
One Piece: Starting with Tom

In a realm where the slapstick hilarity of Tom and Jerry collides with the grand adventure of One Piece, a unique tale unfolds. Witness the journey of Al, who transmigrated to the One Piece world, and started his pirate journey with the legendary Tom as his crewmate. Ps- this is mainly a comedy novel, the main standout is its funny plot. Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Updates on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Entertainment King 123 For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search I Am A Pirate! Why Is The Crew Tom the Cat?. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patr*on: patr*on.com/CosmicKaminari (Replace * with e) Original name : 怎么船员 是汤姆猫?

CosmicKaminari · 漫画同人
128 Chs

116. Akainu's Balls

Inside the cabin of the Black Pearl, in a softly lit room, Al and Hancock exchanged glances. Soon, it became clear that tension was rising between them.

Hancock delicately touched her crimson lips with her index finger, lost in thought. As she daydreamed, she slowly unveiled the mark.

When the mark was fully revealed to Al, the room fell silent except for a faint, crisp sound, reminiscent of cufflinks tapping against the wooden floor.

As the voice echoed, Hancock felt her cheeks flush, and her heart raced.

Thud, thud, thud...

Even in the dim light, the clinking of the cufflinks filled the room.

The irregular imprint of the hoof of the soaring dragon on Hancock's back gleamed brightly in the subdued light.

Sensing something amiss, Hancock tensed, resembling a startled rabbit.

A faint "Yah" escaped her lips...

Realizing her mistake, Hancock swiftly turned away, revealing the hoof of the soaring dragon.

"Wait, Sorry..."

In the dark cabin, both sensed the tension mounting. Although Al's expression remained stern, his heart quickened.

This is the most beautiful woman in the world, after all!

"Hancock, straighten up a bit. I'll help you erase the mark."

"Yeah," Hancock murmured softly, barely audible.

With a slight turn of her body, Hancock gritted her teeth as Al assisted in removing the mark.

Having played a pivotal role in the Summit War, Al's bounty had skyrocketed to tens of millions, nearing a colossal sum of 1 billion!

Observing the long string of digits representing his bounty, Al purchased Jerry's special ointment from the system store.

This ointment, highly effective for removing various marks on the body, required careful and methodical application by hand.

After squeezing the ointment onto his hand, Al took a deep breath and said, "Hancock, please bear with me a little. You'll feel better soon."

As he spoke, Al rubbed the ointment between his palms to warm it up, then began to apply it slowly to the marks of Hancock.

As the soft, warm ointment covered the hoof imprint, it slowly started to take effect under Al's heated palms.

Hancock tightly shut her eyes, feeling a slight, searing pain where the hoof had left its mark on her back. This was Jerry's ointment working to repair her skin.

Meanwhile, down on the battlefield, tensions were high as opposing forces faced off. In the cabin, Al held his breath as he carefully and evenly spread the ointment with his hands.

Once the ointment was applied, Al withdrew his hand from covering Hancock's back and helped her put on her clothes.

"The ointment has been applied, and the mark will be completely gone soon," Al assured her.

Hancock lowered her head, lightly biting her teeth, and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Thank you, Captain Al..."

The subtle atmosphere aboard the Black Pearl stood in stark contrast to the tense atmosphere below deck.

At that moment, everyone couldn't help but frown, sensing that something was amiss...

Isn't this a battlefield?!

With numerous top powerhouses facing off, a world-ending war could erupt at any moment. Why are you two still flirting here?!

Can't you respect the gravity of this battle? Hey!

Akainu, who had been paying some attention to Al, grew even darker now.

Damn it, my temper's about to flare up! Why are you still carrying on like this?!

Do you think you're above me?

Superman Tom sensed the ambiguous atmosphere from the cabin, flashed a bright smile revealing two rows of clean teeth, and gave a thumbs up!

Nami, Carina, and Vivi exchanged knowing glances, their faces tinged with a hint of red.

Meanwhile, Robin wore a dark smile, unaware of the reactions of the others or the scene unfolding in the cabin.

Her sole objective was Akainu. Even if she couldn't kill him, she aimed to humiliate him.

