
One Piece: Rise of the Reincarnator

Is death truly the end? A question humans have been asking for centuries. Apparently, after death you’re shoved into the One Piece verse 10 years before Luffy sets out on his pirate king journey. Neat huh? A new life in a new world, how hard could it be? I’d grow to greatly regret these words. --------- Hello readers! I’m not an expert at writing, so if the grammar could be improved or if something I wrote doesn’t make sense let me know; constructive criticism is welcomed! Anyway, I started writing this for fun but I'll try to upload more chapters weekly. No promises as school takes up most of my time, but one chapter a day is guaranteed (unless some situation happens).

kaiwtff_ · 漫画同人
37 Chs

(22) Voyage! Sailing to Swallow Island!

"Kuina! Look, Look, Dolphins!" Aoki shouted as she pointed at the sea creatures.

"Hah, Aoki; we just saw some Dolphins a couple minutes ago. Do you have to call me over to look at them each time we see new ones?" Kuina said, an exhausted expression was on her face.

"Fine, I'll stop. Ugh but there's nothing else to do! Avery, how long until we arrive at our next destination." Aoki said as she looked over at me, and I of course was at the helm.

"Relax Aoki, we're almost there we've been sailing for a couple of hours now; can't you put up with a just one more? For me?"

I gave her the big brother puppy eyes, her resistance to them was extremely low. So I used them whenever I wanted her to shut u- I mean to listen to me.

"Fine, I'll be in my room. Tell Kuina to get me when we arrive." Aoki walked away from me and walked into the interior of the ship.

I was also getting a bit bored sailing at the helm, the only thing I could do here was play with Perry.

Who's Perry you ask? He's the pelican I named, I named him Perry because he had green skin and an orange beak.

His appearance reminded me of Perry the Platypus, a character from the show Phineas and Ferb I used to watch as a kid.

He suddenly popped up out of nowhere, and he just kind of sat near the helm next to me.

I had to say, he was a pretty smart pelican. When I told him to roll over, he rolled over, when I told him to flap his left wing, he flapped his left wing, and when I told him to play dead guess what; he played dead!

Me and Perry officially became best buds it was as if we were soul mates!

[Host, this isn't a normal pelican]

The system suddenly said. Way to point out the obvious, just look at its color; what kind of pelican is green? Dumb system.

[Host I wasn't talking about that, what I meant was that this pelican who you named Perry is actually a devil fruit user!]

Hold the phone! A devil fruit user?! Perry, really? He's just a pelican! What useless fruit would turn its user into a pelican?

[Correction, no devil fruit is useless host. This fruit could be perfect for reconnaissance, as long as the user is stealthy enough]

I didn't think of that, now that you say that it could be perfect for reconnaissance. Who'd suspect a green pelican to be a Zoan devil fruit user?

As I thought about this Perry suddenly moved. Perry vanished, and turned into a boy who looked to be around fifteen to sixteen years old.

The boy had curly green hair, dark brown eyes and a typical slingshot at his side. A white plain bucket hat laid on top of his curly green hair, he had a regular black shirt on and a white furry winter coat on, he had black pants on as well.

"S-star..ving" The green haired boy suddenly stood up and walked like a zombie, he walked towards me and said.

"I-in n-need of f-food~" The boy said as he suddenly collapsed.

"Kuina!" I shouted.

"Yeah, Avery?" Kuina walked out of the interior of the ship and saw the green haired boy laying unconscious on the floor, and looked at me with a confused expression.

I looked back at her and a helpless expression was on my face saying: 'I'm just as confused as you are'.

"The last thing he said before he collapsed was 'starving', so please bring some food over here please." I asked her, she nodded and walked back down the stairs.

After about thirty seconds she returned with some meat, and fruit.

Sniff, Sniff.

The green haired boy suddenly started sniffing as Kuina walked up the steps with the plate of food.

He stood up, with his eyes still being closed and walked towards Kuina. He took the plate and picked up the piece of meat, like a vacuum; the meat entered his mouth and once he pulled the bone out, the meat was no where to be found.

"Tasty!" The boys eyes opened and he looked down at the plate, he picked up the grapes and placed four of them in his mouth.

"Yum! Juicy!" In a matter of seconds, the plate was cleared. The boy had a satisfied expression on his face and finally looked around, seeing me and Kuina.

"Woah! Who are you guys?" He asked with a curious expression on his face.

"Hah, we should be asking you that. You're on our ship." I said, laughing at the boy.

"Me? I'm Kitt! Not so normal boy who's native to Minion Island!" A proud expression popped up on Kitts face when he said this.

Minion island? That's the island Law obtained his fruit, Ope Ope No Mi. If I remembered correctly it was a neighboring island to Swallow island.

"Anyway, I always repays my debts! Thank you for the food but I must get going, I have to return to Minion Island!" Kitt said, a sense of urgency was in his voice making me a little curious.

"Wait, do you even know your way back? We're a couple hours away from Minion island."

"Hmm, of course I know my way back! You just go over- no, no, you go that way- umm I-I think you go over there- never mind I'm clueless." Kitt looked sad and helpless so I went to his side to cheer him up.

"Don't worry about it, our destination is Swallow island a neighboring island to Minion Island; we can just drop you off."

"No, no, no! You're missing the point the reason I need to get back to Minion island is because it's under attack!" Kitts voice trembled when he said this and his eyes started to water.

"It's under attack?! By who? Pirates?"

Kitt simply shook his head, tears started to flow out of his eyes like a stream and he spoke.

"I-Its under attack b-by my mother!" Kitt said making both me and Kuina look at him strangely.