
One Piece: Thunderclap

A man who lived an average life and died in the most cliche way, got a second chance in life to live in his favourite fictional world. And he'll be damned if he didn't live his life to the fullest this time. There will be a system. Harem? Probably not. We'll see. Will he join strawhats. No. I'll try not to make him too OP. Power system will be mostly one piece based other than a few skills from the system.

justadudewithapen · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 11 - Kuina's Struggle

East Blue, Shimotsuki Village

Raiden's training started the next day. Koushirou knew Raiden was a level higher than his other students.

Having a superior physique and higher real life battle experience, he knew he had to create different training plan that suited Raiden.

Unlike what Raiden expected, Shimotsuki Dojo didn't just teach swinging sword but even a lot of theoretical knowledge ranging from different books on sword styles to swordsmiths to essential skills like first aid.

Anyway given how Koushirou didn't need to spend much time in Raiden's physical conditioning, he started teaching Raiden one sword styles.

Raiden who was already a fast learner, had his learning speed boosted by [Accelerated Learning].

Of course, Koushirou didn't know about this. For him, Raiden was a godly prodigy who could absord anything he taught instantly.

He sighed in his heart. 'At this rate I wouldn't have much left to teach him.'

Before Raiden realised it, 2 months had passed by.

Koushirou gave him the green light start practicing with two swords.


Raiden woke up early. It was a habit he cultivated during his time time in Black Rock Village. He loved how peaceful early morning was.

Raiden left his room and went to pick up his swords.

"Hah!! Hah!!"

'Someone's practicing this early?' It was early in the morning, usually no one was up by this point.

Raiden was slightly annoyed that his training time was hijacked.

He went to training ground and was surprised to see a black haired girl practicing with her sword diligently.

'So it was Kuina...'

They didn't really have that much interactions. Koushirou trained him separately from other students.

Raiden felt bad for the girl. Having once lived a life in a pressure cooker, he knew how hard it must've been for the 8 year old girl.

Koushirou loved her, no doubt. But he failed to express it to her. And Kuina, she thought she wasn't enough.

It was sad situation.

He saw how talented the girl was firsthand. It was ironic considering how she was the most talented swordsman in the dojo, yet had the worst case of inferiority complex.

Raiden decided to think about that later. He went and picked up two bamboo swords.

As he was about to leave, a voice interrupted him.

"Raiden-san! Please have a spar with me."

Raiden was surprised to see Kuina bowing her head.

During his stay Kuina noticed how Raiden was always the first one to start training and the last one to leave.

She despaired thinking if someone this talented was working harder than her, she had no way of being better than him.

She wanted to fight him and see where she stood.

Raiden considered her request. Honestly he wouldn't mind fighting her, he would definitely learn a lot from Kuina. The problem was his stats were so high, there was no way Kuina could even touch him if he didn't want it.

He didn't want to break the spirit of an emotionally fragile child. '*Sigh*'

"Alright let's do it."

Kuina beamed at that. She could finally test herself against the strongest student in the dojo.


Well that went as good as you'd expect. Kuina couldn't land a single hit on Raiden.

They sparred for over 20 minutes. Raiden didn't want to go easy on her. There was no point in it. He was going to bring this girl back on track, something Koushirou should've done, but was too stubborn to do.

Kuina was significantly slower than Raiden, so he could easily track all her movements and all he had to do was intercept them.

Kuina initial confidence turned to annoyance and soon into despair.

She was not match for him. 'He didn't even break a sweat.'

This was her first loss and she didn't know what she was supposed to do.

So she cried. Every emotion she's been bottling up for the past 4 years came pouring out.

She hated herself for showing such a weak side infront of someone whom she barely knew.

Raiden just stood there and let her cry. It was healthier than just bottling them inside.

After a minute he patted Kunia's shoulder.

"Come with me." Kuina thought he wanted to mock her but something in his tone made her think otherwise.

