
One Piece: Rise of the Reincarnator

Is death truly the end? A question humans have been asking for centuries. Apparently, after death you’re shoved into the One Piece verse 10 years before Luffy sets out on his pirate king journey. Neat huh? A new life in a new world, how hard could it be? I’d grow to greatly regret these words. --------- Hello readers! I’m not an expert at writing, so if the grammar could be improved or if something I wrote doesn’t make sense let me know; constructive criticism is welcomed! Anyway, I started writing this for fun but I'll try to upload more chapters weekly. No promises as school takes up most of my time, but one chapter a day is guaranteed (unless some situation happens).

kaiwtff_ · 漫画同人
37 Chs

(21) Commodore Pudding Pudding!

Commodore Pudding Pudding eventually spotted me staring at him, and walked towards us.

He stopped once he was at a close enough distance to us.

He had a sheet of paper in his hand, and he looked up at me and down at the paper a couple of times.

"So, you're White Haired Avery huh? Aren't you rather young?" Commodore Pudding Pudding said as he stared at me.

I ignored him and pointed up at Garp, who he didn't see I assumed. His face went from one of calmness, to shock instantly as he shouted.

"V-Vice Admiral Garp Sir! W-why are you with that pirate?"

Garp looked down at him and simply said.

"A Commodore dare questions me, a Vice-Admiral?!" Garp shouted, making Pudding Puddings face go pale as he hurriedly bowed.

Garp secretly looked over to me and had a face that said 'I did good right, right?'. He had a smile on his face and waited for my praise.

I gave him a thumbs up and whispered to him.

"Bravo! Great performance!" Making his smile turn even brighter.

"M-my apologies sir! I am ashamed of how disrespectful I was to you!" Pudding Pudding shouted his voice was shaky as he spoke.

"Hmph! Kids these days, arrogant and proud of there power even though there merely frogs in a well; seeing only a portion of the vast blue sky!" Garp shouted.

"B-but sir, is he not a pirate?" Pudding Pudding said, as he pointed at me with his head still down.

"Him a pirate of course not! A man of his status wouldn't dare be one of those low lives!" Garp shouted.

I kind of felt insulted when he said this, but I decided to not voice my opinion as it'd blow my cover. Of course, the straw hat wearing little boy beside me wouldn't stand hearing his grandpa call pirates; what he dreamed of becoming, "low-lives".

"Oi! Oji, pirates aren't low-lives! There better than the stupid marines!" Luffy stuck his tongue out while saying.

The five of us looked back and stared at Luffy, our eyes all showed disbelief and a hint of anger.

We looked back towards Commodore Pudding Pudding, who now was standing up straight; his face was now an intense red and a vein was buldging on his forehead.

"Vice-Admiral Garp sir; with all due respect, I can not simply stand by and do nothing and pretend I did not here what I just heard." Pudding Pudding said, his gaze moving from Garp to Luffy.

"Even if he is your grandson sir, the sheer amount of disrespect he has shown towards the marines is immeasurable. I wouldn't dare call myself a marine if I simply ignored it!" As he said this, he slowly walked towards Luffy.

" *Snort* I'd like to see you try, if you touch even a single hair on my grandsons body; you could simply say goodbye to your life!" Garp shouted, as he prepared to meet Pudding Pudding head on.

"Let me." I asked Garp. He looked at me and nodded.

I watched as Pudding Pudding walked towards Luffy, my opinion of him going down rapidly.

"So! The marines attack children now?!" I shouted. I imbued my fist with haki and walked towards him.

"I too am ashamed of my current actions, attacking the grandson of the great marine hero: Garp. Though, I'd rather die a coward than tolerate the disrespect from this child!"

His words were all going in one ear and out the other, attacking a child less than ten years old? Hell, you might as well already be a coward!

I used Soru to appear in front of him and deal a decisive blow, as I suddenly appeared in front of him; I punched out with my full strength and the impact sent him flying several dozen meters away.

