
Chapter 43: Romance Dawn

~Third POV~

Meanwhile in the island of Menagerie they were dealing their own issues currently at this time that they were still dealing with the development of their city of Kuo Khan Ghira the leader of the White Fang was doing everything in his power to create a home for the Faunus as well as promote peace for equality.

The Faunus on the island were doing their best to make their home but the Grimm have been making it difficult for them to expand.

The Faunus that could fight are doing their best to fight off the Grimm even Ghira had to do it as well and make sure his daughter can have a happy future as he speaks to himself, "Sigh… more work is needed to for my plans for a better future to succeed…"

As Ghira was speaking to himself his wife Kali Belladonna came in with tea for her husband soothing his worries, "Hello dear I brought you some tea to calm yourself of your workload again. The Grimm are becoming more of a problem each day for us and for the others wanting their homes… this island is too small."

Ghria heard Kali's pleas as he also agreed with her that they need more land for their kind it wouldn't be enough for them and the others as he says in a defeated voice, "Yes dear I know the concerns but I need to continue this fight for the Faunus and I have to do this for our daughter as well to make sure she gets a good future for her."

Kali nods her head in agreement as she comes over to Ghira and massages his shoulders as she says her peace to him, "Yes dear I know that you must fight for your cause and our daughter future I just wish those people would give us some assistance to expand our land."

Ghira nods in agreement with Kali word's but he brings up a determined look on his face as he says to her while continuing his work, "I know dear but who else would stand up to them if I don't there must be someone to stand up to them and my apprentice Sienna is learning under me but her methods are a bit extreme for the current times, but what we need peace for our kind dear."

Kali nods her head as she leaves her husband room as she says to him with a difficult frown on her face, "I hope you are right dear I truly hope you are right. If you need me I'll be in Blake's room reading her story you know dear she truly admires you Ghria like father like daughter wanting equality hehehe…"

As Kali left Ghira was smiling thinking of how her daughter Blake takes after them of their justice, 'Ha! Just like me, right? I really hope that Blake has a good future to follow after all that is where my will relies in, her smile and the hope of the Faunus gives me strength for the future…'

The expansion of Menagerie where having a difficult time in this time but in the upper part of Mistral Dessert area a celebration was starting with their current victory of the Celestial Family of D. was going on.

Just as Kuro promised they all partied hard on the events of yesterday defying the Grimm invasion to prove they exist long and proud of who they are.

In the party they used all the ingredients they could use for the celebration for the food from the Hungry-La Island and its unique ingredients that were used to make it happen.

When Hazel, Qrow, and Summer all saw that everything happening and the floating islands they saw Kuro in a different light that a mere child wields this much power effortlessly holding floating island, separate space dimension, and excessive use of power they were very much happy that they did not antagonize him for it.

As everyone was partying hard from all the food they were happy to be free and to do this like every once in a while that everyone was enjoying their freedom that was what Kuro wants everyone to experience one day for the Kingdom he fights for.

Shaking his head from his thoughts he sees Cinder right next to her offer a drink to celebrate the celebration as well as Kuro was thinking of the scene before him he smiles as he thought in a hopeful voice, 'This… this is something I want to share for the world the true joy of being free to do what you want in this world without any fear of being discriminated or hated but loved in this crazy world of life we live in…'

As the parties were going on everyone was enjoying a good time especially Qrow as he was no longer causing trouble with his luck anymore and controls it to finally have a good time since a very long while.

He even used his new ability of his Devil Fruit to control his luck in a game of Poker and won for the very first time in his life no seriously his luck was that bad he cried tears of joy finally have a normal luck this time around.

The rest were doing what made them feel happy and had fun but during the near end of the celebration Kuro asks for Hazel, Summer, and Qrow to come over to the Re: Onigashima Tower to discuss important matters.

When everyone arrived on the top floor with everyone there Kuro was the first to speak to them in a curious voice, "So then I assume that Ozpin wants me and the relic right? You can have the relic but I'm not going I already have a plan for my next step but what would you do now Hazel I can offer you a spot to stay with us for the time being?"

Hazel took up Kuro offer to stay for the time being, "I greatly appreciate your offer Kuro sir I will accept it."

As for Summer and Qrow she was the next to speak as she took the relic away from Kuro asking him, "Ok Kuro will explain to Ozpin that we managed to get in contact with you but lost you but not before we managed for you to hand over the relic to us before you vanished but how exactly will we find you?"

Kuro laughs a bit at that he was not planning to leave from the place he was building a Kingdom in, "Hahaha! Sorry about that burst of laughter but I will now be in Menagerie the home of the Faunus I want to improve that place and make sure I build my Kingdom there in silence but I will offer my services to them you two can find me there."

