
One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)

When reborn in a world as a Fishman, in a world where you can chase after your ambitions and have unimaginable physical power... being average isn't something he plans to do. But his ambition is too big for just him to acomplish by himself... well then... he will simply have other people whom he knows will support him. And who is more supportive than family... He has no cheat, nor any amazing talent. His strongest weapon is his common and future knowledge. —————————————————————— Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N for 30+ chapters in advance: patreon.com/HolyJoker JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · 漫画同人
135 Chs


Chapter 69 (BONUS CHAPTER... finished it at 6AM)

Title: Love….


Jaw would normally be mad at this, but he isn't necessarily surprised. Naruto eating a fruit he knows nothing about sounds like something he would do. 

Also, he can just give this fruit to another one of his kids… it's no big deal to him. 

'Hope that Naruto at least got a good fruit.' Ponders Jaw, he isn't going to cry over spilled milk. He already has a dozen other candidates that he can give this Devil Fruit to.

"So Naruto, what is your Devil Fruit then?" Asks Jaw, with his face now going back to a smile again.

Narito smiles and does a pose before loudly announcing. "My Devil Fruit is the strongest out there… and it is the… Zipper-Zipper Fruit."

As he says that he drags a finger along one of his arms and a zipper appears along it and Naruto unzips his arm… and it falls on the ground. Where the arm was detached from is just a dark space.

"Ta-da!" Exclaimed Naruto, Jaw and everyone else just looks at Naruto with unimpressed eyes. 

Kakashi gest close to him and kicks Naruto's detached arm.

"Ow!" Winces Naruto a little as he does that. 

Kakashi just looks at Naruto. "So you feel pain from your detached arm… can you move it?"

Naruto smirks at this with pride and says. "No…"

Kakashi uses the spear on his hand and by using a little Haki on it he hits Naruto with its dull side.


"Don't look so proud when you say something like that." Scolded Kakashi.

"Ow, ow, ow…" Moanded Naruto in pain as he rolled on the ground. "Kakashi, you gray-haired sh*t. That hurts you old man hair, piece of sh*t brother."

That strikes a nerve within Kakashi and he goes to hit Naruto once more with the dull part of his spear. But Naruto smiles as he gets up immediately and uses <Soru> to flash past Kakashi… 


And an arm flies in the air, more specifically Kakashi's arm, as it has a zipper in it. Naruto smiles at that as Kakashi's arm falls on the ground. All of the siblings look at Naruto with an impressed look in their eyes.

But Kakashi doesn't seem bothered by this at all as he turns his separated arm into lightning which gathers back to his stump, forming his arm back again. 

Naruto stops in the middle of doing his pose as he notices this. "Kakashi… you really just have to ruin everything. I even had this whole cool segment about-"

"So your fruit is pretty much useless against Logias." Says Kakashi, interrupting Naruto's explanation, which pisses off Naruto even more.

"Shut the hell up Kakashi!!!" Yells Naruto in annoyance. "You love the way your voice sounds too much, you gray-haired old man!"

At the mention of his gray hair, Kakashi is immediately annoyed too. "Shut up Naruto! I was gonna make some speculations on your Devil Fruit."

"You have me here! Why would you make speculations when we can prove the things in here!"

Jaw and his children just look at the amusing fight between Kakashi and Naruto.

"My fruit can pass through any defense." Announces Naruto as he turns back to look at his siblings and father.

"Even Seastone?" Mockingly asks Kakashi, already knowing the answer.

"Kakashi! Stop ruining the moment and nitpick at everything. Let me explain first, it's really simple to understand." Yells Naruto in anger. 

Kakashi shrugs at this. "I am not saying that your logic isn't simple, I am just saying that it's wrong."

"Holy sh*t Kakashi, I haven't seen you in three years and you are already pissing me off." 

"Why? Is it because during your time with animals you finally found creatures in the same intelligence level?" Speculates Kakashi with a 'truly' confused look on his face.


Half an hour later and Naruto is completely winded out by Kakashi's teasing and annoying personality. 