He was out for the count with that one hit, I was surprised as I never really hit with my full strength on a living target before. Even in the little exchange with Garp, I didn't use all of my might.

"Oi! You didn't have to do that! I could've handled him myself, that baka marine; I would've let him have a good taste of this right hook!" Luffy shouted.

His arms stretched out way farther than a human bodies arms were supposed to strectch, startling the girls for a moment.

"Yeah right! What could a pipsqueak like you do to him?" Aoki said causing us to laugh.

"Tch! Shut up, blue hair girl!"

"I told you to call me Aoki-neesan! Now say it!"

"Do I have to?" Luffy pleaded.

"Yes! Or I'll leave your bed drenched again!"

"AHA! So it was you who drenched my bed with water!"

"Mhm! I'll do it again if you don't say it!"

"Fine! Aoki-oneesan" Luffy said quickly.

We all laughed at there little conversation, just to think that this little kid would be addressed by some people as the 'Fifth Emperor of the Sea' was crazy to me.

We walked passed the unconscious Commodore and walked towards the dock, not long after we arrived at the dock and found a marine ship.

It was obviously Pudding Puddings, there were around ten to fifteen marines on board the ship; among those fifteen marines was a familiar face.

Lieutenant Commander Morgan, well used to be Lieutenant Commander by the looks of it he got demoted now he was just a Liutenant.

I looked over towards Garp and said.

"Leave them to me. Kuina, Aoki, you guys can get on the ship I'll handle them." I said as I used Soru to appear on the ship.

I popped up right in the middle of the crowd of marines, right in front of Liutenant Morgan.

"Y-y-you again!!" Lieutenant Morgan shouted. I hurriedly used Conqueror's haki to knock out the surrounding marines.

"Hey, who doesn't like a reunion. I know I do, what about you Mr. Lieutenant Commander Morgan; oh or should I say Lieutenant Morgan now?"

Morgan gritted his teeth when I said that.

"It's all because of you! I would've been fine if you didn't show up!" Morgan shouted as he charged at me.

I side stepped and he fell to the ground, I don't know if I should be proud or weirded out as I kind of did ruin his career as a marine.

Nope, nope, no sentimental sympathy. What this douche did to Shells town was wrong, point blank period.

I punched him while he was on the ground, knocking him out. I walked off the ship and walked towards Garp.

"Done?" Garp asked.

"Yup, I'll leave the rest of this stuff to you. You can decide what to do with that purple haired guy, and this marine ship once they all wake up."

"Hahaha! I really, really, do like you. You're always straight forward, and you get the job done efficiently. I'll look forward to meeting you again, of course the next time we meet won't be as allies; it'll be as enemies." Garp said a bright smile popped up on his face.

"The next time we meet, I'll be one of the world's strongest!"

"I'll look forward to that day! Avery!" Garp said as he stretched his hand out.

I gripped his hand and gave him a firm handshake and we both smiled.

I looked over at Luffy and said.

"Hey kid, don't make me wait too long. I'll look forward to the day I see your face on a bounty poster!" I said as I stretched my fist out.

"Hmph, you won't wait too long!" Luffy shouted as he hit my fist lightly.

I used Soru to appear at the ships helm, and looked back at Foosha village one last time.


After saying this I set sail.


[Monkey D. Luffy POV]

After Avery's ship set sail me, Old man Woopy, and Oji all walked back towards the village.

"Oji, do you think he'll actually be able to beat you in the future?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't think. I know he will, once someone with 'D' in there name says they'll do something, they always do it! Just like how you'll become the greatest marine! Hahaha!" Oji shouted.

"Greatest Marine?! I'll become the greatest pirate! The Pirate King! Not the greatest marine! Baka Oji!!!"

Hey readers! This is by far the longest chapter Ive ever written, and the chapter I had the most fun writing! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!

kaiwtff_creators' thoughts