Nodding their heads, I get myself ready to travel them over to their destination as they floated there with Kuro carrying them, they were silent throughout the entire trip thinking what happens next.

When Kuro dropped them off, he asks the two with concern in his voice as he releases a door to leave through, "Are you sure you're going to be ok there? That relic can attract Grimm and I have to make sure those under me are safe?"

Qrow laughs a bit towards Kuro already considering them as family, "Hehehe… Kid that's funny didn't you hat our guts a few days ago but now turn friendly towards us funny way to show it kid."

Kuro responds to him in a honest voice before he leaves for his tower, "Easy because tomorrows enemy could be greatest friend we just happen to start off in the wrong foot is all and I will take care those under me and with that I bid you two a farewell till we met again."

With that Kuro left the two allies as he waves back, and they wave to him again as he reaches his tower but along the way he picks out the Gura Gura no Mi and the curse remover and devoured both.

As Kuro was doing this, he thought to himself with a determined tone, 'Even if I get what I want from Menagerie with everyone waiting for me I have to show the Faunus on the island that I am not someone they could treat as a kid but a partner to help them in their times of need but I can't show weakness.'

Kuro was thinking what was the plan as he enters Menagerie he thought of one idea that might be worth a shot, 'Well I could offer them a proper training system on how to use Haki and using the Rokushiki into this world and start my own Marine Organization than a Huntsman or Huntresses in the world…'

As Kuro was thinking of this he would need an island that was dangerous but helpful towards them but then he remembered something that was vital for the Faunus growth with a wicked smile across his face, "Of course how could I have forgot about Shiki research about IQ that drug helps animals growth and adaptation but that could also work for the Faunus since they have the animal traits we have in our blood I wonder what will happen if mixed would our Semblance change or would our biology change in the sky island of Merveille."

When Kuro had that idea in his mind he shook it off for the time being as he only need the flower to properly begin his experiments on it to succeed but that was for a later thoughts as he went to the place everyone was getting ready to leave.

Kuro already told everyone to leave to the island of Menagerie since the attack meant that they were no longer safe in their own home again, so they packed everything in their islands as they prepare.

As soon as Kuro arrives on the scene, he sees that everyone was ready to leave with Hazel in the group as well Cinder was the first to speak, "Well then Kuro where is our next destination now?"

Kuro sees everyone heads are looking for him for the next course of action while he smirks at them the next Kuro says, "Alright everyone the next step is to make our Kingdom a reality a place where the name of freedom is great the name of freedom is given to all who deserves it the name of freedom under a banner where no one would never fears monsters like Grimm or Salem and especially…"

Kuro continues onwards to them as he changes the coordinates of islands all heading towards the island of Menagerie with his power of the Float fruit…

Kuro soon continues his speech to them or anyone listening, "… the Will of Dreams, that people's dreams never truly end. That's all it means to me my goal and my dreams will let me soar through the heights this world has to offer a new beginning and a new hope no matter how Salem or anyone tries that hard to make the world forget hope it cannot be stopped!"

Kuro takes a moment to collect his thoughts while stunning everyone why he does have the need to conquer Remnant and the passion in his voice could only be more true making them wide eyed to him and he wasn't using his Devil Fruit ability to control them at this point since this is what he truly felt in that moment.

Kuro again to say his words with his full honesty of what he feels that what he has to do with a wide honest grin on his face, "When a new world is made it won't be because I helped create it no rather it will a trigger for the world of Remnant to remember that everyone has the dream to be the freest person in the world!

Soon Cinder was the one who asked Kuro a question of what there Kingdom would be called with a big plate on its shoulders like how he describe it to be, "Kuro… if that is your dream then what would you even name such a great Kingdom to have what you describe it to be?"

Everyone eyes soon falls to Kuro as he still kept the same expression as he has on his face while everyone was now excited to hear his word that will be the starting point in history, "Dawning in a new Era that unifies the world as one, where anyone has the right to do with their freedom in our world that has untap treasure and lands I suppose to call my Kingdom you can say… it's the beginning of the unification of Romance Dawn!!! Bahahaha!!!"

Now the true story can finally begin!


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi, Kobu Kobu no Mi, Gura Gura no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User), Morgiana Fanalis (Logia User), Summer Rose, Hazel Rainheart, Qrow Branwen (Paramecia User)

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100, The Faunus x35

Homies: Rodan (Logia/Zoan)

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Curse Remover x3, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Horo Horo no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Yomi Yomi no Mi, Tori Tori no Mi Model: Phoenix, FIT, ILUT

Lien: 8,001,492,544