
One Piece: The Unbreakable Bond

Under the crimson sunset, the silhouette of the Thousand Sunny could be seen on the horizon. On its deck, Pirate King Luffy, and his first mate, the strongest swordsman in the world Roronoa Zoro stood side by side, looking at the endless sea. "Zoro," Luffy said, breaking the silence. His voice echoed in the wind, carrying an unusual seriousness. "Do you remember when we first met?" Zoro turned his gaze towards his captain, his friend, his king. His eyes reflected the clash of emotions within him. "How can I forget, Luffy? You were the one who saved me from that Marine base." A nostalgic smile curved Luffy's lips. "And you were the first one who joined my crew. You believed in my dreams." "Because your dreams were as absurd as mine." Zoro responded, his tone a mix of amusement and reverence. He remembered the days when they were just rookie pirates, their dreams as vast as the sea that lay before them. "But now we're here, having achieved our dreams," Luffy declared, his laughter echoing into the night. "Yeah, It really is nostalgic," Corners of zoro's lips curled up to a smile, observing ever cheerful luffy. The quest for the One Piece transformed the lives of numerous pirates. But the greatest shift in the tale of the pirate world had been when the bond that once held two friends together splintered, turning them into the fiercest of enemies.

Ease_Life · 漫画同人
19 Chs


Zoro stirred, the sensation of gentle fingers threading through his hair awakening him. He shifted his gaze, his eyes landing on his daughter, her small hands entangled in his locks. "Papa, you're awake."

"Seems so," Zoro replied, his gaze softening as he met her emerald eyes. He paused, then corrected himself, "No, it's more than that. Happy birthday, Hana."

His daughter's face became a mask. Zoro frowned, perplexed. "Something amiss?"

She shook her head, her expression easing. "No, Papa... Thank you."

Zoro extricated himself from her lap, settling himself onto the bed. "What's your birthday wish, Hana?"

Hana's gaze drifted to the sketch lying next to her, a flicker of melancholy shadowing her eyes - a fleeting moment Zoro caught. She, however, turned back to him, her smile returning. "I want us to play a game, Papa."

"A game?" Zoro echoed, his brow lifting.

She bobbed her head excitedly. "I'll be the mother, and you'll be my son - just for today."

Zoro gave her a puzzled look. "What?"

"Is that a no?" She jutted her lower lip out, crossing her arms in protest.

"No, I...I want to... play," he replied, his words stumbling out in an unfamiliar rhythm.


Douglas Bullet's boots thudded against the ship's deck as he arrived on the island's shore. His gaze fell upon the vivre card in his hand; he had no doubt the girl was here.

He tilted his head upwards, scrutinizing the figure descending through the sky, a silhouette cutting through the clouds. As the figure landed, clarity dawned. "Doflamingo!" Bullet exclaimed.

"Douglas Bullet," Doflamingo greeted, a smirk playing on his lips. "How about I give you a chance?"

Bullet's face soured at Doflamingo's words. "You've managed to irritate me with your first sentence."

Bullet was preparing to coat his fist in armament Haki when Doflamingo rolled up his sleeve, revealing the mark of the Strawhat on his forearm.

Bullet's hand faltered in its path, dropping to his side. "I see," he murmured.

His body tightened with tension, a sigh escaping his lips. "Let me guess, you want me to fetch the girl?"

"You've got a sharp mind," Doflamingo responded, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I'm not one to cross the Strawhats," Bullet retorted. His words elicited a laugh from Doflamingo.

Annoyed, Bullet ripped the vivre card and passed it to the elephant mink standing nearby. "Find her," he ordered, frustration seeping into his voice - he couldn't use Momonuske as a bargaining chip.

The elephant mink took the piece of the vivre card. He then gestured to the horde of pirates, a formidable army of around 150. They fell in line behind him, an intimidating force following the direction of the vivre card.


"Good boy!" Hana praised, patting Zoro's green-haired head affectionately. The sight of her feeding the swordsman was an unusual one.

"Say aah!" she cooed, opening her mouth wide as an example.

Zoro's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. They were dining in the company of a group of monks, after all. "Open your mouth," she urged, her voice soft. Standing up, she brought a spoonful of food towards his mouth.

Reluctantly, Zoro complied, allowing her to spoon-feed him once more.

Suddenly, Zoro's attention shifted to the window. He rose from his seat and walked over, his eyes focused on the scene unfolding beyond the glass. A horde of pirates was marching towards the monastery, their swords gleaming menacingly under the sun, led by an elephant mink.

"What is it?" a monk asked, approaching the pensive swordsman.