Raiden knew right now she was just an emotional pre teen who needed to vent out.

Raiden and Kuina sat next to each other near a tree, the later still sobbing.

Raiden looked at Kuina and sighed.

"What's wrong? I didn't think a single loss would break you this much. You can talk to me you know."

Raiden stayed silent after that.

It took some before Kuina composed herself, still sobbing but better than before.

"I *sob* don't know what to do. How can I even compete with boys!? I can only beat them because we are all young. Once they grow up they'll surpass me! I don't wanna loose! I hate it! I hate being weak!"

If it weren't for that tantrum at the end Raiden would've assumed he was talking to an adult.

'Man at this age, back on earth, I was crying because I didn't want to go to school. This world is truly different. I can't believe someone this young is living under so much pressure.'

"Kuina...you know you are the best when it comes to the sword techniques master taught us right?"

"That wouldn't matter if I'm not strong enough to compete with them!"

Raiden sighed.

"Yeah boys grow strong as they age but so do girls. Your world view is too narrow Kuina."

"Hmm...you know what let me tell you about a woman who's actually insanely strong."

"In marine headquarters there's a person called Momousagi, she's a marine admiral candidate. And the best part, all she uses is a sword. You realise how strong girls can be. An admiral candidate is just below the admiral in terms of strength."

Although he was giving her Gion's example, Raiden realised there were actually not a lot of strong female characters in one piece.

He didn't consider big mom because she was a freak of nature. Gion was someone whom Kuina could relate to.

"Do you know what devil fruits are."

Kuina shook her head indicating that she didn't know what it was.

"They are the treasures of the sea. If you eat them you'll get immense power at the cost of your ability to swim. Don't worry too much right now, if in future you feel you're weak, just go out on the sea and look for one."

Kuina looked sceptical at his explanation.

Raiden just smiled.

"You don't believe me."


Raiden just laughed.

"Alright watch this..."

Raiden pulled out his sword and used one of the skills of his devil fruit.

[Lightning Infusion]

A deep blue light started crackling around the blade.

"No way..."

Kunia's eyes widened. Initially she thought Raiden was just saying those things to lift up her mood. But now she believed everything he said.

"See? The world is massive Kuina. There are a lot of mysteries, so many places to discover. Don't loose hope over something so small okay?"

"Stop comparing yourself all the and most of all stop putting yourself down. You're strong and you will be much stronger in the future. Just trust yourself."

Kuina was looking at Raiden with wide eyes, crying. She launched herself at him and hugged him tight. This was the first time someone said they believed in her and that meant a lot to her.

Raiden hugged her back.

"And remember master loves you. It's just that...he's not good at showing it."


"Now let me go and I have to change my clothes. You covered it completely with all that snot."

Kuina blushed but was giggling at the comment.

That one conversation was enough to form a strong bond between them. Kuina finally had someone who would listen to her, and Raiden was more than happy to change the fate of a tragic character.

When he first transmigrated, he considered everything around him as just a manga setting, he viewed everyone as just a character.

But now he couldn't help but hate himself for thinking like that. Everyone was just as real as him. And he swore he'd never let a character go through a tragedy if he could prevent it, just to keep a story on track. Butterfly effect be damned.

Both of them just talked and laughed as Raiden started telling her all the adventures he's been on.

Kuina, for the first time in her life, found something just as interesting as swords.

Raiden told her everything he knew, from the four blues, to grandline to yonko.

They were so immersed in thier conversation that neither of them saw an old man standing at a distance, look at them and smiling.

"I can't believe a 11 year did something I failed to do." Koushirou gave a self deprecating laugh.

He had never seen so much joy on Kunia's face in a long time and he didn't want to interrupt them.

He shot the couple one last glance and let them be.

He'll thank Raiden later.


AN- Should I cut down on character interaction a bit? Tell me if you feel the story is moving slow. Anyway thank for reading!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

justadudewithapencreators' thoughts