complete control of my surroundings like the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

I mean the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi was used by someone who was a challenge to Roger to a fight but lived to tell the tale and his use of control as well as a temporary hiding spot.

If you take into consideration that most people here aren't that strong enough to stop a mountain from falling over to a Kingdom then they are fucked against a floating human I mean sure they have highly advanced weapons but are they strong enough to stop a mountain from dropping on them.

With that I made my decision I brought out my Curse Remover and the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, "Gulp… well here goes again and with this leaves one Curse Remover left and two fruits, well bottoms up again."


I swallowed the whole fruit whole as to not leave any evidence behind and drank the potion quickly after consumption then I tasted a sweet peachy flavor of the fruit that was good in my book that was when I heard the system.

"[Consumed the Devil Fruit Paramecia: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.]"

With that done with I can see myself as I was already floating but I managed to get myself back onto the ground with a smile on my face, 'Yes! With this, I can defiantly control the weight of myself and objects!'

But I was brought back to reality as nice as it is to fly it would be wise to keep this a secret for the time being till I have enough time to make a plan of a counter attack, but till then I will be training with Raven for a while.

I see that the whole day already changed into night well at least the view looks good but for now I have to start my training and following Kuzan moves won't help me much I got to be more creative how I use ice.

I sigh out loud saying, "In all seriousness though I should start doing some training to see how much my body can take."

With that I did the following workout that includes 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, and 100 squats I can't exactly run a 10 KM run now at the night with bandits around at least this was I can at least see what exactly my limit is.

Well apparently, I can pretty much do all of the routine easily with my enhanced body hmm… maybe I should consider increasing the training on all of that oh, well for now it's time to have my cat nap.

I'll start my Rokushiki training after Raven's training, I need my Armament Haki to awaken with a strong body, but how the hell do I even unlock my Conqueror Haki… Sigh, I guess I'll figure it out somehow.

With that I hop on to the hammock and went to sleep right there… although I kind of wish I cleaned the pillow and blanket before going to sleep


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User)

Inventory: Curse Remover, Doa Doa no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon,

Lien: 87,200