Jaw and his children are now eating dinner as his throne room has now been filled with tables and food. Hundreds of children are all-around playing and eating. Jaw has temporarily stopped creating kids, so there no mothers around to take care of the youngsters. 

Jaw sits at his throne with a table in front of him eating, Naruto is next to him. He has a joyful smile on his face. Kakashi is showing the younger kids small animated animals made out of lighting. His control over his Devil Fruit is simply phenomenal as even when a child catches the lightning lion or any other animal, it only has enough electricity on it to make the child's hair stand up.

"Make a dragon Kakashi!" Says one of the kids, he has dark hair and eyes, he is Sasuke. Itachi's brother from the same father and mother. Though he has never met Itachi due to being born after Itachi was gone.


During this time Itachi was curious in his Marine ship, his clones were managing everything. 

Though he was only fourteen years old, his body was like that of a twenty-year-old and leanly muscular.

He was in his bed and has a blue-haired woman in his arms. She opens her eyes and looks at Itachi's contemplating face.

"What is wrong Itachi?" Asks the woman, she is Ain, and she is currently in a relationship with Itachi. In the beginning, Itachi only went on a couple of dates with her, but now this has developed beyond simple lust for each other.

"Ain… have I ever told you of my father?" Itachi has a dull look in his eyes as he asks that. He already knows the answer to the question that he asked.

"Hm?" Ain seems confused by the question. But in the end, she still answers. "No… but you don't need to tell me anything about it if it's too much. I have never asked about your past, if have some secret, I know that you tell me about it eventually. I trust you Itachi."

Itachi nods at that. Ain smiles sweetly at that, she knows that Itachi was abandoned in Gray Terminal on East Blue. She leans her naked body closer to Itachi. 

"Ain… I love you…" Suddenly says Itachi. This causes Ain to blush, she can hear the conviction that Itachi has behind those words. It's no longer just him saying them.

Ain smiles at that. "I love you too Itachi."

"I see…" Itachi winces a little. His heart is full of heaviness, he doesn't know what to do now. He has found someone else than his family that he loves. This is strange to him… extremely strange. But at the same time scary, he hasn't told his father anything about this. He is unsure of how his father would react to this.

Itachi suddenly wants to ask Ain if she would run away with him. But as his mouth opens up, no sound comes out. 

He knows how silly this is. He is only fourteen and his father told him that in a man's life, only three great women will appear.

'So… after Ain, there will be two more…' Contemplates Itachi, he deep knows that isn't necessarily true. But he now knows just how naive he was back then. He never thought that he would develop feelings like this.

A couple of minutes later both of them put on their clothes and go to the deck of the ship, they look at the ocean around them and feel the wind brushing their skin.

"Hopefully it stays sunny today." Says Ain, she knows just how strange the weather can be in the Grand Line can be.


But suddenly out of nowhere, she feels something pierce the back of her skull as her world goes dark.

Itachi has a rapier on his hand, the one that he used to pierce Ain's brain. Ain starts falling and he catches her in a princess carry and brings her back to his bed.

'Sorry Ain, you just chose the worst possible person to be with. You were with me for my looks, at least initially, you will never be like family. Who would be with me no matter what.' Contemplates Itachi, as he goes towards the food storage in the ship and sees that one of the apples had strange ripples around it. 'This fruit shall give my family immortality.'

"Thank you for trusting me Ain, it's just that you weren't that important to me. When I decided to kill you I saw something that we both were in 'love' simply for out lust. You were beautiful and I loved you for that… that is all there is to it." Says Itachi out loud, as with a heavy sigh he puts the fruit in his pocket. Planning to give it to Kisame the next time they meet.



Planned to write Itachi's and Ain's love developing, but that would take too long and would be useless since she was gonna die anyway. I don't wanna have some heartbroken readers after reading the story.🤣

P.S: When this story reaches 5000 Power Stones, it will get +1 Bonus Chapter that day.

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(33 Chapters in Advance)

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