At the sight of the approaching army, the monk shouted, causing panic to erupt among the monks. They began to scatter in every direction. Zoro quickly turned and grabbed Hana.

The chief monk attempted to restore order amidst the chaos, his voice cutting through the noise. "Silence! We are surrounded. We will let them take what they want. Hopefully, that will be enough to satisfy them. Do not provoke them. I will speak to them."

Zoro stared at the monk, his expression hard. He turned to Hana, who looked terrified.

"Hana," he said, his voice steady, "There's a basement underground. Hide there with the other children."

The children were quickly rounded up by a female monk, who led them to the safety of the underground room.

Zoro stood amidst the monks, the head monk at the forefront. Before them, the pirates loomed, a menacing presence.

"We have nothing here for you to rob," spoke the head monk, his voice steady and calm despite the threat that stood before them.

"That is for us to decide," retorted the elephant mink, a sinister smirk playing on his face.

Without further ado, the pirates began to infiltrate the monastery. They moved like a storm, chaotic and destructive, leaving no stone unturned in their relentless search. The monks could only watch in muted horror as their sacred home was desecrated. The sound of shattering pottery and ripping paper filled the air, along with the harsh laughter of the pirates. The once peaceful monastery was now a scene of devastation.

After what felt like an eternity, the elephant mink emerged from the monastery, a look of frustration on his face. "There's no little girl here," he announced, his voice echoing against the ruined walls of the monastery.

The elephant mink's gaze met the monks', their faces pale with fear. In his hand, he held a vivre card, the paper seeming to point the way. He followed its direction, his steps echoing in the hollowed halls of the monastery.

In the center of the monastery, the vivre card ceased its movement. The elephant mink paused, his eyes dropping to the ground beneath him. With a powerful thud, his fist connected with the wooden floor, revealing a hidden gate.

As the gate cracked open, a flood of light spilled into a hidden basement, illuminating a group of frightened children. "Take them out," he ordered without a hint of emotion.

The pirates descended into the basement, emerging with the children. The sight of the terrified children caused the head monk to crumble to his knees before the elephant mink, pleading desperately.

Without a word, the elephant mink kicked the head monk aside. The old man crashed into a boulder, a stream of blood trickling from his head.

Zoro watched the scene, his eyes locked on the elephant mink and the pirates. 'It was inevitable,' he thought, his expression grim.

One by one, the children were brought into the light and lined up. The elephant mink let the vivre card point the way once more. It landed on a green-haired girl named Hana. "Take her. Leave the rest," he commanded.

A pirate grabbed Hana, beginning to walk away with her. Zoro watched her being taken, his gaze never wavering. He took a few steps forward, his eyes meeting those of the monks as they helplessly watched the pirates take the girl away.


Zoro stood, the monastery behind him, the monks at his back. Hana was being taken away, her voice echoing in the open air. "Papa... papa... papa..." Her tears flowed freely, her small hand reaching out to him. He lowered his gaze, a lump forming in his throat.

His eyes closed, images from the past flooding his mind.:

He was laying on the ground, his body battered and broken, each bone shattered a hundred times over. Luffy stood before him, in the form on Nika. His eyes a cold, harsh red. His hair was white, a cloud-like scarf draped around his neck. Zoro had never seen such seriousness etched on Luffy's face. "If you ever considered me your captain, if you were ever loyal to me, then I command you to never use your sword again. Live in seclusion," Luffy had said.

The ground rumbled beneath them, a volcano stirring in the distance. In the moment of distraction, Hana bit the hand of the pirate holding her and broke free. She ran towards Zoro, screaming, "Papa!"

"That little shit," the pirate muttered, advancing towards Zoro and Hana.

Zoro slowly raised his gaze, seeing Hana running towards him. His hand started to shake uncontrollably, but he clasped it with his other hand, suppressing the tremors.

Hana reached him and clung to his knees, looking up at him with tear-streaked emerald eyes.

The pirate approached, reaching out his hand to grab Hana. She squeezed her eyes shut as his hand neared her face. "PAPA!" she screamed, her voice piercing the silence.

A few seconds ticked by, every moment stretching into an eternity. Hana opened her right eye slightly, meeting the sight of the pirate's hand hovering before her face. She turned her head, her gaze landing on the pirate. His face was suddenly held in a tight grip, blood seeping from every pore. The hand was Zoro's.

The sound of a skull cracking filled the air, followed by a sickening pop. The next instant, the pirate's headless body slumped to the ground, lifeless.

Zoro took two steps back, his eyes fixed on his right hand, now painted red with blood.

The elephant mink's eyes flared red with rage at the sight. "Bring me that kid and his head," he commanded, his voice echoing ominously through the silence.