
One Piece: Nemo's Golden Lottery

The story of a guy who ended up in the world of One Piece. As a bonus, he received the Golden Lottery, in which he can win almost anything from the worlds of the omniverse. To buy lottery tickets, the MC will have to work hard, because the more he uses the lottery, the more expensive the next ticket will cost. Watch the life of a guy in this wonderful and dangerous world, while he has the advantages of different worlds, which at times are too unfair. ---------------------- This is my side story that I wrote to take a break from the main story, so don't expect too many updates. --------------------- Main story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/alexander-benjamin-tennyson_21838734606164605 My patr*eon: https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11 --------------------- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation, so there is no point in complaining about the grammar, but in the future I will try to find an editor like on the main story.

Zeckyll11 · 漫画同人
35 Chs

27. Tenth & Eleventh Tickets


Go to my pat*reon and you can get 3 chapters ahead.

https:// www.patr*eon.com/zeckyll11


- Are you done? - I asked as Bobby left the kitchen.

- Yes, but Chief Zeff asked me to work as a waitress for the rest of the day. They already have a shortage of staff due to the fact that many are simply afraid to work here due to the terrible nature of the cooks and the possible attacks of pirates, and one of the waiters is sick and cannot work. - Bobby said as she sat down across from her.

- I see, so I'll have to wait a few more hours. - I said, putting aside my new prize, which I used to kill time.

- Sorry, but I couldn't refuse the request. If you want, you can join me. - Bobby suggested.

- No thanks. I love being a client. And if that's the case, bring me something else tasty. - With a smirk, I said.

- Okay, lazy ass. But you'll have to pay. - Bobby said sticking out her tongue at me as she picked up the plates from the dishes I had already eaten.

- Well, how was the master class in general? Did you like it? - I asked curiously.

- And how. Zeff is a real master of his craft and I tried to analyze everything he showed. I hope this helps me get better. - with delight, the girl-robot answered.

- Well, I'm happy for you. So, we did not visit this place in vain. - I said, with smile.

- And how. If not for this Sanji, everything would be perfect. At least while he cooks he is focused and does not climb me, although then he offers his dishes, which I am forced to refuse. And this cycle is repeated. - Bobby said irritably.

- I didn't expect anything else from this guy. By the way, something he has not heard for a long time. Really, you secretly kill him? If so, I'm not judging. - I asked quietly.

- No, I didn't touch him again. Although, I really wanted to. It's just that he already got everyone in the kitchen, and the Chef sent him to peel potatoes. I think he cleaned ten bags already. - Bobby said.

- Well, that's what he needs. Maybe he'll learn his lesson and become less annoying. Although, hardly. - Shrugging, I said.

- Okay, I have to go, my break is over. I'll take your order now. - Bobby said getting up from her chair, and taking the plates, she went back to the kitchen.

The next time she showed up wearing an apron, and started taking orders for customers, which did not decrease. The old ones left, the new ones arrived, and everyone was clearly satisfied with the food they had prepared.

After taking my cream soup, I took out my phone again and continued to surf the Internet. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you how the lottery went, which I, of course, played right after we returned to the Quinjet.

The good news is that I was able to get very decent prizes, but the bad news is that there are only two of them. But first things first.

After opening the lottery, I scrolled the wheel of fortune and as usual, the usual announcement appeared in front of me:

[Total amount 3450 g…

Purchase of a lottery ticket for 64 g….

Thanks for the payment! Start of the next draw...


Your prize…


< Accessory Item: Master Felix, Jr. Magic Hammer>

Thank you for participating!!! On your account left: 3386 kg of gold. Cost of the next lottery ticket: 128 g.]

Before reading the description of this prize, I immediately used the lottery for the second time, and the result of this draw was:


Your prize…


< Accessory Item: Mochizuki Touya's Smartphone >

Thank you for participating!!! On your account left: 3258 kg of gold. Cost of next lottery ticket: 256 g.]

Up to this point, everything was going fine, but when I was about to use the lottery again, a new message popped up in front of me, which read something like this:


Due to moving too fast and gaining so much gold in such a short amount of time, we are forced to impose a cap. From now on, lottery tickets are only allowed to be bought once a week.

This is to ensure that you do not upset the balance so early, and also, to make your journey more interesting and exciting.

Nothing like this was originally intended, but using your meta-knowledge, you've gained an advantage that will make things too easy at the moment.

But, as an apology for our interference, all of your subsequent prizes will have a higher rank, which compensates for the wait, but helps to keep the balance. That's it, good luck with your next draw.]

It was extremely hurtful and unfair, but there's nothing I can do in this situation, so I had to accept it. After the disappearance of the message, a timer appeared, which began to count down seven days. There are still five days left until the next draw.

Although, frankly, I have nothing to complain about in this situation. The added time between draws will help you learn and adjust to the new prize. Otherwise, I'm afraid that with a large number of prizes, I would simply ignore some and not even use them, which is not good. Also, maybe my newfound addiction will subside a little...

Besides, the lottery is clearly swaying me and often gives me exactly what I want, and this is clearly shown by the eleventh and twelfth prizes:

< Master Felix, Jr. Magic Hammer >

<Type: Auxiliary Item >

< Origin: Wreck-It Ralph >

< Description: A golden hammer with magical powers that Master Felix, Jr. uses to fix everything Ralph has broken and repair the damage he caused. Inherited to Felix from his father Master Felix, Sr. >

< Abilities: Allows its owner to instantly restore a broken item to its original state, with just one light blow. All things repaired with a hammer look like new and fully restore their functionality. There is no difference in the size of the item, even the largest things will recover, but the effect only extends to inorganics.