Sometimes, social demise is more agonizing than physical death.

After all, with physical death, you're gone—unable to hear, see, or rise from your grave.

But societal death? It leaves a lasting impact on one's reputation.

Now, with the war being broadcasted live worldwide, it's the perfect time for Akainu to meet his end!

As the battlefield's focus shifted, the imminent crack of the family jewel echoed.

Across the globe, even among the top powerhouses, a chill ran down their spines... a bone-chilling sensation from the core straight to the heavens!

Meanwhile, on the execution stand, Garp watched in astonishment at Robin's actions.


"You've brought this upon yourself," Garp sighed, then added with a hint of humor, "But at least you've got offspring, even if it's just a starfish."

"It's a shame the executioner still wants to know about your relationship with a starfish..."

"I never expected that girl would confiscate the tool of the crime!" Garp remarked.

He glanced at the black and red hands reaching beneath Akainu's crotch, sighing with pity.

Zephyr and several other high-ranking Marines standing nearby wore expressions of disbelief.

But their unease turned to fear when they saw Robin's clenched fists.

Many pondered what they would do if faced with her trickery.

"No, no, no..."

"I'd rather take on Whitebeard than face that dreadful woman!"

"I still want to make a heir!"

Aokiji, who had been closely observing Robin and understood her well, took a deep breath when he saw her grinning ominously, poised to crush something.

"The one who carries on Ohara's legacy... so ruthless..."


"Sakazuki, you've brought this upon yourself," Aokiji remarked, though he remained rooted to the spot, showing no inclination to save Akainu.

After all, for Robin, Akainu, and himself, the memories of Ohara were still vivid.

"Perhaps... this is the consequence of killing civilians, Sakazuki," Kong muttered, shivering as a wave of indescribable anger surged within him.

"Damn it, this cannot be allowed to continue!"

If this continues, not only will Sakazuki's reputation be tarnished, but the entire World Government will be disgraced in front of the world!

This revelation is more impactful than Sakazuki's defeat itself!

With a chilling roar, the tension exploded from the execution platform!

Unable to bear it any longer, Kong charged straight into the heart of the battlefield to take action!

Almost simultaneously, a scarlet figure abruptly intercepted Kong's path.

Redfield wasted no time in engaging Kong in a furious aerial clash above Marineford!

As the overwhelming coercion of the two powerhouses clashed, Marineford shook violently as if struck by an earthquake!

On board the Moby Dick,

Whitebeard brandished his weapon, Murakumogiri, its immense power condensed at the blade's tip!

As Whitebeard swung his blade, the surrounding space shattered abruptly!


Simultaneously, the crisp sound of a mirror shattering echoed.

On the execution platform, Sengoku's brows furrowed, his breath catching in an instant!

Then, before everyone's eyes, a colossal Buddha, emitting a dazzling golden light, materialized without hesitation!

As the golden Buddha materialized, a massive and terrifying halo condensed around it the moment it clenched its fist!

The three Admirals of the Al pirates exchanged glances and, without hesitation, moved to attack the unarmed Kizaru and Aokiji on the execution platform!

Momousagi and Chaton attempted to intervene, but were halted by a powerful electric current!

In a tense moment, Nami and Carina exchanged hostile glances with Momousagi and Chaton!

Meanwhile, four figures appeared on the ice to the right of the battlefield almost simultaneously!

With thunder and lightning, swordsmanship, and physical prowess, the clash between the three caused half of the frozen sea to shatter in an instant!

In the midst of the chaos, Bullet sneered, his entire body covered in Armament Haki. Without hesitation, he moved to strike down Zephyr!

Two figures, cloaked in Armament Haki, exchanged blows in a series of powerful punches upon collision.

The forceful wind from their fists spread from the center of the battlefield, creating waves of terrifying pressure.

Doflamingo, eager to intervene, smirked and raised his hands upon noticing a lingering gaze.

"Calm down, Fufufufu!" he taunted.

Hawkeye, poised to make a move, decisively unsheathed his Yoru, the moment he spotted Red Hair Shanks—an understanding akin to that between close friends.

In contrast, nearly everyone had found their targets in the battle, except for Kaido, who stood alone and bewildered.

