
One Piece: The Unbreakable Bond

Under the crimson sunset, the silhouette of the Thousand Sunny could be seen on the horizon. On its deck, Pirate King Luffy, and his first mate, the strongest swordsman in the world Roronoa Zoro stood side by side, looking at the endless sea. "Zoro," Luffy said, breaking the silence. His voice echoed in the wind, carrying an unusual seriousness. "Do you remember when we first met?" Zoro turned his gaze towards his captain, his friend, his king. His eyes reflected the clash of emotions within him. "How can I forget, Luffy? You were the one who saved me from that Marine base." A nostalgic smile curved Luffy's lips. "And you were the first one who joined my crew. You believed in my dreams." "Because your dreams were as absurd as mine." Zoro responded, his tone a mix of amusement and reverence. He remembered the days when they were just rookie pirates, their dreams as vast as the sea that lay before them. "But now we're here, having achieved our dreams," Luffy declared, his laughter echoing into the night. "Yeah, It really is nostalgic," Corners of zoro's lips curled up to a smile, observing ever cheerful luffy. The quest for the One Piece transformed the lives of numerous pirates. But the greatest shift in the tale of the pirate world had been when the bond that once held two friends together splintered, turning them into the fiercest of enemies.

Ease_Life · 漫画同人
19 Chs


The island is small and off the grid. It's not on any map, new or old. It's got a certain feel to it, spiritual almost. The hills are green and rolling. The beaches, golden and untouched, meet the ocean's waves.

In the middle of the island, there's a Buddhist monastery. It's large, sturdy. The building is simple yet grand, made of stone and wood. Inside, golden Buddhas line the walls. The air is thick with the sound of chanting.

Near the monastery, there's a small shrine. It's simple, nestled in greenery. The ancient trees around it seem to guard it.

In the dim light of the early morning, Zoro sat alone, surrounded by a freezing mist. His breath formed small clouds in the biting air. Dressed in simple white clothes, decorated with subtle dragon designs, his presence contrasted sharply with the gloomy surroundings. His vibrant green hair was gathered in a tight bun at the top of his head, a solitary splash of color in the drab scene. A scar marred his left eye, a silent marker of countless battles fought.

The soft chant of 'Om Om, Peace Peace' echoed in the stillness, a plea for calm in an often chaotic world. The mantra flowed rhythmically from his lips, infusing the air with a sense of peace.

The silence was broken by a young monk's call. The young man was in his early twenties. He gestured to Zoro, signaling the end of his meditation.

Together with the young monk, Zoro joined a group of twelve monks led by their respected chief. They walked slowly, their steps measured and deliberate, through the quietness of the natural world. The morning sun was a faint glimmer on the horizon, casting long, dark shadows as they moved towards a small lake tucked between the hills.

As they approached the lake, fog rose from its surface, created by the clash of cold water and air. The fog blanketed the landscape, giving it a ghostly appearance.

The monks undressed, their bodies exposed to the icy air. The water was freezing, but they stepped into the lake with silent endurance. They faced the east, their silhouettes outlined against the dim light of the emerging sun.

"Lead us from darkness to light, from pain to joy, from death to immortality," Zoro voiced the prayer, his hands clasped together in respect. The prayer echoed through the cold morning air, a beacon of hope in the chilly dawn.


Momonosuke sat alone, the Den Den Mushi in his hand. The usual lighthearted chatter of the creature was absent. A call came through, its tone grave and serious. He picked up, "What?"

After a moment of silence, his face turned grave. He gestured for his ministers to join him. They gathered around, their faces reflecting the seriousness of his demeanor.

"I've just received a report," he began, "My sister, missing for six years, has been found. She's not alone. There's a child with her."

One of the ministers frowned, "How reliable is this information, sir?"

"It's from a trusted source," Momonosuke replied, his gaze steady. "They've been ordered to be captured."

A chill ran through the room. The ministers shifted uncomfortably, their faces pale. One of them stammered, "You don't mean..."

Momonosuke nodded, "Yes, it's her. Baccarat is behind this." His words hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the danger they were facing. "That means, that witch is behind it....!!!"


The room was golden. Not in the metaphorical sense of a warm, inviting space, but literally golden. The walls, the ceiling, the floor - all were gold. The furniture too, each piece a testament to the excessive wealth and power of its owner. The tables, the chairs, the ornate chandelier hanging from the ceiling - all of it pure, gleaming gold. It was a room that screamed of opulence, a room that was more a shrine to avarice than a space for living.

In the corner of the room, underneath a golden blanket, sat a girl. Her eyes, the only part of her visible, were dark and hollow. They held a desolate expression, a stark contrast to the ostentatious surroundings. She sat still, her body curled up under the blanket, a small, sad figure in a room that seemed too large, too grand for her.

The golden gates of the room swung open, and in walked Baccarat. "I heard you tried to kill yourself," she said, her voice echoing around the room.

She walked over to the corner, her golden shoes clicking against the golden floor. Reaching out, she pulled away the blanket from the girl.

The girl pushed her away, the blanket flying off her and landing on the floor with a soft thud. Underneath the blanket, she was dressed in golden clothes, a pathetic attempt to blend her into the room. Her orange hair was messy, unkempt, a wild contrast to her orderly surroundings. Dark circles under her eyes spoke of countless sleepless nights.

She was Nami, a girl trapped who trapped her in a golden cage.


Once, Nami had sailed the seas with the Pirate King Luffy. Those were different days, filled with laughter and camaraderie, freedom and adventure. But now, she was a shell of her former self, haunted by the demons in her head.

Baccarat moved towards Nami, lifting her frail body into her arms. She carried her out into the light. Nami squinted, the brightness stinging her eyes.

The palace was as opulent as the room, a golden monument to excess. The walls, the floors, the pillars - everything was coated in gold. The sun's rays hit the gold, reflecting off it and bathing the entire palace in a harsh, blinding light. 

"Open your eyes," Baccarat commanded.

Nami did as she was told, slowly opening her eyes. A gasp escaped her lips as she took in the sight before her. A 50-foot tall statue of her stood in the courtyard, gleaming in the sunlight.

"It's a gift," Baccarat said.

Nami slipped out of Baccarat's grasp, landing on her feet without a moment's hesitation, jumped from the third floor. She landed on the ground, unscathed.

A look of fury crossed her face. She called out, "Zeus."

A dark cloud appeared, casting a shadow over the palace. Nami raised her hand, and a bolt of lightning shot down from the cloud, striking the statue. It split in two, chunks of gold flying everywhere.

Nami did not stop. She summoned bolt after bolt, reducing the statue to rubble. Her anger was a palpable force, a storm that matched the one she was creating. The once glorious statue was now nothing more than a pile of golden rubble.

Baccarat simply watched, her gaze steady as the golden statue was reduced to nothing but rubble. "I knew you wouldn't like it," she said, her voice calm amidst the chaos.

Nami turned to her, her face contorted with fury. She felt a deep loathing for herself, a feeling that was mirrored in her destructive actions.

But Baccarat was unperturbed. "I have an even better gift," she said, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Nami's attention was caught. She paused, the sky still rumbling ominously above her.

"I found Kozuki Hiyori," Baccarat announced.

A slow, wicked grin spread across Nami's face. Her hand moved, and the sky responded. It was filled with lightning, the electric energy crackling in the air, a reflection of the storm brewing inside her.