As a side effect, hitting an unbroken object only makes it stronger and stronger, making it harder to break. But, it can play a trick, since the hammer can't cause any damage, only repair.>


< Mochizuki Touya's Smartphone >

< Type: Utility Item >

< Origin: Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. >

< Description: An ordinary Apple smartphone owned by Mochizuki Touya before he died from a lightning strike. God was at fault for the accident who, as atonement, allowed Touya to continue living in a new fantasy world.

As a bonus, Touya asked to leave his phone, with the ability to use the Earth's Internet. After a little modification from God, the smartphone turned into a sacred treasure of the Divine Realm. >

< Capabilities: Has the same functionality as a regular smartphone of the latest model, with the same operating system, functions, applications and so on, but after being modified by God, the smartphone can absorb environmental energy to recharge, has full access to the Earth's Internet, as well as an infinite memory bank.

Also, which is logical, a smartphone can be used like a regular phone, but you can't call anyone from Earth, send messages or leave comments, but it has an endless credit that allows you to buy new applications, games, movies and so on.>

Most recently, I was complaining about not having internet, and a little earlier I was worried about not being able to fix my prizes if they break, and now, I received these two prizes from the lottery. I was clearly heard, and I am incredibly happy about it.

In fact, Felix's hammer is pretty cool stuff that will allow me to keep all my equipment and possessions in perfect condition forever. And this is really important.

Before, if my sword or my pistols broke, I would hardly be able to fix them, but now they have no expiration date. Yes, and Bobby, in a pinch, this thing can bring back to life.

Just because the hammer is now in my inventory, all my worries are gone. Still, don't forget that most of my strength comes from items won in the lottery. Without them, I would not have so much confidence in the future, and knowing that I can always fix what I get makes my life much easier.

I have already tested the hammer in action and I must say that the ability to restore even an item that has been broken into dust is very impressive. To activate the magic power of the hammer, you just need to lightly hit the largest part of the item, and then the magic works and all the other parts are attracted to restore the previous state of the item.

And what is most surprising, if some parts simply do not exist or they have been completely destroyed, then the magic of the hammer will still restore the item in perfect condition. It seems to me that the hammer contains the power of rewinding time, which simply reverses time and restores the object to its original form.

Although the principle of the hammer is not so important, the main thing is that it fulfills its function and makes my life much easier.

True, because of this, I will become even more lazy, but we are all not without sin. As for the phone, there is no need to even say how useful it is, especially in this world, especially with Internet access.

Little of, that I now have free access to One Piece manga and anime, which will help me remember so many important things, I can also watch any movies, read any books and manga, easily find the necessary information on Google, and most importantly, I have have access to YouTube. This cannot be overestimated.

Well, and, of course, the functions of the smartphone itself are incredibly useful. From a simple alarm clock, notes, to music and maps, which, although they do not have a map of the whole world, are automatically updated hourly.

About social networks and games that will help me dispel boredom, I generally keep quiet. The only bad thing is that there are no headphones, but I think I can create them in the future.

I have already scanned my smartphone in the fabricator and was able to create a copy, which, although it does not have any magical properties, is, in fact, the most ordinary phone, but also that there is already enough.

True, in order to use the phone for its intended purpose, it will be necessary to create cell towers or communication satellites, and then the need for Den-Den Mushi will disappear, but it will be more difficult to do than headphones, but I can handle it. With time.

To be honest, since the smartphone appeared, I almost never let it out of my hands, as it turned out that I really missed it.

Since I was in this world, I have clearly lacked a large amount of information that I used to consume daily from the Internet. Fortunately, this problem has been resolved.

Both the hammer and the smartphone certainly greatly reduced my disappointment with the new lottery rule, but I still feel annoyed, although I understand that sooner or later this would happen.

Still, I really set the pace too fast. And frankly speaking, so, probably, will be for the better. Although, waiting will kill me, but during this time I will be able to accumulate more gold.

In the meantime, I started rereading this world manga while eating food prepared in this world, and waiting for my partner to be free so we can continue to explore this wonderful world.


< Name: Nemo >

< Gender: Male >

< Age: 17 >

< Race: Homo Superior >

< Gold: 3258 g >

< Lottery tickets: 0 >

< Next ticket price: 256 g >

< Prizes:

1. (Free) [Character card: Nightwing];

2. (Free) [Vehicle: Avengers Quinjet];

3. (Free) [Character card: Emma Frost]:

4. (1 g) [Weapon: Element Guns];

5. Bonus (Free) [Additional Item: Interdimensional Ring];

6. (2 g) [Special Skill: Outsider's Mark];

7. (4 g) [Ally Card: T-1000];

8. (8 g) [Additional Item: Stark Industries Fabricator];

9. (16 g) [Weapon: The Darksaber];

10. (32 g) [Headgear: Mask of Tarakudo;

11. (64 g) [Additional Item: Fix-It Felix Jr.' Magic Hammer];

12. (128 g) [Additional Item: Mochizuki Touya's Smartphone]. >

< Assimilated characters: Nightwing (100%); Emma Frost (100%). >

< Special Skills: Outsider's Mark. >

< Superpowers: Telepathy; Organic Diamond Form; Blink; Dark Vision. >

< Skills: Nightwing; Emma Frost (full list below…). >

< Vehicles: Avengers Quinjet; Wingcycle. >

< Weapons: Escrima Sticks; Element Guns; The Darksaber. >

< Costumes: Nightwing Suit; Emma Frost dress. >

< Inventory: Nightwing's Equipment; Mask of Tarakudo, Fix-It Felix Jr.' Magic Hammer. >

< Interspartial Ring: Mera Mera no Mi; Cloth, Mochizuki Touya's Smartphone. >

< Allies: T-1000 (Bobby). >

< Additional Items: Stark Industries Fabricator. >