What truly vexed Kaido, as a fervent fighter, was that even Yamato had found her target in the battle!

Yamato, wielding a mace, charged alongside all the Whitebeard captains straight towards Ace on the execution platform!

However, Garp, standing on the platform, couldn't help but feel conflicted as he witnessed several figures attacking Ace.

With tightly closed eyes and trembling body, Garp seemed to struggle with a difficult decision.

Then, in the next moment, just as Marco prepared to rush to the platform, Garp finally made his choice!

With an understated yet terrifying punch, he brought down Marco, who was soaring through the air!

In that moment, Garp exuded an astonishing aura, standing firm against all odds.

Facing Whitebeard, the leader of the entire team, and Yamato, Garp's solitary stance was enough to inspire awe.

Yet, unaware of Garp's true strength, Yamato showed no hesitation in confronting him head-on.

Seeing this, the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates followed suit, charging straight at Garp.

Now, only Garp remained to defend the execution platform. Even Sengoku and Kong felt uneasy, knowing the bond between Garp and Ace all too well.

While Garp battled the Whitebeard Pirates' captains and Yamato, several Pacifistas began to emerge slowly.

Though brief, Yamato's intervention provided Garp with some relief from the stress of facing the Whitebeard Pirates alone.

As Yamato fought with a bright smile, Kaido's expression grew increasingly grim.

"I'm a warrior!" he thought to himself. "Yet here I am, one of the few bystanders in this war? What a nuisance!"

"Are you kidding me? I'm here to fight, not watch you fight!" Kaido roared in frustration.

With a furious roar, he grasped his mace and locked eyes on Red Hair Shanks.

"Redhead, come! Let's continue our unfinished battle!"

However, just as Kaido's words left his lips, he suddenly spotted Yamato hurtling towards him. With a quick wave of his hand, Kaido changed his mind.

"Never mind, I won't fight you," he declared.

With that, Kaido transformed into his dragon form and soared into the sky, circling around Garp.

Meanwhile, Yamato, who had been knocked back, flexed their muscles with excitement.

"Fighting against the strong is exhilarating!" they exclaimed.

Red Hair Shanks was left speechless by Kaido's sudden change in behavior. Nonetheless, he remained focused on the ongoing battle.

Feeling the intensity of the battle below, Al, who had been flirting with Hancock, suddenly frowned.

"These guys..."

Without hesitation, Al's momentum surged, and under the shy gaze of Hancock, he strode out of the cabin wielding Oto and Kogarashi.

Simultaneously, as Whitebeard and Sengoku engaged in fierce combat, a loud laugh echoed from behind the Moby Dick.

"Zehahaha! How thrilling this war is!"

However, in the next moment, Blackbeard's smile vanished abruptly when he caught sight of Whitebeard's murderous glare.

"D-Dad... are you alright!?" he stammered, concern evident in his voice.

Blackbeard was left dumbfounded, assuming that the fierce battle had left Whitebeard severely injured, making it the opportune moment to seize Whitebeard's Devil Fruit power.

As he observed the intense fight between Redfield and Bullet, Blackbeard's lips twitched slightly as he spoke, "You two..."

However, before Blackbeard could finish his sentence, Whitebeard's fury was unleashed upon seeing him.

The strongest man in the world, over seventy years old, had never been so enraged in his life.

With his supreme sword, Murakumogiri, cast aside, Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, swiftly made a tearing motion with his hands in mid-air.


With the thunderous roar of Whitebeard's fury, the entire space shattered in an instant! 

A wave of unparalleled terror, fueled by Whitebeard's rage, surged forth, aimed straight at Blackbeard! 

Observing Newgate's furious assault on Blackbeard below, Al was momentarily stunned before preparing to intervene. 

After all, Blackbeard was essential as a means to acquire Devil Fruits. 

Just as Al was about to act, a small figure suddenly appeared in front of Blackbeard! 

Observing Droopy standing protectively before Blackbeard, Al slowly lowered the two swords in his hands, a slight smile playing on his lips. 

"Apologies, Captain Al ordered me to apprehend him. You can't kill him yet!"


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